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1、北部灣大學課程名稱:大學英語(專升本)1.(單選題)_ gathering and storing information, the computer can also solve complicated problems.(本題1.0分)A.Not onlyB.ExceptC.UnlessD.Besides答案:D.解析:無.2.(單選題)It was getting _, he had to stop to have a rest.(本題1.0分)A.very darkerB.dark and darkC.darker and darkerD.darkest and darkest答案:C

2、.解析:無.3.(單選題) Good morning, sir. May I help you? _.(本題1.0分)A.No, I dont buy anythingB.No, I dont need your helpC.Yes, I need some sugarD.Oh, no. Thats OK答案:C.解析:無.4.(單選題)She went upstairs to see if he was still asleep _.(本題1.0分)A.at one timeB.from time to timeC.in the same timeD.behind the time答案:B.

3、解析:無.5.(單選題)Small computers need only small amounts of power, _ many that they will run on small batteries.(本題1.0分)A.whichB.thatC.thisD.what答案:A.解析:無.6.(單選題) Would you do me the favor to give me a lift? _(本題1.0分)A.Yes, quite rightB.Never mindC.Not at allD.With pleasure答案:D.解析:無.7.(單選題)Every country

4、and every nation has its own _ and cultural tradition, strong points and advantages.(本題1.0分)A.historianB.historyC.historicalD.heroine答案:C.解析:無.8.(單選題)The leader of the town said that their financial _ of next year is optimistic.(本題1.0分)A.visionB.horizonC.outlookD.view答案:C.解析:無.9.(單選題)I want you to t

5、ell my friend your very interesting experience _ you have told it to me.(本題1.0分)A.the wayB.the mannerC.the same asD.such as答案:A.解析:無.10.(單選題)Shall we sit up here on the grass or down there near the water? _(本題1.0分)A.Id rather stay here if you dont mind.B.Sorry, I dont like neither.C.Certainly, why n

6、ot?D.Yes, we like these two places.答案:A.解析:無.11.(單選題)The driver had fled, careless of _ essential to save the victims life.(本題1.0分)A.medical attention might beB.medical attention might well beC.that medical attention might beD.the fact that medical attention might be答案:D.解析:無.12.(單選題)Did I say “a lo

7、t of dime“? Im sorry, I meant to say “a lot of time”. Its a _ of tongue.(本題1.0分)A.slipB.throneC.leapD.fall答案:A.解析:無.13.(單選題)The police will give you ticket, if you _ the speed limit.(本題1.0分)A.expandB.extendC.spreadD.exceed答案:D.解析:無.14.(單選題)Theres no clue to the _ of the thief.(本題1.0分)A.identifyB.ide

8、ntityC.identicalD.ideal答案:B.解析:無.15.(單選題)They know the sport inside out, and we treat them with the respect they _.(本題1.0分)A.deserveB.inspectC.encounterD.undermine答案:A.解析:無.16.(單選題)Repeating _ he had already told the court, the accused maintained that he was at home at the time.(本題1.0分)A.thatB.whatC

9、.whichD.how答案:B.解析:無.17.(單選題)Look! Here _ the famous player.(本題1.0分)A.comesB.comeC.had comeD.coming答案:A.解析:無.18.(單選題)Would you like something _?(本題1.0分)A.drinkB.to drinkC.drinkingD.for drinking答案:B.解析:無.19.(單選題)When I saw his smiling face, I knew he_ good news of his parents.(本題1.0分)A.has hadB.had h

10、adC.has havingD.has答案:B.解析:無.20.(單選題) Im engaged! _ on your engagement!(本題1.0分)A.CongratulationsB.CongratulationC.CongratulateD.Cheers答案:A.解析:無.21.(單選題)_, he worked out the difficult math problem only in ten minutes.(本題1.0分)A.SurprisingB.Im surprisedC.In surpriseD.To my surprise答案:D.解析:無.22.(單選題) He

11、llo, may I speak to Mr. Clinton? _(本題1.0分)A.Yes, I am Clinton.B.Thank you for calling me.C.This is Clinton speaking.D.Yes, who are you?答案:C.解析:無.23.(單選題) What will you buy for your boyfriends birthday? I want to buy a _ wallet for him.(本題1.0分)A.black leather smallB.small black leatherC.small leather

12、 blackD.black small leather答案:B.解析:無.24.(單選題) Bob, you have a very successful business! _ Thank you!(本題1.0分)A.You have a good sense of humor!B.Enjoy yourself!C.You two make a lovely couple!D.Well done!答案:D.解析:無.25.(單選題) Would you like to go fishing with us now? _.(本題1.0分)A.No, I dont likeB.It sounds

13、 interesting but I have lots of homework to doC.I wont tell youD.Oh, it is well答案:B.解析:無.31.(問答題)(翻譯)A smile costs nothing, but creates much. It enriches those who receive, without impoverishing those who give. It happens in a flash and the memory of it sometimes lasts forever. None are so rich that

14、 they can get along without it, and none so poor but are richer for its benefits. It creates happiness in the home, fosters goodwill in a business, and is the countersign of friends. It is rest to the weary, daylight to the discouraged and sunshine to the sad. Yet it cannot be bought, begged, borrow

15、ed, or stolen, for it is something that is no earthly good to anybody till it is given away. And if in the last-minute rush of Christmas buying some of our salespeople should be too tired to give you a smile, may we ask you to leave one of yours? For nobody needs a smile so much as those who have no

16、ne left to give!(本題10.0分)答案:答:微笑,不花分文,卻收效可觀。得到的人,會因此更加富足;給予的人,卻不會因此貧窮。微笑發(fā)生在剎那間,給人留下的印象卻是久遠的。人再富裕沒有它也不會感到舒適,人再貧窮也會由于有了它而感到安逸。微笑為家庭帶來歡樂,為工作增添善意,是友誼的象征,是緩解疲勞的良藥,是征服氣餒的日光,是減輕憂傷的陽光。微笑不能買到,不能求到,不能借到,也不能偷到,因為在被給予他人之前是毫無用處的。如果在圣誕節(jié)購物季的最后一分鐘,我們有些銷售人員實在是太累了,無法給你微笑,可否請你給他們一個微笑呢?那些把微笑都送給別人的人是最需要得到一個微笑的。.解析:無.33.

17、(閱讀理解)Thanksgiving is celebrated every year on the fourth Thursday of November. The month of November is in autumn, the main season for harvesting crops. The writer O. Henry called Thanksgiving the one holiday that is purely American. It is not a religious holiday. But it has spiritual meaning. Than

18、ksgiving began with the first European settlers in America. They gathered their crops, celebrated and gave thanks for the food. Tradition says Pilgrim settlers from England celebrated the first Thanksgiving in 1621. There is evidence that settlers in other parts of America held earlier Thanksgiving

19、celebrations. But the Pilgrims Thanksgiving story is the most popular. The Pilgrims were religious dissidents who fled oppression in England. They went first to the Netherlands. Then they left that country to establish a colony in North America. The Pilgrims landed in 1620 in what later became known

20、 as Plymouth, Massachusetts. Their voyage across the Atlantic Ocean was difficult. Their first months in America were difficult, too. About one hundred Pilgrims landed just as autumn was turning to winter. During the cold months that followed, about half of them died. When spring came, the Pilgrims

21、began to plant crops. An American Indian named Squanto helped them. When summer ended, the Pilgrims had a good harvest of corn and barley. There was enough food to last through the winter. The Pilgrims decided to hold a celebration to give thanks for their harvest. Writings from that time say Pilgri

22、m leader William Bradford set a date late in the year. He invited members of a nearby Indian tribe to take part. There were many kinds of food to eat. The meal included wild birds such as ducks, geese and turkeys. That thanksgiving celebration lasted three days. As the American colonies grew, many t

23、owns and settlements held thanksgiving or harvest celebrations.(本題10.0分)1.(單選題)Thanksgiving Day is originally celebrated by people for _.(本題2.0分)A.healthB.freedomC.harvestD.safety答案:C.解析:無.2.(單選題)Which of the following statements is TRUE about the passage?(本題2.0分)A.Thanksgiving Day is a holiday cele

24、brated by people all over the world.B.Thanksgiving Day is a holiday with special religious significance only.C.Thanksgiving Day is a holiday with a history of more than 300 years.D.Thanksgiving Day is a holiday coming from Europe.答案:C.解析:無.3.(單選題)Based on the passage, we can learn that _.(本題2.0分)A.A

25、merican Indians were very brutalB.the Pilgrims came to America to make friends with IndiansC.the Pilgrims came to America to look for new foodD.in England, the Pilgrims suffered cruel religious oppression答案:D.解析:無.4.(單選題)According to the passage, what happened to the Pilgrims during their first wint

26、er in America?(本題2.0分)A.American Indians helped them plant crops.B.Due to the cold and hunger, about 50 of them died.C.They invited nearby Indians to have dinner together.D.They began to raise ducks, geese and turkeys.答案:B.解析:無.5.(單選題)The best title for the passage is _.(本題2.0分)A.The Origin of Thank

27、sgiving DayB.How to Celebrate Thanksgiving DayC.The Tradition of Thanksgiving DayD.The Significance of Thanksgiving Day答案:A.解析:無.34.(閱讀理解)Language learning begins with listening. Children are greatly different in the amount of listening they do before they start speaking, and later starters are ofte

28、n long listeners. Most children will “obey” spoken instructions some time before they can speak, though the word “obey” is hardly accurate as a description of the eager and delighted cooperation usually shown by the child. Before they can speak, many children will also ask questions by gesture and b

29、y making questioning noises. Any attempt to study the development from the noises babies make to their first spoken words leads to considerable difficulties. It is agreed that they enjoy making noises, and that during the first few months one or two noises sort themselves as particularly expressive

30、as delight, pain, friendliness, and so on. But since these cant be said to show the babys intention to communicate, they can hardly be regarded as early forms of language. It is agreed, too, that from about three months they play with sounds for enjoyment, and that by six months they are able to add

31、 new words to their store. This self-imitation leads on to deliberate imitation of sounds made or words spoken to them by other people. The problem then arises as to the point at which one can say that these imitations can be considered as speech. It is a problem we need to get out teeth into. The m

32、eaning of a word depends on what a particular person means by it in a particular situation and it is clear that what a child means by a word will change as he gains more experience of the world. Thus the use at seven months of “mama” as a greeting for his mother cannot be dismissed as a meaningless

33、sound simply because he also uses it at other times for his father, his dog, or anything else he likes. Playful and meaningless imitation of what other people say continues after the child has begun to speak for himself, I doubt, however whether anything is gained when parents take advantage of this

34、 ability in an attempt to teach new sounds.(本題10.0分)1.(單選題)The authors purpose in writing the first paragraph is to show that children _.(本題2.0分)A.usually obey without asking questionsB.are passive in the process of learning to speakC.are born cooperativeD.learn to speak by listening答案:D.解析:無.2.(單選題

35、)Children who start speaking late _.(本題2.0分)A.may have problems with their listeningB.probably do not hear enough language spoken around themC.usually pay close attention to what they hearD.often take a long time in learning to listen properly答案:D.解析:無.3.(單選題)Which of the following is TRUE about a b

36、abys first noises?(本題2.0分)A.That is an expression of his moods and feelings.B.That is an early form of language.C.That is a sign that he means to tell you something.D.That is an imitation of the speech of adults.答案:A.解析:無.35.(閱讀理解)Usually when we hear the word “artist” we think of a person who paint

37、s pictures, but the word has a much wider meaning than that, for anyone who adds beauty to a thing has shown that he is an artist. In the publishing world, there are many artists besides the illustrators, as you can find if you trace the steps introducing a book. After the author (who is an artist i

38、n the choice of ideas and words) has sold a manuscript to the publisher, an editor goes over it. The work of editing involves artistic skill too, for the editor may know how to improve the authors work by cutting and revising the manuscript. Then the editor looks over the manuscript and decides how

39、it may be best illustrated. The editor and a designer discuss how all the parts of the bookthe illustrations, words, paper, and bindingshall be put together so that the book best communicate the subject and the spirit which was intended by the author. Illustrations are drawn which will not only emph

40、asize without words things said in the story, but which will add information or ideas that cannot be put into words. When the illustrations and text are completely prepared they are sent to the printer who carefully, and often artistically, sets the type and prints the book. Once the material has be

41、en printed, it is sent to the binder who makes the book into a unit for selling and reading. The binder, too, is an artist, for he makes use of special techniques to make the outside of the book attractive, as well as appropriate to the contents. Meanwhile, a sales staff is at work preparing adverti

42、sements to help sell the book.(本題10.0分)1.(單選題)How many steps in producing a book are mentioned in the passage?(本題2.0分)A.4B.6C.5D.7答案:B.解析:無.2.(單選題)Which of the following is NOT involved in the work of editing?(本題2.0分)A.Deciding which parts is to be illustrated.B.Accepting or rejecting a manuscript.C

43、.Considering the beauty of a book as a whole.D.Rewriting or rearranging long paragraphs.答案:C.解析:無.3.(單選題)Illustrations must _.(本題2.0分)A.make all text fit to print and readB.add the ideas overlooked by the authorC.closely touch what is said in the storyD.add the ideas which are beyond words答案:D.解析:無.

44、36.(閱讀理解)The richest man in the world once stated that, “Back when I was a teenager, I envisioned the impact that low-cost computers could have. A computer on every desk and in every home became Microsofts corporate mission, and we have worked to help make that possible”. He has succeeded in his que

45、st, his company Microsoft becoming the largest in the world. In fact, Bill Gates and his company Microsoft have changed the way the entire world operates. Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955, in Seattle. During his years at public school, Gates was not challenged and lost interest in school. He

46、was somewhat of a troublemaker, and his parents decided to move him to a private school, Lakeside Elementary. It was here that he discovered his passion for computers. A friend helped him write his first program at this age, and Gates never stopped after that. In high school, he helped the staff wri

47、te programs for payroll. After this success, Bill co-founded a company with friend Steve Allen that helped the government track street traffic patterns. In 1972, after finishing up high school, both Allen and Gates went off to Harvard University, where he met Steve Ballmer and the dream for Microsof

48、t started becoming a reality. Gates and his high school friend Allen started developing software for the very first microcomputer. The finished language was called MS-BASIC, and is still a programming language used today. After his sophomore year, both Gates and Allen felt they could have greater su

49、ccess in the business environment, so they left Harvard in 1975 and founded a small programming company called Microsoft. 1976 was an important year for Gates and his small company. The company rented their first building in Albuquerque, New Mexico and claimed the name Microsoft in the state. Micros

50、oft sold their product very cheaply, believing that their mission statement, “A computer on every desk in every home” would sell software in such great quantity that they could make a profit. The first few years in Microsoft were hard; Bill worked very long hours, handling coding, finances, and cond

51、ucting business calls.(本題10.0分)1.(單選題)In the first paragraph the underlined word “envision” means _.(本題2.0分)A.imagineB.seeC.noticeD.aware答案:A.解析:無.2.(單選題)Which is NOT true about Gates school day?(本題2.0分)A.Gates couldnt follow what the teacher taught in school.B.Gates made a lot of trouble in school.

52、C.Gates finished his elementary education in a private school.D.Gates developed his interest in computer in Lakeside Elementary.答案:A.解析:無.3.(單選題)Why did Bill Gates quit his college education?(本題2.0分)A.He was not challenged in Harford.B.He felt he could achieve greater success in business.C.He wanted

53、 to be the richest man in the world.D.He wanted to put the knowledge learned from book into practice.答案:B.解析:無.37.(閱讀理解)Using a public telephone may well be one of the minor irritations of life, demanding patience, determination and a strong possibility of failure, together on occasion with consider

54、able unpopularity. The hopeful caller (shall we call him George?) waits till six oclock in the evening to take advantage of the so-called “cheap rates” for a long-distance call. The telephone box, with two broken panes of glass in the side, stands at the junction of two main roads with buses, lorrie

55、s and cars roaring past. It is pouring with rain as George joins a queue of four depressed-looking people. Time passes slowly and seems to come to a standstill while the person immediately before George carries on an endless conversation, pausing only to insert another coin every minute or so. Event

56、ually the receiver is replaced and the caller leaves the box. George enters and picks up one of the directories inside, only to discover that someone unknown has torn out the very page he needs. Nothing for it but to dial directory Enquiries, wait patiently for a reply down the number given. At last George can go ahead with his call.


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