




1、Word - 21 -煤礦消防設(shè)施器材管理制度x 感謝閱讀 煤礦消防設(shè)施器材管理制度11 盤龍煤礦消防設(shè)施管理制度 一、消防平安教導、培訓制度 1、每年定期創(chuàng)辦消防學問宣揚欄、開展學問比賽等多種形式,提升全體員 工的消防平安意識。 2、定期組織員工學習消防規(guī)矩和各項規(guī)則制度,每季度考核一次,并與工 資掛鉤,切實做到依法防火,防患于未然。 3、各區(qū)隊應(yīng)針對崗位特征舉行消防平安教導培訓。 4、強化對消防設(shè)施維護保養(yǎng)和使用人員應(yīng)舉行實地演示和培訓。 5、對新員工舉行崗前消防培訓,經(jīng)考試合格后方可上崗。 6、因工作需要員工換崗前必需舉行再教導培訓。 7、特別崗位要舉行專業(yè)培訓,經(jīng)考試合格,持證上崗。
2、二、防火巡查、檢查制度 1、執(zhí)行逐級消防平安責任制和崗位消防平安責任制,執(zhí)行巡查檢查制度。 2、礦每月定期舉行消防設(shè)施、消防平安檢查并復查追蹤整改執(zhí)行。 3、檢查中發(fā)覺火災(zāi)隱患,檢查人員應(yīng)填寫防火檢查記錄,并根據(jù)規(guī)定,要 求有關(guān)人員在記錄上簽名。 4、對檢查中發(fā)覺的火災(zāi)隱患未按規(guī)定時光準時整改的,按照獎懲制度賦予 感謝閱讀 感謝閱讀 處罰。 lectricity li nes, e qui pment inspe ctions, found hi dde n in time for rectification, maintena nce, and se curity. 9, do not us
3、e an ope n flame in the classr oom, prohibit burni ng stove, l it candles, mosquito re pelle nt, no smoki ng, a nd banning messy wiri ng. Without usi ng any household a pplia nce s is not a llowed. 10, live on campus faculty members, must lea d by example, a nd e ducate families and childr en ready
4、t o fire. 11, h ousehold use of gas in schools, to master pr oper usage, pay attention to the leak-pr oof, explosion-proof, fireproof, closi ng valve after use to ensure se curit y. 12, dini ng room must be qualifie d, and annual testi ng of pressure ve ssels, to regularly che ck, the cante en w ork
5、ers must be certified, strictly by operati on operation, gas ta nk and stove safety di stance of 1.5 meters, t o prevent a cci de nts. 13, t he adver se consequences caused by ig nori ng fire safety regulations, will be puni she d, until investigate d for legal responsibility. S ong Li n Xiang Liu J
6、ia pi ng eleme ntary school March 2022 Xia ng Liu Jia ping eleme ntary school, pine slopes surrounding safety management system 1 tea cher s and student s, the surrounding are a of the school governa nce covers per sonal and food hygie ne, cultural events a nd other a spe cts, i ntegrated gover nanc
7、e shall obtain w ide support a nd f ull cooperation of t he community. On the surrounding environment in schools should be closely monit ored. 2, school w ork at the same time, should pay attention to the safety management of school environment, shoul d take the i nitiative to conta ct the district
8、poli ce stati on, t he village Committee, Correcti ona l Centre, ow nship gover nment, busine ss manageme nt and ot her de partments t o do a good job ma nagement. 3, teacher on duty with t he exce 感謝閱讀 感謝閱讀 ption of inspe ctions in schools, shoul d also pay attenti on to environmental i nspecti ons
9、 near the campus, found that t he jobless migrants from rural area s, for example, harassment of students a nd a variety of accide nts, a cc ording t o different sit uations reported school officials or t he police station i n a timely manner, t o prote ct the safety of stude nts. 4, every day befor
10、e school, tea chers remi nd st ude nts, pay atte ntion t o traffic safety. 5, should e ducate stude nts to respect social ethi cs, a nd vari ous r egulations, mai ntaini ng publi c order, a nd fight the bad g uys, a nd grasp the corre ct ways and means of maintaini ng and improvi ng student s self-c
11、are ability. 6, the esta blishment of emergency rescue teams of teachers in schools, on hig h alert a nd depl oyed. S ong Lin Xiang Liu Jia ping el ementary school M arch 2022 song Lin Xia ng Li u Jia ping primary school teachers and stude nts organi zations out of safety management system organizat
12、i on a ctivities betwee n teachers a nd st ude nts, to draw up a pre cise plan and security measures must be sig ned by the school officials to revie w the programme of activities agreed upon Correcti onal Center agreed to im pl ement. Organi zation to the fiel d relatively far or activitie s requir
13、e approval by the Deputy Director of the Educati on Burea u in charge of se curit y. 2, ea ch a ctivity shoul d have a specific responsibility, pay attenti on to t he per sons age, physical match. Route 3, activitie s, location, field surveys should be carrie d out i n adva nce. 4, activities for t
14、he means of transport shoul d explai n the situation to the school to compl y with vehicl e, safety requir ements, bef ore the li ne for repairs. 5, each activity must have se curit y, emergency response pla n for accide nts. 6, picnics, hiki ng, pi cni c to pay attenti on to fire preve ntion, food
15、感謝閱讀 感謝閱讀 poisoning, preventi on of fall accidents 7, t he activitie s near the rivers, reserv oirs, no measure s or do not meet the security requirements of the Organi zation a nd not let stude nts into t he water 三、平安疏散設(shè)施管理制度 1、應(yīng)保持疏散通道、平安出口暢通,嚴禁占用疏散通道,嚴禁在平安出口或疏散通道上安裝柵欄等影響疏散的障礙物 ;井下施工現(xiàn)場、行人通道必需暢通牢靠,
16、發(fā)覺問題準時處理。 2、應(yīng)按規(guī)范設(shè)置符合國家規(guī)定的消防平安疏散指示標志和應(yīng)急照明設(shè)施。 3、應(yīng)保持防火門、應(yīng)急照明等設(shè)施處于正常狀態(tài),并定期組織檢查、測 試、維護和保養(yǎng)。 四、消防設(shè)施、器材維護管理制度 (一 )消防器材配備的地點和要求 1、進回風井上下平安出口、采掘面、煤倉、井下變電硐室、設(shè)備集中擺放 點、重要機電設(shè)備硐室必需裝設(shè)消防器材。 2、消防器材的安設(shè)地點必需保證寬闊、干燥,懸掛位置醒目。 3、裝設(shè)的器材有:滅火器、消防鏟、消防桶、砂箱、沙和沙袋。 4、消防器材的存放點應(yīng)標識設(shè)置“消防器材管理牌板”以示警示。 (二 )安設(shè)要求及標準 1、安設(shè)要求 感謝閱讀 感謝閱讀 砂箱: 1000
17、 600 600 (長寬高 ) 干粉滅火器:離地面不得低于150 ,高不得超過1500 lectricity li nes, e qui pment inspe ctions, found hidden i n time for rectification, mainte nance, a nd securit y. 9, do not use an ope n flame in the classr oom, pr ohi bit burni ng stove, lit ca ndles, mosquito repellent, no sm oking, a nd banning messy
18、 w iring. Without usi ng any household a pplia nce s is not al lowed. 10, live on cam pus faculty members, must lead by exampl e, and educate families a nd chil dren ready t o fire. 11, household use of gas i n schools, to master proper usage, pay attention to the le ak-pr oof, explosion-proof, fire
19、proof, closi ng valve after use to e nsur e security. 12, di ning r oom must be qualifie d, and annual testi ng of pressure vessels, t o regularly che ck, the cantee n workers must be certified, strictly by operation operati on, gas ta nk and stove safety dista nce of 1.5 meters, to prevent accident
20、s. 13, the a dverse conseque nces caused by ignori ng fire safety regulations, will be punishe d, until investigate d for legal responsibilit y. Song n Xia ng Li u Jia ping el ementary school Mar ch 2022 Xia ng Liu Jia pi ng elementary school, pine slopes surrounding safety manageme nt system 1 teac
21、hers and student s, the surrounding area of the school governa nce cover s persona l and food hygi ene, cult ural events a nd ot her aspect s, integrated gover nance shall obtain wi de support and full cooperation of the communit y. On the surrounding e nvironme nt in school s shoul d be closely mon
22、it ored. 2, school work at the same time, shoul d pay attenti on to the safety management of school e nvironme nt, shoul d take the i nitiative to contact t he distri ct police stati on, the village Committee, Corre ctional Centre, T ownship g overnme nt, busine ss management and other 感謝閱讀 感謝閱讀 dep
23、artments to do a good job management. 3, tea cher on duty with the exceptionofinspectionsi nschools,shouldalsopayattentionto environmental i nspecti ons near the campus, found t hat the jobless migrants from rural areas,for example,harassment of studentsa nd a varietyof accidents, a ccordi ng to dif
24、ferent situati ons reporte d school officials or the poli ce stati on in a timely manner, to prote ct the safety of student s. 4, every day before school, tea cher s remind st ude nts, pay attenti on to traffic safety. 5, shoul d educate st ude nts to respect soci al ethics, and various regulati ons
25、, maintaining publi c or der, a nd fight the bad g uys, and grasp the correct ways a nd mea ns of maintai ning a nd impr oving st ude nts self-care abilit y. 6, the establi shme nt of emergency rescue teams of teachers in school s, on hig h alert and de ployed. Song Lin Xiang Liu Jia ping eleme ntar
26、y school March 2022 song Li n Xia ng Li u Jia ping primary school teachers and st ude nts orga nizations out of safety management system organizati on activitie s betwe en tea chers a nd st udents, to draw up a precise pl an a nd se curity measures must be sig ned by t he school official s to review
27、 the programme of activitie s agreed upon Correcti onal Center ag ree d to implem ent. Organi zation to the field relative ly far or activities require approval by the De puty Dire ctor of the E ducation Burea u in charge of se curit y. 2, ea ch a ctivity shoul d have a specific responsibility, pay
28、attenti on to t he per sons age, physical match. Route 3, activitie s, location, field surveys should be carrie d out i n adva nce. 4, activities for t he means of transport shoul d explai n the situation to the school to compl y with vehicl e, safety requir ements, before the li ne for repairs. 5,
29、each activity must have se curit y, emergency response pla n for accide nts. 6, picnics, hiki ng, pi cni c to pay attenti on to fire preve ntion, food poisoning, preventi on of fall accidents 7, t 感謝閱讀 感謝閱讀 he activitie s near the rivers, reserv oirs, no measure s or do not meet the security require
30、ments of the Organi zation a nd not let stude nts into t he water2 沙袋: 10-20 袋,要求牢固包沙的袋 (2kg/ 袋) 消防鏟: 1-2 把 沙:粉末細沙,砂箱裝沙量不得低于0.3m3 (三 )使用和維護 1、消防器材由消防器材設(shè)置點的管理負責單位負責管理,井下消防材料庫 的消防器材由搶救隊負責管理。 2、消防器材的使用管理單位應(yīng)清晰有效使用期,保證消防器材在有效期內(nèi) 使用,更換后的過期消防器材由原使用管理單位升井交消防辦處理。 3、礦井每年在冬防、夏防期間定期兩次對滅火器舉行普查實施滅火器更換 工作。 4、礦派專人管理
31、,每旬定期巡查消防設(shè)施、消防器材的使用情況,保持設(shè) 施干凈、衛(wèi)生、完好,保證處于完好狀態(tài)。 5、井下消防器材在有效使用期內(nèi)走失、損壞的由綜治辦負責對使用單位按 該消防器材價格的二倍數(shù)額舉行處罰,并重新配備安設(shè)。 6、消防設(shè)施及消防設(shè)備的技術(shù)性能的修理保養(yǎng)和定期技術(shù)檢測由消防工作 歸口管理部門負責,設(shè)專職人員定期檢查了解消防設(shè)備、設(shè)施的狀況,發(fā)覺問 題準時支配處理,使設(shè)備保持完好的技術(shù)狀態(tài)。 感謝閱讀 感謝閱讀 五、火災(zāi)隱患整改制度 1、各單位對存在的火災(zāi)隱患應(yīng)該準時予以消退。 lectricity li nes, e qui pment inspe ctions, found hidden i
32、 n time for rectification, mainte nance, a nd securit y. 9, do not use an ope n flame in the classr oom, pr ohi bit burni ng stove, lit ca ndles, mosquito repellent, no sm oking, a nd banning messy w iring. Without usi ng any household a pplia nce s is not al lowed. 10, live on campus faculty member
33、s, must lead by exampl e, and educate families a nd chil dren ready t o fire. 11, household use of gas i n schools, to master proper usage, pay attention to the le ak-pr oof, explosion-proof, fireproof, closi ng valve after use to e nsur e security. 12, di ning r oom must be qualifie d, and annual t
34、esti ng of pressure vessels, t o regularly che ck, the cantee n workers must be certified, strictly by operation operati on, gas ta nk and stove safety dista nce of 1.5 meters, to prevent accidents. 13, the a dverse conseque nces caused by ignori ng fire safety reg ulations, will be punishe d, until
35、 investigate d for legal responsibilit y. Song Li n Xia ng Li u Jia ping el ementary school Mar ch 2022 Xia ng Liu Jia pi ng elementary school, pine slopes surrounding safety manageme nt system 1 teachers and student s, the surrounding area of the school governa nce cover s persona l and food hygi e
36、ne, cult ural events a nd ot her aspect s, integrated gover nance shall o btain wi de support and full cooperation of the communit y. On the surrounding e nvironme nt in school s shoul d be closely monit ored. 2, school work at the same time, shoul d pay attenti on to the safety management of school
37、 e nvironme nt, shoul d take the i nitiative to contact t he distri ct police stati on, the village Committee, Corre ctional Centre, T ownship g overnme nt, busine ss management and other 感謝閱讀 感謝閱讀 departments to do a good job management. 3, tea cher on duty with the exceptionofinspectionsi nschools
38、,should alsopayattentionto environmental i nspecti ons near the campus, found t hat the jobless migrants from rural areas,for example,harassment of studentsa nd a varietyof accidents, a ccordi ng to different situati ons reporte d school officials or the poli ce stati on in a timely manner, to prote
39、 ct the safety of student s. 4, every day before school, tea cher s remind st ude nts, pay attenti on to traffic safety. 5, shoul d educate st ude nts to respect soci al ethics, and various regulati ons, maintaining publi c or der, a nd fig ht the bad g uys, and grasp the correct ways a nd mea ns of
40、 maintai ning a nd impr oving st ude nts self-care abilit y. 6, the establi shme nt of emergency rescue teams of teachers in school s, on hig h alert and de ployed. Song Lin Xiang Liu Jia ping eleme ntary school March 2022 song Li n Xia ng Li u Jia ping primary school teachers and st ude nts orga ni
41、zations out of safety management system organizati on activitie s betwe en tea chers a nd st udents, to draw up a precise pl an a nd se curity measures must be sig ned by t he school official s to review the programme of activitie s agreed upon Correcti onal Center agree d to implem ent. Organi zati
42、on to the field relative ly far or activities require approval by the De puty Dire ctor of the E ducation Burea u in charge of se curit y. 2, ea ch a ctivity shoul d have a specific responsibility, pay attenti on to t he per sons age, physical match. Route 3, activitie s, location, field surveys sho
43、uld be carrie d out i n adva nce. 4, activities for t he means of transport shoul d explai n the situation to the school to compl y with vehicl e, safety requir ements, before the li ne for repairs. 5, each activity must have se curit y, emergency response pla n for 感謝閱讀 感謝閱讀 accide nts. 6, picnics,
44、 hiki ng, pi cni c to pay attenti on to fire preve ntion, food poisoning, preventi on of fall accidents 7, t he activitie s near the rivers, reserv oirs, no measures or do not meet the security requirementsof the Organi zation a nd not let stude nts into t he water 2、在防火平安檢查中,應(yīng)對所發(fā)覺的火災(zāi)隱患舉行逐項記下,并將隱患情
45、況書面下發(fā)各部門限期整改,同時要做好隱患整改狀況記錄。 3、在火災(zāi)隱患未消退前,各單位應(yīng)該執(zhí)行防范措施,確保隱患整改期間的 消防平安,對確無本事解決的重大火災(zāi)隱患應(yīng)該提出解決計劃,準時向公司消 防平安責任人報告,以便準時妥當處理。 4、對礦井責令限期改正的火災(zāi)隱患,應(yīng)該在規(guī)定的期限內(nèi)整治并寫出隱患 整改匯報材料上報礦井。 六、用電平安管理制度 1、嚴禁任意拉設(shè)電線,嚴禁超負荷用電。 2、電氣線路、設(shè)備安裝應(yīng)由持證電工負責。 3、各場所、辦公室下班后,該關(guān)閉的電源應(yīng)予以關(guān)閉。 4、禁止私用電熱棒、電爐等大功率電器。 5、嚴禁帶電檢修、搬遷設(shè)備、開關(guān),嚴格落實停電、驗電、放電制度。 七、礦井外因火
46、災(zāi)事故的預(yù)防 1、預(yù)防明火。井口房和通風機房附近20 米內(nèi)禁止煙火,也不準用火爐取 暖。嚴禁攜帶煙草、引火物下井,井下嚴禁吸煙。井口房和井下不準電焊、氣 感謝閱讀 感謝閱讀 焊或用噴燈焊接,假如一定要在井下焊接時,必需制定平安措施,經(jīng)批準并有 專人在現(xiàn)場檢查和監(jiān)督,而且要求事先清除附近的易燃物品,備足消防用水、 砂子、滅火器等,并隨時檢查瓦斯和煤塵濃度。 lectricity li nes, e qui pment inspe ctions, found hidden i n time for rectification, mainte nance, a nd securit y. 9, do
47、 not use an ope n flame in the classr oom, pr ohi bit burni ng stove, lit ca ndles, mosquito repellent, no sm oking, a nd banning messy w iring. Without usi ng any household a pplia nce s is not al lowed. 10, live on cam pus faculty members, must lead by exampl e, and educate families a nd chil dren
48、 ready t o fire. 11, household use of gas i n schools, to master proper usage, pay attention to the le ak-pr oof, explosion-proof, fireproof, closi ng valve after use to e nsur e security. 12, di ning r oom must be qualifie d, and annual testi ng of pressure vessels, t o regularly che ck, the cantee
49、 n workers must be certified, strictly by operation operati on, gas ta nk and stove safety dista nce of 1.5 meters, to prevent accidents. 13, the a dverse conseque nces caused by ignori ng fire safety regulations, will be punishe d, until investigate d for legal responsibilit y. Song n Xia ng Li u J
50、ia ping el ementary school Mar ch 2022 Xia ng Liu Jia pi ng elementary school, pine slopes surrounding safety manageme nt system 1 teachers and student s, the surrounding area of the school governa nce cover s persona l and food hygi ene, cult ural events a nd ot her aspect s, integrated gover nance
51、 shall obtain wi de support and full cooperation of the communit y. On the surrounding e nvironme nt in school s shoul d be closely monit ored. 2, school work at the same time, shoul d pay attenti on to the safety management of school e nvironme nt, shoul d take the i nitiative to contact t he distr
52、i ct police stati on, the village Committee, Corre 感謝閱讀 感謝閱讀 ctional Centre, T ownship g overnme nt, busine ss management and other departments to do a good job management. 3, tea cher on duty with the exceptionofinspectionsi nschools,shouldalsopayattentionto environmental i nspecti ons near the cam
53、pus, found t hat the jobless migrants from rural areas,for example,harassment of studentsa nd a varietyof accidents, a ccordi ng to different situati ons reporte d school officials or the poli ce stati on in a timely manner, to prote ct the safety of student s. 4, every day before school, tea cher s
54、 remind st ude nts, pay attenti on to traffic safety. 5, shoul d educate st ude nts to respect soci al ethics, and various regulati ons, maintaining publi c or der, a nd fight the bad g uys, and grasp the correct ways a nd mea ns of maintai ning a nd impr oving st ude nts self-care abilit y. 6, the
55、establi shme nt of emergency rescue teams of teachers in school s, on hig h alert and de ployed. Song Lin Xiang Liu Jia ping eleme ntary school March 2022 song Li n Xia ng Li u Jia ping primary school teachers and st ude nts orga nizations out of safety management system organizati on activitie s be
56、twe en tea chers a nd st udents, to draw up a precise pl an a nd se curity measures must be sig ned by t he school official s to review the programme of activitie s agreed upon Correcti onal Center ag ree d to implem ent. Organi zation to the field relative ly far or activities require approval by t
57、he De puty Dire ctor of the E ducation Burea u in charge of se curit y. 2, ea ch a ctivity shoul d have a specific responsibility, pay attenti on to t he per sons age, physical match. Route 3, activitie s, location, field surveys should be carrie d out i n adva nce. 4, activities for t he means of t
58、ransport shoul d explai n the situation to the school to compl y with vehicl e, safety requir ements, before the li ne for repairs. 5, each activity must have se curit y, emergencyresponse plan for accidents. 6, picnics, hiki ng,pi cni cto pay 感謝閱讀 感謝閱讀 attenti on to fire preve ntion, food poisoning
59、, preventi on of fall accidents 7, t he activitie s near the rivers, reserv oirs, no measure s or do not meet the security requirements of the Organi zation a nd not let stude nts into t he water4 井下硐室內(nèi)不準存放汽油、煤油或變壓器油。井下使用的潤滑油、棉紗和布頭等必需集中存放,定期送到地面處理。 預(yù)防放炮引火。井下嚴禁使用不符合高瓦斯規(guī)定的炸藥,嚴格落實放炮規(guī)定,井下不準放糊炮,嚴禁用煤快、粉煤、炮藥紙等易燃物品代替炮泥,同時嚴格落實“一炮三檢”和“三人連鎖放炮”制度。 預(yù)防電氣引火。要正確選用易熔斷絲 ( 片) 和漏電繼電器,以便電流短路、過負荷或接地時能準時切斷電流。不準帶電檢修、搬遷電氣設(shè)預(yù)防摩擦生火。 應(yīng)做好井下機械運轉(zhuǎn)部分的保養(yǎng)修理工作,準時加注潤滑油,保持其良好的工作狀態(tài),防止因摩擦生熱而引起火災(zāi)。 預(yù)防火焰擴散。井下使用絕緣阻燃電纜、不延燃橡套電纜、阻燃輸送帶,運送皮帶機安裝煙霧傳感器,并敏捷牢靠。
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