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1、2019-2020年高考英語二輪復習書面表達針對練七道歉信題目要求(XX 全國卷川)假定你是李華,與留學生朋友Bob約好一起去書店,因故不能赴約。請給他寫封郵件,內(nèi)容包括:表示歉意;2說明原因;3另約時間。注意:1.詞數(shù)100左右;2可以適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫。四步作文法第-.rH 步審題謀篇1.體裁道歉信2.時態(tài)一般現(xiàn)在時3.人稱第人稱第二步要點要全1.我們計劃這個星期六去書店。We planned_to_go_to_the_bookstore_this_Satur 2不幸的是,我不能赴約。Unfortunately, I cant_make3.正因為如此,我寫信是想表達我真誠的道歉。B

2、ecause_of_this,_lm_writing_to_express_my_heartfelt_apology_t4我被選出來代表我們學校參加英語辯論比賽,你知道這對我來說是非常重要的。rm chose n to represe nt our school to take part in the En glish debate petition. It is of_great_importance_to_me.5.如果我們這個星期天去書店你方便嗎?Wouldt_be_convenient_for_youf_we_go_to_the_bookshop_this_Sunday?第三步句式要美

3、把句4升級為定語從句r m_chose n_to_represe nt_o ur_school_to_take_part_i n_the_E nglish_debate_petit ion ,_which,_you_k no w,_is_of_great_importa nce_to_me.第四步銜接要順用unfortunately, however等銜接詞串句成文Dear Bob ,Howare you doing? Weplanned to go to the bookstore this Saturday. Unfortunately,cant make it. Because of t

4、his, Im writing to express my heartfelt apology to you.How I wish I could go with you! However, Im chosen to represent our school to take part in the En glish debate petitio n, which, you kno w, is of great importa nee to me, for I have been dreaming of having a chance like this to improve my spoken

5、 En glish.Would it be convenient for you if we go to the bookshop this Sun day?rm look ing forward to your reply.Yours ,Li Hua改寫兩用這是根據(jù)本題目學生完成的一篇習作,文中有 10處錯誤,請改正。Dear Bob,Im in deed very sorry that I cant go to the bookstore with you this weeke nd as pla nning. Just now, my cous in, which went to Aus

6、tralia for further study last year, informs me he would return this Saturday morning and asked me to pick him up at the airport. You kno w, I have nt see n each other since he leaves. As a result, I have no choose but to say sorry to you.Please accepti ng my sincere apology from bottom of my heart.

7、How about going to the bookshop on this Sun day? Will you be available the n?Im looking forward to hearing of you.Yours,Li Hua答案:Dear Bob,Im in deed very sorry that I cant go to the bookstore with you this weeke ndaspla nningplanned . Just now my cousinwhichwhowent to Australia for further study las

8、tyear, 和formed me he would return this Saturday morning and asked me to pick himup at the airport.IYou know,have ntweleavesseen each other since heAs a result,chooseI have no but to say sorry to you.choiceaccept ingPlease accept my sin cere apology fromAthe bottom of my heart. How aboutgoing to the

9、bookshop this Sun day? Will you be available the n?Im looking forward to hearingoffrom you.Yours ,Li Hua2019-2020年高考英語二輪復習書面表達針對練三電子郵件普通書信題目要求(XX 云南八校區(qū)聯(lián)考)假如你是李華,你的英國朋友Peter得知你家三世同堂,對這種生活方式很不理解。你 就此給他回復一封電子郵件。要點包括:1.陪伴;2照顧;3.其他。注意:1.詞數(shù)100左右;2可以適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫。Dear Peter ,Yours ,Li Hua四步作文法第一步審題謀篇體裁電子郵件

10、時態(tài)一般現(xiàn)在時3.人稱第三人稱第二步要點要全很正常你不理解祖父母與我們一起生活。lt_is_normal_that_you_cant_understandwhy my grandparents are livingwith us.眾所周知,老人常常感到孤獨,我祖父母也同樣。As_we_all_k no w,_old_people_always_feel_ Ion ely.My gran dpare ntsfeel Ion elytoo.當我父母忙于工作時,我祖父母可以陪伴我。When my pare nts are_busy_with_their_work,_my gra ndpare nts

11、 will keep me pany.4更重要的是,他們身體狀況不好,因此需要照顧,只有用這種方式我們才能彼此相互照顧。Most_importantly,_theyare in poor health, so they need looking after. Only inthis way can we take good care of each other.5事實上,在中國幾代人樂意一起生活。Actually, in China gen erati ons are_willing_toive_togethe6照顧老人在中國文化中被認為是一種美德。Caring for the old is

12、considered as a virtue in Chinese culture.7.在你們的傳統(tǒng)文化中是如何善養(yǎng)老人的?How about your culture of supporting_your_eld第三步句式要美1句2合并升級so引導的倒裝句式As we all know, old people always feel Ionely, so do my grandp 句4升級為what引導的主語從句What_is_most_important_is_that_they_are_in_poor_health,_so_they_needookig_after._Only_in_th

13、is_way_can_we_take_good_care_of_each_other. 第四步銜接要順Dear Peter ,How are you gett ing along these days? It is no rmal that you can not un dersta ndwhy my gra ndpare nts are livi ng with us. Here is someth ing about it.As we all know, old people always feel l on ely, so do my gran dpare nts.Besides,whe

14、 n my pare nts are busy with their work, my gra ndpare nts will keep me pany. Whatis most important is that they are in poor health, so they need looking after. Only in this way can we take good care of each other. Actually,in China generations arewilling to live together. Caring for the old is cons

15、idered as a virtue in Chinese culture.How about your culture of support ing your elders? rm look ing forward to yourreply.Yours ,Li_Hua改寫兩用這是根據(jù)本題目學生完成的一篇習作,文中有 10處錯誤,請改正。Dear Peter ,I have received your letter, which say you cant understand my grandparents live with us. Therefore, its a very mon phe

16、 nomenon which three gen erati ons live un der the same roof. The reas on are as follows.Firstly, it is well-k nown that old people often feel Ionely, included my gra ndpare nts. They are willi ng to live with us about pany. More importa ntly, they need to looked after considering our poor health. W

17、e live together so that we can know everyth ing about their men tal and physically health. Last but no t least, it is an tradition and virtue to respect and take good care of the old in China.Im wondering how you support your elders. Im looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua答案:Dear Peter ,

18、sayI have received your letter, whichsays you cant understand my grandparentslive with us.ThereforeHowever ,its awhichvery mon phe nomenon 比氏 three gen erati ons liveun der the same roof. Thereas on are as follows.reas onsFirstly, it is well-k nown that old people ofte n feel lo nely,in cludedin cludi ngmygra ndpare nts. They are willi ng to live with usaboutforpany. More importa ntly, theyneed to Q looked after consideringourtheir poor hea


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