內(nèi)容文稿筆記420the one with all the wedding dresses_第1頁
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1、Theillthe WeddingDressesStory by: Adam Chaseeplay by: Michael Curtis & Gregory S. Malins Transcribed by: Eric Aasen420 婚紗打鼾,堅(jiān)持送他去看醫(yī)生;在睡眠治療室,趁叫。睡著之機(jī),釣上了。老愛說夢話,并在夢中尖結(jié)婚前問的感受,但不肯講出余情未了。心情近乎絕望的對喬西亞婚,把他嚇跑了。替白紗過干癮。挑選婚紗,卻自己試穿個沒完。和也中了邪,都披上和計(jì)劃下個月結(jié)婚。對和坦白她對的感情。4.20 Theill The Wedding DressesJoeyoring forChandle

2、r to insist he go to a sleep clinic;whilepanyingJoey at the clinic, Chandler meets (and begins dating)Marjorie, who talks in her sleep.Ross tries to talk with Rachel about her feelings, but she just pretends shes fine.However, while feeling kind of desperate she tries to move way too fast withJoshua

3、 and endsup scaring him off.ica picks up wearing it. aEmilys wedding dress for her, and finds she just cant resist lot.Phoebe and Rachel catch the spirit as well, and soon theyre all wearing white.Ross and Emily set a wedding date just oneway.Rachel talks withica and Phoebe about her unresolved feel

4、ings for Ross.Scene: Joeys bedroom, he is asleep and snoring loudly. Chandlerenters wondering who left their engine running.asleep adj.睡著的睡/snore v.打鼾Chandler: Are you Joey! Joey! Joey!kidding Joey!me?! Joey. Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey!Joey: (joining in, in hissleep) Joey.Joey. Joey. Joey! Joey!(C

5、handler acts disgusted,but is happyt JoeyJoey has stopped snoring. startoring again. So waking Joey.)However, just as he is about to leave,to get him to stop, he slams the door shut,disgusted adj.厭惡的 厭煩的/be about to v.將要 正打算Chandler: Oh. Oh, did-did-did I wake you?OPENING CREDITSScene: Central Perk,

6、 Chandler is getting another cup of coffee.Chandler: Gunther, can I get another cup of coffee, please? (Guntherstarts to pour him another cup.) So uh, whatnot working here?do you do when youreGunther: Yout need to fill these silen沒話找話說.Chandler: Oh,okay,nks. (He goes back tothe couch and rejoinsica,

7、Joey,and Phoebe.)ica:Chandler,ts like your fourth cup of coffee!Phoebe:Okay, do me 算. Ive had a certain number of jui.Chandler: Well, I am drinking lots of cups of coffee becauseexhausted! Because Joey started snoring!Imica: Hes in a different room! Hes reallyt loud?Joey: (proudly) Oh, you should he

8、ar me 你得過來聽聽.Chandler: Its not something to be proud of, okay? You have a sleep clinic!to go toJoey: Look, I told ya,Im not going to any clinic! Ive aproblem, yourebeing a baby andtheleaveith the problem!me alone clinic!You should go to a QuitChandler: Theyve those.Joey: Yeah, theydo! Quityourbeing

9、a baby andclass!leave me alone! There,youve jusdica: Yknow I used togo out with thisguyt was a reallylight sleeper, and whenever I started to snore, he would just roll meoverroll over(睡時)翻身 反側(cè)/light sleeper:輕度睡眠者 就是不能進(jìn)入深度睡眠的人 人夜晚睡覺一般都會進(jìn)入深度睡眠 而這種人很難進(jìn)入這種狀態(tài)。廣義上講就是指睡不好覺的人。Joey: Ohhh, yeah!ica: He would

10、just roll me over and I wouldstop snoring.Chandler: Next time yousnore, Im rolling yaover!Joey: justI gotta do what I t.gotta do, you gotta dowhat you gotta do, yougotta (=have gotto) 必須Ross:(entering) Heyguys!Chandler: Hey,!Phoebe: Hey!(Joey starts hummingHere Come the Bride.)hum v.哼Here Comes the

11、Bride 結(jié)婚進(jìn)行曲Phoebe: Oh, the Olympics.ica: Have you guys pickete yet?Ross: Oh no, not yet.Phoebe: I still cannot beve youre engaged! (Ross looksJustcause its happening so fast;notcause youre such aat her) loser.engaged adj.已訂婚的/loser n.失敗者Ross: Oh.nks. Uh, has anyoen Rach?ica: Ugh, shes upstairs notng

12、 the dishes! And Il yasomething!Im notng them this time! It care if thosedishes when Isit gethe sink until theyrehome!all covered withIll do themdo thedishes v.(飯后)洗餐具Ross: Yeahoh! Hey listen umm, Emilyfound this wedding dress inLonwedding dressPhoebe: Already?!Ross: Yeah, but it didnt fit. Well,luc

13、kily theres a store heres one left in her size, but Im the groom, Im not sup to see the dressedgroom n.新郎ica:Ill pick it up for you!Ross:nk you.ica:Okay.Chandler: Oh, shes got you running errands, yknow, picking upwedding dresses (Laughs and makes likeWah-pah!na Jones and his whip)errand n.差事 差使 使命/

14、run errands n.供差遣 跑腿的/whip n.鞭子na Jones:Dr. Henry na Jones, Jr. (also known as Indy), is afictional(adj.虛構(gòu)的) professor, archaeologist(n.考古學(xué)家), and adventurer - the main protagonist(n.小說主角) of the 1981 adventure film Raiders of the Lost Ark(later retitledna Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark), its

15、 prequel(據(jù)已問世文藝作品的情節(jié)憑想像上溯創(chuàng)作的)先行篇 前篇na Jones and the Temple of Doom,and sequel(n.結(jié)局),na Jones and the Last Crusade(n.軍東侵). Jones isnotable for his trademark bullwhip n.(舊時趕牛或牲口用的)粗而長的鞭fedora (n.一種淺頂軟呢帽) leather jacket, and extreme fear oakes.Ross: Whats wah-pah?Chandler: Yknow, whipped! Wah-pah!Joey:

16、ts not whipped! Whipped is wh-tcssh!Chandler:ts what I did. Wah-pah!Joey: Youcant do anything!Scene:ica and Rachels, Rachel is notng thedishes.Shehears someone coming up and pretends like shethe stairsuallyand quickly puts down her magazineng the dishes.Rachel: Hey, I wasjustngthe dishes!Ross: Hey!R

17、achel: Oh! Its you. (She stopsng the dishes.)Hi.Ross: Hey, do uh, do you have a minute 你現(xiàn)在有空嗎?Rachel: Yeah, yeah, I was just about to take a breakanyways, soanyways adv.反正 不管怎樣Ross: So listen uh, I know you and I havent reallyhad a chance totalk since uh, Emily and I decided to get married, and uh,

18、I was just wondering how you were.Rachel:Oh.Ross: Iknow if you were getting married Id feel, kinda. yknow.Rachel:Yeah. Yeah. Definiy, well it definiy took mebysurprise, but Im okay.take sb by surprise 讓大吃一驚Ross: Yeah?Rachel: Yeah.Ross:, I justwanted to check.check v.詢問一下Rachel: Oh,ts st.(He goes ove

19、rto hugher.)Ross: Youretoo. You jusgreat.ngAnd I-I know someday this here.will happenforyouhanghere不氣餒 不畏難 堅(jiān)持下去Rachel: (breaking the hug) Uhh, hanghere?Ross: Oh,no, I didnt mean, uhRachel: Icalled memean maybe you didnt hear about a serious relationship and Joshua?hear about v.聽說 接到消息Ross: Oh, I tho

20、ught you guys had just been on like four dates, Ididnt realisede anything, yet.Rachel: Oh, no-no-no, those were four greatno-no-no, is dates.e, isyeah. Oh no,Ross: Oh. Yeah?Rachel: Yeah. Oh, yeah. And I mean, the connection, I mean emotionally, mentally, physicallyyknow,Ross: Wow,ts-ts-ts incredible

21、.Rachel: I know isntit? Its like Im right there withJoshua.Ross: Uh-huh.Rachel: You are right kinda like. its a dishes.there with tie! Well,Emily. And its yknow,itsI gotta get, I gotta get back to thetie n.不分勝負(fù) 平局Ross: I gotta get to work.Rachel: Ohyeah? Fine.Ross: Hey,yknow, yknow whatwouldmake me

22、really happy?Rachel: Ohyeah, no, whatst?Ross: If like the four of uscould all town this night?yknow, hang kend, whyout together. Uh,t you say wein fact Emilys comingoall have dinner? Say, SundayRachel:t would be great!Ross: Yeah, itsa date. (He leaves)Rachel: (to the closed door) him the raspberry.)

23、Hanghere. You hanghere. (Givesraspberry (表示輕蔑、嘲笑等的)咂舌聲raspberry n. 覆盆子樹莓Ross: (coming back in) Did you say something?Rachel: No, just singing. (Does a little song.)Scene: Beatrice Bridal Shop,Emilys dress.ica and Phoebe are there to pick upBeatrice 比麗斯(神曲中人物)/ Beatrice(女子名 涵義:為他人祈?;蚴顾说?/bridal adj.

24、新娘的 新婚的chez Batrice bridal shopica:Oh my God! Ohh! Look at this one! Its sobeautiful!Phoebe: gettingYeah, but yknow, abou divorced.lf of these aregonna end upThe Saleslady: May I help you ladies?ica: Oh, yes, umm, Im here to pick up a dresshold.t you have onon hold v.拿著 掌控之中The Saleslady: Yes,whats

25、the name, please?ica: Emily Walm.The Saleslady: Yes!I have it right here. (Phoebe andica both m?gasp atthe dress.)Would you liketo try it on Ms. Walgasp atv.對.大吃一驚ica:(laughs) Okay.Time lapse. the mirror.ica is wearing thedress and starring atherselfinstar v.當(dāng)主演Phoebe: Youre the most beautifulbride

26、Ive ever seen.ica: I am, arent I?The Saleslady:Ms. Walm?ica: Yes?The Saleslady:Were closing要打烊了.ica:. (Goes to take off the dress.)The Saleslady:And could I get my ring back?(She disgustedly takes the ringond gives it back.)disgustedly adv.厭煩地Scene: Joeys bedroom, heroll him over.oring again and Cha

27、ndleris there toChandler:buddy, timeto roll over. (Rolls him over, anddiscovers a surprise) (Looking down) No-no! (Covers his eyes) No, no- n-n-n-no! You are going to a clinic! Youre going to a clinic, and a pyjama store!pyjama adj.睡衣褲的Scene:ica and Rachels,ica isng the dishes.ica: Does she use the

28、cups?Yes! I beve she does. Does she usethe plates? Yes! I be stops.)veshedoes. (Looks at the wedding dress andTime lapse,ica is and is making like shenow iswearing the nking her Dr. Fraiserdress whilengthe dishesguests for coming Crane!toherwedding. Paging Dr. Crane.page v.給.當(dāng)侍從ica:coming.Oh.nk you.

29、 Ohhh,nk youvery much. Oh,nkyoufor(Theres a knock onthe door.) Uh, justa second!Phoebe:No-no, let me in!ica:Phoebe?Phoebe:Yeah!ica:Canyoujust holfor one minute?Phoebe:No,youhave to let me in right now!ica:Areyoualone?Phoebe:Yes!ica:.(She goes over and lets Phoebe bounce in wearing dress.)her own wed

30、dingScene: Chandler and Joeys, Joey is complaining clinic.about going to theJoey: Thicks! I didnt know I had to stay up all night before Iwent to this stusleep clinic! Im so tired!Chandler: Its 6:00.Joey: Yeah, wellRachel: (entering) Hi!Chandler: Hey, I heart you and Joshua are going out to dinnerwi

31、th Ross and Emily, and I thinkts, I thinkts really cool.Joey: Yeah, Rach, I think youre handlingt really well.Rachel: Handling it? What do you mean, handling it? Theres nothing to handle. Now, maybe I would have a problem with this if it wasnt for me and Joshua. Yknow, theyre not gonna get married a

32、nyway!Chandler: What?Rachel: Come on! They rushedo this thing so fast its ridiculous!I mean, theyre gonna be engaged for like what? A year? And somewhere along the way, one of them is gonna realise what theyvee and theyre call the whole thing off. Imling ya, youregonna be dancing at my weddingbefore

33、 youre dancing at theirs.rusho v.倉促行動Chandler: Yeah, well, Itdance at weddings.Rachel: Why not?Chandler: Because weddings area great place to meet women, and whenI dance, I look like this (Starts to dancing really, really, reallybadly. Ross enters behind him and he stops.)Ross: Heyman.Chandler:Hey!R

34、oss: So,what are you guysng fourksfrom today?Chandler:Nothing.Rachel: Nothing.Joey: I am (Looks in his date book.) free!Ross: Great! Because Emily and I are gettingmarried in ath!Joey and Chandler: What?!Ross: Yep!Rachel: In ath?Ross: Yeah!Rachel: You mean, you mean 30 days?Ross: Yeah.Rachel: From n

35、ow?Ross: Yeah.Rachel: Well,ts great.Ross: Yeah! Yeah,beautiful placeEmily t h mean,always wanted to get marriedhisarents got married, but its going to beI-I know its crazy, but everything uptiltorn down, so now has been so Yknow?Icrazy, and It know, this just feels right.tear down v.拆除 扯下Joey: (stil

36、l looking in menstruating! (They alldate lookbook) Hey!ts the day after I stop at him.) This isnt mine.menstruate vi.來潮COMMERL BREAKScene:Central Perk, Rachel is waiting impatiently for Joshua.Joshua:(entering) Hey, Rachel.Rachel:Hi!Joshua:Whats up? Youre voiounded all squeaky on the phone.squeakyad

37、j.發(fā)短促尖聲的Rachel:Ohh, nothing, I just wanted to see you. See you and hug you.(Hugs him) See you.Joshua:Great!Rachel:Yeah! (She sits down) Sit!Joshua:(sitting) You okay?Rachel: why?Im moren okay, I am really, really happy! WannaknowJoshua:?Rachel:Cause I am really happy about us. I think weare, I we ar

38、ethink working,we are so on the right track! Yknow? I mean, I think I think we are clicking. Yknow?clicking:In normal context, clicking refers to a noise made by a finger.here means get along with each other very wellthumb andJoshua: Yeah, sure-sure, yeah, were-were-were-were-wereclicking.Rachel: Ye

39、ah-yeah, yknow if-if there was just like one little areawhere It I think we needwe would need to work on; I-I wouldthink it was were just not crazy enough!Joshua: I-I gotta say, I-I-I-Im not too sureI agree witht.Rachel: Well, yeah, right, yknow what? Yeah, we no, we have our fun. Yeah! But if (Grun

40、ts mean, I mean like craaaazy! Yknow?youre right, I mean,prehensible)Igrunt(表示煩惱等)發(fā)哼聲/prehensible adj.不能理解的Joshua: Are yougonna putont cheerleader outfitagain?Rachel: No. Youwish.Okay,. Thisis gonna, thisjust go with it.is gonna sound yknow, alittle umm, hasty, but uh,Umm. Ugh. What if we got marrie

41、d?go with 順從.的趨勢/go with it 聽著吧Joshua: What?! (Gunther is listening in.)listen in v.偷聽Rachel: Oh, I Whoa! Can weknow, I know, its-its so, its sototally like,do this? Yknow, I mean, but I mean it just feels you think? It does! I mean, it just feels right,right!you think?ttJoshua: Wow! Uhh, Rachel div

42、orce isnt final yet Im thinking No, butuhh, youre a real spe l lady, but my and, and, and weve been on four dates, nks.soGunther: YOU IDIOT!Scene: The Sleep Clinic, Joey is having trouble staying awake.SleepClinic Worker: Your name, please?Joey:Joey Tribbiani.SleepClinic Worker: Um-hmm, and did you

43、stay up all night inpreparation for your sleep study. (Joey doesnt answer) Uh, sir?(Joey startoring)in preparation for adv.為.準(zhǔn)備Chandler: (answering for him) Yes he did.Sleep Clinic Worker:, well call you in a few minutes.(As she leaves, a beautiful woman enters and sits down across from the boys.)ac

44、ross from adv.在.對面Chandler: (waking Joey) Hey, check outt girl! She is reallyhot!Joey: (slely) Yeah, she is. Wow! (Falls back asleep, loudly)Howyoun?(Chandler wakes him up, again.)Joey: What?!Chandler: Youre coming onto the entire room! (He goes over topickup a stack of magazines next to her, and to

45、 get her attention, he throws them back down.) Im Ce on to v.開始 興盛/come onto/a stack of 一堆Woman: Im Marjorie.Chandler: Hi.Marjorie:Hi.Chandler:Youmind ifIMarjorie:No,please.(He sits downnext toher.)Chandler:So uh,whatare you in for 你因?yàn)槭裁炊鴣磉@里看病?Marjorie:I talky sleep.Chandler:Whoincidence, I listeny

46、sleep.Joey: (asleep)Sowhytyou give me your number?Scene:icaand Rachels,ica and Phoebe, still defying reality,are now throwing a bouqueeach other, pretending wedding.tocatchtheactual bouquean actualdefy v.抗拒/ throw bouquev.贊美/bouquet n.花束bouquetica:Okay, ready?Phoebe:Yeah.ica:Okay.(She turns around a

47、nd throws the bouquet to Phoebe.)Phoebe:(catching it) I got it! Mine! (They both hug)ica:Congratulations!Phoebe:nk you!ica:Okay! My turn! My turn!my turn 換我了Phoebe: Okay! (Getsoition) Okay, ready?ica: (cocking her head catching ritual) Yeah.from side toside in some pre-bouquet-cock v.使歪斜使轉(zhuǎn)向/from禮節(jié)si

48、de to sideadv.從一端到另一端/ritual n.典禮 ()儀式Phoebe:Okay.(Phoebe turns and throwsit on the couch.)ica:(upset)t was a terrible throw!Phoebe:Imnot gonna right to you!ts not real!ica:Lookatmyme! My big concernGod. Were reallyis whats real?! sad, arent we?(Finallyrealises) Ohsad adj.的Phoebe:Yeah, Ithink we are

49、.ica:This isnt even my dress.Phoebe:Well,east you didntrent yours from astorecalled,Its Not Too Late.ica:Im changing out of this.Phoebe:.ica:In like a half-hour?Phoebe:.ica:Okay, throw it straight this time.Phoebe:Okay.(She throws it straight, andica makes a big deal it.)aboatchingmake a big deal ou

50、t of(about) v.大題小做 大驚小怪ica: Im getting married next!Phoebe: Yay!Scene: Central Perk,ica and Phoebe, back to reality, are sittingin normalclothes.Phoebe:knowIthate my regular clothes now! Yknow? I look this isnt gonna be the most spel day ofdown and-and my life.Iica:Yeah. I mean it was kinda funfor a

51、 while, butdidnt youstart feeling silly?for a while adv.暫時/silly adj.愚蠢的無聊的Phoebe: I guess.(ica crosses her legs and is stillwearingthegarterbelt.)garter belt n.吊襪腰帶/garter n.吊襪帶Phoebe:Oh my God!ica:Oh God.Phoebe:Oh, youre such a cheater!cheatern.Chandler: (entering)o! Little ones.ica:Hey!Phoebe:Hey

52、!ica:So, is Joeygonna stop snoring?Chandler: Yep! And!(Theyre stunned.)A beautiful woman agreedto go out with me.Joey wanted to ask her out, but uh, shckedme.Phoebe: Oh, howdppen?Chandler: Because Im cooler.ica: No, seriously.Chandler: Well shes, shes the kinda girlJoey was unconscious.unconscious a

53、dj.失去知覺的 無意識的 睡著的(Joey enters, wearing a mouth guard like boxers wear.)bower n.拳擊手 拳師mouth guardJoey: (muffled by the mouth guard) Hey you guys! Whats happening?muffle v.包 蒙住 壓抑(聲音)ica: Oh my God!Phoebe: What ist?Joey: (muffled) Oh, they gave it to me at the sleep clinic, and itsgonna help me not to

54、 snore.ica: Well, are you asleep right now, Joe?you have to wear it unless you are!Cause It thinkJoey: (takes out the mouth guard) I know Igood. (Puts it back in.)veto! It tastesChandler: Plus, you look cool.(Joey totally agrees with this sement andkicks hisfeet up.)kick up v.踢起kick ones feet upScen

55、e: finally.ica and Rachels,ica is putting away the wedding dress,put away v.把.收起 放好ica:Hope I didnt stretch EmiIys dress.Phoebe:Your butts nott much biggern hers.Rachel:(entering fromher bedroom) Well, Ijust called JoshuaPhoebe:Oh, how did itgo?Rachel:Well, I did mybest to convince himt Im not some

56、crazygoing through a hard time.girl who is dying to get marriedIm justPhoebe: What did he say?Rachel: Well uh, his answering feel blue.machine was very understanding. Ugh. Iunderstanding n.理解 諒解/blueadj.憂郁的 沮喪的ica: Ohh, stie! (Goes tocomfort her.) Hey, I bet you anythingt 我絕對相信 hes gonna call you ag

57、ain.Rachel: Yeah, maybe, but It think I evencare. It think t I saidt I amhes the one Im sad totally okay with Ross think Im handling itabout. Yknow, I knowgetting married, but asit turns out, Itallt well.Phoebe:Yeah, maybe.Rachel:And I-I am just trying to figure out why.Phoebe:Any luck?luck vi.湊巧碰上

58、偶爾發(fā)現(xiàn)Rachel: Well, yeah, yknow how Ross and I were on again, ogain,on again, o road, we wouldgain? I guess I just figuredt somewhere down the be on again.on again and ogain 分分合合ica: Again.Yknow what? I think we all did.Ross: (entering) Hey!ica: Hey! (She jumps up and throws Emilys wedding dresso Rach

59、els room.)Ross: So, I got us some reservations for Sunday night, okay? Howabout, Ernies at 9 oclock?Rachel: Yeah,well, you uh, better make it for three.Ross: Oh, seeI-It know if were gonna begry at three.Rachel: Threepeople. Joshuas not gonna be there.Ross: Whappened?Rachel: Uh, well, I think, I think he broke up with me.Ross: Noo. Why?Ra


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