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1、高中英語語法點匯總一.冠詞1.概念:冠詞分為不定冠詞和定冠詞兩類。不定冠t有:aa girl a gift定冠詞有:the2用法:不定冠詞:和an , a用在以輔音音素開頭的單詞前;an用于以原音音素開頭的單詞前。如:a house an apple an orange an hour*用于單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞前,指人或事物的某一種類,如:He is a student.*指某人或某物,但不具體說何人或何物如A girl is looking for her book.序數(shù)前加不定冠詞 an/a ,表示又一個 ,另一個,如: Would you like a second cupof tea ?當一日

2、三餐前出現(xiàn)形容詞時,該詞前加冠詞a,如:Mr fat is very fat and often has a big lunch.還可用在某些抽象名詞前,表示一陣、一場、一種、一次等There was a heavy snow yesterday.He did me a great kindness.固定搭配:have a cold have a good time in a hurry for a while do sb.a favour如:定冠詞:*特指某些人或事物指雙方都知道的人或事物指上文提到過的人或事物用于獨一無二的事物前,如: the sun the moon用于序數(shù)詞和形容詞的最

3、高級前,如:the third book the longest river用于一些專有名詞、組織機構(gòu)、國家名、報紙雜the Great Wall the Ministry of Education士至的名稱前,如:(教育部)the United Statesthe Daily Mail(每日郵報)可與形容詞連用,表示這一類人或事物,如:聾人) the youngThe rich should help the poor. the old the deaf(the Greens在20世紀70年代用于姓氏復(fù)數(shù)名詞前,表示全家或這一姓氏的夫婦倆,如:可指某個世紀某個年代,如: in the 197

4、0s(1870s)用于西洋樂器前,中國的名族樂器前則不加冠詞,如:play the piano play Erhu用在江河、湖泊、山脈等地理名稱前,如:The Pacific Ocean (用于以festival天山山脈)太平洋 0 the Tian-shan Mountains(組成的節(jié)日之前,以 day組成的節(jié)日前不加定冠詞,如:the spring festival May day固定搭配:In the morning in the end on the right at the same time二.數(shù)詞.概念:分為兩種:基數(shù)詞(cardinal numbers)和序數(shù)詞(ordina

5、l numbers) o表示人或事物數(shù)量多少的數(shù)詞 叫做基數(shù)詞;表示人或事物順序的數(shù)詞叫序數(shù)詞。.作用:可在句子中做主語,表語,定語和賓語,還可做同位語。例句:Five of them are from China. 主語I am eighteen now. 表語This is my first visit here. 定語I am in class 2, but they three are not . 同位語.構(gòu)成及用法:基數(shù)詞1one15fifteen29Twenty-nine2two16sixteen30thirty3three17seventeen31Thirty-one4four1

6、8eighteen40forty5five19nineteen50fifty6six20twenty60sixty7seven21twenty-one70seventy8eight22twenty-two80eighty9nine23twenty-three90ninety10ten24twenty-four100one hundred11eleven25twenty-five102one hundred and two12twelve26twenty-six123one hundred and twenty-three13thirteen27twenty-seven1000one thous

7、and14fourteen28twenty-eight2235two thousand , two hundred and thirty-five構(gòu)成:1-12單獨記13-19 詞尾為-teen20,30,40等逢十詞尾為-ty21-99個位數(shù)和十位數(shù)之間要加連字號101-999先說百,再加 and ,再加末尾兩位數(shù)1000以上的數(shù),從后向前數(shù),每三位用一個計數(shù)點隔開,依次是:thousand , million , billion用法:a. hundred , thousand , million , billion 前面有具體數(shù)詞時,用單數(shù)形式。如: two hundredb.如hundr

8、ed , thousand , million , billion 后加s時,需要后面加 of,再加名詞,方可使用,如:thousands of peoplec.用來表示在幾十年代,如: in the 1990s / ninetiesd.表示某人幾十多歲,要用整數(shù)的復(fù)數(shù)形式如:in ones teens/twenties/thirties序數(shù)詞第1-第12第13-第19第20-第90First SecondThird FourthFifth Seventh EighthNinth Tenth Eleventh twelfthThirteenthFourteenthFifteenth Sixte

9、enthSeventeenth Eighteenth nineteenthTwentiethThirtiethFortiethFiftiethSixtiethSeventiethEightieth ninetiethHundredthThousandth millionth構(gòu)成:a.基數(shù)詞變序數(shù)詞,一、二、三要單獨記b.4h要從四加起eight 少個 t , nine 去掉 ef 把-ve來代替,-ty變成-tie用法:a.序數(shù)詞前要加the ,b.有時還可加不定冠詞a,如:I had a forth apple.百分數(shù)、分數(shù)、小數(shù)的表達法:百分數(shù):基數(shù)詞加百分號 (percent),如:89

10、% eighty-nine percent分數(shù):分子基數(shù)詞,分母序數(shù)詞。分子大于一,分母加s,中間有連字符。如:1/3 one-third 2/3 two-thirds帶分數(shù):基數(shù)詞加and加分子基數(shù)詞、分母序數(shù)詞如: five and six-sevenths小數(shù):小數(shù)點前用基數(shù)詞,小數(shù)點后讀作基數(shù)的個位,小數(shù)點讀作point o如:1.45 one point four five.時刻、時間、序號表達法:時刻表達法:a.幾點過幾分,用 past ;幾點差幾分,用to ;b.簡略表達法:小時數(shù)加分鐘數(shù);如:8:15 - eight fifteen時間表達法:年月日 2011,7,7July

11、seventh , two thousand and eleven序號表達法:a.事物名詞+基數(shù)詞b.定冠詞the +序數(shù)詞+事物名詞如:lesson two = the second lesson part one = the first part.倍數(shù)表達法:基數(shù)詞加times , 但once , twice要單獨記如: He runs twice faster than you .Our classroom is four times as big as yours . 一些特殊表達法:every ten days 每十天 every tenth day每隔九天 by the dozen

12、 以打記one at a time次個的one by one個個的twos and threes 三三兩兩 at sixes andsevens亂七八糟.算式讀法:A+B=C A plus B is C .(A and B is C.)A-B=C A minus B is C. (B from A is C.)A XB=CA times B is C.A/B=C A divided B is C.AB A is more than BAB A is less than B三.代詞概念:代詞是用來代替名詞及起名詞作用的詞。按意義特征及語法功能可分為9類:人稱代詞、物主代詞、反身代詞、相互代詞、指

13、示代詞、疑問代詞、連接代詞、關(guān)系代詞、不定代詞。.人稱代詞概念:人稱代詞指我、你、他等詞,有數(shù)、格的變化??稍诰渲凶髦髡Z、表語,賓格作賓語。如:I have an English book. He is in Beijing.用法: 當說話者不清楚或不必要知道說話對象是,可用 it來表示。如:Its a lovely baby. Is it a boy or a girl?she , he可用來表示擬人,she可指月亮、土地、船只、黨派、貓、鳥等柔美可愛的東 西;he可指馬、象、狗等動物,如:The moon is risen , she is round and bright.Give th

14、e cat some food, maybe she is hungry.The dog waved his tail when he saw his master. 在比較狀語從句中,在不引起歧義的前提下,主格可由賓格替換。如:He is older than I / me .物主代詞概念:物主代詞是用來表示所有關(guān)系的。分為形容詞性物主代詞和名詞性物主代詞。形容詞性物 主代詞相當于形容詞,位于名詞前作定語;名詞性物主代詞相當于名詞可作主語、賓語、表語。如:This is my school.( 賓語)His name is Tom.( 定語)This isn t my shirt . Min

15、e is over there.(主語)Those books are not yours.( 表語)She is an old friend of mine.(賓語).反身代詞概念:反身代詞在句中可作賓語、同位語、表語、主語。如:He is teaching himself English .(賓語)The president himself will attend the meeting .(同位語)Her father and herself will tell you the secret.(主語)常見的習(xí)慣用語:by oneself 親自 talk to oneself 自言自語 t

16、o oneself 暗自make oneself at home 隨便些 amuse oneself 自娛call oneself 自稱 devote oneself to 致力于teach oneself 自學(xué) for oneself 為自己excuse oneself 自我辯解 enjoy oneself過得愉快help yourself to 請自便.指示代詞this/these 一般指時間或空間上較近的事物;that/those 一般指時間或空間上較近的事物 如:This is a book and that is a pen.(指空間)I read a book this morni

17、ng.(指時間) 打電話時,this表示我that表示對方 如:Hello ,this is Mike . Whos that ?so和such的用法so用作副詞,修飾后面的形容詞或副詞如:Why are you so late?such用于such a / an + (形容詞)+可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)或such + (形容詞)+可數(shù)名 詞復(fù)數(shù)或不可數(shù)名詞結(jié)構(gòu)中,作為形容詞修飾后面的名詞。如:Its such a good book . Such things are not familiar to me.You cant make them work in such cold weather.so +

18、 many /few +可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù),so + much /little +不可數(shù)名詞.相互代詞Each other 多指兩者;one another 指兩者或兩者以上的人或物,如: We all Chinese .We should help one another.The students pointed out each other s weak points.疑問代詞一般位于句首,在句中充當一定的成分,who,whom,whose,what,which主語)如: Who went to the Great Wall yesterday?(Whose umbrella is this ?

19、(主語)定語)What made him so angry?( 主語)Which is better,the red one or the white one?.連接代詞、關(guān)系代詞關(guān)系代詞有: what,which,who/whom,whose連接詞有:that/whether(if)用法:如果從句不完整,缺少名詞性成分,就用關(guān)系代詞引導(dǎo),如果從句完整,可用連接詞引導(dǎo). 8.不定代詞One的用法:泛指人,可以在形容詞和 that,this等詞后代替剛提到過的可數(shù)名詞,在句中作主、表、定、賓語等,其所有格形式為ones ,反身代詞為oneself,復(fù)數(shù)形式為ones,如:One should b

20、e strict with oneself.(泛指人,作主語和賓語)Chinese is one of the most useful language in the world .(指一個人或物,作表語 )I lost my pen, I want to buy a new one.(代替上文出現(xiàn)過的可數(shù)名詞,作賓語 ) one ,it的區(qū)別:one時泛指,表示同類中的任何一個或幾個;it時特指,指代上文出現(xiàn)過的原物。 如: The book is good ,can I borrow it ? one 可用 this,that ,any,some,each,the next ,every,

21、which 等修飾,如:Here are two books ,which one is yours,this one or that one?some ,any 的用法:既可修飾可數(shù)名詞也可修飾不可數(shù)名詞。some 一般用于肯定句中, any多用于疑問,否定和條件句中,可在句中作主、賓、定語。如:Some of the students will go to Beijing tomorrow.(主語)If you have any ,give me some.( 賓語)There isnt any time left.(定語)a.some用于單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞前,表示某一個,如:I ve read

22、 the story in some book.我在某本書中讀過這個故事。b.與數(shù)字連用,表示大概,大約,如:這個國家今年已經(jīng)大約出口 了兩百萬輛自行車。You can choose any student.every指三者或三者以上的人或事物中的每The country has exported some two million bikes this year.c.any用于肯定句中,修飾單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞,表示任何的,如: each , every的用法:Each指兩者或兩者以上的人或事物中的每一個,強調(diào)個體;一個。如: There are trees and flowers on each s

23、ide of the street.Every student has read a poem.both ,all 的用法:both指兩者都,all指三者或三者以上都或全體。如:Both of the students are 15 years old.這兩名學(xué)生者B是 15 歲。(主語)I have forgotten all about it .我把那個全忘了。(賓語)much , many 的用法:much修飾不可數(shù)名詞,many修飾可數(shù)名詞。如:Much of the time is free.( 主語)Many people wanted to stay here.( 定語)I ha

24、ve much to say .( 賓語)either,neither的用法:either 指兩個人或物中的任何一個,表肯定;neither 指兩個人或物中一個也不,兩者都不,表否定。如:Either of them has a pen.( 主語)I know neither of the two men.(賓語)either可放在否定句的句尾,表示也,如:I dont know either.我也不知道。9.代詞一覽表人稱 代詞主格Iyouhesheitweyouthey賓格meyouhimheritusyouthem物主 代詞形容詞 性myyourhisheritsouryourtheir

25、名詞性mineyourshishersitsoursyourstheirs反身代詞myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves oneself指示代詞this that these those such疑問代詞who whom whose which what不定代詞some something somebody someone any anything no one every everything each much many little other another all none one

26、both either neither四.形容詞與副詞.形容詞作用:表示人或事物的特征。可作定語修飾名詞、代詞;可作表語,表示主語的狀態(tài)、特征,也可作 補語、狀語。如:I have an interesting book.(定語) Im happy.(表語)What makes you sad ?(賓語補足語)The wall was painted green.(主語補足語)表示抽象概念的詞做主語時,謂語動詞用單數(shù)形式,如:the true , the good , the beautiful , the badThe beautiful is not always the good.在句中

27、的位置關(guān)系:a.b.c.d.e.f.多數(shù)情況下放在所修飾的詞前多個形容詞修飾名詞時的順序:一般性描述形容詞 +形狀(大小、長短)+年齡(新、舊、溫度)+顏色+國籍+材料(物質(zhì))+用 途(類別)+被修飾的名詞。如:a beautiful little flower an old plastic bucket表示性格、感情的形容詞應(yīng)放在表示身體形狀的詞后,放在表示膚色的形容詞前,如:a long patient queuea pale anxious girl a nice black doctor除上述規(guī)則外,通常把音節(jié)短的詞放前面,音節(jié)長的放后面,如:He is a tall and powe

28、rful man.修飾不定代詞時,形容詞后置,如: I have something importantto tell you.g.用and或or連接的形容詞短語修飾名詞是,形容詞短語后置。如:All people young and old are against the plan.表示長、寬、高、深、厚和年齡的形容詞修飾數(shù)詞短語是后置,如:The door is 2 metres high.She is 16 years old.注意:某些以ly結(jié)尾的詞 是形容詞 而不是副詞,如:friendly , deadly, silly, lively, lonely 等。.副詞 作用:在句中修飾

29、動詞、 形容詞或其他副詞,可作狀語,有時可作表語、定語或補語。如:I can run veryfast.(狀語)分類:Class is over(表語) Are you content with the life here?(定語)時間副詞nowthenoftenearly地點副詞thereherebelowabove方式副詞wellslowlyhardbadly程度副詞stillrathermuchhardly疑問副詞howwhenwherewhy連接副詞: when where why whether關(guān)系副詞: when where why其他副詞:also not only too副詞的

30、位置:a. 一般地點副詞、時間副詞放句尾,如需強調(diào)放句首。b.頻率、時間副詞一般放在主謂之間c.修飾動詞時,要放在動詞后d.多個副詞連用時,順序為:方式副詞 +地點副詞+時間副詞e.某些形容詞加-ly,變?yōu)楦痹~,但意義有所不同,如: hardly , likely ,deeply , closely , latelyf. 某些形容詞與副詞形式相同,如: early , late, fast , hard3.形容詞、副詞的比較級、最高級結(jié)構(gòu):比較級:(單音節(jié)、雙音節(jié)詞)原級 +er(多音節(jié)詞)more +原級最高級;(單音節(jié)、雙音節(jié)詞)原級 +est(多音節(jié)詞)the most +原級注意:形容

31、詞最高級前要加the ,副詞最高級前不加the用法:a.表示兩個人或物在性質(zhì)、程度上相同,可用: asas或the same as如:Im as tall as you . He runs as fast as I . The hole is the same depth as that one.表示一方弱于另一方,可用:not as/so as ,如:This book is not so interesting as that one .b.表示自身程度的變化時,用 :比較級+and +比較級 結(jié)構(gòu),如:The weather is getting warmer and warmer.c.

32、表示一方隨另一方程度變化時:用 the +比較級+ the +比較級 結(jié)構(gòu),如:The more you eat the fatter you will be.d.三者、三者以上中的之最,用最高級,形容詞最高級前要加the,如:He is the tallest boy in the class.more than的特殊用法:Its more than a letter , it ;s my parents love. 不僅,不只是That is more than I can tell you. 不能She is more our friend than our teacher. 與其,不如

33、He spent no more than one year at school.只, 不過 相關(guān)固定用法:noother than 只有,正是 more than one 不止一個 prefer torather than 寧可,一也不愿五.介詞.概念:介詞也叫前置詞,是一種虛詞。介詞不能單獨做句子成分,必須與名詞或代詞(或相當于名詞的 短語或從句)構(gòu)成介詞短語,才能在句中充當成分。.句法功能:The key of the door is missing .(定語)He stayed in China for a long time.(賓語、狀語)The book is on the des

34、k.(表語)Make yourself at home.(賓語補足語).常用介詞的用法:a.表示在大地方,如:宇宙、世界、國家、省、市等時,用 in , in Chinab.表示在小地點,用 at , at homec.表示在 里,用 in , in the cupd.表示在 上,(表面接觸),用on , on the tablein the tree 在樹上; on the tree 長在樹上在年,月份、季節(jié)前要用in ,如:in 2011 ; in spring ; in July 11g.在具體日期、星期前用on,如:on Sunday ; on July 12thh.在點鐘前用 at,

35、如:at 8:00in , on , to的區(qū)別:in表示范圍之內(nèi),to表示范圍之外,on表示相鄰,如:Fujian lies in the south of China.福建在中國的南部。Fujian lies t o the south of Jiangsu province. 福建位于江蘇省的南邊。Mongolia is on the north of China.蒙古在中國以北。about 表示大約,與數(shù)詞連用,如:About 50 people were present.above , over都可以表示在上方,可互換,如:The swans were flying above /

36、over the lake .天鵝在湖面上飛翔。below , under 表示在下,如:The water reached a few inches below/under the knees.水已經(jīng)至 U 了膝蓋以下幾英寸的地方了。below the sea level 低于海平面below the freezing point 低于冰點carry sth. under ones arm 胳膊下夾著東西under ones care 在某人的照料下under the leadership of在的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)下against :表示對抗,反對,如: Are you against the plan

37、 ?你反對這個計劃嗎?表示支撐,倚靠著,如: He was leaning against the door. 他靠著表對照,以 為背景襯托,如: The picture shows up well against the white wall.n. among : 在之中(三者以上) , 如: among youbetween:在兩者之間,如: between us / themin the middle of : 在 中間 ,如:in the middle of the street in the middle of the lesson o. besides:除了還有,如:Many st

38、udents passed the exam besideshim.除他以外,其他同學(xué)也都通過了考試。except:除之外,如:All were swimming , except him.除了他,大家都在游泳。instead :代替,可放句首或句尾instead of :代替,后接名詞或動名詞,可與 in place of互換,意義相同take the place of :代替(職務(wù),工作等)with:表伴隨,和 一起, 如:come with me表示攜帶,附有,具備,如: The girl with glasses is Joan. I have no money with me.表示用

39、、以,如:Dont write with a pencil.表示原因,由于,如: His face turned with anger.without :表示沒有、不、吳,如: He went out without his hat . He left without locking the door. 表示條件,如果沒有,如: Without air, we could not live.六.連詞.概念:是一種虛詞,在句中起連接作用??煞譃椋翰⒘羞B詞和從屬連詞兩類。.并列連詞:又可分為表示聯(lián)合、轉(zhuǎn)折、選擇、因果四種關(guān)系的連詞。表示聯(lián)合關(guān)系的連詞:and , both and , neithe

40、r nor , not only but also , as well as ,如:I am a teacher and he is a doctor. He has experience as well as knowledge.He has not only knowledge but also experience. Neither I nor he has seen the movie.表示轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系的連詞:but, while , still , yet , however , whereas , nevertheless,女口;I am willing, yet unable. He

41、 is short , while his brother is tall.He worked hard . However, he failed. The pain was bad , still he did not complain.表示選擇關(guān)系的連詞:or , or else , otherwise , either or , rather than , 如:John or I an to blame. Seize the chance , otherwise you ll regret itYou can either stay at home or go fishing. He w

42、ent rather than stay as an unwelcome guest.表示因果關(guān)系的連詞:so , for如:It was late , so I went home . It is morning , for the birds are singing.從屬連詞: that , whether , if , when , while , as ,after, before, since , till/until , once , as soon as , the moment , because , where , wherever , unless , as/so long

43、 as , so that , in order that ,in case , though , although , even if / even though , however , as as 等, 如:We know that the earth goes round the sun. Once you begin , you must go on.When it rain , I go to school by bus. He didnt go to school because he was sick.You ll be late if you don t hurry. She

44、took medicine on time in order that she might get well soon.Even if you were here , you couldn t help him. She is as tall as her mother.七.情態(tài)動詞概念:情態(tài)動詞表示說話人的語氣和情態(tài)。必須和主要動詞的原形一起構(gòu)成謂語。can : *表示腦力或體力方面的能力,如He can drive a car.表能力時可和 be able to 互換使用表示許可、允許、在疑問句中表示請求,在否定句中表示不許,如:Can I go with you? You cant do

45、 it again!表示推測強調(diào),多用于疑問或否定句,如:She cant wait for you for a long time.2.could : * can 的過去式,表示能力、可能性、許可,如: He said he could go.* 用于委婉、客氣的提出問題或陳述看法,如: Could I borrow your pen?3.may , might :* 表示許可,可以,詢問或說一件事情可不可以做時可和can互換。*否定式為: may not , 常用 must not 代替*表示推測,或許 ,可能,只用于陳述句中,如: It may rain tomorrow.* may還可

46、表示祝愿,如: May you succeed!* might是may的過去式,比 may的口氣要婉轉(zhuǎn)或表示現(xiàn)實的可能性更小些。如:I wonder if I might borrow some coffee?4.must : *表示必須要做的事,否定式為mustnt ,表示不應(yīng)該,不許可,禁止,在回答含有must的問句時,肯定用 must ,否定用neednt 或dont have to . 如:Must I go home? Yes , you must . No, you neednt ./ No, you dont have to.表示推測,暗含很大可能性,意為一定,只用于肯定句中。如

47、:He must be over sixty.表示偏要,硬要,如: The car must break when we were going to start off.5.shall: *表示命令、許諾、警告等,如: You shall have my answer tomorrow.6.should: * shall 的過去式,表示勸告、建議,預(yù)測可能性、用于委婉的提出意見、請求、建議7.will: * 表示醫(yī)院、意志和決心,用于各種人稱,如: I will do it .表示某種傾向或習(xí)慣動作,如: Fish will die out of the water.表示猜測、邀請、請求.wo

48、uld : * would 時will的過去式,表示過去時間的意志、愿望、決心,如:I told him I would go with you.委婉的提出請求、建議表示過去的習(xí)慣動作和某種傾向,如: When he was a child he would play football.need: *主要用于疑問句和否定句中,否定式為neednt ,回答含有need的問句,肯定用 must ,否定用 neednt 或 dont have to , 如:Need I come? Yes , must .No , you neednt ./No, you dont have to.dare: *

49、主要用于疑問句、否定句及條件句中,意為:敢 。作實義動詞時可跟不定式,如:Dare you go home alone? He didnt dare to go home.Il.ought to :*表示應(yīng)該,語氣比 should強,表示(因責(zé)任,義務(wù)等)該做的事,如:He is your father and you ought to look after him.八.非謂語動詞概念:指在句中不能充當謂語,而是充當其他語法功能的動詞。非謂語動詞沒有人稱和數(shù)的變化,但有語態(tài)和時態(tài)的變化。可做非謂語動詞的有:不定式、分詞(現(xiàn)在分詞和過去分詞)、動名詞。例句:I want to have a re

50、st . I plan to attend the meeting.I am reading an interesting book. I bought some painted chairs.They began singing just now. She dreams of becoming a doctor.九.動詞的時態(tài). 一般現(xiàn)在時 He goes to school every day. 一般過去時 She did her homework. 一般將來時 He will come next week.現(xiàn)在進行時 He is swimming now.過去進行時 She is reading a book from 7 to 9 last night.現(xiàn)在完成時 He has been to Beijing.過去完成時 The play had alre


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