八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè) Unit 8 English week Grammar課件_第1頁(yè)
八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè) Unit 8 English week Grammar課件_第2頁(yè)
八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè) Unit 8 English week Grammar課件_第3頁(yè)
八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè) Unit 8 English week Grammar課件_第4頁(yè)
八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè) Unit 8 English week Grammar課件_第5頁(yè)
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1、Period 3GrammarModule 4 School lifeOxford EnglishUnit 8English Week Your memory!Modal verbs (情態(tài)動(dòng)詞):can- could, may- might, mustShould & ought tocanEg: I can speak English.Can I borrow your pen?can 表示某人具備某種能力做某事; 可以 can 的過(guò)去式_can 的否定形式為_(kāi)can 的同義詞_couldcannot或cantbe able tomayMay I smoke here? Yes, you_

2、. /No, you_(語(yǔ)氣強(qiáng)烈)May I borrow your pen? Yes, you_. /No, you_.May意為_(kāi),與_ 意義相同, May 的過(guò)去式為_(kāi)可以canmightmaymustntmaymay notEg: mustEg:My bedroom is dirty. I must clean it. You mustnt smoke here. Its non- smoking area. Must they leave? Yes, they must. / No, they neednt/ dont have to. (沒(méi)有必要)We use must _and

3、must not (mustnt) _to tell people what to do or what not to do.Must 的同義詞:_必須不準(zhǔn),禁止have toCan, may, must 表推測(cè)1 He must be at home because the lights were on.他一定在家,因?yàn)闊暨€亮著。Must 表推測(cè)意為”一定,肯定”(可能性大),用于肯定句。2 The news may or may not be true.這個(gè)消息可能是真的也可能是假的。May表推測(cè)意為“可能”(可能性?。挥糜谝蓡?wèn)句中。3 That cant be Mary. She i

4、s in New York.那不可能是瑪麗。她現(xiàn)在在紐約。Cant 表推測(cè)意為“不可能”(不可能的程度大),can 只用于否定句和疑問(wèn)句中。記憶口訣: can不肯,may不問(wèn),must肯定不否問(wèn)!選擇can, cant, may, must填空1 It is cold in the room. They _ have turned off the heating (取暖器).2 A: Someone is knocking at the door. B: Who _ it be at this moment?3 John _ be a policeman. He is too short.4

5、A: Who told you the news. B:It _ be Mary. Im not sure.mustcantmaycanYou should communicate in English with your friends whenever you can. You should read English books and magazines, and watch English television programmes. Above all, you should enjoy English!2Grammar A Modal verb: shouldPlease read

6、 the sentences with “should” from the passage on page 115.In my opinion, every school should have an English Week.Read the dialogue and sentences on page 119.Finish “Work out the rule” and read “Things to remember”.should, ought to應(yīng)該,應(yīng)當(dāng)常用來(lái)表示勸告、建議認(rèn)為“某人應(yīng)該做某事”或“有義務(wù)責(zé)任做某事”。Ought to語(yǔ)氣稍重一些。帶有責(zé)備或督促的意思。Trans

7、lation:我們應(yīng)該現(xiàn)在討論.We should discuss now.=We ought to discuss now.我們不應(yīng)該現(xiàn)在討論。We shouldnt discuss now.=We ought not to discuss now.我們應(yīng)該現(xiàn)在討論嗎?Should we discuss now?Ought we to discuss now?回答:Yes, we should/ ought to.No, we shouldnt/ ought not to肯定,否定形式 I / You / He / She/ We / Theyshouldought toshould not

8、ought not todiscuss it.Summary:_we_we _疑問(wèn),回答discuss it now?Yes, we _.No, we _.ShouldOughttoshould/ought toshouldnt/ought not toP120 : Ms Chen is writing a report about her students. Help her complete the report with should or should not and the verbs from the box.be do make pronounce read think tryA

9、rthur should read more English books.He (1)_magazinesabout pop stars all the time.Emily(2)_her words more clearly when she speaksin English. she (3) _againin the speaking competition next should not readshould pronounce should try year. Amy (4)_more friendsShe (5)_too shy.Joseph(6)_his homework more

10、 carefully.He (7) _also_more carefully before he speaks!should makeshould not be should do shouldthink練練看(學(xué)案)一、回答問(wèn)題:1.What should we do if we want to get high marks? (work hard) We should work hard.2. What ought we to do if we find some money on the classroom floor? (taketo) We ought to take the mon

11、ey to the teacher.3. How should we treat our parents when they are old? (look after) We should look after them if our parents are old.4. He looks sad, What ought we to say?We ought to say “whats the matter?”.5. What should you do when you see an old woman standing on the bus?I should give my seat to

12、 her.Complete the dialogues with should.should 還可表示更正別人的說(shuō)法1. Ought I to write a report about our class meeting for the newspaper? No, you _. A. ought not B. ought not to C. ought to not D. not ought toB2. You _ take good care of your younger sister. OK, I will. A. canB. cant C. ought toD. ought not

13、toC3. You look quite tired. You _ stop working and have a good rest. A. oughtB. mustnt C. shouldD. shouldntC4. Tony, you have woken up the baby! Im sorry. I _ make much noise. A. cant B. mustnt C. couldnt D. shouldntD1. We should take good care of the young trees. (改為一般疑問(wèn)句) _ we _ good care of the y

14、oung trees?2. You ought to turn off the lights when you leave the room. (改為一般疑問(wèn)句) _ I _ _ off the lights when I leave the room?根據(jù)要求完成下列句子。Should take Ought to turn3. You ought to put your bike under the tree. (改為否定句) You _ _ _ _ your bike under the tree.4. The child should drink some orange juice. (

15、改為否定句) The child _ _ _ orange juice. ought not to put shouldnt drink any 5. They should arrive at the station before 7 oclock. (就劃線部分提問(wèn)) _ _ _ _ at the station?When should they arrive Grammar B had betterRead the sentences on page 120. 3Complete “Work out the rule” and read “Things to remember”.had

16、better無(wú)人稱和數(shù)的變化,表示竭力勸告,或告訴人們(自己)該做什么事情。意為做是好的,最好還是1. Bob _ eat so much. 2. Look at Mark! He _ stop smoking at once.had better nothad better3. Betty _ drive carefully. She has already crashed (碰撞) two cars.had better Complete the following sentences with had better or had better not and the expression

17、s from the box.Correct the following sentences. 按要求改寫下列句子,每空一詞。1. You should eat too much. (改為否定句) You _ _ _ too much.2. He should speak slowly. (改為一般疑問(wèn)句)_ _ _ slowly?3. Its best for you to get up early. (改為同義句) You _ _ _ up early.should not eatShould he speakhad better get4. Youd better take much m

18、oney with you. (改為否定句) You _ _ _ _ much money with you.5. Tom should practise more to improve his Chinese. (對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn))_ _ Tom _ to improve his Chinese?had better not takeWhat should do二、【跟蹤訓(xùn)練】. 用should或shouldnt以及括號(hào)中的提示完成下面的句子。1. _ (you/smoke). Its bad for you.2. Im going to a party tonight. What _ (I/

19、wear)? 3. _ (I/eat) any more cakes. Ive already eaten too many.4. The food is terrible. _ (we/complain) to the manager.You shouldnt smokeshould I wearI shouldnt eatWe should complain三. 閱讀情景,用had better (not)以及括號(hào)中的提示完成下面的句子。1. Mike doesnt look wellnot well enough to go to work. You say to him, “You _

20、 (go to work).”2. You and Kate plan to go to a restaurant tonight. The restaurant is very popular. You say to Kate, “We _ (book a table).”had better not go to workhad better book a table3. You want to go out, but youre waiting for an important phone call. You say to your friends, “I _ (go out).”4. Y

21、ou are going for a walk with Peter. It might rain. You say to Peter, “We _ (take an umbrella).”had better not go outhad better take an umbrella四、 單項(xiàng)選擇。1. He _ see a doctor before it is too late.A. ought to B. have to C. can D. needs2. Youd better go at once, _ you?A. shouldnt B. wouldnt C. hadnt D. couldnt3. She ought to be praised, _ she? A. ought she B. she ought C. oughtnt D. she oughtnt4. I wasnt sure whether I _ offer to help or not. A. should B. mi


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