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1、LAW OOF THHE PEEOPLEES RREPUBBLIC OF CCHINAA ON EMPLLOYMEENT CCONTRRACTSSAdoptted aat thhe 288th SSessiion oof thhe Sttandiing CCommiitteee of the 10thh Nattionaal Peeoplees CCongrress on JJune 29, 20077Effecctivee froom Jaanuarry 1, 20008By Baaker & MCCKenzzieCHAPTTER 11 GENNERALL PROOVISIIONS Arti

2、ccle 11This Law has beenn forrmulaated in oorderr to imprrove the emplloymeent ccontrract systtem, to sspeciify tthe rrightts annd obbligaationns off thee parrtiess to emplloymeent ccontrractss, too prootectt thee lawwful righhts aand iinterrestss of Emplloyeees annd too buiild aand ddevellop hharmo

3、oniouus annd sttablee empploymment relaationnshipps. Articcle 22This Law goveerns the estaablisshmennt off empploymment relaationnshipps beetweeen, aand tthe cconcllusioon, pperfoormannce, amenndmennt, ttermiinatiion aand eendinng off empploymment conttractts byy, orrganiizatiions suchh as enteerpri

4、ises, inddividdual econnomicc orgganizzatioons aand pprivaate nnon-eenterrprisse unnits in tthe PPeoplles Repuublicc of Chinna (“Emplloyerrs”) on tthe oone hhand and Emplloyeees inn thee Peooples Reepubllic oof Chhina on tthe ootherr hannd. The cconcllusioon, pperfoormannce, amenndmennt, ttermiinati

5、ion aand eendinng off empploymment conttractts byy staate aauthooritiies, insttituttionss or sociial oorgannizattionss on the one handd andd Empployeees wwith whomm theey esstabllish emplloymeent rrelattionsshipss on the otheer haand, shalll bee hanndledd purrsuannt too thiis Laaw.Articcle 33The cco

6、ncllusioon off empploymment conttractts shhall compply wwith the prinnciplles oof laawfullnesss, faairneess, equaalityy, frree wwill, neggotiaated conssensuus annd goood ffaithh. A lawwfullly cooncluuded emplloymeent ccontrract is bbindiing, and bothh thee Empployeer annd thhe Emmployyee sshalll per

7、rformm theeir rrespeectivve obbligaationns sttipullatedd theereinn. Articcle 44Emplooyerss shaall eestabblishh andd impprovee intternaal ruules and reguulatiions, so as tto ennsuree thaat Emmployyees enjooy thheir laboor riightss andd perrformm theeir llaborr oblligattionss. When an EEmplooyer formm

8、ulattes, reviises or ddeciddes oon ruules and reguulatiions, or mateeriall mattterss, thhat hhave a diirectt beaaringg on the immeediatte inntereests of iits EEmplooyeess, suuch aas thhose conccerniing ccompeensattion, worrk hoours, resst, lleavee, woork ssafetty annd hyygienne, iinsurrancee, beenef

9、iits, emplloyeee traaininng, wwork disccipliine oor woork qquotaa mannagemment, thee samme shhall be ddiscuussedd by the emplloyeee reppreseentattive conggresss or all the emplloyeees. TThe eemplooyee reprresenntatiive ccongrress or aall tthe eemplooyeess, ass thee casse maay bee, shhall put forwwar

10、d a prropossal aand ccommeents, wheereuppon tthe mmatteer shhall be ddeterrmineed thhrouggh coonsulltatiions withh thee Traade uunionn or emplloyeee reppreseentattivess connductted oon a basiis off equualitty. If, ddurinng thhe immplemmentaationn of an EEmplooyers ruule oor reegulaationn or deciisio

11、nn on a crruciaal maatterr, thhe Trrade unioon orr an emplloyeee is of tthe oopiniion tthat the samee is inappproppriatte, iit orr he is eentittled to ccommuunicaate ssuch opinnion to tthe EEmplooyer, andd thee rulle, rregullatioon orr deccisioon shhall be iimprooved by mmakinng ammendmmentss aftter

12、 cconsuultattionss. Ruless andd reggulattionss, annd deecisiions on mmaterrial mattters, thaat haave aa dirrect bearring on tthe iimmeddiatee intteressts oof Emmployyees shalll bee madde puublicc or be ccommuunicaated to tthe EEmplooyeess by the Emplloyerr. Articcle 55The llaborr admminisstrattion a

13、uthhoritties of PPeoplles Goveernmeents at tthe ccountty leevel and abovve, ttogetther withh thee Traade uunionn andd entterprrise reprresenntatiives, shaall eestabblishh a ccomprrehennsivee trii-parrtitee mecchaniism ffor tthe ccoorddinattion of eemplooymennt reelatiionshhips, in ordeer too joiintl

14、yy stuudy aand rresollve mmajorr isssues conccerniing eemplooymennt reelatiionshhips. Articcle 66A Traade uunionn shaall aassisst annd guuide Emplloyeees inn thee connclussion of eemplooymennt coontraacts withh theeir EEmplooyer and the perfformaance therreof in aaccorrdancce wiith tthe llaw, and es

15、taablissh a colllectiive bbargaaininng meechannism withh thee Empployeer inn ordder tto saafeguuard the lawfful rrightts annd inntereests of EEmplooyeess. CHAPTTER 22 CONNCLUSSION OF EEMPLOOYMENNT COONTRAACTSArticcle 77An Emmployyerss empploymment relaationnshipp witth a Emplloyeee is estaablisshed

16、on tthe ddate it sstartts ussing the Emplloyeee. Ann Empployeer shhall keepp a rregisster of eemplooyeess, foor reefereence purpposess. Articcle 88When an EEmplooyer hirees a Emplloyeee, itt shaall ttruthhfullly innformm himm as to tthe cconteent oof thhe woork, the workking condditioons, the placce

17、 off worrk, ooccuppatioonal hazaards, prooducttion safeety ccondiitionns, llaborr commpenssatioon annd otther mattters whicch thhe Emmployyee rrequeests to bbe innformmed aaboutt. Thhe Emmployyer hhas tthe rrightt to learrn frrom tthe EEmplooyee basiic innformmatioon whhich direectlyy rellatess to t

18、he emplloymeent ccontrract, andd thee Empployeee shhall trutthfullly pproviide tthe ssame. Articcle 99When hiriing aa Empployeee, aan Emmployyer mmay nnot rretaiin thhe Emmployyeess ressidennt IDD carrd orr othher ppaperrs, nnor mmay iit reequirre hiim too proovidee seccuritty orr colllectt proopert

19、ty frrom hhim uunderr somme otther guisse. Articcle 110To esstabllish an eemplooymennt reelatiionshhip, a wrritteen emmployymentt conntracct shhall be cconclludedd. In thhe evvent thatt no writtten emplloymeent ccontrract was conccludeed att thee timme off esttabliishmeent oof ann empploymment relaa

20、tionnshipp, a writtten emplloymeent ccontrract shalll bee conncludded wwithiin onne moonth afteer thhe daate oon whhich the Emplloyerr staarts usinng thhe Emmployyee.Wheree an Emplloyerr andd a EEmplooyee conccludee an emplloymeent ccontrract befoore tthe EEmplooyer starrts uusingg thee Empployeee,

21、tthe eemplooymennt reelatiionshhip sshalll be estaablisshed on tthe ddate on wwhichh thee Empployeer sttartss usiing tthe EEmplooyee. Articcle 111In thhe evvent thatt an Emplloyerr faiils tto cooncluude aa wriittenn empploymment conttractt witth a Emplloyeee at the timee itss staarts to uuse hhim, a

22、nd it iis noot cllear whatt labbor ccompeensattion was agreeed uupon withh thee Empployeee, tthe llaborr commpenssatioon off thee neww Empployeee shhall be ddecidded ppursuuant to tthe rrate speccifieed inn thee colllecttive conttractt; whhere therre iss no colllectiive ccontrract or tthe ccolleecti

23、vve coontraact iis siilentt on the mattter, equaal paay shhall be ggivenn forr equual wwork. Articcle 112Emplooymennt coontraacts are diviided intoo fixxed-tterm emplloymeent ccontrractss, oppen-eendedd empploymment conttractts annd emmployymentt conntraccts tto exxpiree upoon coompleetionn of a cee

24、rtaiin joob. Articcle 113A “fiixed-termm empploymment conttractt” iss an emplloymeent ccontrract whosse enndingg datte iss agrreed uponn by the Emplloyerr andd thee Empployeee. An Emmployyer aand aa Empployeee maay cooncluude aa fixxed-tterm emplloymeent ccontrract uponn reaachinng a negootiatted cc

25、onseensuss. Articcle 114An “oopen-endeed emmployymentt conntracct” iis ann empploymment conttractt forr whiich tthe EEmplooyer and the Emplloyeee havve aggreedd nott to stippulatte a defiinitee endding datee. An Emmployyer aand aa Empployeee maay cooncluude aan oppen-eendedd empploymment conttractt

26、upoon reeachiing aa neggotiaated conssensuus. IIf a Emplloyeee prooposees orr agrrees to rreneww hiss empploymment conttractt or to cconcllude an eemplooymennt coontraact iin anny off thee folllowiing ccircuumstaancess, ann opeen-ennded emplloymeent ccontrract shalll bee conncludded, unleess tthe EE

27、mplooyee requuestss thee connclussion of aa fixxed-tterm emplloymeent ccontrract: (1) TThe EEmplooyee has beenn worrkingg forr thee Empployeer foor a conssecuttive periiod oof noot leess tthan 10 yyearss; (2) wwhen his Emplloyerr inttroduuces the emplloymeent ccontrract systtem oor thhe sttate ownee

28、d ennterpprisee thaat emmployys hiim ree-conncluddes iits eemplooymennt coontraacts as aa ressult of rrestrructuuringg, thhe Emmployyee hhas bbeen workking for the Emplloyerr forr a cconseecutiive pperiood off nott lesss thhan 110 yeears and is lless thann 10 yearrs awway ffrom his legaal reetireeme

29、ntt agee; orr (3) ppriorr to the reneewal, a ffixedd-terrm emmployymentt conntracct waas cooncluuded on ttwo cconseecutiive ooccassionss andd thee Empployeee iss nott chaaractterizzed bby anny off thee cirrcumsstancces sset fforthh in Artiicle 39 aand iitemss (1) andd (2) of Artiicle 40 hhereoof. If

30、 ann Empployeer faails to cconcllude a wrritteen emmployymentt conntracct wiith aa Empployeee wiithinn onee yeaar frrom tthe ddate on wwhichh it starrts uusingg thee Empployeee, tthe EEmplooyer and the Emplloyeee shaall bbe deeemedd to havee conncludded aan oppen-eendedd empploymment conttractt. Art

31、iccle 115An “eemplooymennt coontraact wwith a teerm tto exxpiree upoon coompleetionn of a ceertaiin joob” iis ann empploymment conttractt in whicch thhe Emmployyer aand tthe EEmplooyee havee agrreed thatt thee commplettion of aa cerrtainn jobb is the termm of the conttractt. An Emmployyer aand aa Em

32、pployeee maay, uupon reacchingg a nnegottiateed coonsennsus, conncludde ann empploymment conttractt witth a termm to expiire uupon comppletiion oof a certtain job.Articcle 116An emmployymentt conntracct shhall becoome eeffecctivee wheen thhe Emmployyer aand tthe EEmplooyee havee reaachedd a nnegotti

33、ateed coonsennsus therreon and eachh of themm hass siggned or ssealeed thhe teext oof suuch ccontrract. The EEmplooyer and the Emplloyeee shaall eeach holdd onee coppy off thee empploymment conttractt. Articcle 117An emmployymentt conntracct shhall speccify the folllowinng maatterrs: (1) TThe nname,

34、 dommicille annd leegal reprresenntatiive oor maain ppersoon inn chaarge of tthe EEmplooyer; (2) TThe nname, dommicille annd nuumberr of the resiidentt ID cardd or otheer vaalid idenntityy doccumennt off thee Empployeee; (3) TThe tterm of tthe eemplooymennt coontraact; (4) TThe jjob ddes ccripttion

35、and the placce off worrk; (5) WWorkiing hhourss, reest aand lleavee; (6) LLaborr commpenssatioon; (7) SSociaal innsuraance; (8) LLaborr prootecttion, worrkingg connditiions and prottectiion aagainnst ooccuppatioonal hazaards; andd (9) OOtherr mattterss whiich llaws and stattutess reqquiree to be iin

36、cluuded in eemplooymennt coontraacts. In addditiion tto thhe reequissite termms meentiooned abovve, aan Emmployyer aand aa Empployeee maay aggree to sstipuulatee othher mmatteers iin thhe emmployymentt conntracct, ssuch as pprobaationn perriod, traaininng, cconfiidenttialiity, suppplemeentarry innsu

37、raance and beneefitss, ettc. Articcle 118If a disppute arisses ddue tto thhe faact tthat the ratee or stanndardds foor laabor comppensaationn or workking condditioons, etc. aree nott exppliciitly speccifieed inn thee empploymment conttractt, thhe Emmployyer aand tthe EEmplooyee may reneegotiiate. If

38、 the negootiattionss aree unssucceessfuul, tthe pproviisionns off thee colllecttive conttractt shaall aapplyy. Iff theere iis noo colllecttive conttractt or the colllectiive ccontrract is ssilennt onn thee isssue oof laabor comppensaationn, eqqual pay shalll bee givven ffor eequall worrk; iif thhere

39、 is nno coollecctivee conntracct orr thee colllecttive conttractt is sileent oon thhe isssue of wworkiing ccondiitionns, tthe rrelevvant reguulatiions of tthe sstatee shaall aapplyy. Articcle 119If ann empploymment conttractt hass a tterm of nnot lless thann thrree mmonthhs buut leess tthan one year

40、r, thhe prrobattion periiod mmay nnot eexceeed onne moonth; if an eemplooymennt coontraact hhas aa terrm off morre thhan oone yyear and lesss thaan thhree yearrs, tthe pprobaationn perriod may not exceeed ttwo mmonthhs; aand iif ann empploymment conttractt hass a tterm of nnot lless thann thrree yye

41、arss or is oopen-endeed, tthe pprobaationn perriod may not exceeed ssix mmonthhs. An Emmployyer mmay sstipuulatee onlly onne prrobattion periiod wwith any giveen Emmployyee.No prrobattion periiod mmay bbe sppeciffied in aan emmployymentt conntracct wiith aa terrm too exppire uponn commplettion of aa

42、 cerrtainn jobb or an eemplooymennt coontraact wwith a teerm oof leess tthan threee moonthss. The pprobaationn perriod shalll bee inccludeed inn thee terrm off thee empploymment conttractt. Iff an emplloymeent ccontrract provvidess forr a pprobaationn perriod onlyy, thhen ttheree is no pprobaationn

43、perriod and the termm conncernned sshalll be the termm of the emplloymeent ccontrract. Articcle 220The wwagess of a Emmployyee oon prrobattion may not be lless thann thee lowwest wagee levvel ffor tthe ssame job withh thee Empployeer orr lesss thhan 880 peercennt off thee wagge aggreedd upoon inn th

44、ee empploymment conttractt, annd maay noot bee lesss thhan tthe mminimmum wwage ratee in the placce whhere the Emplloyerr is locaated. Articcle 221An Emmployyer mmay nnot ttermiinatee an emplloymeent ccontrract duriing tthe pprobaationn perriod unleess tthe EEmplooyee is ccharaacterrizedd by any of

45、tthe ccircuumstaancess sett forrth iin Arrticlle 399 andd iteems (1) aand (2) oof Arrticlle 400 herreof. If an EEmplooyer termminattes aan emmployymentt conntracct duuringg thee proobatiion pperiood, iit shhall expllain the reassons to tthe EEmplooyee. Articcle 222If ann Empployeer prroviddes sspeci

46、ial ffundiing ffor aa Empployeees traiiningg andd givves hhim pprofeessioonal techhnicaal trrainiing, it mmay cconcllude an aagreeementt speecifyying a teerm oof seervicce wiith ssuch Emplloyeee. If thhe Emmployyee bbreacches the agreeemennt onn thee terrm off serrvicee, hee shaall ppay lliquiidatee

47、d daamagees too thee Empployeer ass agrreed. Thee meaasuree of the liquuidatted ddamagges mmay nnot eexceeed thhe trrainiing eexpennses paidd by the Emplloyerr. Thhe liiquiddatedd dammagess thaat thhe Emmployyer rrequiires the Emplloyeee to pay may not exceeed tthe pportiion oof thhe trrainiing eexp

48、ennses alloocablle too thee unpperfoormedd porrtionn of the termm of servvice. The rreachhing of aagreeementt on a teerm oof seervicce beetweeen thhe Emmployyer aand tthe EEmplooyee doess nott afffect the raissing of tthe EEmplooyees laabor comppensaationn durring the termm of servvice accoordinng t

49、oo thee norrmal wagee adjjustmment mechhanissm. Articcle 223An Emmployyer aand aa Empployeee maay inncludde inn theeir eemplooymennt coontraact pproviisionns onn connfideentiaalityy mattterss rellatinng too maiintaiiningg thee connfideentiaalityy of the tradde seecretts off thee Empployeer annd too

50、inttelleectuaal prroperrty. If a Emplloyeee hass a cconfiidenttialiity oobliggatioon, tthe EEmplooyer may agreee wiith tthe EEmplooyee on ccompeetitiion rrestrrictiion pproviisionns inn thee empploymment conttractt or conffidenntiallity agreeemennt, aand sstipuulatee thaat thhe Emmployyer sshalll pa

51、yy finnanciial ccompeensattion to tthe EEmplooyee on aa monnthlyy bassis ddurinng thhe teerm oof thhe coompettitioon reestriictioon affter the termminattion or eendinng off thee empploymment conttractt. Iff thee Empployeee brreachhes tthe ccompeetitiion rrestrrictiion pproviisionns, hhe shhall pay l

52、iquuidatted ddamagges tto thhe Emmployyer aas sttipullatedd. Articcle 224The ppersoonnell subbjectt to comppetittion resttricttionss shaall bbe liimiteed too thee Empployeers seniior mmanaggemennt, ssenioor teechniicianns annd otther perssonneel wiith aa connfideentiaalityy oblligattion. Thee scoope

53、, terrritorry annd teerm oof thhe coompettitioon reestriictioons sshalll be agreeed uupon by tthe EEmplooyer and the Emplloyeee, annd suuch aagreeementt shaall nnot vviolaate llaws and reguulatiions. The tterm, couuntedd froom thhe teerminnatioon orr endding of tthe eemplooymennt coontraact, for whi

54、cch a persson aas meentiooned in tthe ppreceedingg parragraaph iis suubjecct too commpetiitionn resstricctionns inn terrms oof hiis woorkinng foor a comppetinng Emmployyer tthat prodducess thee samme tyype oof prroduccts oor iss enggagedd in the samee typpe off bussinesss ass hiss currrentt Empploye

55、er, oor inn terrms oof hiis esstabllishiing hhis oown bbusinness to pproduuce tthe ssame typee of prodductss or engaage iin thhe saame ttype of bbusinness, shaall nnot eexceeed twwo yeears. Articcle 225With the exceeptioon off thee cirrcumsstancces sspeciifiedd in Artiicless 22 and 23 hhereoof, aan

56、Emmployyer mmay nnot sstipuulatee witth a Emplloyeee proovisiions on tthe bbeariing oof liiquiddatedd dammagess by the Emplloyeee. Articcle 226An emmployymentt conntracct shhall be iinvallid oor paartiaally invaalid if: (1) AA parrty uuses suchh meaans aas deecepttion or ccoerccion, or takees addvan

57、ttage of tthe ootherr parrtyss diffficuultiees, tto caause the otheer paarty to cconcllude an eemplooymennt coontraact, or tto maake aan ammendmment therreto, thaat iss conntrarry too thaat paartys trrue iintennt; (2) TThe EEmplooyer discclaimms itts leegal liabbilitty orr dennies the Emplloyeee his

58、s rigghts; or (3) MMandaatoryy proovisiions of llaws or aadminnistrrativve sttatuttes aare vviolaated. If thhe innvaliidityy or parttial invaalidiity oof thhe emmployymentt conntracct iss dissputeed, iit shhall be cconfiirmedd by a laabor disppute arbiitrattion insttituttion or aa Peooples Coourt. A

59、rticcle 227If ceertaiin prrovissionss of an eemplooymennt coontraact aare iinvallid aand ssuch invaalidiity ddoes not affeect tthe vvaliddity of tthe rremaiiningg proovisiions, thee remmainiing pproviisionns shhall remaain vvalidd. Articcle 228If ann empploymment conttractt is conffirmeed ass invval

60、idd andd thee Empployeee haas allreaddy peerforrmed laboor, tthe EEmplooyer shalll paay thhe Emmployyee llaborr commpenssatioon. TThe aamounnt off labbor ccompeensattion shalll bee dettermiined withh refferennce tto thhe laabor comppensaationn of Emplloyeees inn thee samme orr a ssimillar pposittion


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