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1、英語(yǔ)基礎(chǔ)寫作1授課教案臨沂師范學(xué)院外國(guó)語(yǔ)學(xué)院2008-2009學(xué)年第一學(xué)期英語(yǔ)基礎(chǔ)寫作1教案教材:英語(yǔ)寫作手冊(cè),丁往道主編,授課人:邢元平王之波2008年9月ContentsA Brief Introduction of the Course 1 period Chapter One Using Proper Words 5 periods Chapter Two Making Correct and Effective Sentences 6 periods Chapter Three Developing Paragraphs 6 periods Chapter Four Composin

2、g Essays 8 periodsve Manuscript Form and Punctuation 4 periodsx Practical Writing (1) 2 periods授課 A Brief Introduction of A Basic Course in English Writing題目教學(xué)Grasp the characters, aim, important and difficult points, learning methods and 目的the requirements of the tests of the course.與要求教學(xué)方Discussio

3、n, Explanation,Group Activity 法與手段The criterion of a good composition 教學(xué)The writing process of a good composition 重點(diǎn)與難點(diǎn)Week 1 1 period授課時(shí)間 授課學(xué)時(shí)A brief introduction of English Basic WritingIts characters, aim, important and difficult points, learning methods and therequirements of the tests.What is a

4、 Good WritingAs Earnest Boyer says: Clear writing leads to clear thinking; clear thinking is 教the basis of clear writing. Perhaps more than any other forms of ommunication,學(xué)writing holds us responsible for our words and ultimately makes us more內(nèi) thoughtful human beings.容 2.1 What is writingThe dicti

5、onary defines writing as relating or communicating byformingsymbols on a surface with a pen, pencil, or other tools. The keywords here arerelating and communicating. Written ideas are usually meant to pass on a message.2.2 What is a good WritingThe basic principles of a good writing are as the follo

6、ws: honesty, clarity, brevity, and variety1.Being honest: don?t try to fake your ideas.2.Being clear: don?t puzzle your readers.3.Being brief: don?t waste your reader?s time.4.Seeking variety: to vary sentence length; to work on liveliness.He still mentions other attributes of effective writing:good

7、humor, good sense, vitality, imagination ” . If you can master the four essentials -honesty, clarity,brevity, and variety, you?ll be a competent writer.2.3 Differences between Chinese Writing and English WritingWriting in a foreign language at first may seem to be much likewriting in our native lang

8、uage, but of course it isn?t. These differences exist because each culture has its own special way of thinking. And how a person thinks largely determines how he writes. Thus, in order to write well in English, a student should first understand how English speakers usually arrange their ideas. This

9、arrangement ofideas can be called a Thought Pattern.A basic feature of the English paragraph is that it normally followsa straight line of development. This English thought pattern is important for a writer to understand. The paragraph often begins with a statement of its central idea, known as topi

10、c sentence, followed by a series of sub-divisions of the central. Thesesub-divisions have the purpose of developing the topic sentence, preparing for the addition of other ideas in latter paragraphs. In following a direct line ofdevelopment, an English paragraph is very different, for instance, from

11、 an oriental paragraph, which tends to follow a circular line of development. It also differs from a Semitic paragraph, which tends to follow parallel lines of development.It is generally accepted that “Chinese thought pattern iscircular. The idea isintroduced and as the idea is developed or the con

12、versation processes, eachloop comes closer to the point until the main issue is finally addressed. Incontrast, English thought is linear.The second area of differences between Chinese and English writing is inobjectivity. Generally speaking,“ Chinese writing is verypersonal ” . TheChinese writer spe

13、nds a great deal of effort telling the reader how he feels,Hiswanting the reader to feel the same way. The Chinese writer writes from insideof the event or issue. “The English writer is more objective.reader wouldsay, Don?t tell me how you feel, tell me what happens. I will decide how Ifeel.In writi

14、ng, “English emphasizes creativity and individualism.A compositionis a reflection of the person who is doing writing. Freshness and originality arepraised. However, Chinese writing honors the use of proverbs like “No pains,no gains. And “Time flies like an arrow. Chinese also values models andimitat

15、ion in writing.In pervasive writing, “Chinese are more militant in their language and tone.The imperative is much more common. Phrases such as “ We must , Youshould ,or absolutely are frequently see n. A western writer would state hispoint and let the facts and logic speak for themselves.The last ar

16、ea in which Chinese Writing differs from westernwriting is in thearea of stating a moral or specific lesson to be learned from an issue or event.First of all, to a westerner, not every issue has a moral that needs to beemphasized. Secondly, in some cases he would feel the lesson one personlearns may

17、 be different from what another person learns. And third, the moralor the lesson may be clearly presented in the story and to restateit as a specificpoint would be redundant or trite.2.4 Writing ProcessWriting gives you the freedom to express yourself. Unlike conversation, it also allows you with th

18、e luxury to refine your wording before you let anyone else see it.So the“classroom writing is a kindof five-step process writing: generatingidea, organizing these ideas, writing,revising and editing.Example:Topic: The accidentIntroduction: I. People must stay calm when they see an accident because m

19、anybad things will happen if they don?t.Transition: II. Many lives can be saved by remaining relaxed during a crisis.Body : A. Call B. Help C. WaitConclusion: III. It may not be easy to stay controlled in emergency situations, butit is absolutely necessary思考What are the differences of Chinese Writin

20、g and English Writing?與練習(xí)齊宗一.英語(yǔ)寫作入門.科學(xué)普及出版社,1993.6. H315/Q132:1參毛榮貴.英語(yǔ)寫作縱橫談.上海外語(yǔ)教育出版社,1998.02.H315/M198:1考張弘.大學(xué)英語(yǔ)寫作理論與實(shí)踐.東北林業(yè)大學(xué)出版社.2003.07資Harmer, J. The Practice of English Language Teaching. London: PearsonEducation Limited, 料2003.課 Strategies: The teacher checks the students for comments and feed

21、back.后Purpose: checking for understanding. 分析授Chapter One Using Proper Words 課題 目 教學(xué) 目 的 Teach students to use proper words while writing.與要求教學(xué)方Discussion, explanation,exploring, project and presentation法與手段教學(xué)General and special words, synonyms 重點(diǎn)與難點(diǎn)授課時(shí)間 Week 1,2,3 授課學(xué)時(shí)5 periodsTypes of wordsCommon

22、words: the core of the English vocabulary.Formal words: used by people of special professions or fields, onspecial occasions or for special purposes.Nonstandard words: understand but avoid using them.Types of words have much to do with style.Choice of wordsuse common or informal words for general pu

23、rposes; use formal or nonstandard words only special occasions or for special purposes;use specific and concrete words when giving details; use general or abstract words when making summaries;use idiomatic expressions and words in acceptable collocations;avoid combinations that are unidiomatic;Both

24、general and specific words are useful in writing. When we describe or explain things, 教 or when we give details, we should try to use specific or concrete words wherever possible, for學(xué) they are vivid, exact and interesting; when we summarize or generalize, we may find general orabstract words useful

25、. 內(nèi)Synonyms 容Definition: words different in sound and spelling but more nearly alike or exactly the same in meaning.Types of synonymsabsolute synonyms: scarlet-fever/ scarlatinaRelative synonyms: change/ alter/ varyDiscrimination of synonymsSome good dictionariesLongman Dictionary of Contemporary En

26、glishOxford Advanced Learner?s Dictionary of Current EnglishCollins Cobuild English Language DictionaryWebster?s New World DictionaryDictionaries of idiomsDictionaries of collocationsDictionaries of synonyms and thesauri考與 Sandstorm思 Write a short paragraph about the following topic: gives a great i

27、nfluence on people?s life and environment練 Pay attention to the words you use and try to use the most properones.習(xí)1 丁往道主編,英語(yǔ)寫作手冊(cè),外語(yǔ)教學(xué)與研究出版社,2004.參2王西玲主編,遣詞?造句?組段,西北工業(yè)大學(xué)出版社,2004.考3 Harmer, J. How to Teach English. Beijing: Foreign LanguageTeaching and Research 資料 Press, 2000.課 Strategies: The teacher

28、 checks the students for comments andfeedback.后Purpose: checking for understanding. 分析授課 Chapter Two Making Correct and Effective Sentences 題目 教學(xué)目的Teach students to make correct and effective sentences與要求教學(xué)方Analysis, explanation, discussion, group activities, project andpresentation法與手段教學(xué)重Completene

29、ss in structure, clear pronoun , reference, unity,coherence點(diǎn)與難點(diǎn)Week 4,5,6授課時(shí)間 授課學(xué)時(shí)6 periods1. Correct sentencesAll kinds of writing are made up of sentences. If we want to write well, we should learnto write correct and good sentences. In this section, we shall talk about the requirements of a corre

30、ct sentence.Completeness in structureThe right subjectAgreement between the subject and the predicate verbClear pronoun referenceEnding sentences with full stops教 Joining clauses with conjunctions學(xué) A main clause in a complex sentenceProper use of comparisons 內(nèi)Correct use of the tense 容 2. Coordinati

31、on and subordinationThe choice of coordination or subordination is mainly decided by the relationship betweenthe ideas to be expressed.3. Effective sentencesUnityCoherenceConcisenessEmphasisVarietyChoose one of the following topics and free write for 10 minutes.Share your ideas withanother person in

32、 the class. Do not make any marks on the paper, just try to get the main point.Write three suggestions and several sentences to your partner.考 Topics: 與 a. a custom in your country 練習(xí) b. your schoolyour favorite food2004;參2004。資a recent trip丁往道主編,英語(yǔ)寫作手冊(cè),外語(yǔ)教學(xué)與研究出版社,考2王西玲主編,遣詞?造句?組段,西北工業(yè)大學(xué)出版社,料課 Strat

33、egies: The teacher checks the students for comments and feedback.后Purpose: checking for understanding. 分析授課 Chapter Three Developing Paragraphs 題目教學(xué)目的 Teach students to write and organize paragraphs與要求教方法 Peer checking, group activities, explanation, project amdexpressions與手段教學(xué)重點(diǎn)Different ways of de

34、veloping a paragraph 與難點(diǎn)Week 7,8,9授課時(shí)間 授課學(xué)時(shí)6 periodsTypes of paragraphWays of developing a paragraphPlanning a paragraph 教 2.2 Developing by time學(xué) 2.3 Development by processDevelopment by space 內(nèi)Development by example 容Development by comparison and contrastDevelopment by cause and effectDevelopment

35、by classificationAnalysis of some sample paragraphsBelow is a set of effects that are given in no particular order.Decide which of the effectsare immediate and which are remote. Then organize them into anoutline for an essay. Chooseone of effects to develop a paragraph.思考 The Effects of Watching Tel

36、evision:與 1. People get fat. 練習(xí) 2. There are more divorces.More people get eyestrain.There is more violent crime in our cities.丁往道主編,英語(yǔ)寫作手冊(cè),外語(yǔ)教學(xué)與研究出版社,2004.參考2王西玲主編,遣詞?造句?組段,西北工業(yè)大學(xué)出版社,2004.資料3 Byrne, D. Teaching Writing Skills. London: London CurriculumResearch, 1988;課 Strategies: The teacher checks

37、 the students for comments andfeedback.后Purpose: checking for understanding. 分析授課 Chapter Four Composing Essays 題目教學(xué)目的 Teach students to write an essay. 與要求教學(xué)方法 Seminar, group activities, project and presentation與手段教學(xué)重占 八Different types of writing and their respective unique features與難點(diǎn)Week 10,11,12

38、,13 授課時(shí)間 授課學(xué)時(shí)8 periodsCriteria of a good compositionIt should have something interesting and /or important, and ifpossible, something new, tosay and that this ,something? is expressed clearly, accurately, andappropriately.Steps in writing a compositionPlanning a compositionWriting the first draft教 2

39、.3 Revising the first draftMaking the final copy 學(xué)Three main parts of a composition內(nèi) 3.1 the beginning容 3.2 the middle3.3 the endTypes of writing. NarrationDescriptionExpositionArgumentationChoose one of the topics and write a composition about 120 words.A visit to my hometown (or a city)(for your r

40、eference: when you paid the visit; what kind of weatherit was; where you went;思 who went with you; what you did and saw on the way; the route thatyou followed; when you 考與 started back home )練 2. A traffic accident 習(xí)(for your reference: when you went out; whether you walked or wentby bus; what yousa

41、w on the way; how the traffic accident happened; any person was injured in the accident;when the ambulance or policemen arrived; what you did there)丁往道主編,英語(yǔ)寫作手冊(cè),外語(yǔ)教學(xué)與研究出版社,2004.參2王西玲主編,段落?短文,西北工業(yè)大學(xué)出版社,2004.考資3 Harmer, J. How to Teach English. Beijing: Foreign LanguageTeaching and Research 料 Press, 2

42、000. 課 Strategies: The teacher checks the students for comments and feedback. 后Purpose: checking for understanding. 分析授課 Chapter Five Manuscript Form and Punctuation 題目教學(xué)目的 Understand manuscript form and know how to use punctuation properly與要求教學(xué)方Project and presentation, discussion and peer checking教學(xué)重Have a systematic knowledge of punctuation, and try to distinguish them from Chinese ones 點(diǎn)與難點(diǎn)Week 14,15授課時(shí)間 授課學(xué)時(shí)4 periodsManuscript Form 教 1.1 arrangement 學(xué) 1.2 word divisioncapitalization


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