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1、English for Tour Leaders領隊英語匯總學習情境三: 美加游領隊服務 子情境 3.1 3.1 Service on applying for passport and visa to America 美國護照及簽證辦理服務Teaching ObjectivesTo know what is passport and visaTo understand what to prepare for applying for passport and visaTo grasp the procedure of applying for passport and visaTo know

2、 how to fill in the form of application of passport and visaTo know how to deal with the problems happening when applying for passport and visa. Passport What is a passport?Passports of the Peoples Republic of China are issued to Chinese citizens as certificates to prove their nationality and identi

3、ty for the purposes of entering or exiting Chinese border and traveling or residing,etc, in foreign countries.Type of passport1. Diplomatic Passport 外交護照2. Service Passport 公務護照3. Ordinary Passport 普通護照4. Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Passport 香港特別行政區(qū)護照5. Macao Special Administrative Regio

4、n Passport 澳門特別行政區(qū)護照Ordinary Passport 普通護照1) Ordinary Passport for Public Affairs因公普通護照2) Ordinary Passport for Private Affairs因私普通護照. How to apply passport?What should you prepare?PhotoId cardResidence booklet 戶口本Proof or Suggestion from ones working organ單位or police substation派出所(Citizen of the Pe

5、oples Republic of China ) Procedure of applying for passport (申請護照的程序)1. Prepare materials. 2. Apply to Public Security Bureau 公安局.3. Answer some questions.4. Get the application form.5. Fiil in the form.6. Submit 提交 application form.7. Hand in application fee200rmb.8. Usually get the result after 1

6、5 days.申請護照程序1.準備材料2.向公安局提出申請3.回答相應問題4.領取申請表格5.填表6.提交表格7.交費200元人民幣8.通常15天后有結果1. Preparation: Photo, Id card, Residence booklet 戶口本, Proof or Suggestion from ones working organ單位or police substation派出所2. Apply to Public Security Bureau 公安局(at least from county)where ones registered permanent residenc

7、e戶口 is and answer some questions3. Get and fill in the application form4. Get the passport Deal with emergency on passportPassport is lost before going abroad (the information is the same to the original)Confirmed by relavent department.Fill in the application form.Submit materials and wait.Deal wit

8、h emergency on passportPassport is lost before going abroad (the information is different from the original)Apply for the passport according to the first one. Visa Types of the visaBusiness & Tourism(B1/B2 visas)Group Leisure ToursStudying in the U.S. (F and M visas)Exchange Visitors(J visas)Employm

9、ent(H, L, O and P visas)Dependents(F2, M2, J2, L2 and H4 visas)Press & Media(I visas)Transit(C visas)Others簽證的類型商務及旅游簽證(B1/B2簽證) 團組休閑旅游 學生簽證(F和M簽證) 交流訪問學者簽證(J簽證)短期工作簽證(H、L、O和P簽證)家屬簽證(F2、M2、J2、L2和H4簽證)媒體工作者簽證(I 簽證)過境簽證(C簽證)其它簽證類別 . Procedure of applying for the visa1. 預約簽證面談時間2. 支付申請費3. 準備一張符合要求的照片4.

10、 在線填寫DS-160簽證申請表5. 準備簽證申請所需材料6. 來使館進行簽證面談7. 通過中國郵政辦理簽證/護照返還手續(xù)Step 1: Make an appointment for the interviewStep 2: Pay the application feeStep 3: Prepare an appropriate photoStep 4: Fill in the online visa application form (DS-160)Step 5: Gather the required documents Step 6: Appear for the interview

11、Step 7: Arrange for visa/passport return through China Post 1.Make an appointment for the interview1. Buy a pre-paid PIN2. Prepare information: applicants full name, passport number, ID number, contact information, purpose of travel, place of residence, whether she/he was refused before, etc. 3. Cal

12、l the Visa Information Call Center to make an interview appointment or ask specific questions about the visa process.買 卡準備信息致電簽證信息服務中心預約面談時間2. Visa fee 1. The current U.S. nonimmigrant visa application fee is $131.00. 2. All applicants applying for nonimmigrant visas in China must pay the non-refund

13、able application fee of RMB904.00 1. 目前美國非移民簽證申請費是131美元。 2. 所有在中國申請非移民簽證的申請人都必須在指定的中信銀行交納申請費904元人民幣 3. Photo Not be older than six months.2. Must measure 2x2 (5x5 cm).3. The applicants head must be between 1 to 1 3/8 (2.5to 3.5 cm) when measured vertically.4. Must have a white background.5. Must fac

14、e the camera directly, with both ears visible. 1. 照片必須于最近6個月內拍攝。2. 照片尺寸為 2x2英寸 (5x5 厘米)。3. 申請者頭部的垂直尺寸必須在1英寸到1 又3/8英寸(2.5-3.5 厘米)之間。4. 照片必須為白色背景。5. 必須正對照相機,露出雙耳。 4. Online visa application form(content) V-Visa Temporary Work VisaCrew Visa Student/Exchange VisaE-Visa Security and BackgroundWork / Educ

15、ation / Training Family U.S. Contact Previous U.S. TravelTravel CompanionsTravel PassportAddress and PhonePersonalApplication form 5. Materials for visa applicationWhat to prepare?1. The DS-160 application form confirmation page, with the telecodes for your name, your name, home address, company nam

16、e and company address written in Hanzi handwritten on your form. 2. One photograph: Two inches square (51mm x 51mm) color photograph, less than 6 months old, against a white background, full frontal view.3. The application fee bank receipt, glued or taped onto the bottom of DS-160 form confirmation

17、page. 4. A passport valid for at least six months beyond the intended stay in the United States.5.Passports containing all previous U.S. visas, even if expired.6. Suggested supporting documents, such as a resume in English.1. DS-160表格確認頁。請在上面注明你名字的電碼、中文姓名、中文家庭地址、公司名字及地址。2. 于6個月內拍攝的2英寸x2英寸(51毫米x51毫米)

18、正方形白色背景的彩色正面照一張。3. 申請費收據(jù)。請將收據(jù)用膠水或膠條粘貼在確認頁的下半頁上。4. 有效護照。護照有效期必須比你計劃在美停留時間至少長出六個月。5. 含有以前赴美簽證的護照,包括已失效的護照。6. 支持性文件,象英文簡歷等。6. Appear for the interviewprocedureline up approximately 30 minutes Security check Submit the DS-160 application form materialsWait for 3 hoursGet visa through posting,or yourself

19、6.面試程序預約時間之前等候大約30分鐘 接受安全檢查 遞交DS-160表格確認頁和材料 等候時間大約為3個小時左右 面談后的五個工作日內郵寄 ,面談之日后的2-3個工作日到使館附近的中國郵政自取簽證 7. Get back visa, passport. Deal with emergency when applying visaExpedite process for emergencies加急面談預約Studentsand Exchange Visitors Business Travelers Other Emergency Requests First contact the Vis

20、a Information Call CenterAn expedite appointment in writing by sending a fax to U.S. Embassy.Provide special details: date,time,contact phone number,confirmation number of applicants scheduled interview appointment. Wait for the result.Visa Renewal/CITIC Bank Drop-off Service如何續(xù)簽(中信銀行免面談代傳遞服務) The p

21、revious visa must be currently valid, or must have expired within the last twelve months. The applicant must be applying for the exact same type of visa. The applicant must be applying in the place where they usually live.1. Submit materails.2. Hand in some feeusually 200yuan. Rmb.Words and expressi

22、onsVisa 簽證 Group visa 團體簽證Visa type 簽證類型 Issue at 簽發(fā)地Issue Date (on) 點發(fā)日期Passport No. 護照號Control No. 編號For stays of 停留期為Expiry Date( before) 失效日期(或必須在日之前入境)Words and expressions1. where can I make a claim for lost passport?我到哪里可以申報護照遺失?My passport was lost. Could I have it registered?我的護照丟了,我可以做下登記嗎

23、?Please call the Embassy of China.請與中國大使館聯(lián)系Information Bank(資料庫)DHS Officers Determine Aliens Entry into the U.S., Duration of Stay & Extension of Stay 國土安全部的官員批準外籍旅客入境、決定他們在美停留的時間并負責審理延期停留申請1. Entry: A visa is not a guarantee of entry into the United States. A visa is simply permission to apply for

24、 entry into the United States at the U.S. port of entry before the visa expires. Persons with valid visas are subject to inspection at the port of entry by officials of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). DHS officers allow entry to the great majority of applicants with visas, but they a

25、lso have the authority to deny admission. 1. 入境美國: 簽證并不能確保您獲準入境美國。簽證只允許您在簽證過期之前到達美國入境口岸并申請進入美國。有效簽證的持有者在美國入境口岸將接受美國國土安全部官員的檢查。國土安全部官員批準大多數(shù)簽證持有者入境,但也有權拒絕某些人入境DHS Officers Determine Aliens Entry into the U.S., Duration of Stay & Extension of Stay 國土安全部的官員批準外籍旅客入境、決定他們在美停留的時間并負責審理延期停留申請2. Length of Sta

26、y: If entry permitted, the DHS official also decides how long a visitor can stay in the U.S. for any particular visit. Upon entering the U.S., an immigration official places Form I-94, Arrival-Departure Record in your passport. In most cases, a specific date will be indicated on the Form I-94. This

27、is the date by which you must leave the United States. Please remember to return your I-94 card to the DHS officer upon departure from the United States. If you return home with your Form I-94 in your passport, it means that your departure from the United States was not recorded properly and DHS may

28、 conclude you remained in the United States. Please click here to see how to return your I-94 and correct this record.2. 停留時間:入境美國時,入境檢查官會將I-94出入境記錄卡附在您的護照上。大多數(shù)情況下,I-94卡上會有一個明確的離境日期,在此日期之前您必須離開美國。請務必在離境時將您的I-94卡歸還給國土安全部的檢查官。如果您回國后發(fā)現(xiàn)I-94卡還在您的護照里,這意味著您的出境沒有被正確記錄在案,國土安全部很可能會認定您仍在美國超期滯留。請點擊這里查看如何退還I-94卡

29、,以便使您的出境記錄得到更正。DHS Officers Determine Aliens Entry into the U.S., Duration of Stay & Extension of Stay 國土安全部的官員批準外籍旅客入境、決定他們在美停留的時間并負責審理延期停留申請3.Extension of Stay: Non-immigrants wishing to request extensions of stay in the U.S. should file a petition at the DHS Bureau of Citizenship & Immigration Se

30、rvices well in advance before the date they must depart the U.S. If request approved, they may stay in the U.S. within the period of the extension granted by USCIS. If request denied, they must depart the U.S. before the date given on their I-94 cards. Failure to depart the U.S. within the authorized duration of stay or within the aut


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