1、歡迎下載 改錯(cuò)(1)It is reported that homes and shops in a small town were struck by a flood on last Wednesday. It had rained for four days while the river finally flowed over its bank and flood the town. Hundred of residents left their homes as the water flowed down the streets into their house. Fortunate,
2、 no one was killed in the flood and it caused a lot of damage and many people became homeless. Two farms near the river was destroyed. Rescue workers managed reach the people there by boat. It s the pity that mafnayrm animalsdead as the water rose.改錯(cuò)(2)In the countryside there are some children drop
3、ped out of school. The reasons of this are different. Some families are very poor to afford the education of their children. Some parents think useless for girls to attend school, so that their daughters lost the chance. Some children are unwilling to attend school for lack of interests in their stu
4、dies. In my opinion, every child should have the chance to receive an education, whether boys and girls. Besides, the government should take effect measure s to guarantee children s right of education because we will play important roles indeveloping our country in the future.改錯(cuò)(3)How I became a goo
5、d badm inton player is freshly in my mind.The first day I go to school, I found some of my classmatesplay ing badm inton. Amaz ing at how skillful they were, I madeup my mind to be good at it. Late on,I ofte n watched himcarefully to lear n their tech niq ues. Ikept practicing after Ifelt con fide n
6、t eno ugh to challe ngethe good players in myclass. In middle of the term, Ibecame one of the bestplayer in my school. I take greatpride of this experieneebecauseit not only helps me realize that I can achieve mypote ntialthrough hard work, but makes me to know theproverb“ Practice makes perfect改錯(cuò)(4
7、)Whe n I was eight years old and was spe nding a weeke ndvisit my Aunt Libby at her home, a man dropped in oneevening. At that time, I happened be excited about boats. Thevisitor discuss the subject in the way that seemed particularlyinteresting to me. Before he left, I said,“ What a man! Andhow ext
8、reme he is in terested in boats!” My aunt told me thathe was a bus in essma n and that he took no in terests in the subject. “ But why did he talk about boats?saw you were in terested in boats, so he talked about the things to please you. At the same time, he made him agreeable, too.” I still rememb
9、er that my aunt said.改錯(cuò)(5)Dear Wang Ping,I m very happy go with you to Li Mingparty, and I have somethi ng un clear to ask. Please tell me whe n it beg ins and whe n it en ds. Where is it to be holdi ng? How shall we go to a party, by bus or by bike? Would you let me to know who else will be at the
10、party? A birthday gift has bee n a traditi on for a happily birthday. What do you have at mind if we want to get him a nice gift? Also, Ihow he pla ns the party. Any dan ce, singing, game or anything else? Any way, all that count is to have fun at the party.Looki ng forward to receive your early rep
11、ly.Because hes 18th birthdayd like to kn(Yours,Li Hua改錯(cuò)(6)s Victoria Station. I hadI was tak ing a train to Londonnoticed that the carriage was noise and filled with people.Before long, a train in spector comes to check out tickets. A passenger realized he couldn find his ticket but became quite ups
12、et. Then every one in the carriage bega n searchi ng the ticket, which was eventually found under a seat several rows from his owner. The person who found a ticket smiled with pleasure at his success.No one in the carriage had previous spoken to or even noticed the ticket-ownerbefore. Yet, they had
13、so quicklyoffered the stra ngers their help. If we could show concern to others on need, the world would be a better place to live in.改錯(cuò)(7)My soccer coach retired in last week. I wan ted to doany thi ng special for him at his retireme nt party. My mum makes the better biscuits in the world, so I dec
14、ide to ask her for help. Mum taught me some basic step of bak in g. I in sisted on doing most of the bak ing myself. I thought the biscuits were really well. My on ly mistake was that I dropped some on the floor after I was packing them up.At a party, my coach, with a biscuit in his mouth, askedsurp
15、ris in gly who made them and joked,“I might have toretire aga in n ext year jus t get some more of these biscuits.My favorite picture at the party is of my coach and me enjoy the biscuits with happy laughter!完形填空(1)I went to Beijing this National holiday, and it was aninteresting experienee of my li
16、fe. My friends told us thattaking the hard 1” to Beijing would be really terrible.So we didn tknow what to 2 . But we werepleasantlysurprised whe n we fin ally boarded the 3, which wasrelatively modern and 4. During the 14-hour ride we atepea nuts and talked. It was not 5 at all.It was morning when
17、we arrived. We stepped out of therailway station, having sat in hard seats and not getting much 6. However, we were energetic. First, we triedto get return tickets to Shanghai, but the ticket seller 7 us that tickets would not be on 8 for another two days. Wewere a little worried about getting 9, bu
18、t we made upour minds to 10 for the hotel to put our bags down. After11 our way past the gypsy ” taxi driver who tried to12 us one hundred yuan for the ride, we found an taxiand it 13 cost us thirty yuan to get 14 we had plannedto go. When we reached the hotel, there was a 15 for airplane and train
19、tickets. Somehow the man behind the counter could get tickets that day, which we 16 . The most importa nt less on about Chi na I ever 17 is to get some one to do your work for you, and it seems to work out much 18 . We were not able to get tickets, but the trave l agents could.We saw a lot of places
20、 of 19 in Beijing , most of which were very 20. It was fun to be with thousands ofpeople in one place. There weren any words to describe it.小題1:A. chairB. bedC. seatD. bench小題2:A. provideB. expectC. happenD. think小題3:A. planeB. busC. shipD. train小題4:A. quickB. cleanC. simpleD. long小題5:A. badB. goodC
21、. easyD. happy小題 6: A. troubleB . foodC . sleepD . help小題 7: A. askedB . in formedC . advisedD . persuaded小題 8: A. time小題 9: A. behind小題 10: A. start小題 11: A. passing小題 12: A. offer小題 13: A. even小題 14: A. what小題 15: A. wi ndow小題 16: A . wouldn B. showC . dutyB . outC . throughB . askC . seeB . see i
22、ngC . look ingB . chargeC . barga inB . stillC . alsoB . whichC . whereB . seatC . chairB . couldn C . should nD . saleD. backD . payD . fighti ngD . shareD . onlyD . howD . woodD. needn D. heard小題 17: A. learnedB. taughtC. offered小題 18: A. harderB. earlier C. laterD. easier小題 19: A. in terestsB . i
23、n terested Cin terestD . in terest ing小題 20: A . amusingB . crowded C . famousD . no isy完形填空(2)Elizabeth and I are 18 years old now, and we are bothabout to graduate, I think about our elementary-school1 , but some memories have blurred(模糊不清).What onearth_2_on that dayin thefifthgradewhe nBeth3stopp
24、ed speakingto me?Doesshe know thatI ve been 4 her for seven years? If only we could go back,_5_what en ded our frien dship.I want to talk withBeth, _6_ I can t call her up. Should Iwrite? What if she doesn t _7_me? How will I know_8_she s thinking of?Yes, I ll write her a _9_. These things are 10toe
25、xpress in writing.“ Dear Elizabeth,” I_11_. The words flowfreely, as seve n-year- old _12_are rebor n (復(fù)活).I ask her allthe questions that have been left unanswered in my mind, and_13_she will an swer. I put my thoughts into the perfect whiteenvelope, and _14_Beth peering into her mailbox. Will she
26、know why I m writi ng? Maybe she _15_thought of writingthe same letter.As the mailman takes my envelope from me forever, I_16_if I ve made the right decision. Do I have the right toforce _17_into Beth s life again? Am I simply part of the past?I have taken the first _18_. Beth is in control of the s
27、ituation now.One day has passed. Are my _19_lyi ng on the bottom ofthe post office floor?Two days have gone. I m_20_in thought and don teve n hear the pho ne ring.“ Hello? It s Elizabeth. ”A. teachers B. classmatesC. frien dshipD. decisi ona. happe nedb. formed c. cha nged d. madea. hardly b. gladly
28、 c. sadlyd. sudde nlya. talk ing about b. thinking about c. looki ng ford. findingouta. discover b. realize c. ask d. admita. so b. and c. still d. buta. praiseb. an swerc. help d. calma. how b. whatc. whe nd. whethera. diary b. no tice c. letter d. texta. wiser b. easier c. faster d. cheapera. repo
29、rt b. begi n c. tell d. speakmemories b. words c. troubles d. effortsa. ask b. pray c. un dersta ndd. knowa. believe b. feel c. see d. imagi nea. still b. once c. yet d. righta. won derb. guess c. thi nkd. believea. herself b. myself c. ourselves d. himselfA. measure B. decisi on C. step D. wayA.wor
30、ds B. letters C. questions D. answersA.devoted B. gone C. buried D. lost完形(3)One day, I saw three teenage girls were walking up t he street together, 1hey didn t seem together atall. 2they walked side by side, they weren t3to each other. Theyweren t laughing together. _4each girl s eyes rested firml
31、y on their hands outstretched (張開的)in front of them 5 in each girl spalm was a cellphone.I am not 6why they wer TOC o 1-5 h z en t talking to each other. With today s 7it ishard to tell. Still, it made me shake my head to 8_ that something as small as a cellphone could put so muc h 9between girls wh
32、o were so close together.Since the beg inning of time, ideas and 10haveflowed into the minds of people, and people have us ed these ideas andinventions to both help and 11_ themselves. The person who first cast (澆鑄)metal sawtheir idea tur ned in to plowshares (犁刀)that helped 12_thousands and swords
33、that killed thousands more. Nobel saw his invention of dynamite used to 13 apart mountains, to build roads for the 14_ of every one.He also saw it used to blow apart bodies and end _15lives in war. Albert Einstein saw the 16of his genius used to create abundant power that helps millio ns of people every day. He saw 17it used to build bombs that could kill us all a hundredtimes over.Every inven t
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