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1、Lesson 29 Come in, Amy. 進(jìn)來,艾米。語音-語調(diào).在英語中最主要的升調(diào)和降調(diào).陳述句和以wh-開頭的特 殊疑問句用降調(diào),即在句子的最后一個重讀音節(jié)語調(diào)下降.eg. This is a good picture.Hes never beenthere.Sue likes thefilm.Whats the matter?How much is the map?Where did you go yesterday?Why are you late?.需要用yes或no回答的一般疑問句用升調(diào),即在最后一 個重讀音節(jié)語調(diào)上升.eg. May I try?Has john put

2、on weight?Do you like sweet things?Do you want to have a smoke?.在選擇問句中,or之前用升調(diào),or之后用降調(diào).eg. Shall we go on Friday or Saturday?Would you like to have the red one or the blue one?Can I keep the books for one week or two weeks?New Words and expressions 生詞和短語shutv.bedroomn.untidyadj.must modal verbopenv.

3、airv.putv.clothesn.wardroben.dustv.mopn.sweepv.shut v.關(guān)門close v.關(guān)關(guān)門臥室亂,不整齊必須,應(yīng)該打開使通風(fēng),換換空氣放置衣服大衣柜揮掉灰塵士拖把掃shut the door/ close the doorshut the window /close the windowshut up!關(guān)上門關(guān)上窗尸閉嘴bedroom n.臥室living roomn.客廳=sitting roomkitchenn.廚房tolietn.廁所dining roomn.餐廳n.書房studybalconyn.陽臺basement n.地下室bathroo

4、mn.衛(wèi)生局,洗澡間untity adj.舌L,不整齊un前綴具有否定意思tidy整齊的untidy亂,不整齊happy快樂的,幸福的unhappy不快樂的,不高興的fair公平的unfair不公平的fortunately幸運地 fortune 運氣/fortunate 幸運的unfortunately不幸運地must modal verb必須,應(yīng)該情態(tài)動詞can能夠,會should應(yīng)該may可以,可能情態(tài)動詞沒有人稱和數(shù)的變化,含有情態(tài)動詞的句子,其 否定句是在情態(tài)動詞后面加not,疑問句是把情態(tài)動詞提前.eg. You must shut the door.你必須關(guān)門.He must op

5、en the window.他必須打開窗尸.They must look at the blackboard.他們必須看黑板.We must go to school.他們必須去上學(xué).否定句是在must后面力口 not.must not = mustnt 決不能,決不可以eg. She must not open the window.她決對不可以開窗片.You must not play with fire.你們千萬不要玩笑.They mustnt watch TV.他們不可以看電視.She mustnt go out.她不可以出去.疑問句是把must前提,肯定回答:Yes,主+ must.

6、是的,必須否定回答:No,主+neednt不,不必了Must we go to school?我們必須去上學(xué)嗎?Yes, you must.是的,必須Must they clean the room?你們必須打掃房間嗎?No, they neednt.不,不必了.Must we copy these letters?我們必須抄這些信件嗎?No, you neednt不,不必了.Must she answer the question?她必須回答這個問題嗎?Yes, she must.是的,必須.No, she neednt不,不必了.open adj. 開著的反義詞shut或closeopen

7、 minded:開明的,愿意考慮不同意見和想法的eg. My mother is open-minded.我的媽媽思想很開明.open v. 打開open your mouth張開你的嘴opening time:開放時間,營業(yè)時間air1. v.使通風(fēng),換換空氣air the room 給房間通風(fēng)1. n.空氣(不可數(shù)名詞)eg. Lets go out and breathe some fresh air.咱們出去呼吸一些新鮮空氣吧!air bed氣墊air mattress充氣床墊air-conditioner空調(diào)put v. 放置put sth +介詞短語把放在地方eg. Put you

8、r coat on the chair.把你的外套放在椅子上.Put these boxeson the floor.把這些箱子放在地板上.clothes n.衣服clothes hanger衣服掛clothes horse晾衣架(室內(nèi))clothes line晾衣繩clothes peg (Br)衣架clothes pin (Am)衣架clothes tree衣帽架,放衣架wardrobe n. 大衣相eg. There are some clothes in the wardrobe.有一些衣服在衣柜里.Put these boxes on the floor.把這些箱子放在地板上.dus

9、tv.彈掉灰塵dust the dressing table.彈掉梳妝臺上的灰塵.n.灰塵(不可數(shù)名詞)eg. There is some dust on the desk.在書桌上面有些灰塵.sweep v.掃sweep the floor 掃地TEXT課文Listen to the text and answer the question:What must Amy do to clean the room?艾米應(yīng)該做什么來整理房間呢?How must Amy clean the floor? Sweep it.艾米需要如何來清掃地面?掃地MRS. JONES: Come in, Amy.

10、瓊斯夫人:進(jìn)來,艾米。MRS. JONES: Shut the door, please.瓊斯夫人:請把門關(guān)上。MRS. JONES: This bedrooms very untidy.瓊斯夫人:這臥室太不整潔了。MAY: What must I do, Mrs. Jones?艾米:我應(yīng)該做些什么呢,瓊斯夫人?MRS. JONES: Open the window and air the room.瓊斯夫人:打開窗子,給房間通通風(fēng)。MRS. JONES: Then put these clothes in the wardrobe.瓊斯夫人:然后把這些衣服放進(jìn)衣櫥里去。MRS. JONES:

11、 Then make the bed.瓊斯夫人: 再把床整理一下。MRS. JONES: Dust the dressing table.瓊斯夫人: 揮掉梳妝臺上的灰塵。MRS. JONES: Then sweep the floor.瓊斯夫人: 然后掃掃地。課文講解:A: Come in, Amy.進(jìn)來,艾米。A: Shut the door, please.請把門關(guān)上。這是一句祈使句,祈使句一般省略主語you,動詞要 用原形.祈使句用來表示宜接的命令,建議,告誡或邀請等多 種意思.eg. Give me some glasses, please.請給我一些玻璃杯.Shut the door

12、.關(guān)門Go and buy some new clothes.去買些新衣服.A: Come in, Amy.進(jìn)來 Amy.(祈使句)Shut the door, please.請把門關(guān)上。(祈使句)祈使句的否定句就是在祈使句前面加個donteg. Dont open the door!別開門!Dont shut the window!別關(guān)窗!Dont give me this magazine.不要給我這本雜志.Dont put your dress on the bed.不要把你的連衣裙放在床上.否定句: Dont shut the door, please!請另 U關(guān)門.A: This b

13、edrooms very untidy.bedroom s=bedroom is這臥室太不整潔了。What must I do, Mrs. Jones?我必須做些什么呢.瓊斯夫人?這句話即有情態(tài)動詞 must,又有實意動詞do.實意 動詞是指有實在意義的動詞,如:eat (吃),drink (喝).含有系動詞be的特殊疑問句的結(jié)構(gòu);特殊疑問詞+be+主語含有實義動詞的特殊疑問句的結(jié)構(gòu):特殊疑問句+助動詞或情態(tài)動詞+主語+謂語eg. What must I do? 我應(yīng)該做什么?what:特殊疑問句must: 情態(tài)動詞I :主語do:謂語eg. What must he do?他應(yīng)該做什么?Wh

14、at must they do?他們必須做什么?A: Open the window and air the room.打開窗子,給房間通通風(fēng)。(祈使句,省略了主語you.)A: Then put these clothes in the wardrobe.然后把這些衣服放進(jìn)衣櫥里去。then表示然后eg. Eat some bread, then drink some water.吃些面包,然后喝些水.put sth +介詞短語eg. Put the trousers on the bed.把褲子放在床上.A: Then make the bed.再把床整理一下。A: Dust the dr

15、essing table.揮掉梳妝臺上的灰塵。A: Then sweep the floor.然后掃掃地。make the bed 整理床dust在這里是做動詞,表示彈掉灰塵.Lesson 30 What must I do? 我必須做什么呢?New Words and expressions 生詞和短語emptyv.倒空,使變空readv.讀sharpenv.削尖,使鋒利put on穿上take off退掉turn on開(電燈)turn off關(guān)(電燈)clothesn.衣服clothn.布dustv.揮掉灰塵cleanv.清潔clearv.清除wipev.擦去cleanse klenzv

16、.用水清除dustmann.清潔工dustpann.畚箕emptyv,倒空,使變空empty the bottleempty the boxadj. 空的empty glassempty roomread v.讀read some books倒空瓶子倒這個箱子弄空空玻璃杯空房子讀一些書讀報紙read a newspaper sharpen v,削尖,使鋒利sharpen the pencilsharpen the knives sharp adj.鋒禾U削鉛筆磨刀eg. There pencils are sharp.這些鉛筆很尖鋒利.put on 穿上put on the shirt/ pu

17、t the shirt on/put it on穿上襯衣put on your trousers/ put your trousers on/put them on穿上褲子put on 戴上put on your tie/ put your tie on/put it on戴上領(lǐng)帶take off 脫掉take off your shoes/take your shoes off/take them off脫下你的鞋take off your tie/take your tie off/take it off摘下領(lǐng)帶take off your glasses/take your glasses

18、 off/take them off摘下眼鏡turn on開(接通電源或放水)turn on the light/turn the light on/turn it on打開燈turn on the tap/turn the tap on/turn it on打開水龍頭turn off關(guān)(關(guān)掉電源,水)turn off the lamp/turn the lamp off/turn it off關(guān)掉臺燈turn off the stereo/ turn the stereo off/turn it off關(guān)掉音響Exercise AExample: The cup isnt empty. Em

19、pty it!The window isnt clean. clean it.The door isnt shut. shut it.The wardrobe isnt open. open it.還有一些具有名詞性,又具有動詞性.aireg. The air isnt fresh in the room.這個房間的空氣不新鮮.Air the room!通通風(fēng).dusteg. There is a lot of dust on the table.桌子上有很多灰塵.Dust it!揮去灰塵.Exercise B下面做一些祈使句的練習(xí).打開你的手提包Open your bag.合上你的書.Shu

20、t your book./ Close your book.帶上你的手表.Put on your watch./ Put your watch on./ Put it on.脫下你的襪子.Take off your socks./Take your socks off./Take them off.不要開燈.Dont turn on the light./Dont turn the light on./ Dont turn it on.不要關(guān)掉電視機(jī).Dont turn off the TV./Dont turn the TV off./ Dont turn it off.洗一洗車.Clean the car.打掃一下房間.Clean the room.彈掉梳妝臺上的灰塵.Dust the dressing table.不要倒掉杯子中的水.Dont empty the bottle.削這些鉛筆Sharp


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