1、百度文庫(kù)讓每個(gè)人平等地捉升口我 百度文庫(kù)讓每個(gè)人平等地捉升口我 等學(xué)校商務(wù)英語(yǔ)專(zhuān)業(yè)四級(jí)樣JMOdUIe ILiStening COmPrehenSiOn (35%)SeCtiOn OneIn this SeCtiOn you WilI hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen CarefHlly and answer the questions that follow. Mark the COrreCt answer to each question QueStiOll 1 to 5 are based On an interview. At the end Of t
2、he interview you Will be given 10 SeCOIldS to answer each Of the following five questions.NOW IiSten to the interview.What is 什Ie SPeCifiC field Of StUdy for JOhn,s dissertation?the CUrrent State Of UniVerSitieS in San FranCiSCOWeStern PhilOSOPhyPhilOSOPhy With an emphasis On BIlddhiSt StUdieSeaster
3、n religionsWhiCh is NOT TrUe about SUen Mok?It has got a Very good PrOgram for ten day meditation retreats.Their meditation PrOgramS teach Only foreigners.Their meditation PrOgramS teach meditation techniquesIt is not the OnIy temple JOhn studies.What is SO SPeCial about Tam Krabok?It teaches PeOPle
4、 to meditate and OVerCOme their drug addiction.It OrganiZeS meditation retreats for foreignersIt OrganiZeS WOrkShOPS to PrOnIOte ThaiIand,s ve,sion OfBUddhiSmD It teaches PeOPle the essence Of TheraVadaHOWmany PeOPIe have been CUred in Tam Krabok?about One hundredabout One thousandabout One hundred
5、thousandmore than One hundred thousandWhiCh Of the following Statement is NOt TrUe according to the interview?OPiUm WaS illegal in ThaiIand Until 1959.OPiUm WaS Iegal in ThaiIand Until 1959.DrUg addiction is a big PrOblem in many different countries.D In Johns understanding, BUddhiSm basically tries
6、 to help PeOPle IiVe better IiVeSSeCtiOn TWOIn this SeCtiOn you Will hear evefytIing ONCE ONLY. LiSten CarefulIy and fill in blanks that follow.QueStiOnS 6 to 10 are based On a IIeWS broadcast. At the end Of the news broadcast you WiII be given 10 SeCotIdS to fill in each OfthefOllOWing five blanks.
7、NoW IiSten to the interview.The number Of new homes being COnStnJCted across AUStraIia rose by 15 Per Cent inthe DeCember quarter, WhiCh is SinCe 2001.DePartment StOre OWner DaVid JOneS SayS SaleS are expected to SIOW OVer the nextfew months as taxpayer handouts and the dry up.The WOrld Bank has War
8、ned ChinaS facing a big PrObIemThe WOrId Bank revised UP its forecasts for China,s from 8.7 to 9.5Per Cent this year.The WOrId Bankt quarterly China report SUggeSted that higher migrant WageSCOUId help boost ural incomes and reduce the between rural and CityIifeStyles.SeCtiOn ThreeIn this SeCtiOn yo
9、u WiIl hear everything ONCE ONLY. LiSten Carefully and answer the questions that follow.QueStiOnS 11 to 13 are based On Un interview. At the end Ofthe interview you Will be given 5 minutes to answer the following three questions.NoW IiSten to the interview.DeSCribe the impact Of the economic downtur
10、n On teenagers WhO Ieft SChOOl WithOUt COnIPleting year 12 in 2008DeSCribe the CUrrent economic downturn in AUStraliaHoW did the retail industry PerfOrm in this economic downturn?百度文庫(kù)讓每個(gè)人平等地農(nóng)升自我 百度文庫(kù)讓每個(gè)人平等地農(nóng)升自我 MOdUIe IIBUSineSS Reading and VVriting 40%(50 IninUteS)SeCtiOn A 5%DireCtions: Read Ihe f
11、ollowing passage. FiIl in BlUnkS 14-18 With the best UnSWerfmm the four ChOiCeS marked At B, C and D. Und murk the COrreSPOnding Ietter on the AnSwer Sheets.AnlCriCa SOUndS increasingly determined to PUSh its exports, and its attitude to China has 14 Mr Obalna has Set a goal Of 5 exports in five yea
12、rs and has PrOmiSed to getmuch touglef5 OVer What It IegardS as Unfalr COmPetitIOn from China. SPeClIIatIOn is rising in WaShington, DC, that die TreaSUty Will brand China a CUrrellCy manipulator In its next exchange-rate report. WIth AnIenCa,s UnenIPlOyrlllellt at 9.7% and the nid-term elections ap
13、proaching, the appeal Of China-bashing is rising in Congress, (oo. SeVeral SenatOrS recently revived a motlballed demand that the COlnIilerCe DePartnleilt ShOUld IiTVeStlgate CllUla s ClwTenCy regime as an Unfair trade 16Beijing, in turn, ShOWS Iittle Sign Of budging On the yuan, even though the Iat
14、eSt figures ShOW SurPriSingly StrOng export growth and higher-than-expectcd 17 ZhOU XiaoChUan, the headOf Chlna S Central bank. CalISed a brief flurry m ClMTellCy markets When he arged On MarCh 6th tlat keeping the yuan Stable against the dollar WaS part Of OUr 18Of POliCieS for dealingWith the glob
15、al financial crisis、from WlliCh Cllma WOUld exit sooner Or Iatef BlIt he Illade it quite Clear that China WOUld be CaUtiOUS and gave no hint that SUdden exit WaS imminent. In recent days VariOUS Other ChineSe OffiCialS have PUt even more emphasis On the Stability Of the currency, bristled at OUtSide
16、 PreSSUre to hurryr UP and denouced AnleriCan VPOlitiCiSatlOn Of the exchange-rate issueA. Stabled B. hardened C. toughed D. firmedA. two B. twice C. doubling D. doubleA. SurPlUS B. allowance C. help D. SUbSidyA. inflation B. appreciation C. depreciation D StagflatiOnA. ParCel B. PaCkage C. bundle D
17、. SerieSSeCtiOn B 5%DireCtions: LoOk at the tables Und graphs below. For each table Or graph lheFC are One Or two StatementS describing it. ChOOSe the best UnSWerfrOm the four ChoiCeS marked A. B. C and D. Then murk the CorreSPOndmg Ietter On the AnSW er Sheet.QueStu)n 19 is based on the following g
18、raph.When did HOng KOng inflation rate rise to 2.9%?June, 2010 B. AUgUSt 2010 C. NOVember 2010 D. January 2011QueStiOnS 2021 are based On the following graph.CHlNA9S MONTHLY PASSENGER VEHICLE SALES SaleS (Unit thousand)Vear-O nyear9Mth)1.500IKAO1.2Jan-June 20iQZHANGYE/CHlMA DAILY621 a%APriI-DeC 2009
19、Source: China PaSSenger Car Associationr307058o41oIn WhiCh InOnth did China S MOnthly PaSSenger VehlCIe SaleS drop to about 63% On a year-on-year basis?AUgUSt 2009 B. OCtOber 2009 C. FebrUary 2010 D. MarCh 2010Which Of the following StatementS is CORRECT?The growth rate Of Chinas monthly PaSSenger V
20、ehiCIe SaleS fell most notably in FebnIary2010.Chinas InOnthly PaSSenger VehiCle SaIeS Climbed to the Peak at the end Of 2009.FrOm AUgUSt 2009 to DeCember 2009, the monthly PaSSenger VehiCle SaleS COntinUed to increase in number.In terms Of the monthly SaleS volume, JUne 2010 WitneSSed the IOWeSt Sa
21、IeS volume.QUeStiOnS 22-23 are based On the following graph.Market SiZeS Of China*s OnIine game industry5 52,2%評(píng) 評(píng)刖JOCe 工怦 Qa MAe60504030201001:in billion yuanY-O-Y growth Source: iResearch22 ACCOrding to the graph in WhiCh year does the growth rate drop most dramatically?2008 B. 2009 C. 2010 D. 201
22、1WhiCh Of the following Statement is INCORRECT? The SaIeS VOIUlne Of China,s Online game industry in 2008 added UP to 20.78 billion YUan The year-on-year growth rate Of Chinas Online game industry is estimated to drop to 9.7% in 2012.The growth rate On a year-on-year basis dropped 9.8% in 2010 than
23、that Of the year2009.ThC SaIeS VOlUme Of China,s OnIine game industry in 2014 Will Climb to an estimated 46.11 billion YUan.SeCtiOn C 10%DireCtions: ReaCl the following two passages. ChOOSe the best answer for each Statement OV question from the four ChoiCeS marked A Bt C Und D. Und mark the COrreSP
24、OtUlin Ietter On the AnSWer SheetQueStiOnS 2428 are based On the following passage.PaSSage OneThere is SOmething apt about a SOCial networking WebSite Winning a POPUlarity contest. ACCOrding to industry data. FaCebOOk OVertOOk GOOgle among US internet USerS IaSt week. With InOre ViSitS to its PageS
25、than to the SearCh engine .It is a InOment to COnSider the rapid growth Of a Site WhOSe 40Om-PhlS USerS OUtnUInber the POPUlatiOn Of any Single COUntryr except India and China.The industry data COlne With a few CaveatS ThC figures exclude ViSitS to Other GOOgle services, SIlCh as YOUTubC and Ggle Ma
26、il. They Omit SearCheS Carried OUt in a box On a browser toolba匚 Also, the number Of ViSitS is just One measure Of internet take-up: COUnting UniqUe USerS 一 ViSitOrS rather than ViSitS 一 gives a different PrOfile Stilh it highlights the momentum behind FaCebOOk as it displaces GOO from the Weekly Ie
27、ad it has COmmanded On this measure SinCe SePtember 2007.AdVertiSerS find FaCebOOk appealing too. Ii enables them to reach a mass audience, as television does. but With the extra benefit Of InUCh greater targeting COnSUnler brands COUld easily extend their PreSenCe beyond the fan PageS that already
28、exist. MOreOVer, a SOCial Site PrOVideS COnSUmerS WhO ViSit for much IOnger than they WOUld USe a SearCh engine SO increased advertising, and PerhaPS WayS to allow USerS to ShOP through the site, ShOUld enable Facebk to InOVe from POSitiVe CaSh flow to making profits.It Will need to tread carefully.
29、 There is a risk for advertisers 一 and for the Site 一 if FaCebOOk InOVeS to become COmmerCial in a Way that USerS resent In amongst PerSOnal information, advertisements are more Iikely to Strike a jarring note.The high-growth PhaSe IneanS that FaCebOOk Can take its time developing WayS to increase r
30、evenues The key must be to find WayS that bring PraCtiCal benefits to those WhO ViSit the site. There is an intrinsic StiCkinCSS about a Site Where USerS have assembled their OWn Inaterial. but if PeOPle StOP UPdating their PageS and SOCial networking takes a new form, then Winning USerS back is a h
31、ard task.What the data do not ShOW is that SearCh engines have had their day. GOOgle,s COre SearCh advertising business rebounded in the final quarter Of 2009. and the group is PreParing for renewed growth MOreOVen there is a StraightfOrWard reminder Of how fragile the fortunes Of SOCial networking
32、SiteS Can be: the Site that GOOgle OVertOOk in 2007 to become InOSt POPUlar in the US WaS MySPaCe 一 WhiCh is now Seeking a new role as SOCiaI USerS have moved elsewhereWhat is the reason for MySPaCes WithdraWn from the role as SOCial networking site?Il is OVertOOk by Other SOCial networking Site Iik
33、e FaCebOOkIt has IOSt its SOCial USerS.It has introduced in too many advertisementsIt has become a PrOfit-Inaking SiteWhiCh Of the following is NOT te?FaCCbOOk USerS OUtnUmbCr that Of GOOgleYOUrtUbe is One Of GOOgle SenriCeSBefOre this Weekr GOOgle had Iead all Other WebSiteS On the measure Of ViSit
34、S SinCe 2007.FaeCbOok is a SOCial networking SiteThe Word tfcStickiness in the PenUItimate ParagraPh PrObably means The WebSite is dirty and making USerS feel UnCOmfOrtableThC WebSite Often brings its USerS into SitUatiOn embarrassing.The website, in essence, is difficult to IaCkle WithThe WebSite i
35、s attractive and makes USerS Want to IOOk at it for a IOng PeriOd Of timeWhiCh Of the following is not the reason that AdVertiSerS find FaCebOOk appealing?FaCCbook Can attract a IOt Of audienceFaCebOOk Can help to target CUStOmerS-to-be.FaCebOOk allows more ChanCeS for the ads to be noticed.FaCebOOk
36、 is able to move from POSitiVe CaSh flow to making profits.Tlle authors attitude toward the development Of FaCebOOk is POSitiVe B. IlCgatiVC C. ObjCCliVC D. Information is not enoughQUeStiOnS2933 are based on PaSSage Two.PaSSage TWOAS EXECUTlVES from TOyOta. InCIUdlng the finds boss, AklO TOyOda, Sq
37、UInIled before tleir tormentors In Americas COngreSS this week, there WaS IIttle PUbliC gloating from rival CarmakerS AlthOUgh it is TOyOta that is CUrrentIy in the dock after a CrUShing SerieS Of Safety-related recalls across the world. COnIPCtitOrS are Only too aware that it COUld be their turn ne
38、xt. After all, there is not a Single big Carmaker that has not modelled its manufacturing and SUPPly-Cham IllaIlageInelIt On TOyOta S fcIeaii PrOdUCtion system.That said, there is a WideSPread belief Within the automotive industry that TOyOta is the author Of most Of its OWn misfortunes. In his test
39、imony to the HOUSe OVerSight COnllnittee On FebnIary 24th, Mr TOY(Xia acknowledged that in its PUrSUit Of growth his firm StretChed its Iean PhIlOSOPhy ClOSe to breaking POint and m SO doing became 4conftsed5 about Some Of the PrinCiPleS that first Inade it great: its focus On PUtting CuStOmer SatiS
40、faCtiOn above all else, and its ability 4fcto stop, think and Illake ImPrOVeIn“its:JameS Woniack, One Of die authors Of fcfcTlie Machuie that Challged the WOrld, a book about TOyOtaS InnOVatIOnS in Iiianiifacniring. dates die Origill Of its PreSeIlt voes to 2002, Wheil it Set itself die goal Of IaIS
41、illg its global market Share from 11% to 15%. The target WaS totally UTeleVant to ay customer and WaS JuSt driven by ego, he says. The IaPid expansion, he believes, meant WOrkIng Writll a IOt Of UnfallIIlIar SUPPlierS WhO didnt have a deep UnderStanding OfTOyOta culture.,By the middle Of the decade
42、recalls Of TOyOta VehiCleS Were increasing at a SUffiCiently alarming Iate for Mr TOyOdas PredeCeSSOr KatSUakI Watanabe, to demand a IeneWed emphasis On quality COntrOL BUt nothing WaS allowed to get in the Way Of another (albeit UndeCIared) goal: OVertaklng GeneIal MOtOrS to become the WOrlds bigge
43、st Carmaker. EVen as TOyOta SwePt PaSt GM in 2008, the quality PrOblemS and recalls Were mounting.The majority Of those PrOblClnS almost Certamly Origmated not In TOyOta,s OWn factories, but in those Of its SIIPPIierS The automotive industry OPerateS as a COnIPleX Web. The CarmakerS (known as Origin
44、al equipment manufacturers, Or OEMS) Sit at its Centre NeXt COlnC Ihe tier-one suppliers, SUCh as Bosch, Delphi. Denso, COntinentaL ValeO and Tenneco, WhO deliver big integrated SyStemS directly to the OEMs. Fanning OUt from them are the tier-two SUPPIierS WhO PrOVide individual PartS Or assembled C
45、OnlPOnentS either directly to the OEM Or to tier-one SUPPlierS(CTS Corp, the Inaker Of the throttle-pedal assemblies that TOyOta has identified as One Of die CaUSeS Of fcmmtended acceleration 5 In SOme Of its vehicles, is a tier-two SUPPlier WhOSe automotive business accounts for about a third Of it
46、s sales.)On the OUter ring Of the Web are the tier-three SUPPIierS WhO Often make just a SingIe COmPOnent for SeVeral tier-two SUPPlierS AIthOUgh there are Iiterally thousands Of tier-two and tier-three SUPPIierS around the world, their numbers IlaVe been CUlled OVer the IaSt decade as the OEMS and
47、the tier-one firms have WOrked to COnSOIidate their SlIPPIy ChainS by COnCentrating business With a Smaller number Of StrOnger COmPanieSTOyOta revolutionised automotive SUPPly-Chain management by anointing Certain SUPPIierS as the SOle SOUrCe Of PartiCUIar components, Ieading to intimate COlIabOrati
48、On With long-term PartnerS and a SenSe Of mutual benefit. In COntrast, WeStern CarmakerS tended either to SOurCe in-house Or award ShOrt COntraCtS to the IOWeSt bidders The quality TOyOta and its SUPPlierS achieved made POSSible the JuSt in time approach to delivering COmPOnelItS to the assembly pla
49、nt. Iii is book, Mr WbmaCk quotes a TOyOta supplier: fcfcWe WOrk WithOUt a Safety net, SO We cant afford to fall Off Ihe higl wire. We dont/*MOSt big Car firms now OPerate in a Similar way. Ford, for example, Will Often WOrk With a tier-one SUPPlier for UP to three years before a new model COmeS Off
50、 the PrOdUCtiOn Iine to ensure that the design and manufacturing Of important COmPOnentS is SOUnd. SO-Called CrOSS-functional teams from both firms StriVe to eliminate defects. Rather than always going for the IOW bid. CarnlakerS now IOOk at the total COSt Of a COmPOnent, including POtential interru
51、ptions to PrOdUCtiOn and, further down the line, CUStOmer Warranty ClaimS if quality is not UP to SCratChBy and large, the relationships between the OEMS and the tier-one SUPPlierS run SmOOthly. When PrOblemS do CrOP up, it is USUaIly With the tier-two and tier-three firms. A SeniOr PUrChaSing execu
52、tive at One Cannaker SayS that COnSOlidatiOn the need to trim CaPaCity and the ShOCk to demand that began in mid-2008 have PUt the Weaker PartS Of the SUPPly Chain Under great strain: Some Of these are quite fragile businesses. Tllere,s a IIeed for visibility* but We dont always hae it. If SOnlethin
53、g goes wrong, We need transparency and SPCCd Of COnImUniCatiOn to make SUre it doesn,t get to the customer/A COnSeqUenCe Of Toyotas breakneck expansion WaS that it became IllCreaSillgIy dependent On SuPPlierS OUtSide JaPan With WhOm it did not have decades Of WOrking experience NOr did TOyOta have e
54、nough Of the SeniOr engineers, known as sensei, to keep an eye On how new SUPPlierS Were ShaPing up. Yet IbyOta not Only COntinUed to trust in its SOle-SOUrCing approach, it Went even further, gaining UnPreCedented economies Of SCale by USing Single SlIPPlierS for entire ranges Of its CarS across mu
55、ltiple marketsA SeniOr executive at a big tier-one SUPPlIer argues that although TOyOta,s SlIlgle-SUPPlier PhilOSOPhy SerVed it Well in the past, it took it to POtentialIy risky extremes, especially WhCn COmbined With highly CentraIiSCd decision-making In Japan. There,s a trade-off. he SayS. Tf you
56、don t Want duplication Of SUPPly you have to have Very ClOSe monitoring, you have to IiSten to your SUPPly base and you have to have transparency. That means delegating to IOCal managers With TOyOta, it WOrkS Well at the ShOP-floor IeVeL but things break down gler up.Iii the aftermath OfTOyOtacrisis
57、, the IndUStry is now asking itself Whether SOle-SOUrCing has gone too far. lt nay be Safer not to Ilafe all your eggs in One basket, but to hae maybe tlree SUPPlIerS for major COmPOnentS WrhO Call benclunark each other/ SayS anotler purchasing manager. Until verr recently, TOyOta WaS the PeerleSS e
58、xemplar. FOr now, at least, it is Seen as an awful warning.WhiCh Of the following best defines lean PrOdIlCtiOn system?The PrOdUCtiOn SyStenl is IeSS WaStefUl and more efficient.ThC PrOdUCtiOn SyStem is not duplicatedThC PrOdUCtiOn depends SOIeIy On One big SUPPlie匚AIl Of the above.ACCOrding to Jame
59、S WomaCk. which Of the following WaS discovered to be the CaUSe Of TOyOta ,s crysis?It IaCkS CIOSe monitoring.11 is driven by its goals Of expansionIt is SeIf-COmPIaCent.It depends On One SUPPlier.31 When did TOyOta VehiCle recall begin to alarm its leaders? TOC o 1-5 h z 201020022009200532. With re
60、spect to the crisis, What are the advantages Of IbyOta,s SUPPly-Chain management?MOre efficient in timeMOre SeCUred in quality.With a net Of trust and safety.MOre money SaVing.33 What is the POSSible meaning Of trade Ofrin the PenUltinlate paragraph?BUy and sell.Sell away.EXChangeA balance between t
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