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1、PAGE 第 頁章 序名 稱第五單元 凝練翻譯法周 次第 5 周授課時間2017年9月18日至2017年9月24日教學目的要求1. 理解商務英語翻譯中的凝練翻譯法2. 掌握商務英語翻譯中的凝練翻譯法教學重點商務英語翻譯中的凝練翻譯法教學難點商務英語翻譯中的凝練翻譯法教學場所環(huán)境多媒體教室授 課方 式課堂講授(); 實驗( ); 實踐( );雙語( )課時分配2教 學方 法課堂講授教學手段網絡教學( ); 多媒體()教 學用 具黑板,課件,多媒體教學內容提要備 注Review (5 mins)Is amplification necessary in business English trans

2、lation?How to use amplification in business English translation?Lead-in (5 mins)Exercisee.g. Shipping details include whether transshipments are allowed. Also recorded should be the latest date for shipment and the names of the ports of shipment and discharge. (It may be in the best interest of the

3、exporter for shipment to be allowed from any UK port so that he has a choice if, for example, some ports are affected by strikes. The same applies for the port of discharge.)譯文:裝船細節(jié):包括是否允許轉運以及裝船的最后日期和裝船、卸貨的港口名稱。(就出口商而言,如能任選英國的任何港口裝船最為有利。如在發(fā)生罷工等情況下,出口商有選擇港口的余地。對卸貨港口亦然。)Explaining (40 mins)這種在翻譯過程中,從譯

4、文的角度,將不需要的成分略去不譯,從而使得譯文簡潔曉暢、“文約而意豐”的方法叫做凝練翻譯法(omission)。凝練不意味著損害原文之意,而是使譯文更加符合譯入語洗練而地道的表達方式。每一種語言在表達時都要求緊湊簡練,但不同的語言其緊湊簡練的方式會不一樣。It refers to omitting words necessary to the original but unnecessary to the translation, i. e., the omitted words have to be those dispensable(可有可無的), redundant, wordy or

5、those against the language habits of the translation. Omission is a technique opposite to amplification. True, a translator has no right to subtract any meaning from the original work. However, it does not follow that he should refrain from omitting any words at all translation. In fact, one of the

6、marked difference in syntax between English and Chinese is the disparity in wording. What is regarded as a natural or indispensable element in one language may be regarded as superfluous or even “a stumbling block” in the other. Omission is supposed to be made just to the point, to convey the essenc

7、e of the original more effectively. Otherwise, it would spoil the meaning of the original. e.g. He is not well today, but he still comes to class.譯文:他今天身體不好,但(他)還是來上課了。 e.g. The two-story Italianate villa in Rockridge has a colorful history. 譯文:位于羅克里奇區(qū)的二層意大利式別墅具有五彩繽紛的歷史。(省略冠詞)e.g. Should the buyers

8、have to lodge a claim against the sellers, it must be done within 30 days after the arrival of the tanker at the port of destination. 譯文:若買方向賣方提出索賠,需在油輪抵達目的港后30天內提出。(省略冠詞)e.g. When spring came, Mr. Poldero felt justified in beginning a publicity campaign about the aging phoenix. 譯文:春天來了,波爾得先生覺得時機已到,

9、可以就這只已入暮年的鳳凰展開宣傳活動了。(省略連詞)e.g. As it is late, you had better go home.譯文:時間不早了,你最好回家去吧。(省略連詞)e.g. On July 1, 1997, Hongkong returned to the Peoples Republic of China.譯文:1997年7月1日,香港回歸中華人民共和國。(省略介詞)e.g. Smoking is prohibited in public places.譯文:公共場所禁止吸煙。(省略介詞)e.g. We have more water than earth on this

10、 globe. 譯文:在地球上,水比陸地占的面積大。(省略人稱代詞、指示代詞)e.g. If we can adopt the EUs (European Unions) code in the US, we can do a bit of reverse engineering on globalization.譯文:如果我們能在美國采用歐盟的規(guī)范,就可以為全球化做一點逆向工程。(省略人稱代詞)e.g. We are pleased to have received your invitation to the opening ceremony.譯文:非常高興收到參加開幕式的邀請。(省略人稱

11、代詞)e.g. It requires heat to change water into gas.譯文:把水變成氣體需要加熱。(省略人稱代詞)e.g. I hope you will enjoy your stay here. 譯文:希望您在這兒過得愉快。(省略人稱代詞、物主代詞) e.g. It is regrettable that our business is still bad although we have marked down our price considerably.譯文:盡管我方已大幅下調價格,但我方的經營狀況仍未見好轉,這很令人遺憾。(省略物主代詞)e.g. To

12、 learn is not an easy matter and to apply what one has learned is even harder.譯文:學習不易,應用更難。e.g. Under the existing law, properties that can be entrusted are limited to money, securities, money claims, and movable and immovable assets.譯文:依據(jù)現(xiàn)行法律,可以信托的財產限于金錢、證券、貨幣債權、動產和不動產。e.g. He behaved politely whil

13、e answering the interviewers questions.譯文:他在回答采訪者的問題時很有禮貌。e.g. The crisis, however, was short-lived.譯文:然而這次危機為時不長。4. Practice / Exercises (25 mins)Practice on Omission:1. If winter comes, can spring be far behind?2. Anyone who does not recognize this fact is not a materialist.3. In his thirtieth yea

14、r Whiteman left New York for New Orleans, to become a special writer on the staff of a newspaper.4. Neither party shall cancel the contract without sufficient cause or reason.5. The difference between the two machines consists in power.6. Avoid using the machine in extreme heat, cold or humidity.7.

15、They are talking about inflation, unemployment and environmental pollution.8. Their respective destinies are becoming increasingly interdependent.1.冬天來了,春天還會遠嗎? 2.不承認這個事實,就不是唯物主義者。 3.三十歲時,惠特曼離開了紐約來到新奧爾良,在一家報社的編輯部當特約撰稿人。4.雙方均不得無故解除合同。 5.這兩臺機器的區(qū)別在于功率不同。 6.不要在過熱、過冷、濕度過大的情況下使用這臺機器。7.他們在談論通貨膨脹、失業(yè)、環(huán)境污染等問題。8.他們的命運日益休戚相關。 5. Discussion (10 mins) How to use omission in business English translation?6. Summary+Homework (5 mins)ExercisesGrasp the business terms復習思考題1. How to use


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