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1、 / 5牛津英語四年級下冊知識點梳理Unitl A new student牛津英語四年級下冊7. a man (男人)8. a woman (女人)知識點梳理new (新的)our (我們的)2. a teacher (教師)11. school(學生)3. a doctor (醫(yī)生)e (歡迎)4. a nurse (護士)13. tree (樹)5. a boy(男孩)14. climb (攀登)6. a girl(女孩)15. again (再;又)、單詞及詞組sir(先生)right (正確的)n (下來)19. excuse me (對不起,打擾一下)牛津英語四年級下冊知識點梳理牛津

2、英語四年級下冊知識點梳理you re = you are3. he s = he is4. she s = she is5. I m = I am6. don t = do not牛津英語四年級下冊知識點梳理Unit2 At a party、單詞及詞組a head (頭)a nose (鼻子)a mouth (嘴;口)an eye (眼睛)an ear(耳朵)white(白色的)a friend(朋友)a skirt(短裙)a party(宴會)with (有)牛津英語四年級下冊知識點梳理grandmother (祖母;夕卜祖母)father(父親)mother (母親)brother (兄;

3、弟)sister (姐;妹)hair (頭發(fā))which (哪一個)big (大的)small (小的)long (長的)short (短的)we (我們)hurry(趕快)wrong (錯誤的)be late for (遲到)牛津英語四年級下冊知識點梳理Unit3 What s your job?、單詞及詞組1. a policeman (policemen)3. a waiter (waiters)(警察)(男服務員)2. a policewoman (policewomen)4. a waitress (waitresses)(女警察)(女服務員)5. a driver (drivers

4、)7. a cook (cooks)9. job(職業(yè))13. old (老的) 的)(司機)(廚師)10. name (名字)14. about(大約)11. their15. want6. a worker (workers)8. a farmer (farmers)(他(她/它)們的)12. today(今天)(想要)16. cold (冷17. how old(幾歲)二、縮寫詞18. how many (多少)19. look at(看)1. aren t = are not2. what s = what is3. they re =they are三、句型1. What s you

5、r job?What s his job?(你的職業(yè)是什么?)(他的職業(yè)是什么?)What s her j ob?(她的職業(yè)是什么?)I m a(我是一位) He s a(他是一位) She s a(她是一位一)2. What are their jobs?(他/她們的職業(yè)是什么?)They re(他/她們是一)3. Are they ?(他/她們是嗎?)Yes, they are. (是,他/她們是的。No, they aren t. They re(不 ,他/她們不是的。他4. How old are you?(你幾歲了?) I m(我一)/她們是)How old is he? (他幾歲了

6、?)He s(他)How old is she?5. What s your/his/her name?I m/He s/She s x x .(我(她幾歲了?)She s -(你/他/她叫什么名字?/他/她是x X。)Unit4 Buying fruit一、單詞及詞組1. an apple (apples)3. a banana (bananas)5. a grape (grapes)(蘋果)(香蕉)(葡萄)2. an orange (oranges)4. a peach (peaches)(桔子)(桃子)6. a pineapple (pineapples)(菠蘿)7. a waterme

7、lon (watermelons)9. buy (買)斤)13. or (或者)二、縮寫詞(西瓜)10. some (一些)8. a pear (pears)11. fruit(梨子)(水果)12. kilo (公三、句型1. What are these?What are those?14. yuan (元)I d = I would(這些是什么?)They(那些是什么?)Theyre re 15.great(好極了)(它們是)(它們是)2. I d like some , please.(我想要一些) How many kilos?(多少公斤?)kilo(s), please. (請來 公

8、斤。)Here are you. (給你。)Unit6 Let s go by taxi一、單詞及詞組1. a station(車站)2. a supermarket(超級市場)4. a theatre(劇場)5. a hospital(醫(yī)院)場)7. by train(乘火車)8. by plane(乘飛機)車)10. on foot(步行)11. by taxi(乘公共汽車)13. there(在那里)14. for (往;向)16. park(公園)17. play (玩;參加)19. ball(球)20. Good idea.(好上思。二、句型3. a library(圖書館)6. a

9、n airport9. by minibus12. how (怎么)15. free18. football(機(乘中客(空閑的)(足球)1. Let s go to theGood.(好的。)(讓我們一起去)/Great.(太棒了。) How do we go there?(我們怎么去那里???)Shall we go to(the) (地點)by(交通工具)? OK/All right.(好的)2. Is thisYes, it is.(交通工具)for(地點)(是,它是的。)/No, it isn?(這輛一是去一的嗎?) t.(不,它不是的。)Unit7 At a snack bar、單詞

10、及詞組1. a pie (pies)3. a sweet (sweets)5. noodles(面條)(餡餅)(糖果)2. a hamburger (hamburgers)4. a biscuit (biscuits)6. a bar of chocolate(漢堡包)(餅干)(一塊巧克力)7. a cup of tea9. a glass of juice(一杯茶)(一杯果汁)8. a cup of coffee10. a carton of milk(一杯咖啡)(一盒牛奶)11. a snack bar14. dear(快餐部) 的)12. a basketball(籃球)13. move

11、 (移動)淇淋)17. a cake19. thirsty(蛋糕)(渴的)22. What would you like?24. Something to drink?二、句型1. What would you like?15. then (那么)18. water (水)20. how much (多少(錢)(你要什么?)(要喝些什么嗎?)23. How about you?25. Anything else?(你要什么?)I d like /A/Some , please.(我想要/請來一個 /一些)16. an ice-cream (冰19. hungry(俄的)21. see the

12、doctor(你怎么樣?)(還要別的東西嗎?)(看醫(yī)生)2. How much is it?(它多少錢?)How much are they?它們多少錢?It syuan. / yuan, please. (They re - yuan. / - yuan, please.(它)元。)(它們)元。)Unit8 Open Day一、單詞及詞組1. a chair(椅子)2. a blackboard(黑板)r (計算機)5. a bookcase(書櫥)6. a music room3. a picture(圖畫)(音樂室)7. an office(辦公室)10. classroom(教室)13

13、. TV (電視)8. a playground(操場)11. open day(接待日)14. sometimes(有時)9. our (我們的)12. bright (明亮的)15. watch (觀看)16. piano (鋼琴)19. songbook (歌本)17. near (靠近)20. lots of = a lot of(許多的)18. window (窗戶)21. T-shirt (T 恤衫)22. smart(好看的)23. map (地圖)24. them (他/她/它們)25. China28. read26. box (盒子)28. I ve got = I hav

14、e got27. table(桌子)二、縮寫詞there s = there is三、句型What s on/in/near the ?(上面 /里面/旁邊有什么?)There s aon/in/near the (有一個在上面/里面/旁邊。(我有)There are some on/in/near the (有一些在上面/里面/旁邊。)Unit9 Breakfast、單詞及詞組1. a knife(刀)2. a fork(叉)3. a plate(盤子)4. a bowl(碗)5. a cup(杯子)6. a bottle(狹頸小口瓶)7. a spoon10. chopsticks(筷子)13. an egg (蛋)16. no (沒有的)8. a glass11. rice (米)14. a fridge17. a carton of(玻璃杯)9. a cupboard12. bread(面包)(冰箱)(一(紙)盒) 18. use15. breakfa


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