



1、Unit 12 What s the best radio station?導(dǎo)學(xué)練(Section【學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)】1.(一步學(xué)習(xí)形容詞、副詞的比較級(jí);并實(shí)際應(yīng)用進(jìn)行比較、選擇 【課前預(yù)習(xí)】.從P.101單詞表中找出下列新詞匯, 并根據(jù)音標(biāo)讀出來(lái), 不會(huì)讀的詞請(qǐng)摘 抄下來(lái)。Positive, negative, dull, loud, talent, talent show, performer, success, act, without, together, musical, distance, near, farthest, province, southern, still, lovely,

2、 northern, snow, enough.預(yù)習(xí)課本P74-P76,結(jié)合單詞你能找出下列詞組的意思嗎?positive wordsnegative wordsthe most creativethe most boringthe math teachera great successwin the prize forwithout musicthe funniest actorthe worst movieaction moviesas for beautiful beachesin northern Chinatalent show an Ice and Snow FestivalCen

3、tral Park leader of a bandForbidden City _elementary school 【預(yù)習(xí)自我檢測(cè)】.單詞拼寫(xiě):根據(jù)中文提示,補(bǔ)全單詞1I m glad our meeting is a great 城功)。2 Its a long (品巨離)from Beijing to Fujian.3The computer is too expensive. I dont have (足夠)money to buy it.4He is one of(最滑稽) actors.5Doing chores at home all day is very.(單調(diào))6Jasp

4、ers has the(最友文?的) service.7Hotels usually(降低它們的價(jià)格)in winter.8 I think Cride Theatre has(最舒適的)seats.9 The Art Festival(持續(xù)了大約 10 天). 10Who(贏)the prize for the best performer last night?.寫(xiě)出下列形容詞的比較級(jí)和最高級(jí)形式。1big2cheap3popular4close5friendly6 expensive7good8bad9boring _10hot【任務(wù)型課堂教學(xué)】【課堂同步】【知識(shí)鏈接】1. talent

5、名詞 意思是“天才,才干,才能”拓展 Talent depends on industry 天才靠勤奮練一練 There s a t show in our school every year.2. success名詞,意為 成功,好結(jié)果”拓展successful形容詞 ”成功的,順利的“練一練他在事業(yè)上獲得了成功。He gets his business. last此處意為“持續(xù),維持,持久”拓展last week 上周last yearat last練一練The spring there去年最后,終于from February to May.A. comes B. lasts C.begi

6、ns. enough此處意為“足夠的,充分的“講解修飾名詞時(shí)放在其前,如enough money, enough apples修飾副詞時(shí)放在其后,如fast enough (夠快的)練一練 Do you have ?A. enough time B. time enough C. many time課文解析SB 3a3a He danced without music .他無(wú)音樂(lè)伴奏,跳舞。without介詞,沒(méi)有的意思。without sthwithout doing sthPeople can t live without water.沒(méi)有水人們不能活。He went to school

7、without eating breakfast this morning. 今早晨他沒(méi)吃早飯就去上學(xué)了。Who do you think is the funniest actor ?你認(rèn)為誰(shuí)是最滑稽的演員?What do you think is the loudest musical group?你認(rèn)為什么是最吵鬧的樂(lè)隊(duì)提問(wèn)人物用who,提問(wèn)事物用 what.do you think是插入語(yǔ),從句用陳述語(yǔ)序。Who do you think is the best performer?你認(rèn)為誰(shuí)是最好的演員?What do you think is the best book?你認(rèn)為什么是

8、最好的書(shū)?Self checkSanya is in Hainan Province in southern China.三亞在中國(guó)南方的海南省。Harbin is in northern China .哈爾濱在中國(guó)的北部。(1)表示一個(gè)小地點(diǎn)在一個(gè)大地點(diǎn)之內(nèi)用介詞in表方位。Qingdao is in Shangdong Province in eastern China. 如果一個(gè)地方不在一個(gè)地方內(nèi),且不接壤用介詞to。Japan is to the east of China.兩個(gè)接壤的地方用介詞on表方位。Russia is on the north of China.southern

9、, northern 分另1J是 south, north 的形容詞。The price of a hotel room is about 320yuan a night.旅館的房間的價(jià)格為一 晚上3 2 0元 。the price of 的價(jià)格在英文中價(jià)格一般不用貴(expensive),便宜(cheap)來(lái)修飾,而用高(high),低(low)來(lái)修飾。T he price of the apples is very low.蘋(píng)果的價(jià)格很低。The apples are very cheap.蘋(píng)果很便宜。Hotels usually cut their prices in winter .旅館通常在冬天里減價(jià)。cut their prices . 降價(jià)、減價(jià)。About 200 yuan a night is enough .一晚上大約200元足夠了。enough可以修飾名詞也可以修飾形容詞。當(dāng)它修飾名詞時(shí)可放在名詞的前邊,也可放在后邊。如足夠白水,enough water當(dāng)它修飾形容詞或副詞時(shí),則放在它的后邊。如:足夠大 big enough .不能說(shuō)成 enough big


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