a03基礎(chǔ)英語equals one2021年8月10日星期二4時45分53秒_第1頁
a03基礎(chǔ)英語equals one2021年8月10日星期二4時45分53秒_第2頁
a03基礎(chǔ)英語equals one2021年8月10日星期二4時45分53秒_第3頁
a03基礎(chǔ)英語equals one2021年8月10日星期二4時45分53秒_第4頁
a03基礎(chǔ)英語equals one2021年8月10日星期二4時45分53秒_第5頁
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1、Lesson 2 Thirteen equals oneObjective: Get familiar with the usage of the simple present and the present continuous tenses.by DanaII Warm up on the titleWhich number is bigger, 13 or 1? (13.) Why does the writer say “13 equals 1” ? (Figurative usage.)Can you think of a similar usage about numbers in

2、 China? (“1 + 1 = 3”)III New words & Expressionsequal v.等于,比得上Phrase: equal sb./sth. (in sth.) eg. He equals me in strength, but not in intelligence.Many Chinese athletes have equaled the Olympic records. 平了奧運紀錄 III New words & Expressionsequal adj.合適的,相當?shù)?,能勝任的Phrase: equal to sth./doing sth., have

3、the strength, courage, ability, etc. for sth 等于; 與.相等; 能勝任, 有能力去做 on equal terms with sb (meeting or speaking) as equals, with no difference in status or rank 平等相處 eg. All men are born equal. She feels equal to the task. He doesnt seem equal to our demands. Now that she is promoted, she is on equal

4、terms with her ex-boss.III New words & Expressionsraise : v. lift up; feed, bring up; bring or collect together, manage to obtain; 抬起,舉起;飼養(yǎng),養(yǎng)活; 籌集,募捐;eg. raise your handraise the bag over your head raise my familyraise my son Jay Chou held a charity concert to raise funds for the earthquake victims.

5、周杰倫舉行了一場“抗震救災慈善募捐演唱會”。Were trying to raise funds for the Red Cross. The leader raised an army.torchlight Bri.flashlight Ame.VI Text StudyClose your text books. Listen to the tape of the text carefully and try to answer the question: Was the vicar pleased that the clock was striking? Why? (Yes. Becau

6、se it had been silent for years.)Read the text by yourselves and find out the usage of the present continuous tense(現(xiàn)在進行時).VI Text StudyExplain the text: Our vicar is always raising money for one cause or another, but he has never managed to get enough money to have the church clock repaired. Struct

7、ure: “but” introduces a compound statement; in the first clause “always” is used together with the present continuous tense to show the writers dissatisfaction with the vicar.全句為“but”連接的的并列句,并列句的第一個分句中頻度副詞“always”用在現(xiàn)在進行時里表示作者對牧師的不滿。(詳見本課關(guān)鍵句型) Explain the text: (2) Phrase: manage to do 想方設(shè)法做某事eg. Ill

8、 manage to finish this task, though its late at night. 雖然雨下得很大,Tom還是想辦法按時來上班了。Although it was raining heavily, Tom managed to come to work on time.VI Text StudyVI Text StudyExplain the text: (2) Phrase: have sth. done: ask the professionals to do sth. 請專業(yè)人士做某事eg. My hair is long. I will have it cut.

9、 我的頭發(fā)長了,我要去理發(fā)了。Something is wrong with my computer. I will have it repaired.我的電腦壞了,我要請人修電腦了。I will repair my computer tomorrow.我修 / 我請人修VI Text StudyExplain the text: The big clock which used to strike the hours day and night was damaged many years ago and has been silent ever since. Structure: “and

10、” introduces a compound statement; inside the first clause “which” introduces an attributive clause to modify “the big clock”.全句為“and”連接的的并列句,并列句的第一個分句內(nèi)出現(xiàn)了“which”引導的定語從句來修飾“the big clock”。 VI Text StudyExplain the text: (2) Phrase: used to do sth: often did sth in the past 過去經(jīng)常,以前常常做eg. I used to ge

11、t up at 9:00 in the morning.以前我早上經(jīng)常是9:00起床。 Our dog, Rex,used to sit outside our front gate and bark. 我們的狗雷克斯過去常蹲在大門外吠叫。我們公司過去和他們的公司常有業(yè)務(wù)往來。Our company used to do business with theirs.他已不是舊日的他了。He is not what he used to be. VI Text StudyExplain the text: Well get used to that, Bill, said the vicar. (

12、1) Phrase: get/be used to (doing) sth: be accustomed to (doing) sth 適應于,習慣于(做)eg. Now I have got used to getting up at 7:00 in the morning.現(xiàn)在我已經(jīng)習慣于早上7:00起床。The food in Guangdong is strange at first, but youll soon get used to it. 剛開始覺得廣東飯菜很不習慣,但不久你就會習慣的?,F(xiàn)在我適應了廣東的天氣。Now I am used to the weather in Gu

13、angdong. VI Text StudyExplain the text: One night, however, our vicar woke up with a start. (1) Phrase: wake up vi. 醒來,此處為不及物動詞短語,后不跟賓語。eg. -When did you wake up this morning?你今天早上幾點醒的?-I woke up at 7 oclock. 我7:00醒的。VI Text StudyExplain the text: Youve probably woken up everyone in the village as w

14、ell. (1) Phrase: wake sb. up vt. 把某人叫醒 ,此處為及物動詞短語,賓語為名詞時可放在up前或后,賓語為帶詞時須放在up前;課文中的代詞賓語everyone因受in the village修飾放在up后,以避免頭重腳輕。eg. The alarm clock woke up the sleeping boy.鬧鐘把正在睡覺的男孩給叫醒了。My mother wakes me up at seven everyday.我媽媽每天7:00叫我起床。III Text StudyExplain the text: Looking at his watch, he saw

15、 that it was one oclock, but the bell struck thirteen times before it stopped. (1) Paraphrase: When he looked at his watch, he saw that it was one oclock. But the bell didnt stop until it struck thirteen times. III Text StudyExplain the text: Looking at his watch, he saw that it was one oclock, but

16、the bell struck thirteen times before it stopped. (2) Structure: “but” introduces a compound statement; the first clause of the compound statement contains an objective clause led by “that” after verb “saw”; the second clause contains an adverbial clause of time introduced by “before”; the present p

17、articiple phrase “l(fā)ooking at his watch” is used as adverbial of time. 全句為“but”連接的并列句;并列句的第一個分句內(nèi)出現(xiàn)了由“that”引導的賓語從句作動詞“saw”的賓語;后一個分句內(nèi)又出現(xiàn)了一個由“before”引導的時間狀語從句;現(xiàn)在分詞短語“l(fā)ooking at his watch”在賓語從句里作時間狀語。 III Text StudyExplain the text: Armed with a torch, the vicar went up into the clock tower to see what w

18、as going on. Structure: The past participle phrase “armed with a torch” is used as an adverbial of panying state; the infinitive phrase “to see what was going on” is used as an adverbial of purpose; and the infinitive phrase contains an objective clause led by “what” after verb “see”.過去分詞短語“armed wi

19、th a torch” 作伴隨狀語,不定式短語作目的狀語;不定式短語內(nèi)又出現(xiàn)了由“what”引導的賓語從句作動詞“see”的賓語。III Text StudyExplain the text: Armed with a torch, the vicar went up into the clock tower to see what was going on. (2) Phrase: arm v. arm sb. with sth. 用來武裝XXXbe armed with sth. 武裝著eg. The soldiers armed themselves with rifles.The so

20、ldiers were armed with rifles. She came to the meeting, armed with all the facts and figures to prove us wrong. III Text StudyExplain the text: In the torchlight, he caught sight of a figure whom he immediately recognized as Bill Wilkins, our local grocer.Structure: “whom” introduces an attributive

21、clause to modify “a figure”.“whom”引導的定語從句修飾“a figure”。III Text StudyExplain the text: In the torchlight, he caught sight of a figure whom he immediately recognized as Bill Wilkins, our local grocer.(2) Phrase: catch sight of: see sb/sth for a moment 一眼瞥見某人某事物eg. She caught sight of a car in the dist

22、ance. 她一眼瞥見遠處的汽車。 I caught sight of an empty seat in the bus.我看到公共汽車的后面有一個空座位。 III Text StudyExplain the text: (2) Phrase: recognize 意識到,認出 recognize sb./sth. as 認出是,認為是,當作是eg. I recognize that I was wrong.雖然我有10年沒看到彼得了,但我認出了他.Although I havent seen Peter for 10 years, I recognized him immediately.

23、Readers recognized Lawrences novel as a work of genius.Lawrences novel was recognized as a work of genius.Doctors recognize smoking as a leading cause of cancer.Smoking is recognized as a leading cause of cancer. 吸煙被認為是致癌的主要原因之一。我們家把他看作是我們最好的朋友。Our family recognized him as our best friend.III Text S

24、tudyExplain the text: Whatever are you doing up here Bill? (1)Structure: “wh-ever? = wh- on earth?” is used for emphasizing 特殊疑問詞“wh-”后跟“ever”表示強調(diào), 到底,究竟 (see lesson 8 SD)eg. Why ever didnt you go? (why on earth?) Whoever is that girl with John? (who on earth?) Whenever will you come back? (when on

25、earth?)III Text StudyExplain the text: You certainly did give me a surprise!(1) Paraphrase: You really surprised me!(2) Structure: “do/does/did + verb” is used to emphasize the predicative verb. “助動詞do/does/did動詞原形”用來強調(diào)謂語動詞。eg. I came yesterday. I did come yesterday. I love you. I do love you. Be ca

26、reful. Do be careful. He comes very early everyday. He does come very early everyday. III Text StudyExplain the text: 對除謂語動詞外的其他部分進行強調(diào)時可用強調(diào)句型it is/wasthat/who eg. He helped us.It was he who helped us.I like you.It is you that/who I like. We began our study in this term from March 8th.It was from Mar

27、ch 8th that we began our study in this term.The bell didnt stop until the 13th stroke (n.).It was not until the 13th stroke that the bell stopped .The teacher didnt stop until the bell rang.It was not until the bell rang that the teacher stopped .You cannot leave the classroom until you didnt unders

28、tand .until It was not untilthat I understood.V Drills & ExercisesRead the text after the tape. Pay attention to the stress and intonation and where to stop.Look for the answers in the text individually first, then try to ask each other the questions in pairs without looking at the text. (P19 Summar

29、y writing)Extra ExercisesTry to put the following into English by using the phrases and sentence patterns you learned in this text. (1)人人生來平等。(2)我不得不努力工作以養(yǎng)家糊口。(3)我以前經(jīng)常騎自行車上班。(4)我現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)習慣吃米飯了。(5)演員們手里拿著扇子上了舞臺。(6)我剛才確實看見他了。(7)你為什么老是撒謊呢?(8)我認出他是我的老同學。Key: (1)人人生來平等。All men are born equal.(2)我不得不努力工作以養(yǎng)家糊口

30、。I have to work hard to raise my family.(3)我以前經(jīng)常騎自行車上班。I used to ride a bicycle to work.(4)我現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)習慣吃米飯了。 I have got used to eating rice now.Key:(5)演員們手里拿著扇子上了舞臺。The performers came onto the stage, armed with fans.(6)我剛才確實看見他了。I did see him just now.(7)你為什么老是撒謊呢?Why are you always lying?(8)我認出他是我的老同學。

31、 I recognized him as my former classmate.Topic for discussion“When something is wrong with your computer, do you often repair it by yourself?”“Should we repair things by ourselves or call in the experts?” Discuss the above topic in pairs. Get prepared for presentation.Time allowed: 10 minutes.Key to

32、 Vocabularyvicar: priest, pastorrepaired: fixeddamaged: brokensilent: quietwith a start: in surprisecaught sight of: sawKey to Letter WritingA possible answer1 It was very nice to hear from you.2 Its been a long time since I heard from you.3 Forgive me for not answering your letter before now.4 I am sorry youve been ill and hope youre feeling better now.5 I have not written before as I had lost your address.6 I hope you received my last letter. Special difficulties - Phrases with “in”1. 與表達驚奇、恐懼、失望或生氣等感情色彩的名詞搭配連用, 在句中起狀語作用insurprise驚奇地 / inastonishment 驚愕地inde


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