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1、Module 3 Daily lifeUnit 6 At the weekendPeriod 11.詞匯:weekend, busy, wake (up), early, Mrs, market, son, place, out, cinema, seldom, stay, Childrens Palace, have (some) fun 2.句型:(1).is always . at the weekend. (2) He usually. (3)They often. (4)Sometimes they.3.能力目標(biāo):能夠談?wù)撊藗冊谌粘I钪械幕顒?學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)課堂導(dǎo)入What do the

2、y do at the weekend?They often go swimming at the weekend.課堂導(dǎo)入What do they do at the weekend?They usually go to the market at the weekend.課堂導(dǎo)入What does he do at the weekend?He seldom goes to the cinema at the weekend.課堂導(dǎo)入What does he do after school?Sometimes he plays football after school.課堂導(dǎo)入What

3、does he do after school?He never plays computer games after school.課堂導(dǎo)入. is always. . usually/often/seldom.Sometimes .總是通常經(jīng)常極少有時What does he/she/they/you do after school?課堂導(dǎo)入What do/does you/he/she/they do at the weekend/after school?Lets talk.單元新詞busy忙的例句:He is very busy. 他很忙。單元新詞early早地例句:I sleep

4、early every day. 我每天都睡得很早。單元新詞Mrs太太例句:Morning, Mr and Mrs White. 早,懷特先生和懷特太太。單元新詞weekend周末例句:Have a nice weekend. 周末愉快。單元新詞seldom極少地例句:He seldom plays games. 他很少玩游戲。單元新詞stay停留,待在例句:I like staying at home. 我喜歡待在家。market市場例句:There is a market near my house. 我家附近有個市場。單元新詞wake醒來例句:I wake up at six every

5、 day.我每天六點醒來。單元新詞cinema電影院例句:I often go to the cinema.我經(jīng)常去電影院。單元新詞palace宮殿例句:I like the Childrens Palace. 我喜歡少年宮。單元新詞單詞鞏固根據(jù)提示補(bǔ)全單詞1. Jims father is always b on w .2. Lucy always goes to m with her mum.3. In the evening, Mary s goes o .4. I w up very e every day.5. The c is really far.usyeekendsarkete

6、ldomutakearlyinemaLets talkLets talk回答問題1. When is Chen family very busy?2. What do Mr and Mrs Chen do after breakfast?3. What does Jiamin do at the Childrens Palace?4. Where do Jiamins parents often go in the afternoon?5. What does Jiamin do in the afternoon?The Chen family is always busy at the we

7、ekend.They usually go to the market.He usually has a swimming lesson there.They often go to the cinema.He stays at home and watches TV.After the lesson he and his friends sometimes go out for lunch. 課后他和他的朋友們有時會去外面吃午餐。sometimes是頻度副詞,在句中習(xí)慣上位于be(動詞)、助動詞、情態(tài)動詞之后,行為動詞之前。sometimes是比較特殊的頻度副詞,還可以位于句首或句尾。例:I

8、 walk to school sometimes. 我有時步行去上學(xué)。知識講解1其他常用的頻度副詞還有:知識講解2頻度副詞詞義大致發(fā)生的概率always總是100%usually通常80%often經(jīng)常60%sometimes有時30%never從不0Sometimes they visit their friends, too. 有時他們也拜訪他們的朋友。too意為“也”,一般放在肯定句句尾。例:Nice to meet you, too. 見到你也很高興。too用于形容詞或副詞之前,意為“太,過于”例:He drives too fast. 他開得太快了。知識講解3隨堂練習(xí)選一選1. W

9、here Ben?A. am B. is C. are2. Let me go and look him.A. for B. with C. of3. Jiamin after school every day.A. swim B. swims C. to swim4. Does Joe lunch at home?A. have B. has C. had隨堂練習(xí)1. Susan (love) (dance).2. Yao Ming (have) many basketball fans.3. (do) the lady sometimes (draw) flowers?4. Tom usu

10、ally (wake) up early.5. My sister (not) go to school by bus. lovesdancinghasDoesdraw用括號內(nèi)單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空wakesdoesntThe Chen family is always very busy at the weekend. They always wake up very early and have a big breakfast. After breakfast Mrs Chen usually goes to the market with Mrs Chen. Their son Jiamin

11、 always goes to the Childrens Palace on Saturday.He usually has a swimming lesson there with his friends. After the lesson he and his friends sometimes go out for lunch. In the afternoon Mr and Mrs Chen like to have some fun. They often go to the cinema. Sometimes they visit their friends, too. Jiamin seldom goes to the cinema with parents. He likes staying at home and watching TV. But every evening, they always have dinner together and talk about their day.課文回顧12368104579 本課需要掌握的單詞(短語):weekend, busy, wake (up), ea


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