



1、2022-2023學年高考英語模擬試卷考生須知:1全卷分選擇題和非選擇題兩部分,全部在答題紙上作答。選擇題必須用2B鉛筆填涂;非選擇題的答案必須用黑色字跡的鋼筆或答字筆寫在“答題紙”相應位置上。2請用黑色字跡的鋼筆或答字筆在“答題紙”上先填寫姓名和準考證號。3保持卡面清潔,不要折疊,不要弄破、弄皺,在草稿紙、試題卷上答題無效。第一部分 (共20小題,每小題1.5分,滿分30分)1The Dragon Boat Festival _ the beginning of the hottest season of the year.A is marking B marks C will mark D

2、 marked2The film Mei Lanfang, Li Ming plays the starring role,has again drawn the worlds attention to our traditional Chinese art.AwhatBthatCwhichDwhere3Wild swans _ in the area is a good indication of a better environment.AexhibitionBescapeCabsenceDappearance4It was not until she got home_Jennifer

3、realized she had lost her keys.AwhenBthatCwhereDbefore5We can never expect _ bluer sky unless we create _ less polluted world.Aa; aBa; theCthe; aDthe; the6一Would you be so kind as to take this heavy box upstairs for me?一 AIts my pleasure BHelp yourself CSure,with pleasure DTake your time 7Im not sur

4、e of the reason for the dogs illness, but it _ by eating too much.Amay have been causedBneed have been causedCshould have been causedDmust have been caused8Robert had a comfortable childhood, _up in a pleasant house with a view of the sea.AgrewBgrowingCgrownDto grow9Between the two generations, it i

5、s often not their age, _ their education that causes misunderstanding. Alike Bas Cor Dbut10Every great accomplishment rests on the of what came before it; when you trace it back, youll see one small step that started it all.Areputation BexpectationCrecreation Dfoundation11House prices are usually mu

6、ch higher _ there are subway stations around.AwhereBunlessCwhileDthough12Thank you very much for everything Youve been so helpful ._ _Just let me know if there is anything else I can do for youAWith pleasure BThe pleasure is mineCPlease dont say so DNo, thanks13 Whats wrong with your ipad2? The soun

7、d _is not clear. -Yes. It has been broken for some time.Acome outBcoming outCto come outDcame out14Your donation greatly appreciated and the money will be used to help the students from poor families.Ahas been BisCwas Dhad been15Although Mailer was not alone in welcoming the flowering of creativity,

8、 the authorities hated it, _ did many passengers.AwhichBasCthatDso16Many developing countries are unwilling to pursue their economic development _ destroying the environment despite there being several financial crises.Aat the risk ofBat the cost ofCat the end ofDat the mercy of17A lot of suggestion

9、s were put forward at the meeting, but _ was practical.Anothing BnoneCneither Dno one18I _ to help you to do homework but I couldnt spare any time. I _ a composition last night and Ill finish it tomorrow.Awanted;wroteBhad wanted;was writingChad wanted;wroteDwanted;have been writing19Every man has hi

10、s faults. We should, therefore, lean to be _ of others.AignorantBresponsibleCreliableDtolerant20Water Knows Answers by a Japanese author, _ into 16 languages, has become a best- seller all over the world.Ahaving translatedBto be translatedCbeing translatedDtranslated第二部分 閱讀理解(滿分40分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、

11、C、D四個選項中,選出最佳選項。21(6分) I was in the seventh grade, and we had moved to New Jersey in November. By then, everyone already had had their own friends, and no one wanted to talk to a new girl. To make things worse, they put me in “Section L”. I found out later that everyone called Section L “Loserville”

12、. It was sort of an open secret that it was the section for troublemakers and not-so-smart kids. When I found out, I wanted to scream. I had always been a good student and had amazing friends, and now everyone thought I was a loser!I did text my friends in Illinois almost every night, especially my

13、best friend, Ana. At first my friends wanted to hear all about it. But then some stopped texting back once I said something about how miserable I was. One night when I was texting with Ana, I complained about another friend who had just done that.Anas texts came really fast for the next few minutes

14、and they surprised me. She said that she was tired of hearing about how bad everything was in New Jersey, too. She said she did not want to hurt my feelings but that I needed to stop feeling so sorry for myself all the time, I had to try to make things better.The next day, I thought a lot about what

15、 Ana had said. She was right!I wish I could say that everything changed overnight after that, but it didnt. I was still stuck in “Loserville”, and some people were still mean to me, even though I tried to just stay out of their way.But what did change was meI stopped feeling so sorry for myself and

16、did something about making friends. I signed up to make sets for the school play. I met a lot of new people there, and suddenly I had friends to say hi to in the halls!I still miss Illinois sometimes, but life in New Jersey isnt so hard anymore. Even though I couldnt change my situation, I could cha

17、nge my attitudeand that made all the difference.1、“Loserville” is a section for _.AfailuresBgood studentsCclass secretsDnewcomers2、The writer complained all the time in the new environment because _.AAna didnt text back to herBher friends hurt her feelingsCshe was unfairly treatedDshe was a good stu

18、dent3、What made a difference in changing the situation?AShe went back to Illinois.BShe ended friendship with Ana.CShe fought back with her classmates.DShe began to make friends with others.4、The best title for the passage can be _.ALasting FriendshipBAn Incidence at SchoolCSay Goodbye to “Loserville

19、”DUnhappiness in “Loserville”22(8分) Russ Gremel, now 98 years old, decided it was time to donate $2 million to the Illinois Audubon Society, a charity to purchase nearly 400 acres of land for wildlife protection. Gremel was able to make this amazing donation because he purchased $1,000 worth of Walg

20、reens stock seven decades ago whose value has grown recently.“A single man with no kids, Gremel has lived in the same Chicago house for 95 years, and has always lived simply”, neighbor Patrick Falso told TODAY. Falso said he heard Gremel say many times the “money wasnt mine to begin with” and that h

21、e always intended to give it away.The Gremel Wildlife shelter was founded on June 4. Illinois Audubon Society president Jim Herkert said Gremels donation was extremely generous. “Its allowing us to protect a really valuable and important possession and realize one of Gremels wishes that we could fin

22、d a place where people could come out and experience nature the way he did as a kid,” Herkert told TODAY.After doing all this, this past weekend, Gremel adopted an old Chihuahua(吉娃娃犬). Winnie the dog was picked up as a homeless dog several months ago. She suffered from a kind of cancer, which was tr

23、eatedand all she needed was a loving home, which Colleen Collins, the founder of Perfect Pooches Adoption Agency, was determined to find.Gremel had lost his own beloved Chihuahua earlier this year. When he reached out to Collins about Winnie, she felt this could be a good match. That feeling grew wh

24、en she brought Winnie to his house for a meet and greet, and Winnie was introduced not only to Gremel but also some of his friends and neighbors. One had brought over a lot of fresh strawberries; all said theyd be there to help out in any way needed.1、Patrick Falso is mentioned in the text mainly to

25、 explain _.Ahow Gremel earned the moneyBwhat kind of person Gremel isCwhy Gremel made the donationDwhere Gremel has been living2、What can we learn about Russ Gremel from the text?AHe raised many pet dogs in his life.BHe bought Walgreens stock at age 28.CHe adopted a young Chihuahua recently.DHe volu

26、nteered in wildlife shelters regularly.3、What can we infer about Gremels neighbors from the text?AThey live in harmony with animals.BThey are impressed with dog Winnie.CThey lead a healthy and wealthy life.DThey are caring and kind to each other.23(8分)When asked how technology might improve the live

27、s of people with vision impairments (視力障礙), Joann Becker presented a misleadingly simple challenge. “Well,” the vision impairments tech specialist recalls saying. “Id like to be able to find my bus slop through Be My Eyes”.Be My Eyes, which went live in 2015, establishes a direct video connection be

28、tween visually impaired users and sighted volunteers. The assumption is simple: Many people who are blind dont need any actual assistance in completing their daily tasks, but merely need a little help.A sighted volunteer might be asked to help identify which of two cans contains tomatoes. In this ca

29、se, the visually impaired user can cook a meal just fine on his/her own-all he/she needs is a quick confirmation that he/she has the correct can. The model appears to be working; more than 540,000 volunteers and nearly 40,000 people with low vision are registered on the app.“An elderly woman can now

30、 help a visually impaired technician set up his computer,” says founder Hans Wiberg, who has very low vision. “She doesnt need to know a thing about computers. She only needs to read what is presented on the screen. Then he can do the rest.”Early assistive technology centered on dedicated devices (專

31、用設備), because of the niche market (縫隙市場), which sold for hundreds or even thousands of dollars. But the smartphone, multipurpose and near-universal, has completely changed the economy of scale.“There are larger market forces driving high-powered computation, high-quality engineering and high-quality

32、 battery management in the smartphone market than those in a specialty product,” says Aaron Steinfeld, a research professor at the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University.“The reality is, most sighted people dont know somebody who is blind.” Becker says. “They think the solutions that a bli

33、nd person needs arc far more expansive, it turns out, they need to be. I think these apps are enabling sighted people to see that blind people just need some simple clues to help them do any number of things in their lives.”1、What is the first paragraph used for in the text?AShowing the main idea. B

34、Introducing the topic.CGiving one example. DMaking a conclusion.2、How does the app Be My Eyes work?ABy creating a video link between the dibbled and .sighted one.BBy recognizing which of two cans have tomatoes and cooking.CBy establishing a high-quality engineering and computation.DBy flashing the e

35、veryday tasks of the technician and volunteers.3、From the text we can know .Aonly people with low vision arc registered to use the appBslight assistance can help the blind free from some troublesCvolunteers should be very familiar with high-tech computersDJoann Becker thinks it hard to find a bus st

36、op using Be My Eyes4、What do the 5th and 6th paragraphs mainly mean?ASmartphone market has great economic potential.BThe smartphone becomes a special app.CFine devices have changed the economy.DCost matters when it comes to as5istivc technology.24(8分) Choose Your One-Day-Tours!Tour A - Bath &Stonehe

37、nge including entrance fees to the ancient Roman bathrooms and Stonehenge -37 until 26 March and 39 thereafter. Visit the city with over 2,000 years of history and Bath Abbey, the Royal Crescent and the Costume Museum, Stonehenge is one of the worlds most famous prehistoric monuments dating back ove

38、r 5,000 years.Tour B - Oxford & Stratford including entrance fees to the University St Marys Church Tower and Anne Hathaways -32 until 12 March and 36 thereafter. Oxford: Includes a guided tour of Englands oldest university city and colleges. Look over the “city of dreaming spires(尖頂)” from St Marys

39、 Church Tower. Stratford: Includes a guided tour exploring much of the Shakespeare wonder.Tour C - Windsor Castle &Hampton Court: including entrance fees to Hampton Court Palace -34 until 11 March and 37 thereafter. Includes a guided tour of Windsor and Hampton Court, Henry VILLs favorite palace. Fr

40、ee time to visit Windsor Castle(entrance fees not included).With 500 years of history, Hampton Court was once the home of four Kings and one Queen. Now this former royal palace is open to the public as a major tourist attraction. Visit the palace and its various historic gardens, which include the f

41、amous maze(迷宮) where it is easy to get lost!Tour D Cambridge including entrance fees to the Tower of Saint Mary the Great -33 until 18 March and 37 thereafter. Includes a guided tour of Cambridge, the famous university town, and the gardens of the 18th century.1、Which tour will you choose if you wan

42、t to see Englands oldest university city?ATour ABTour BCTour CDTour D2、Which of the following tours charges the lowest fee on 17 March?AWindsor Castle & Hampton CourtBOxford & StratfordCBath & StonehengeDCambridge3、Why is Hampton Court a major tourist attraction?AIt used to be the home of royal fami

43、liesBIt used to be a well-known mazeCIt is the oldest palace in BritainDIt is a world-famous castle25(10分)We humans are sweet on sugar. That makes sense. All animals need sugar to live. It s the fuel that powers our cells. So it s not surprising that we re born to want the sweet stuff.Sugar stores t

44、he sun s energy like a battery. After a meal,your body breaks down foods into their building blocks. It uses some sugars for energy right away. The rest get stored for the body to break down later. It s a myth that sugar makes you extremely excited, but having a sugary snack can give you a quick bur

45、st of energy. That s because the sugars in sweet foods are easy for your body to turn into fuel. When you eat other kinds of foods,like vegetables, it takes longer for your body to break the sugars down.These days it s easy to find sweet snacks. Sodas, candy, cakes and even foods that seem healthy ,

46、 such as yogurt,can be packed with sugar. Food makers add sugar,because they know that to humans, sweet makes everything taste better. Americans eat about 3 teaspoons of extra sugar everyday. That s way more than what is good for us.Eating too much sugar can cause more than a stomach-ache. It can ma

47、ke people overweight, decay the teeth and even cause diabetes. However, experts aren t worried about naturally sweet foods- the problem is added sugar. So go ahead and enjoy a sweet apple or even a sugar-rich carrot that are also full of vitamins and other good stuff.Even cake is great once in a whi

48、le , as long as you don t overdo it. After all, no one wants life to be dull. And your body needs its fuel!1、The first two paragraphs are mainly developed by _Acause and effect. Bproblem and solution.Cgiving examples . Dmaking comparisons.2、People may be tncked into eating too much sugar because .An

49、o one wants life to be boring.Bwe re born to want the sweet stuff.Cso-called healthy food can be packed with sugar.Dsugar is the fuel for the plants and animals on the Earth.3、What does the author want to stress in Para. 4?AWe d better say no to sweet foods.BExperts are worried about added sugar.CEa

50、ting too much sugar is bad for our health.DWe d better consume sugar from natural sources.4、What can be a suitable title for the text?ASugar Is Everywhere. BSugar Brings Happiness.CWhy Does Sugar Taste So good? DWhy Does Sugar Make Us Fat?第三部分 語言知識運用(共兩節(jié))第一節(jié)(每小題1.5分,滿分30分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的A、B、C和D四個選項

51、中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項26(30分)Its a high-risky, multibillion-dollar industry with tight deadlines, demanding customers and lives in danger.The business is 1 And its booming.The number of jobs for translators and interpreters doubled in the past 10 years while their wages steadily 2 before, during and after

52、 the recession. During a period of stagnating (停滯的) wages across the labor market, the language-service industry with its 50,000 jobs is a 3 spot in the jobs outlook.Lillian Clementi is a French translator working in corporate communications from her home in Arlington, Massachusetts and is routinely

53、 on tight deadlines to hand in translated material. “The risks can be huge,” said Clementi, “Theres tons of 4 pressure.”In some cases, a(n) 5 translation or interpretation is also vital. If a users guide for medical equipment is not translated well, it could lead to 6 during an emergency. Soldiers i

54、n conflict areas require excellent interpreters to speak with community members. Any change of tone or context could put lives 7 Translators and interpreters immunity (免疫力) to the nations economic downturn also 8 the growing demand for people who can speak several languages in an increasingly global

55、ized economy, experts said.“Good translators who 9 a particular subject and become really good at it can really make six-digit figures annually,” said Jiri Stejskal, spokesman for the American Translators Association.Multinational corporations, U.S. demographic (人口的) changes and the Internet economy

56、 raise the need for translated and localized information. Companies increasingly want their content 10 to the tongue of the town, even between dialects of the same language.“As more people 11 the worldwide economy, thats going to drive more commerce, and thats going to drive more language services,”

57、 said Bill Rivers, executive director of the National Council for Language and International Studies in the Washington region. 12 , qualifications for translators and interpreters are not as simple as they may seem. Speaking two languages does not mean a person can work in the language-service indus

58、try, experts said. Learning how to translate or interpret is a 13 skill beyond knowing the language.Furthermore, the most successful translators and interpreters maintain a 14 , such as legal documents, quarterly earnings reports or a special knowledge of industry.Technological advances may cut jobs

59、 in some industries, but online translation services like Google Translate 15 raise demand for human translators and interpreters, experts said. Online sales companies also drive demand for translation.1、AtourismBlanguageCtechnologyDeconomy2、AshrankBchangedCgrewDremained3、AbrightBscenicChistoricDtou

60、gh4、AmoneyBpeerCbloodDtime5、AproperBquickCdirectDinnovative6、AdiseaseBdepressionCviolenceDconfusion7、Ain orderBat riskCunder controlDout of state8、AhighlightsBunderstandsCincreasesDresists9、Aset upBdepend onCspecialize inDobject to10、AlimitedBaccustomedCrelatedDtailored11、Aagree withBhave access toC


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