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1、2022-2023學(xué)年中考英語(yǔ)模擬試卷請(qǐng)考生注意:1請(qǐng)用2B鉛筆將選擇題答案涂填在答題紙相應(yīng)位置上,請(qǐng)用05毫米及以上黑色字跡的鋼筆或簽字筆將主觀題的答案寫在答題紙相應(yīng)的答題區(qū)內(nèi)。寫在試題卷、草稿紙上均無效。2答題前,認(rèn)真閱讀答題紙上的注意事項(xiàng),按規(guī)定答題。. 單項(xiàng)選擇1、We usually have lunch _ the dining hall _ half past twelve.Ain; atBat; inCon; atDat; on2、We have finished reading all the stories, Miss Li._ ! Let s have a break.A

2、Good luckBWell doneCCongratulationsDBest wishes3、Did you do well in _English exam last week? Yes, I got_ “A”.Aan; the Bthe; an Ca; Dthe; a4、-Sorry, sir. I made a mistake again.-_. Practice more and you will do better.ANever mindBIm not sureCYoure welcomeDDont mention it5、Skating can be _ exciting sp

3、ort for kids.A/BaCanDthe6、About of the earth covered with water, but we have less and less fresh water.Athree-fourth; areBthree-fourths; isCthree-fourth; areDthree-fourths; are7、Its time to work now.OK. Ill wake Carl up. He for an hour.Afalls asleepBfell asleepChas been asleep8、Never your homework u

4、ntil the last minute on weekendsAcut offBkeep offCput offDturn off9、-Would you like to see the documentary at the cinema this evening?-Wonderful! Thats _ what I want to do.AhardlyBexactlyCnearlyDcommonly10、It was raining. My father asked me a raincoat.AtakeBtakesCtookDto take. 完形填空11、My father broug

5、ht home a sailboat when I was ten, and almost each Sunday in summers we would go sailing. Dad was quite skilled in sailing, but not good at 1 . As for me, I learned 2 before twelve because of living close to Lake Ontario.The last time Dad and I set sail together is really 3 . It was a perfect weeken

6、d after I graduated from university. I came home and 4 dad to go sailing. Soon we set out on the 5 lake. Dad hadnt sailed for years, but everything 6 well with the tiller(舵柄)in his hands.When we were in the middle of the lake, all of a sudden, a 7 wind came. The boat was hit 8 . Dad was always at hi

7、s best in any anger, but at this moment he froze.“John! 9 !” he shouted in a trembling(發(fā)抖的)voice, with the tiller still in his hands.In my memory, he could solve any 10 . He was the one I always 11 for strength and security(安全). Before I could answer, a wave of water got into the boat. I rushed to t

8、he tiller 12 it was too late. Another huge wall of water 13 the boat in a minute. We were thrown into the water, and Dad was struggling(掙扎)aimlessly. At that moment, I felt fiercely(強(qiáng)烈地)protective of him.I swam to dad 14 and pulled him onto the hull(船殼)of the boat. Upon sitting on the hull, dad was

9、a little awkward about his flash of fear. Its all right, Dad. We are safe now, I comforted him.That was the first time dad had counted on(指望)me in a moment of emergency(緊急). More importantly, I found it was my turn to start 15 my father.1AswimmingBrunningCboatingDteaching2AallBneitherCeitherDboth3Au

10、nforgettableBcomfortableCcheerfulDpleasant4AsentBorderedCallowedDinvited5AicyBcalmCstormyDthundery6AfinishedBseemedCwentDsounded7AgentleBstrongCcoldDhot8AsmoothlyBlightlyChardDhardly9ALookBRunCHelpDJump10AboatBrelationshipCmachineDproblem11Aturned toBlived withCargued withDquarrel with12AifBforCbutD

11、after13Agot throughBturned overCpoured intoDhit up14AhopelesslyBslowlyCquicklyDhelplessly15Amaking upBgetting readyClooking afterDlooking out. 語(yǔ)法填空12、When you finish high school or university, is learning done? The answer is “no”. In many countries, people continue learning all their lives.1is lifel

12、ong(終身的) learning important? How can it help you?You go to school and learn. You study. You take tests.2learning doesnt only happen in school. Learning doesnt3when you graduate from high school or college. You are learning all the time. For example, learning can4when you go to a museum. It can5happe

13、n when you get a job. You learn when you6sports or when you take a trip.7is life! We never stop learning. Every day you can improve yourself by learning something8.Lets look at one example of lifelong learning in Japan. In Japan, lifelong learning is very important. People in Japan like to try new l

14、earning activities. Music, calligraphy(書法) and foreign languages are some of their9classes.When we graduate from school, we should10on learning. Make lifelong learning one of your goals!. 閱讀理解A13、Having a teenager at home can be a real headache. Many teenagers smoke, wear strange hairstyle and even

15、fight. Generally , they are often taking risks. Earlier studies have shown that teenagers are more likely to make irrational decisions than people from any other age group, including children and adults. Is it that teenagers are too young to tell right from wrong? Not really. So whats the reason?Acc

16、ording to Laurence, a teacher from a US university, the reason is that teenagers care a lot about how their peers (同齡人) view themthat is “peer influence”.As children enter their teenage years, they spend more time with their friends and classmates, and also they care more about what they think of th

17、em. This makes teenagers make decisions without thinking about the costs. In a test, a group of teenagers were asked to play a video driving game. When they played with their friends watching around them, they took more chances and drove more carelessly because that would increase their possibility

18、of winning. But when they played alone, they drove more safely.Why do peers have such a big influence on teens behavior?As Laurence sees it, a teenagers brain is like a car with a good accelerator (油門) but a weak brake (剎車). The “accelerator” is fully developed by teenage years while the “brake” is

19、still not fully developed. When teenagers are watched by their peers, they usually push hard on the accelerator. With their weak brake, it is likely that they are going to end up in an accident. But the good news is that a violent teenager doesnt necessarily become a violent adult. About two-thirds

20、to three-quarters of violent youth grow out of it. “They get more self-controlled.”1What does the underlined word “irrational” in the 2nd paragraph probably mean?AQuick. BCrazy. CCareful. DCorrect.2According to the passage, teenagers often take risks because_.AThey like challenging themselves. BThey

21、 are too young to tell right from wrong.CThey dont think about costs. DThey care about what their peers think of them.3How does Laurence explain the influence of peer influence on teens behavior?ABy using a metaphor (比喻). BBy giving real examples.CBy presenting research results. DBy doing experiment

22、s.4We can learn from the text that _.Ateenagers are easy to have traffic accidents.Bpeer influence has a good influence on teenagers.Cmost of the teenagers become less violent when they grow up.Dteenagers shouldnt spend all the free time with their friends.B14、A Survey of Group MembersNameAgeFavorit

23、e subjectHobbyMary14sciencesingingJohn15historyswimmingSusan15physicstennis1_ likes to play tennis.AMaryBJohnCSusan2What can we learn from the survey?AMary likes science best.BJohn likes to sing in his free time.CThe three members are the same age.C15、It is true that people with better education are

24、 usually able to get better jobsIn other words, they have more chances to choose a good job while people with little or no education dontIt seems that the purpose of education is to make people get jobsBut this isnt accepted by all peopleSome people may think that a person should spend the best year

25、s of his life getting education only for a way of livingThis was probably one of the earliest reasons of educationIn fact, if education is just a way of making a living, people dont need to spend so much time in schoolPeople can get education for a living in a short timeSubjects like History and Geo

26、graphy need not be taught to everyoneEven Language and Mathematics need not be taught in detail, eitherHere it is clear that education is much more than teaching a man to get a way of livingEducation is well-rounded and it is mainly for improving a manIt is not only to teach him to speak, read and w

27、rite, but also to develop his creative thinking and other abilitiesAfter that, it is to make him a wise man and thankfully enjoy the achievements of humanEducation is to make a man lead a better life Educated people are expected to be able to listen to good music, read good books, watch plays and mo

28、st of all take an interest in the worldI would agree that making a good living is an important reason for education, but certainly not the most important or the main reason1People with little education usually _Aspend a long time in schoolBhave a good chance to get a jobCspend the best years choosin

29、g jobsDhave fewer chances to get a good job2The earliest education was probably to _Amake a man lead a better lifeBteach a man to write and thinkCmake people get a way of livingDteach people to read good books3It is expected that educated people will be able to _Aaccept education as a way of livingB

30、take an interest in the whole worldCdevelop their abilities to make playsDlearn subjects like Language and Maths4The passage mainly tells us that _Aeducation should make a man improveBpeople can get education in a short timeCpeople should be able to get better jobsDall subjects are so important for

31、a way of livingD16、MONDAY 19:0020:30 English learning Prof.G. White Would you like to improve your English? This is for middle school students. (2 weeks) TUESDAY 17:3019:00 Photography(攝影) Mr. Green Learn to take good pictures. Bring your own camera with you. (4 weeks) WEDNESDAY 18:0019:00Office 200

32、0 Prof. Wang Lan Learn how to use the new software. (10 weeks) FRIDAY 19:0020:30 Painting Miss Yang Jing Would you like to learn painting? Itis for beginners only. (16 weeks) SATURDAY 15:0016:30 Cambridge Young Learners English Prof. J. Brown This course is for the children at primary school(小學(xué)). (2

33、0weeks) SUNDAY 10:0012:00 Swimming, club Coach: Liu Xin Want to swim as fast as a fish? (9 weeks)1You cannot go to Happy Childrens Palace to learn some skills onAMonday BWednesday CThursday DSunday2If you want to improve your English, youd better learn it fromAMiss Yang BProf. J. Brown CProf. Wang L

34、an DProf. G. White3If you are interested in painting and want to be an artist, you can have the classesAfrom 19 : 00 to 20 : 30 on Friday Bfrom 17 : 30 to 19 : 00 on TuesdayCFrom 19 : 00 to 20 : 30 on Monday Dfrom 18 : 00 to 19 : 00 on Wednesday4If you dont have enough time, and you want to lean a s

35、kill in a month, youd better learn ASwimming BpaintingChow to take pictures Dhow to use the new software5Which of the following statements is TURE?Apro. G. White gives a talk about English Learning for students on Monday morning.BYou can learn how to use office 2013 from Prof. J. Brown.CIf you want

36、to learn swimming, you should go to the swimming club on Sunday afternoon.DProf. J. Brown teaches children English from 15 : 00 to 16 : 30 on Saturday.E17、New Technology Revolutionizes(變革) LearningMore and more people believe that technologies are great for learning. Today, such teaching tools as iP

37、ads are used in a lot of courses, including language, history and science.Many teachers are supporters of using iPads in language learning. They say that students now have much more time for discussion in the classroom.Instead of spending valuable class time listening to texts or watching teaching v

38、ideos, students can do this on their own and come to class prepared for discussion.The teachers also say that iPads allow students to learn_. Some students might listen to a dialogue only once and understand it, so they can save time for doing other things. Other students, however, might need to lis

39、ten to the same dialogue again and again to understand it. Using iPads is especially helpful to students who are learning a language at different paces.The students who are using the new tool in some courses are also happy. They believe that using iPads is a more enjoyable way to learn (such as list

40、ening to stories and watching movies). The class has become much more interesting and creative.There are other advantages for students. By using iPads, they can pay more attention to the material and learn more. Teaching notes are stored in their iPads and are easy to find .Some students spend more

41、time studying now.“I can listen to my language material or watch teaching videos on the bus, instead of having to wait until I get home,” a student explained.Many adults complain that technologies such as iPads are doing harm to students. They worry that students might use iPads to download teaching

42、 notes and use them to cheat during exams. Some believe that iPads may separate students from each other. If a student spends more time watching videos on an iPad, he will have fewer opportunities to have face-to-face communication with others.However, technologies are already a part of most student

43、s day-to-day lives. As for cheating, teachers can ask students to hand in their iPads when they take exams. Education needs to make changes with the times as technology is playing an important part. We should look forward to a wonderful future when iPads and other technologies can add a lot to the c

44、lassroom.1What does the expression“at their own pace” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?AAccording to their own timetable.BWithout their teachers help.CBecause of their wonderful goals.DAgainst their parents hope.2From the passage we can learn that_.Astudents with iPads have less discussion in classBstud

45、ents get more fun from learning with iPadsCiPads help students save time waiting for busesDiPads prevent students from cheating in exams3The writer probably agrees that_.Ateachers can take control of students learningBexam results depend a lot on now technologyCtechnology in education has a bright f

46、utureDnote-taking is as helpful as video-watchingF18、It was raining. I went into a cafe and asked for a coffee.While waiting for my drink, I realized there were other people in the place, but I sensed loneliness. I saw their bodies, but I couldnt feel their souls because their souls belonged to the

47、Net.I stood up and walked between the tables. When I came to the biggest computer, I saw a thin, small man sitting in front of it. I am Steve, he finally answered after I asked him a couple of times what his name was. I cant talk with you. Im busy, he said He was chatting online and, at the same tim

48、e playing a computer game: a war game. I was surprised.Why didnt Steve want to talk with me? I tried again to speak to that computer geek, but not a word came out of his mouth. I touched his shoulder, but no reaction I was unhappy. I put my hand in front of the monitor and he shouted, Leave me alone

49、. I took a few steps back, wondering if all those people were having a nice conversation with their machines, not with people, especially Steve.I wouldnt want to imagine the future of human beings if they preferred sharing their lives with machines instead of with people. I was worried and sank in my thoughts. I didnt even realize that the coffee was bad, just as Steve didnt notice there was a person next to him.1What was the weather like when the writ


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