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1、希望對您有幫助,謝謝自尊的英文名言名句導讀:本文是關于自尊的英文名言名句,如果覺得很不錯,歡 迎點評和分享!1、走你的路,讓別人去說罷!Go your way, let others say!2、誰自尊,誰就會得到尊重。Self-esteem, who will be respected.3、自尊,是性命保護的天使。An angel of self-esteem, is the life protection.4、只要自尊自愛,就能行得正。As long as self esteem, is can do it.5、應該相信自己是生活的強者。Should believe in yourself

2、 is the strong of life.6、恢弘志士之氣,不宜妄自菲薄。The gas of magnificent person, not little.7、自愛是人生漫長浪漫史的開端。Self-love is the beginning of life long romance.8、決心就是氣力,信心就是成功。Determination is the strength, confidence is successful.9、真正的智者是不會自稱自贊的。The truly wise is not claiming to be praised.希望對您有幫助,謝謝10、沒有自尊心的人,即

3、近于自卑。No pride, that is, to feel inferior.11、不自強而成功者,天下未之有也。Not self-renewal and winners, the world does not also.12、凡是自強不息者,最終都會成功。Whenever an unyielding person, will eventually succeed.13、世界上最骯臟的,莫過于自尊心。In the world the most dirty, is pride.14、懂得自愛,才能得到他人的友誼。Know love, get the friendship of others.

4、15、自強為天下健,志剛為大君之道。Strive for world health, will just for the great king.16、眼前多少難甘事,自古男兒當自強。At present how many sweet things, since ancient man be striving to improve.17、自尊心是一個人靈魂中的偉大杠桿。Self-esteem is the soul of a persons greatest lever.18、自尊心是骯臟的,同時也是必須的。Self-esteem is dirty, is also a must.19、尊嚴是人

5、類靈魂中不可糟蹋的東西。havetimes,Dignity is not spoil things in the human soul.希望對您有幫助,謝謝20、對人來說,最最重要的東西是尊嚴。To the people, the most important thing is dignity.21、自敬,則人敬之;自慢,則人慢之。Respect yourself, respect is; Since the slow, a person slowly.22、自重是第二信仰,是約束萬惡之本。Self-respect is the second of faith, is the constrai

6、nt evil.23、愛惜芳心莫輕吐,且教桃李鬧春風。Love heart mo light spitting, plum and taught the spring breeze.24、妄自尊大只不過是無知的假面具而已。Arrogance is only the mask of ignorance.25、自強像榮譽一樣,是一個無灘的島嶼。Self-improvement, like honor, is a no beach island.26、我自己決不為自己去侵犯人類的尊嚴。I never for themselves to violation of human dignity.27、下手

7、處是自強不息,成就處是至誠無息。Hand is unyielding, achievement is the sincere interest-free.28、自尊的人不圖虛榮,拒絕沾染不良習氣。Self-esteem of people not vanity, refused to bad habits.29、沒有盡看的處境,只有對處境盡看的人。There is no to the best of the situation, only do look for希望對您有幫助,謝謝 situations.30、沒有單獨魄力的人,將依仗別人做壞事。Not to drive alone, will

8、 rely on other people to do bad things.31、一個人開朗豁達,就會感受到自尊的快樂。Serenity, one will feel the joy of self-esteem.32、一個人即使已登上頂峰,也仍要自強不息。If a person is on the top, and an unyielding.33、我的自尊高高在上。你的世界不在我這里。High above the my self-esteem. Your world is not in my here.34、機器創(chuàng)造一事,為今御侮之資,自強之本。Machines to create, f

9、or today the life to resist invasion, striving to improve.35、假如沒有自信心的話,你永遠也不會有歡快。If have no confidence, you will never have a happy.36、一個沒有自尊的人,也很難得到別人的尊重。A man without self-esteem, it is hard to get the respect of others.37、只要人活著,絕不會消失的唯一 *是自愛。As long as people alive, the only lust is love will nev

10、er disappear.希望對您有幫助,謝謝38、寧可靠自己的力氣吃飯,別白白拿別人什么。Would rather eat their own strength, dont take what others in vain.39、勇敢是一種基于自尊的意識而發(fā)展成的能力。Courage is a kind of consciousness and ability to develop into based on self-esteem.40、失看固然經常發(fā)生,但總沒有盡看那么可怕。Loss is often happens, but not all look so terrible.41、在金

11、錢與愛情面前賣弄自尊,是最愚蠢的事。Show off your self-esteem before money and love, is the most stupid thing.42、你用盡了我的卑微,現在我要重拾我的自尊。You ran out of my humble, now I am going to pick up my self-esteem.43、雖然自尊心不是美德,但它是多數美德的雙親。Although pride is not a virtue; it is most virtue of parents.44、對于一個缺乏自尊的人,誰也不能把尊嚴給他。For a lac

12、k of self-esteem, no one can give him the dignity.45、自尊不是輕人,自信不是自滿,獨立不是孤立。Self-esteem is not young people, confidence is not complacent, independence is not isolated.46、每個人都不同于他人,每一天他也不同于自身。希望對您有幫助,謝謝Everyone is different from others, each and every day he is different from their own.47、能使人知己、愛己者,未有

13、不能知人、愛人者也。Can make the person bosom friend, love oneself person, had not known, and lover.48、堅定的信心,能使平凡的人們,做出驚人的事業(yè)。A firm confidence, can make the ordinary people, do amazing career.49、得不到別人的尊重的人,往往有最強烈的自尊心。Cant get others respect for people, often have the most strong self-esteem.50、要知道,能在困境中保持自強是多么令人崇敬啊!Want to know, can maintain self-renewal is so revered in trouble!51、別人再看重我們,也決不會比我們自己的估價高。Others value, we will not higher than our own value.52、產生自尊心的是理性,而加強自尊心的則是思考。Self-esteem is rational, and the strengthening of


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