2023版高三英語主題語境復習方案新教案:第3部分 主題群2 子主題2 人類生存、社會發(fā)展與環(huán)境的關系_第1頁
2023版高三英語主題語境復習方案新教案:第3部分 主題群2 子主題2 人類生存、社會發(fā)展與環(huán)境的關系_第2頁
2023版高三英語主題語境復習方案新教案:第3部分 主題群2 子主題2 人類生存、社會發(fā)展與環(huán)境的關系_第3頁
2023版高三英語主題語境復習方案新教案:第3部分 主題群2 子主題2 人類生存、社會發(fā)展與環(huán)境的關系_第4頁
2023版高三英語主題語境復習方案新教案:第3部分 主題群2 子主題2 人類生存、社會發(fā)展與環(huán)境的關系_第5頁
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1、 子主題(二)人類生存、社會發(fā)展與環(huán)境的關系閱讀理解A(2021全國乙卷C)Youve heard that plastic is polluting the oceansbetween 4.8 and 12.7 million tonnes enter ocean ecosystems every year.But does one plastic straw or cup really make a difference? Artist Benjamin Von Wong wants you to know that it does.He builds massive sculptures

2、 out of plastic garbage, forcing viewers to reexamine their relationship to singleuse plastic products.At the beginning of the year, the artist built a piece called“Strawpocalypse”,a pair of 10foottall plastic waves, frozen midcrash.Made of 168,000 plastic straws collected from several volunteer bea

3、ch cleanups,the sculpture made its first appearance at the Estella Place shopping center in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.Just 9% of global plastic waste is recycled.Plastic straws are by no means the biggest source (來源)of plastic pollution, but theyve recently come under fire because most people dont n

4、eed them to drink with and, because of their small size and weight, they cannot be recycled.Every straw thats part of Von Wongs artwork likely came from a drink that someone used for only a few minutes.Once the drink is gone, the straw will take centuries to disappear.In a piece from 2018, Von Wong

5、wanted to illustrate (說明) a specific statistic:Every 60 seconds, a truckloads worth of plastic enters the ocean.For this work, titled “Truckload of Plastic”,Von Wong and a group of volunteers collected more than 10,000 pieces of plastic, which were then tied together to look like theyd been dumped(傾

6、倒)from a truck all at once.Von Wong hopes that his work will also help pressure big companies to reduce their plastic footprint.1What are Von Wongs artworks intended for?ABeautifying the city he lives in.BIntroducing ecofriendly products.CDrawing public attention to plastic waste.DReducing garbage o

7、n the beach.2Why does the author discuss plastic straws in paragraph 3?ATo show the difficulty of their recycling.BTo explain why they are useful.CTo voice his views on modern art.DTo find a substitute for them.3What effect would “Truckload of Plastic” have on viewers?ACalming.BDisturbing.CRefreshin

8、g.DChallenging.4Which of the following can be the best title for the text?AArtists Opinions on Plastic SafetyBMedia Interest in Contemporary ArtCResponsibility Demanded of Big CompaniesDOcean Plastics Transformed into Sculptures【語篇解讀】面對無處不在的海洋塑料污染,尤其是大家每天都在使用的塑料吸管和塑料杯,藝術家Benjamin Von Wong通過其藝術作品“Str

9、awpocalypse”和“Truckload of Plastic”來喚起人們對塑料垃圾的關注。1C推理判斷題。本題詢問Von Wong的藝術作品的目的是什么。根據(jù)題干中的關鍵信息Von Wongs artworks找到第一段中的“Artist Benjamin Von Wong wants you to know that it does.He builds massive sculptures out of plastic garbage,forcing viewers to reexamine their relationship to singleuse plastic produc

10、ts.(藝術家Benjamin Von Wong想讓你知道它確實如此。他用塑料垃圾建造了巨大的雕塑,使觀看者重新審視他們與一次性塑料產(chǎn)品的關系。)”,由此可推知,Von Wong的藝術作品旨在引起公眾對塑料垃圾的關注。故選C。2A細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第三段中的“Plastic straws are by no means the biggest source of plastic pollution,but theyve recently come under fire because most people dont need them to drink with and,because of

11、their small size and weight,they cannot be recycled.”可知,塑料吸管最近已經(jīng)受到了抨擊,由于它們體積小并且重量輕,所以不能被回收利用。故選A。3B推理判斷題。本題詢問藝術作品“Truckload of Plastic”對觀看者有什么影響。根據(jù)第四段的內(nèi)容可知,在2018年的一件作品中,Von Wong想說明這一明確的統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù):每60秒,一卡車的塑料就會進入海洋。由此可知,他創(chuàng)作的“Truckload of Plastic”是為了引起觀看者的不安與恐慌,進而喚起人們關注塑料垃圾污染問題。故選B。4D標題歸納題。藝術家Benjamin Von W

12、ong通過其藝術作品,呼喚人們關注塑料垃圾污染問題,文章詳細介紹了他的兩件作品:“Strawpocalypse”和“Truckload of Plastic”。由此可知,本文主要講述的是被轉變成雕塑的海洋塑料。故選D。B(2020天津5月卷 C)Transport has a lot to answer for when it comes to harming the planet.While cars and trains are moving towards greener,electric power,emissions from air travel are expected to i

13、ncrease massively by 2050.If we want big green sky solutions,we need blue sky thinking.Fortunately,theres plenty of that happening right now,particularly the shorthaul flights powered by batteries.Harbour Air is the largest seaplane airline in North America,flying 30,000 commercial flights in 40 sea

14、planes each year.Significantly,all Harbour Air routes last less than 30 minutes,making it perfectly fit for electric engines.“As an airline,were currently in the process of turning all our planes into electric airplanes,” says CEO Greg McDougall.To make this happen,the airline has partnered up with

15、MagniX to create the worlds first commercial flight with an electric engine.Making the skies electric isnt just good for the environment; it also makes sound financial sense:a small aircraft uses $400 on conventional fuel for a 100mile flight,while an electric one costs $812 for the same distance,an

16、d thats before you factor in the higher maintenance costs of a traditional engine.Theres also the added bonus that electric planes are just much more pleasant to fly in.No loud engine noise,no smell of fuel,just environmentally friendly peace and quiet.While there has been real progress in the eplan

17、e industry,the technical challenges that remain are keeping everyones feet firmly on the ground.A battery,even a lithium one,only provides 250 watthours per kilogram; compare this to liquid fuel,which has a specific energy of 11,890 watthours per kilogram.Carrying adequate batteries,however,would ma

18、ke the plane too heavy to get off the ground.In aircraft,where every bit of weight counts,this cant just be ignored.The transition(過渡) from gas to electric in the automobile industry has been made easier by hybridsvehicles powered by both fuel and electricity.Many believe the same pattern could be f

19、ollowed in the air.Fuel consumption could be reduced as the electric component is switched on at key parts of the journey,especially on takeoff and landing.Its certainly an exciting time for electric flying.With companies like Harbour Air taking the lead,batterypowered planes,especially on shorthaul

20、 journeys,are set to become a reality in the next few years.【語篇解讀】本文是一篇說明文,講述了在空運中,尤其是在短途空運中使用電能作為能量來源的可能性、好處、存在的挑戰(zhàn)以及解決辦法。5According to Para.1,what is happening in air transport?ANew explorations of the sky are being launched.BPollution caused by batteries is being controlled.CEfforts are being made

21、 to make air travel greener.DDemand for shorthaul flights is increasing massively.C細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第一段最后一句“Fortunately,theres plenty of that happening right now,particularly the shorthaul flights powered by batteries.” 可知,幸運的是,人們正在構思解決空運產(chǎn)生的環(huán)境污染的方法,如由電池提供動力的短程航班,即現(xiàn)在人們正在努力讓空中旅行變得更加環(huán)保,故C項正確。6Why is Harbour Air

22、 fit for electric flights?AIt runs short routes.BIt has a strong partner.CIts planes can land on the sea.DIt has planes with powerful engines.A細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第二段中的“Significantly,all Harbour Air routes last less than 30 minutes,making it perfectly fit for electric engines.”可知, Harbour Air適合使用電能提供動力的飛機的原因是它所

23、有航線的航行時間都不超過30分鐘,換句話說就是航線短,故A項正確。7The expression “added bonus” refers to the fact that electric planes _Agive passengers more pleasant viewsBbring airlines more financial benefitsCoffer more enjoyable flying experiencesDcost less in maintenance than traditional onesC詞義猜測題。根據(jù)第三段中的“Theres also the add

24、ed bonus that electric planes are just much more pleasant to fly in.No loud engine noise,no smell of fuel,just environmentally friendly peace and quiet.”可知,“that electric planes are just much more pleasant to fly in”是同位語從句,解釋說明“added bonus”的內(nèi)容,而電動飛機飛行時沒有發(fā)動機的噪音,沒有燃油的氣味,只有安靜,這使人們能夠獲得更加愉悅的飛行體驗,故C項正確。8W

25、hat might be the biggest challenge of electric flying?ATo improve the ground service for eplanes.BTo find qualified technicians for the eplane industry.CTo calculate the energy needed to power eplanes.DTo balance power and weight of batteries in eplanes.D推理判斷題。根據(jù)第四段中的“Carrying adequate batteries,how

26、ever,would make the plane too heavy to get off the ground.In aircraft,where every bit of weight counts,this cant just be ignored.”可知,如果攜帶充足的電池,飛機就會過重而無法起飛,由此可知,平衡電池重量與電量是電力飛行面臨的最大挑戰(zhàn),故D項正確。9What could be done during the transition from gas to electric in air flight?ATo produce new electric components

27、.BTo increase battery consumption.CTo use mixedpower technology.DTo expand the landing field.C細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)倒數(shù)第二段可知,許多人認為,燃料和電力同時供能這種模式,即混合型供能技術可以運用在空運中,故C項正確。10What is the authors attitude towards the prospect of electric flying?AShortsighted.BWaitandsee.COptimistic.DSkeptical.C觀點態(tài)度題。根據(jù)最后一段的內(nèi)容可知,作者認為電力飛行

28、,尤其是短途旅行中的電力飛行一定會在接下來的幾年中成為現(xiàn)實。由此推知,作者對電力飛行持樂觀態(tài)度,故C項正確。C(2020全國卷C)When you were trying to figure out what to buy for the environmentalist on your holiday list,fur probably didnt cross your mind.But some ecologists and fashion(時裝) enthusiasts are trying to bring back the market for fur made from nutri

29、a(海貍鼠)Unusual fashion shows in New Orleans and Brooklyn have showcased nutria fur made into clothes in different styles.“It sounds crazy to talk about guiltfree furunless you understand that the nutria are destroying vast wetlands every year,”says Cree McCree,project director of Righteous Fur.Scient

30、ists in Louisiana were so concerned that they decided to pay hunters $5 a tail.Some of the fur ends up in the fashion shows like the one in Brooklyn last month.Nutria were brought there from Argentina by fur farmers and let go into the wild.“The ecosystem down there cant handle this nonnative specie

31、s(物種)Its destroying the environment.Its them or us,”says Michael Massimi,an expert in this field.The fur trade kept nutria in check for decades,but when the market for nutria collapsed in the late 1980s,the catsized animals multiplied like crazy.Biologist Edmond Mouton runs the nutria control progra

32、m for Louisiana.He says its not easy to convince people that nutria fur is green,but he has no doubt about it.Hunters bring in more than 300,000 nutria tails a year,so part of Moutons job these days is trying to promote fur.Then theres Righteous Fur and its unusual fashions.Model Paige Morgan says,“

33、To give people a guiltfree option that they can wear without someone throwing paint on themI think thats going to be a massive thing,at least here in New York.”Designer Jennifer Anderson admits it took her a while to come around to the opinion that using nutria fur for her creations is morally accep

34、table.Shes trying to come up with a label to attach to nutria fashions to show it is ecofriendly.【語篇解讀】本文介紹了海貍鼠破壞了生態(tài)系統(tǒng),穿海貍鼠皮毛制成的衣服并不會對環(huán)境造成威脅,而且人們也不會有負罪感。11What is the purpose of the fashion shows in New Orleans and Brooklyn?ATo promote guiltfree fur.BTo expand the fashion market.CTo introduce a new

35、brand.DTo celebrate a winter holiday.A細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第二段中的“Unusual fashion shows in New Orleans and Brooklyn have showcased nutria fur”及“It sounds crazy to talk about guiltfree fur.every year”可知,時裝秀的意圖是推銷無罪惡感的皮毛草交易。故選A。12Why are scientists concerned about nutria?ANutria damage the ecosystem seriously.BNutr

36、ia are an endangered species.CNutria hurt local catsized animals.DNutria are illegally hunted.A細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第二段中的“the nutria are destroying vast wetlands every year”以及第四段中的“The ecosystem.Its destroying the environment.” 可知,因為海貍鼠破壞濕地進而破壞了環(huán)境,所以科學家對它們很擔心。故選A。13What does the underlined word“collapsed”in Para

37、graph 5 probably mean?ABoomed.BBecame mature.CRemained stable.DCrashed.D詞義猜測題。根據(jù)畫線詞前的“The fur trade kept nutria in check for decades”可知,幾十年來,毛皮貿(mào)易使海貍鼠(的數(shù)量)處于控制之下。根據(jù)畫線詞后的“the catsized animals multiplied like crazy”可知,這種像貓大小的動物瘋狂地繁殖。由此可推知,20世紀80年代末海貍鼠市場癱瘓了。collapse的意思應是“崩潰”,故選D。14What can we infer abou

38、t wearing fur in New York according to Morgan?AIts formal.BIts risky.CIts harmful.DIts traditional.B推理判斷題。根據(jù)最后一段中的“To give people a guiltfree option.a massive thing,at least here in New York.”可知,在紐約,穿毛皮衣服具有風險性。故選B。閱讀七選五(2021全國甲卷)Swap, Dont Shop!You keep hearing about recycling,right? But it doesnt e

39、nd with bottles,cans,and paper.Clothing takes a huge amount of natural resources (資源) to make,and buying loads of new clothing (or throwing out old clothing) is not healthy for the environment.So what to do with all those perfectlygoodbutyouremaybealittlesickofthem clothes piled on your bedroom floo

40、r? 1 Its the best way to get rid of your used clothes,score clothes from your friends,and have a party all at the same time.A successful swap depends on the selection of clothes,the organization of the event,and,obviously,how much fun is had.Its really easy to do! Here are a few pointers.Invite 510

41、people so you have a nice selection. 2 ,and there may not be enough things to choose from; more than that,and it becomes uncontrollable. 3 They should also prepare plenty of reusable bags to carry their “new” clothes home.Put different types of clothing on different surfaces in the room. 4 Place a f

42、ew mirrors around your room so people can see how things look when they try them on.One of the ground rules of the swap should be that everyone must try on the clothes before they take themthings always look different when you put them on.Set a starting time.Maybe you say “go,” or turn on a certain

43、song,or whatever. 5 And dont forget to put out some cookies and fruits.Remember,its a party!ALess people than thatBHold a clothing swapCIf two people are competingDJust keep music playing throughoutEDonate whatever clothes are left overFHave everyone put their clothes in the right spotsGTell everyon

44、e to bring clean clothes in good condition【語篇解讀】本文主要介紹了如何舉辦服裝交換派對活動來回收利用舊衣服,以達到保護環(huán)境的目的。1B分析上下文語境可知,該空起承上啟下的作用??涨疤岬皆撊绾翁幚砟悴幌矚g的衣服,空后提到舍棄你的舊衣服,從你朋友那里獲得衣服。由此可知,空處應提出一種解決你不喜歡的衣服這一問題的方法。分析選項可知,B項“舉辦舊衣物交換活動”是對該問題的回答;而下一句中的代詞It也指代B選項中的clothing swap。故B項正確。2A分析本句的結構可知,后半句中的“more than that.”和空處所填應形成對比的關系;分析各選項可

45、知,A項符合該處語境,且選項中的that與more than that中的that均指代該段首句中的Invite 510 people。故A項正確。3G該空位于句首,應為段落的主旨句。且由下一句中的also一詞可知,兩句之間為遞進關系,G選項中的bring與下一句“They should also prepare.”中的prepare相呼應,此段介紹參加服裝交換派對活動的要求,即不僅要帶來干凈可穿的衣物,還要準備好裝“新”衣物的環(huán)保袋。故G項正確。4F由上下文語境可知,空處應是講述交換衣服時所做的事情。F選項中put一詞是前一句“Put different types of clothing

46、on different surfaces in the room”的關鍵詞復現(xiàn),表明應把衣物擺放在合適的位置。故F項正確。5D由空前一句中的“turn on a certain song,or whatever”和空后一句可知,D選項中的“全程播放音樂”與空后“準備一些餅干和水果”,都是為了給舊衣物交換派對活動增添樂趣。故D項正確。1relationship n關系,聯(lián)系2global adj.球形的,全球的3recycle v循環(huán)利用4title vt.冠以之名5amount n數(shù)量6organization n組織,機構7battery n電池8maintenance n維護9speci

47、fic adj.明確的10adequate adj.足夠的11transition n過渡,轉變12enthusiast n愛好者,狂熱者13collapse v倒塌,崩潰14multiply v乘,大量繁殖15doubt n懷疑16massive adj.巨大的17pile v堆積,積累18single adj.單個的,單身的1collect v收集,聚集2worth n價值,值3increase v增加4progress n進步5ignore v忽視6native n當?shù)厝?prepare v準備8plenty n充裕;大量1select vt.挑選;選擇selection n選擇2eng

48、ine n引擎engineer n工程師3electricity n電electrical adj.電的4promote v促進,提升promotion n提升,晉升5guilt n內(nèi)疚;犯罪guilty adj.內(nèi)疚的1when it comes to 當談到,就而言2take the lead 領先3let go 放開,釋放4keep in check 約束5come up with 提出,想到即時演練單句語法填空1If you try on a piece of clothing, you put it on to see if it fits you or if it looks ni

49、ce.2The supplies were transported (transport) to the local people immediately the earthquake happened.3Modern computers can organize large amounts(amount) of data very quickly.4When someone makes an appearance(appear) at a public event or in a broadcast, they take part in it.5You have to answer ever

50、y question as specifically(specific) as possible when the police come.6He says his brother finds college less pressured(pressure) than junior year of high school.7The President is deeply concerned about this issue.8The power of the Green movement in Germany has made that country a leader in the driv

51、e to recycle(recycle) more waste materials.9Pay attention to your emotional energy and keep it in check especially in public.熟詞生義(寫出句中黑體詞的漢語意思)1When you were trying to figure out what to buy for the environmentalist on your holiday list, fur probably didnt cross your mind.出現(xiàn)在腦海中2Nutria were brought

52、there from Argentina by fur farmers and let go into the wild.放生3Designer Jennifer Anderson admits it took her a while to come around to the opinion that using nutria fur for her creations is morally acceptable.一段時間.似易實難(將句中黑體詞部分譯成漢語)1Every 60 seconds, a truckloads worth of plastic enters the ocean.譯

53、文 每60秒鐘,就有能裝滿一貨車的數(shù)量的塑料垃圾進入海洋。2Transport has a lot to answer for when it comes to harming the planet.譯文當談到對地球的危害,運輸業(yè)負有很大責任。.復雜晦澀(分析句子結構并譯成漢語)1For this work, titled “Truckload of Plastic”, Von Wong and a group of volunteers collected more than 10,000 pieces of plastic, which were then tied together to

54、 look like theyd been dumped(傾倒) from a truck all at once.分析句子主語是Von Wong and a group of volunteers,謂語動詞是collected, 賓語more than 10,000 pieces of plastic;which引導定語從句,修飾plastic;titled “Truckload of Plastic,”是過去分詞短語作定語,修飾this work。譯文 為了這件名為“一卡車塑料”的藝術品,Von Wong和一幫志愿者收集了10 000多件塑料,然后把這些塑料綁在一起,使它們看起來就像從一輛

55、卡車里直接倒出來一樣。2Making the skies electric isnt just good for the environment; it also makes sound financial sense: a small aircraft uses $400 on conventional fuel for a 100mile flight, while an electric one costs $812 for the same distance, and thats before you factor in the higher maintenance costs of

56、a traditional engine.分析本句是兩個并列分句,中間用分號(;)連接。前面分句是簡單句,主語是making the skies electric。后邊分句也是簡單句,謂語部分是makes sound financial sense。冒號后面是解釋說明,這部分是while連接的兩個并列分句,在while后面的分句中,又加入了一個由and連接的并列句。句中sound是形容詞,表示“合理的,明智的”;factor是動詞,表示“作為因素考慮進來”。譯文使用電動飛機不只是對環(huán)境有利,而且在節(jié)省財政支出上也頗有意義。同樣飛行一百英里,一架傳統(tǒng)燃油小型飛機花費400美元,而一架電動飛機只需

57、812美元,而且這還沒有考慮傳統(tǒng)飛機發(fā)動機維護的高昂費用。3To give people a guiltfree option that they can wear without someone throwing paint on themI think thats going to be a massive thing, at least here in New York.分析本句破折號前面不是完整句子,可以理解為破折號后that所指代的內(nèi)容。破折號前半句中的that引導同位語從句,解釋說明前面的option。破折號后的that是一般代詞,不是從句引導詞。譯文給人們一個無內(nèi)疚感的選擇,他們

58、可以穿皮草,沒有人會朝他們潑油漆我覺得這會是一件大事,至少在紐約是這樣的。4One of the ground rules of the swap should be that everyone must try on the clothes before they take themthings always look different when you put them on.分析句子主語是one of the ground rules of the swap,謂語結構是should be,后面that引導表語從句,從句中的主干部分是everyone must try on the cl

59、othes,后面是before引導的時間狀語從句,破折號后是解釋說明的內(nèi)容,解釋為什么要拿走之前試穿這些衣服。譯文 交換的一個基本規(guī)則是,每個人在拿走衣服前都必須試穿一下衣服在穿上時會發(fā)現(xiàn)跟看起來的樣子不同。1whatever 任何事物;不管什么;究竟是什么;(非正式)無所謂(1)whatever,whoever,whichever,whomever既可引導名詞性從句,也可引導讓步狀語從句,在引導讓步狀語從句時,相當于no matter what/who/which/whom。(2)whatever引導從句時要在句中作主語、賓語或者定語。(3) or whatever 等等;諸如此類的事wha

60、tever it takes 不計代價;不計后果whatever works 怎樣都行;管用就好whatever you like 無論你想要什么;不管你喜歡什么whatever happens不論發(fā)生什么基礎練習單句語法填空Theyre always protesting about something or saving the trees or whatever.Every year, whoever makes the most beautiful kite will win a prize in the Kite Festival.Some people believe whatev


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