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1、Unit 1 Do you want to visit the UN building?Module 9 單元新知 peace 和平例句 The UN wants to make peace.聯(lián)合國想要維護和平。單元新詞形近 peach 桃 place 地點短語 make peace 維護和平1Look, read and act out.I want to visit China. I want to visit the Great Wall.1Hello, bird! Do you want to visit China?Look, read and act out.Tweet! Twee

2、t!2Listen, read and act out.Simons dad: Do you want to visit the UN building?Simon and Daming: Yes, we do!Daming: Is this the UN building?Simon: Yes. Its a very important building in New York. The UN wants to make peace in the world. Many countries are in the UN.Daming: Is China in the UN?Simon: Yes

3、. China is one of the 193 member states in the UN.Daming: Wow! The building is beautiful. Its very big andvery tall.Simon: Havent you got buildings like this in China?Daming: Yes, we have. Weve got lots of very tall and big buildings in China.Simon: Do you want to go into the building?Daming: Yes, I

4、 do. But can we?知識講解Do you want to visit the UN building? 你們想要參觀聯(lián)合國大廈嗎?1用法:句型“Do you want to+動詞原形(+ 其他)?”用于詢問對方是否想做某事??隙ɑ卮馂椤癥es, I/we do.”,否定回答為“No, I/we dont.”。例 Do you want to go to China with me?你想和我一起去中國嗎? Yes, I do. 是的,我想。知識講解China is one of the 193 member states in the UN. 中國是聯(lián)合國 193 個成員國之一。1用

5、法:“one of the+可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)” 表示多個人或物中的一個?!皁ne of the+可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)” 作主語時,謂語動詞用第三人稱單數(shù)。例 One of the boys wants to go to the museum.其中一個男孩想去博物館。3Listen and say.Daming:Is this the UN building?Simon: Yes. Its a very important building in New York. The UN wants to make peace in the world. Many countries are in the UN.Daming: Is China in the UN?Simon: Yes. China is one of the


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