1、ernational English Language TestingSystem (IELTS) is widely recognised as areliable means ofassessingthe languageability ofcandidates who needtoernational English Language TestingSystem (IELTS) is widely recognised as areliable means ofassessingthe languageability ofcandidates who needtostudy or wor
2、k whee English is the language of communication. These Practice Tests are designedtogivefuture IELTScandidatesanideaofwhethe theirEnglishisattheequiredIELTSis ownedby thee partners, Cambridge English Language Assessment, partof the University ofCambridge, the BritishCouncilandIDPEducation Pty Limite
3、d (through it bsidiay company, IELTSAustraliaPty Limited). Furtherinformatio IELTScanbe the IELTS WHAT 15 THETEST tests. There isachoiceof ReadingandWritingtestsaccordingto whetheracandidateis takingtheAcademicOGeneralTainingmodule.General Forcandidateswishingtomigratetoan NewZealand, UK), andfortho
4、sewishingto trainorstudyatbelowdegreelevel. undergraduateor tgradua Thetestcomponentsarehefo川owing4sections,40itemsAcademicy303 sections, 40 items60GeneralTrainingWriting 2 tasks603sections,4060AcademicWriting 2 tasks6011to14Total Test Time 2hous444ACADEMIC TEST Thistestconsists offoursections, each
5、 with ten questions. Thetwo sections are concerned with sol needs. Thesection is a conversation betn two speakersand thesecondsection is amonologue. Thefinal two sections ae concerned withsituations relatedtoeducationalortrainingcontexts. TheACADEMIC TEST Thistestconsists offoursections, each with t
6、en questions. Thetwo sections are concerned with sol needs. Thesection is a conversation betn two speakersand thesecondsection is amonologue. Thefinal two sections ae concerned withsituations relatedtoeducationalortrainingcontexts. Thethirdsectionisaconversationbetnupto fourpeople and the fourthsect
7、ion is a monologue.Avarietyofquestiontypesisused,including:multiplechoice,matching,plan/map/ diagramlabelling, form completion, note completion, table completion, flow-chat completion,pletion,sentencecompletion,shot-answerCandidatesheartherecordingonceonlyandanswerthequestionsastheylisten. minutes a
8、re allowed forcandidatestotransfe theiranswerstotheanswerThistest consistsof thee sectionswith40 questions. Theearethree texts, which are takenfromjourna怡,books,magazinesandnewsprs. ThetextsareontopicsofgeneraleastonetextcontainsdetailedlogicalAvarietyofquestiontypesisused, including: multiplechoice
9、, identifying(True/False/Not Given), identifying the r s otGiven).information,matchingheadings,matchingfeatures.matchingsentenceendings,completion,summarycompletio門, notecompletion, tablecompletion, flow-chartdiagramlabel completion, short-answer Thistest consists of two tasks. It itcandidatesspenda
10、bout20 minuteson Task1,whichrequiresthemtoWiteeast150wods,and40minutesonTask2,which requires them to Witeeast250wods. Task2contributestwiceasmuchasTask 1tothe Writingscore.Task 1requirescandidatestolookata diagramo somedata (graph, tableorcha時(shí))topresentthehei own words. Theyaretheir ability s. descr
11、ibeanobjectsiblycomparedata, descibethestagesofapevent, or explain how somethingask 2, candidates are pesented ofview,agumentOproblem. Theyatheir ability to present a solution to the problem. pesent andjustify an opinion, compae and contrast evidence and opinions, evaluate and challenge ideas. evide
12、nce O Candidates ae also theiability to write in an appropriate More informatioassessing the Writing test. including Writing Assessment Criteria (public ver). isavailableonthe IELTS website.5This test takes bet Therearethreeparts:n11and14minutesandisThis test takes bet Therearethreeparts:n11and14min
13、utesandisconductedbyatrainedPart Thecandidateandtheexamineroducethemselves. Candidatesthenanswerquestions about themselves, theirhome/family, theirjob/studies, theierests and a rangeofsimilafamiliartopicaeas. Thisasts nfouandfivePart Thecandidatehasoneminutetoprepare andthey canmakesomenotesifthey w
14、ish,before speaking for bet questionsonthesametopic.eandtwominutesTheexaminethenasksoneorPartTheexaminerandthecandidateengageinadiscus thematically linkedto thetopicin Part 2. Thediscusofmoreabstractes whichlasts nfourandfiveTheSpeakingtestassesseswhethercandidatescancommunicatee仔ectively inEnglish.
15、 The assessment takesoaccountFluencyandCoherence,LexicalResource,Grammatica Range and Accuacy, and Pronuntion. More informatioassessing the Speaking test, including Speaking Assessment Criteria (public ver), isavailableontheIELTSwebsite.6HOW 15 IELTSIELTS esults are repoanine-bandscale. Inadditionto
16、the scorefo overallability, IELTS Povides a HOW 15 IELTSIELTS esults are repoanine-bandscale. Inadditiontothe scorefo overallability, IELTS Povides a heformofaprofileforeachofthefou skillsReading, WritingandSpeaking). Thesescoresare alsorepo叫anine-bandscale.the Test Repot Fom alongwithdetailsoftheca
17、ndidatesscoesarelanguage and date of birth. Each Overall BandScoe coresponds to a ement whichgives a summary of the English language ability of a candidate classified at tlevel. The nine bands andthei descriptivesements are as follows:s9ExpertUser-Hasfullyoperational fluentwithcompletedofthelanguage
18、:appropriate, accurateVery Good User-Hasfully dofthelanguagewithonlyBunsystematic inaccuracies and inappropriacies. Misunderstandings may occur unfamiliarsituations. Handlescomplexdetailed ionG。d User -Has 7dofthelanguage, thoughwithinaccuracies, inappropriacies and misunderstandings in some situati
19、ons. handlescomplexlanguagewellandunderstandsdetailed6CompetentUserHasgenerallye仔dofthelanguagedespiteinaccuracies,inappropriaciesandmisunderstandings. Canuseandunderstandcomplexlanguage,particularlyinfamiliar5Modest User-Has dofthelanguage, withoverallmeaningmostsituations, thoughis likely to make
20、many mistakes. Should be able tohandcommunicationinownfield.4Limited User-Basic competence is limited to familiar situations. Has frequent problems in understanding and expres. Is not able to use complex language.ExtremelyLimitedUserConveysandunderstandsonlygeneralmeaninginve叩 . 32ermittentUser-Nore
21、alcommunicationsible except for the mostinformation using isolated words orshortformulae in familiarsituations and to meet immediateneeds.HasgreatdifficultyunderstandingspokenandwrittenEnglish.1User-Essentiallyhasnoabilitytousethelanguage siblyafewODidtempt the test-No assessableinformation 7MARKING
22、 THE PRACTICE ListeningandTheAnswerKeysareonpagesMARKING THE PRACTICE ListeningandTheAnswerKeysareonpages 124-EachheListeningandReadingtestsisworthoneQuestions which require letter IRoman numeral ForquestionswheretheanswersarelettersorRomannumealsyoushotIdwriteonly thenumberofanswersrequiredForex le
23、,iftheanswerisasinglele憂erornumeal youshouldwriteonlyoneanswer. Ifyouhavewrittenmorelettersornumerals nare required, the answermust be marked wrong.Questions which require he form of words or Answersmaybewritteninuppe orlowerWordsinbracketsareoptional-theyarecorrect,butnotsa叩A(chǔ)ltenativeanswersaresepa
24、ratedbyaslashIfyouareaskedtowriteananswerusingannumbeOfWOdsand/ornumber(s), youwillbepenalisedifyouexceedthis. Foran answer using NO MOREN THREEWORDS andthe correct answeris black leather ttheanswer of black ris incorrect.Inquestionswheeyouareexpectedtocompleteagapyoulytransfe ne sarymissingword(s)o
25、ntotheanswersheet. Forex le, tocomplete he andthecorrectanswerisg,theanswer hegwouldbeincorrect. Allanswersrequirecorrectspelling(includingwordsinbrackets).BothUSandUKspellingaeacceptableandaeincluded heAnswerKey. All standardalternativesfo numbers, dates andcurrenciesaeacceptable.Allbbreviations ar
26、e You will findadditional notes about individual heAnswe The sle answers are on pages 132-139. It is notsibleforyoutogiveyourselfamark for the Witing tasks. We have provided sleanswers(wri口enbycandidates),showing thei score and the rcomments. These sleanswers will giveyouan insightowhatisrequiedfort
27、heWiting8HOW SHOULD RET YOUR ofeachListeningand ReadingAnswer KeyyouwillfindachatwhichwillyHOW SHOULD RET YOUR ofeachListeningand ReadingAnswer Keyyouwillfindachatwhichwillyouassesswhether,onthebasisofyourPracticeTestresults, youareeadytotakeIELTSretingyourscore,thereareanumbe ofsyoushouldbeaind.heL
28、TStestwillbewoways: therewillbeaBandfrom1to9foreachofthecomponentsandanOverallBandScorefrom1to9, istheaverageofyourponents. However, institutionsyouapplicationareadvisedtolookatboththeOverallBandScoreandtheBandseachcomponentinordertodeteminewhetheryouhavethelanguageskillsneededforparticular course o
29、fstudy. For le, ifyourcoursehasalotofreadingandwriting, nolectures, listening skills might be less important and a scoreof 5 inListening mightacceptableiftheOveallBandScorewas7.However,foracoursewhichhaslotsoflectues and spoken instuctions, a scoeof 5 inListening might beunacceptableeven though the
30、OverallBandScorewas7.Once youhave marked your tests, you shouldhave some idea of whether your listening andreadingskillsaregoodenoughforyoutot叩the IELTStest. Ifyoudidwellenoughin onecomponentbutnotinothersyouwillhavetodecidefoyourselfwhetheryouareready to take the test.The Practice Testshavebeenchec
31、kedtottheyareofythelevelof difficulty as the reaLTS test. However, we cannot guaranteet your scorePractice Tests will be reflectedhe reaLTS test. The Practice Tests caly give you an idea of youry up to you to make deciyour score.Differentinstitutionsacceptdifferent IELTSscoresfordifferenttypesofcour
32、ses. Wemendations on the average scores which the majority of institutionsTheinstitutionto which youareapplying may, of course, require ahigher or lower scoremostotherinstitutions.Further For more information about IELTS O any other Cambidge English LanguageAssessment CambridgeEnglishLanguageAssessm
33、ent 1 HillsRoadCB12EUUnited9Test 11.!l:l且呈且SECTION Questions 1-Complete the notesTest 11.!l:l且呈且SECTION Questions 1-Complete the notes ORDAND/ORANUMBERforeachHIRING A PUBLICR。theMainHall-seatsR。m and the1Room-seatsCost of Main Hall fo Satuday evening: 2 +250payment is Costincludesuseoftablesandchair
34、sandalso 4Additionalchargefo useofthe kitchen: 25 Bef。re the eventWillneeda5Needto contactcaretake(Mr Evans) in advanceto arrange 6ThebuildingisnoTheband shouldusethe dooratthettouchthetcontrols theFor microphones, contact the Afterthe Afterthe Need to know the for the cleaning The must be washed an
35、d rubbish placed in black All must be taken Chairs and tables must ledQuestions 11-SECTION Questions 11-Complete Questions 11-SECTION Questions 11-Complete thenotesORDforeach FiddyWorkingHeritageAdvice about visiting thefarm Visitors shouldtakecare nottoharmany11 nottouchany12 wear13not bringothe fa
36、rm, withcertainQuestions 15-Labelthemap Questions 15-Labelthemap nexttoQuestions 15-Farm :、GCar ou are ic area BlackBarn Fiddy Z M莊 掃EMW Questions 21-SECTION Choose the correct letter, A, B orStudy on Genderin The students in Akira Miyakes study were all majoring psychologyOscience, technology, engi
37、neeingQuestions 21-SECTION Choose the correct letter, A, B orStudy on Genderin The students in Akira Miyakes study were all majoring psychologyOscience, technology, engineeing orThe aim of Miyakes study was to what kind of women choose to study a way of improving womens performance in whether fewe n
38、 men study physics at The female physics students were wrong to tthe teachers marked them in an unfair way. the male students expected them to do badly.theirtest n the male asked the students to write what they enjoyed about studying physics. the sucsful experienofothepeople. t was impotant to themW
39、hat was the aim of the writing e by the to to strengthen verbal ability to encourage logical thinkingWhat surprised the researchers about the how few students managed to getAitive impact physics results for Cthe difference n male and female Greg and Lisa think Miyakes results could have been affecte
40、d the length of the writing the number of students who took the information the Gregand Lisathei ownpoject, they willcomparetheeffectsGregand Lisathei ownpoject, they willcomparetheeffectstwo diffeent writing a witingtask n oral Ctwo different oral Themainfindingof y research twork were most effecti
41、ve whene by all-women groups. had no effect on the performance of men or women. improved the esults of men moren of women.What will Lisa and talk to a professo observe a science classlook at the science Questions 31-SECTION Complete the notes LYfor each Ocean Bi。diversity Questions 31-SECTION Comple
42、te the notes LYfor each Ocean Bi。diversity areascontainingmanydifferentimportant for s for 31 onlyWorm,identified hotspots fo large ocean predators, e.g. toceanwerenot always rich in32 had higher temperaturesatthe 33had sufficient 34 Lisa Ballance, helooked for hotspots for marine 35found these were
43、 all located whee ocean currents Censusof Marine found new ocean species living: under the 36nearvolcanoesontheoceanGlobal MarineSpecieswantto listendangeredGlobal MarineSpecieswantto listendangeredoceanspeci凹,considering: population sizegeographical distribution rate of 7Aim: to assess 20,000 speci
44、es and make a distribution 38foreach Rec。mmendationstoretainoceanincrease thenumber ofocean establish corridors (e.g. forreducefishingcatchfishonlyforthee of READING PASSAGE You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are base Passage 1 below.rop-growng jBytheyear2050,nearly80%buildin
45、gs in which food crops :the Earthspopulationwill live grown in environmentally Iurban centres. Applying the conditions. he heart j:conservative estimates to urbanREADING PASSAGE You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, which are base Passage 1 below.rop-growng jBytheyear2050,nearly80%bui
46、ldings in which food crops :the Earthspopulationwill live grown in environmentally Iurban centres. Applying the conditions. he heart j:conservative estimates to urban centres,demographictrends,thereducetheamountofpopulation will increase by requiredtobringfoodtoconsu :three billion 9ythen.Vertical f
47、armswouldneedto:estimated 10 esofnewefficient, cheap toconstruct:(about20%n Brazil) will safe tooperate. If:neededtogrowghfoodtoimplemented, ,:them,if traditional farming vertical farms offer the continueastheyarepractisedofurbanrenewal,:Atpresent,throughouttheproductionofasafeand:over80%ofthetfood
48、supply (throughyear-for raising crops is productionofallcrops), and :some 15% sbeenlaideventual repair of jbypoor t.vebeen sacrificed for canforldspopulation toliveIt took humans 10,000 years The concept of indoorfarming learnhowtogrowmostofthenotnew, sincehothouse we now take ranted.Alongoftomatoes
49、androduceway,wemostof the beenin vogue for time.we worked,often turning isnewistheurgentneedtonatural o semi-up this technologysametimeanother three billion people. anurbanspecies,veanentirelynewapproachhthe human or farming is required, nowlivesverticallyincities. t,forthem叫ority, alis forthe Verti
50、cal ave shelter from ncept is of multi-elements, yet wesubject our bearingplantstotherigoursofthe efficiency of the system. Single storey greenhouses have the benefit of natural overhead light: even so, many still need artifil lighting.greatoutdoorsandonhopeforagoodweathernnotduetobearingplantstothe
51、rigoursofthe efficiency of the system. Single storey greenhouses have the benefit of natural overhead light: even so, many still need artifil lighting.greatoutdoorsandonhopeforagoodweathernnotduetoalychangingAmulti storeyfacilitytisnotppens.overhead light would require floods, longs hurricanes more.
52、 Generating enough light severe日10nsoonstaketheirtollbe prohibitively expensive, unless cheap,renewableenergyisavailable, andthis appears to berather afuture n a likelihood for the near future.yea瓦 destroying millions of tons valuable The supporters of vertical claimmanypotentialadvantagesthesystem.
53、 For instance, crops :One vertical t:beproducedallyearround,ashas been developed is to grow :wouldbekeptin lyin stacked trayst move on rails. Moving the trays allows the plants to get enough sunlight. This system is already in operation, and works well within a single-storey greenhouse with light re
54、aching it from above: it: joptimumgrowing conditions. There would be no weather-related crop fail盯es due to droughts, floods or pestsAllthefoodcouldbegrownanically, eliminating the need for herbicides, pesticides and fertilisers. The system would gre y reduce the incidenceofmanyinfectioust are acqui
55、red at the agricultural erface.Althoughthesystemenergy to the grid via megeneration from comedibleparts of plants. It would also dramatically reduce fossil fuel use, by cutting out the need for tractors, ploughs and ship .isnotcertain, however, made to work without natural light.titcanbe t:Verticalf
56、armingisanattemptto address the undoubted problems t we face in producing enoughfood foragrowingpopulation.Atthe moment, though, more needs to bee to reduce the detrimental impact it would have on the environment, particularly as regards the use of energy. While it ismuch ofour foodwillbegrownin rs
57、in future, most experts currently beveitisfarmorelikely t we will simply use the spaceavailable on urban :j:jj:A m叫or drawback of vertical : however, t the plants require light.Without: those plants nearest the wouldbe ed to more j andgrow more甲1ickly, Questions 1-7 Complete the sentenChooseNO NTWOW
58、ORDSfromthepassageforeachWriteyouranswersinboxes 1-7onyouranswerQuestions 1-7 Complete the sentenChooseNO NTWOWORDSfromthepassageforeachWriteyouranswersinboxes 1-7onyouranswerInd。r Somefoodplants,including,arealready grown12Verticalfarmswould belocatedneedtotakethemlongtottherewouldbe34Vertical farm
59、scould use nefromplantsandanimalsto丁he consumption would be cut because agricultural vehicles would 567ThetverticalfarmswouldlightisaOneformofverticalfarminginvolvesplantingwhich are not 丁he mostprobabledevelopmentis and citiesQuestions 8-Do thefollowingements agree with the information given in Rea
60、ding Passage丁Inboxes8-13onyouranswersheet, if the ement agrees with the if the ement contradicts the NOT GIVEN if there is no Methodsforpredicting the hpopulationhaverecently Human beings are responsible for some of the destruction to food-producing 891ThecropsproducedinveticalfarmswilltheSome damag
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