1、IDES - The SAP Model Company Translated by HYPERLINK / Pages 31/31Conssignmment Conttractt 寄售售合同PurpooseProceess aa connsignnmentt conntracct annd crreatee a rreleaase oorderr agaainstt thee conntracct.處理理一個(gè)寄售售合同及參參考這個(gè)合合同創(chuàng)建一一個(gè)核準(zhǔn)訂訂單.The ffolloowingg secctionn desscribbes tthe ccreattion of aa connsig
2、nnmentt conntracct, tthe ccreattion of aa relleasee ordder rreferrenciing tthat conttractt, thhe poostinng off thee rellevannt gooods receeipt, thee traansfeer off thee connsignnmentt stoock tto a costt cennter, andd howw thee liaabiliitiess inccurreed ass a rresullt off theese ttranssactiions are d
3、eteerminned.接接下來(lái)的章章節(jié)中描述述了如何創(chuàng)創(chuàng)建寄售合合同, 參考合同創(chuàng)創(chuàng)建訂單, 收貨過(guò)帳, 將寄售售庫(kù)存發(fā)至至成本中心心, 以及及這些事務(wù)導(dǎo)致產(chǎn)生的債務(wù)是如如何確定的的.It iss nott neccessaary tto crreatee a nnew cconsiignmeent ccontrract and a soourcee lisst eaach ttime in oorderr to illuustraate tthis proccess. If you mereely wwant to ddemonnstraate tthe pproceessinng off
4、 reqquisiitionns annd puurchaase oorderrs, ddispllay tthe eexistting conssignmment conttractt 4600000118 (USAA) orr 460000000002 (Gerrmanyy) annd sttart withh thee prooceduure HYPERLINK /FD45BD719D6411D189B60000E829FBBD/content.htm CCreatting a Puurchaase RRequiisitiion.You ccan ffind moree infforma
5、ationn aboout tthis proccess undeer .Proceess FFlowYou ccan ffind the dataa forr thiis prrocesss unnder . HYPERLINK /FD45BD4A9D6411D189B60000E829FBBD/content.htm Displlayinng Daata oon Coonsiggnmennt Sttock HYPERLINK /FD45BD579D6411D189B60000E829FBBD/content.htm Creatting a Coonsiggnmennt Coontraact
6、 HYPERLINK /FD45BD649D6411D189B60000E829FBBD/content.htm Sourcce Liist AAdminnistrratioon HYPERLINK /FD45BD719D6411D189B60000E829FBBD/content.htm Creatting a Puurchaase RRequiisitiion HYPERLINK /FD45BD7E9D6411D189B60000E829FBBD/content.htm Creatting a Puurchaase OOrderr froom a Requuisittion HYPERLI
7、NK /FD45BD8B9D6411D189B60000E829FBBD/content.htm Postiing aa Gooods RReceiipt HYPERLINK /FD45BD989D6411D189B60000E829FBBD/content.htm Displlayinng a Goodds Reeceippt HYPERLINK /FD45BDA59D6411D189B60000E829FBBD/content.htm Displlayinng Sttock Leveels HYPERLINK /FD45BDB29D6411D189B60000E829FBBD/conten
8、t.htm Transsferrring Conssignmment Stocck too a CCost Centter HYPERLINK /FD45BDBF9D6411D189B60000E829FBBD/content.htm Displlayinng a Goodds Isssue HYPERLINK /FD45BDCC9D6411D189B60000E829FBBD/content.htm Deterrminiing LLiabiilitiiesAddditioonal Infoormattion on CConsiignmeent CContrractssMeaniing oof
9、 CConsiignmeent Connsignnmentt sttandss forr a pproceess iin whhich a veendorr makkes aa matteriaal avvailaable to yyou, thatt youu theen keeep iin onne off youur sttoragge faaciliitiess. Thhe veendorr remmainss thee leggal oownerr of the mateeriall unttil ssuch timee as you takee it out of tthe cco
10、nsiignmeent sstorees too usee. Paaymennt iss nott duee to the venddor uuntill youu do so. The quanntityy of mateeriall witthdraawn ffrom conssignmment storres ffor uuse iin thhis wway iis innvoicced aat prrevioouslyy agrreed inteervalls (ee.g. montthly). Yoou caan allso aagreee witth thhe veendorr t
11、haat anny reemainning conssignmment stocck iss takken oover intoo youur owwn sttock afteer a certtain periiod oof tiime.在在寄售處理中, 由供應(yīng)應(yīng)商提供物物料, 并并將它們寄寄存在你處處. 在貴貴公司將這這些物料從從寄存貨物物中提出之之前, 該該供應(yīng)商一一直是這些些物料的法法律上的所所有者. 只有當(dāng)這這些物料被被領(lǐng)料后, 供應(yīng)商商才會(huì)提出出支付的要要求. 物物料的領(lǐng)料料數(shù)量是根根據(jù)事先安安排好的時(shí)時(shí)間間隔(例如如, 每月月一次). 另外, 你還可以和和供應(yīng)商安安排好, 當(dāng)某個(gè)
12、時(shí)時(shí)間以后, 轉(zhuǎn)換所所剩余寄存存物料的所所有權(quán). The SSAP RR/3 SSysteem saatisffies the folllowinng prrereqquisiites for the manaagemeent oof coonsiggnmennt sttockss:系統(tǒng)滿足足寄售處理理的下列要要求:Consiignmeent sstockk is manaaged undeer thhe saame mmaterrial numbber aas yoour oown sstockk. Inn thiis waay, yyou ccan mmake conssignmment
13、stocck paart oof thhe avvailaable stocck off a mmaterrial.寄售庫(kù)存使用用和自有庫(kù)庫(kù)存一樣的的物料編號(hào)進(jìn)進(jìn)行管理, 因此, 寄售庫(kù)存可轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn)化為可用用庫(kù)存.Consiignmeent sstockks off thee samme maateriial ssuppllied by ddiffeerentt venndorss aree mannagedd sepparattely fromm eacch otther, at the pricce chhargeed byy thee rellevannt veendorr in eachh
14、 casse.來(lái)自自于不同供供應(yīng)商的同同一物料的的寄售庫(kù)存可以以按照不同同的價(jià)格單單獨(dú)進(jìn)行管管理.Consiignmeent sstockks arre noot vaaluatted. Whenn thee matteriaal iss witthdraawn ffrom storrage, it is vvaluaated at tthe ppricee chaargedd by the venddor iin quuestiion.對(duì)對(duì)寄售庫(kù)存是不不作估價(jià)的, 當(dāng)該物物料出庫(kù)時(shí)時(shí), 才根據(jù)相應(yīng)應(yīng)的供應(yīng)商商的價(jià)格進(jìn)進(jìn)行估價(jià).A connsignnmentt matteriaal caan
15、bee mannagedd as one of tthreee stoock ttypess:一個(gè)寄寄售物料可可以被分配配為以下三三種庫(kù)存類類型的一個(gè)個(gè): Unrrestrricteed-usse sttock 非使使用限制的的庫(kù)存 Stoock iin quualitty innspecctionn 質(zhì)量量檢查中的庫(kù)存 Bloockedd stoock 被凍結(jié)的的庫(kù)存You ccan mmake trannsferr posstinggs beetweeen alll thhree typees off stoock. Howeever, youu cann onlly maake wwit
16、hddrawaals ffrom unreestriictedd stoock.你你可以在這這些庫(kù)存類類型中間進(jìn)進(jìn)行轉(zhuǎn)儲(chǔ)記記帳, 但是, 僅能對(duì)對(duì)非使用限制制的庫(kù)存進(jìn)進(jìn)行出庫(kù)處處理.Dataa forr Connsignnmentt ConntracctFielddEuroppeNorthh AmeericaaDescrriptiionAgreeementt typpeMKMKQuanttity conttracttCompaany ccode10003000Modell commpanyyCost centter42004200Modell cosst ceenterrCurreencyDE
17、MUSDLocall currrenccyDelivvery dateeDateDateIn 100 dayys ttime at tthe eearliiestDocumment typee forr reqquisiitionnNBNBStanddard purcchasee reqquisiitionnItem cateegoryyKKConsiignmeent iitemMaterrial99-133099-1330Hexaggon hhead screew, ttype M10Plantt 10003100Modell plaantPurchhasinng grroup001004M
18、odell purrchassing grouupPurchhasinng orrganiizatiion10003000Modell purrchassing orgaanizaationnStoraage llocattion00010001Modell stooragee loccatioonVendoor10003000Modell acccounttDispplayiing DData on CConsiignmeent SStockkCall up tthe ttranssactiion aas foollowws:Menu PathhLogissticss Mateerialls
19、 Maanageementt Purcchasiing Mastter DData Infoo Reccord DispplayTranssactiion CCodeME13On thhe Diisplaay Innfo RRecorrd: IInitiial SScreeen ennter the folllowinng daata:FielddEuroppeNorthh AmeericaaVendoor10003000Materrial99-133099-1330Purchhasinng orrganiizatiion10003000Plantt 10003100Consiignmeent
20、SelecctSelecct Choosse .The DDispllay IInfo Recoord: Geneeral Dataa scrreen appeears.Choosse Puurch. orgg. daata 11.Make a noote oof thhe coonsiggnmennt prrice showwn onn thee Dissplayy Inffo Reecordd: Puurchaasingg Orgganizzatioon Daata 11 scrreen. This pricce waas aggreedd witth thhe veendorr andd
21、 is due for paymment if tthe mmaterrial is uused.“顯示信息息記錄: 采購(gòu)組織織數(shù)據(jù)1”中的價(jià)格格用于: 當(dāng)物料發(fā)發(fā)生領(lǐng)用后后, 支付付給供應(yīng)商商的金額.Choosse unntil the overrvieww treee apppearrs.Creaatingg a CConsiignmeent CContrractCall up tthe ttranssactiion aas foollowws:Menu PathhFrom the Outlline Agreeemennt noode, chooose CContrract Creaate
22、Transsactiion CCodeME31KKIf yoou doont wantt to creaate aa neww conntracct, yyou ccan ddispllay aan exxistiing oone: 4600000188 (USAA) orr 460000000002 (Gerrmanyy).On thhe Crreatee Conntracct: IInitiial SScreeen, eenterr thee folllowiing ddata:FielddEuroppeNorthh AmeericaaVendoor10003000Agreeementt
23、typpeMKMKPurchh. orrganiizatiion10003000Purchhasinng grroup001004Item cateegoryyKKPlantt 10003100Storaage llocattion00010001 Choosse .On thhe Crreatee Conntracct: HHeadeer Daata sscreeen, eenterr thee folllowiing ddata:FielddEuroppeNorthh AmeericaaValiddity endAny ddate in tthe ffuturreAny ddate in
24、tthe ffuturreChoosse .On thhe Crreatee Conntracct: IItem Overrvieww scrreen, entter tthe ffolloowingg datta:FielddEuroppeNorthh AmeericaaMaterrial99-133099-1330Targeet quuantiity50005000 Choosse .Choosse .The ssysteem coonfirrms tthe ttranssactiion aand aassiggns aa conntracct nuumberr. Maake aa not
25、te off thiis nuumberr.Choosse unntil the overrvieww treee apppearrs.Sourrce LList Admiinisttratiion 貨源清單單管理Call up tthe ttranssactiion aas foollowws:Menu PathhFrom the Mastter DData nodee, chhoosee Souurce Listt Mainntainn.Transsactiion CCodeME01On thhe Maaintaain SSourcce Liist: Inittial Screeen, e
26、nteer thhe foollowwing dataa:FielddEuroppeNorthh AmeericaaMaterrial99-133099-1330Plantt 10003100 Choosse .On thhe Maaintaain SSourcce Liist: Overrvieww Scrreen, creaate aa neww linne wiith tthe ffolloowingg datta:FielddEuroppeNorthh AmeericaaValidd froomTodayys ddateTodayys ddateValidd toEnd oof nee
27、xt mmonthhEnd oof neext mmonthhVendoor10003000Purchhasinng orrganiizatiion10003000AgreeementtContrract numbber ffrom prevviouss exeercisseContrract numbber ffrom prevviouss exeercisseItem1010FixSelecctSelecct Choosse .To ovverriide aany wwarniing mmessaages, chooose .The ssysteem coonfirrms tthe ttr
28、anssactiion.Choosse unntil the overrvieww treee apppearrs.Creaatingg a PPurchhase Requuisittion 創(chuàng)建采采購(gòu)申請(qǐng)Call up tthe ttranssactiion aas foollowws:Menu PathhFrom the Purcchasiing nnode, chooose Purcchasee Requuisittion CreeateTranssactiion CCodeME51On thhe Crreatee Purrchasse Reequissitioon: IInitiial
29、 SScreeen, eenterr thee folllowiing ddata:FielddEuroppeNorthh AmeericaaDocumment typeeNBNBSourcce deetermminattionSelecctSelecctItem cateegoryyKKDelivvery dateeAny ddate withhin tthe nnext montthAny ddate withhin tthe nnext montthPlantt 10003100Storaage llocattion00010001Purchhasinng grroup001004 Ch
30、oosse .Acknoowleddge aany wwarniing mmessaage tthe ssysteem maay isssue regaardinng thhe neext aavaillablee delliverry daate.On thhe Crreatee Purrchasse Reequissitioon: IItem Overrvieww scrreen, entter tthe ffolloowingg datta:FielddEuroppeNorthh AmeericaaMaterrial99-133099-1330Quanttity requuesteed1
31、00100 Choosse .Choosse .The ssysteem coonfirrms tthe ppostiing aand aassiggns aa purrchasse reequissitioon nuumberr. Noote tthis numbber.Choosse unntil the overrvieww treee apppearrs.Creaatingg a PPurchhase Ordeer frrom aa Reqquisiitionn創(chuàng)建采采購(gòu)訂單(參考采購(gòu)購(gòu)申請(qǐng))Call up tthe ttranssactiion aas foollowws:Menu
32、PathhFrom the Purcchasee Ordder nnode, chooose Creaate Venddor/SSuppllyingg Plaant KKnownnTranssactiion CCodeME21NNThe CCreatte Puurchaase OOrderr scrreen appeears. In tthe sstanddard systtem, expllanattory docuumenttatioon apppearrs onn thee lefft siide oof thhe sccreenn.Choosse Cllose in tthe llef
33、t-handd areea off thee scrreen to hhide thiss doccumenntatiion.In fuuturee, thhis ssettiing wwill be sstoreed foor yoour uuser ID.You ccan rreacttivatte thhe doocumeentattion at aany ttime by cclickking Helpp.Choosse Doocumeent oovervview on.The ddocumment overrvieww noww apppearss in the leftt-hann
34、d paart oof thhe sccreenn. Addjustt thee winndow to ssuit yourr reqquireementts. TThe rrightt-hannd paart oof thhe sccreenn conntainns thhe acctuall worrk arrea ffor tthe aactivvity.Choosse thhe enntry Purcchasee reqquisiitionns inn thee lefft-haand ppart of tthe sscreeen byy cliickinng thhe iccon.
35、In thhe Prrograam seelecttionss areea off thee Purrchasse Reequissitioons sscreeen, eenterr thee folllowiing ddata:FielddDataMaterrial99-1330Choosse .A lisst off reqquisiitionn doccumennts sseleccted accoordinng too thee criiteriion mateeriall apppearrs inn thee doccumennt ovverviiew oof thhe Crreat
36、ee Purrchasse Orrder screeen.Selecct yoour ppurchhase requuisittion docuumentt witth thhe cuursorr andd draag thhe ittem tto thhe shhoppiing bbaskeet iccon iin thhe woork aarea withh thee lefft-haand mmousee buttton deprresseed.The ssysteem addoptss botth thhe heeaderr datta (ddocumment typee, veend
37、orr, puurchaasingg orgganizzatioon ) aand tthe iitem dataa (maateriial nnumbeers, quanntityy, deeliveery ddate) in the PO beeing creaated.Choosse .The ssysteem coonfirrms tthe ttranssactiion aand aassiggns aa PO nuumberr. Maake aa notte off thiis nuumberr.Choosse unntil the overrvieww treee apppearr
38、s.Postting a Gooods Receeipt 收貨過(guò)過(guò)帳Call up tthe ttranssactiion aas foollowws:Menu PathhFrom the Inveentorry Maanageementt nodde, cchoosse Gooods Moveementt Goodds Reeceippt For Purcchasee Ordder PO NNumbeer Knnown.Transsactiion CCodeMIGOThe GGoodss Recceiptt forr Purrchasse Orrder sscreeen apppearrs.
39、 TThis screeen, too, is inittiallly suubdivvidedd intto a docuumentt oveervieew arrea aand tthe aactuaal woork aarea, thee lattter conssistiing oof a headder ddata areaa, ittem oovervview, andd an itemm datta arrea. Heree youu havve thhe opptionn of adjuustinng thhe siize oof thhe arreas to ssuit yo
40、urr inddividdual needds.Enterr thee folllowiing ddata:FielddDataPurchhase ordeerYour purcchasee ordder nnumbeerChoosse .The ssysteem trransffers the speccifieed POO nummber showwn inn thee lefft-haand sscreeen arrea oof thhe doocumeent oovervview to tthe MMy Doocumeents/Purcchasee Ordders foldder. T
41、he Purcchasee ordder ffieldd is thenn immmediaatelyy reaady tto accceptt furrtherr inpput oof doocumeent nnumbeers. The purcchasee ordder iitemss aree traansfeerredd to the itemm oveervieew. BBy cllickiing oon inndiviiduall iteems, you can vieww andd chaange certtain dataa in the loweer ittem ddetai
42、il arrea.In thhe heeaderr datta arrea oof thhe Geeneraal taab paage, enteer thhe foollowwing dataa:FielddDataDocumment dateeTodayys ddate (deffaultt)Postiing ddateTodayys ddate (deffaultt)Selecct yoour iitem, theen chhoosee thee Wheere ttab ppage at tthe bbottoom off thee scrreen to ccheckk youur or
43、rganiizatiionall datta.If neecesssary, entter tthe ffolloowingg datta inn thee iteem ovverviiew aarea:FielddDataOKSelecct Choosse Poost.The ssysteem coonfirrms tthe ppostiing aand aassiggns aa matteriaal doocumeent nnumbeer. MMake a noote oof thhis nnumbeer.The mmaterrial numbber iis immmediiatelly
44、innsertted iin thhe Maateriial DDocummentss follder in tthe ddocumment overrvieww areea onn thee lefft off thee scrreen. In the courrse oof tiime, thiss areea iss auttomatticallly ffilleed wiith ccloseed orr stiill-tto-bee-proocesssed ddocummentss andd helld daata.Choosse unntil the overrvieww treee
45、 apppearrs.Dispplayiing aa Gooods RReceiipt 顯示收貨貨憑證Call up tthe ttranssactiion aas foollowws:Menu PathhFrom the Purcchasiing nnode, chooose Inveentorry Maanageementt Mateeriall Doccumennt Dispplay.Transsactiion CCodeMB03On thhe Diisplaay Maateriial DDocumment: Iniitiall Scrreen , enteer thhe foollow
46、wing dataa:FielddEuroppeNorthh AmeericaaMaterrial docuumenttGoodss recceiptt froom prrevioous sstepGoodss recceiptt froom prrevioous sstepMaterrial docuumentt yeaarCurreent yyearCurreent yyear Choosse .The DDispllay MMaterrial Docuumentt #: OOvervview screeen aappeaars.Choosse Acccounntingg doccs.Th
47、e ssysteem isssuess a wwarniing mmessaage ppointting out thatt a rreceiipt oof coonsiggnmennt maateriial ddoes not geneeratee an accoountiing ddocumment. Thee connsignnmentt stoock iis noot vaaluatted bbecauuse iit sttill beloongs to tthe vvendoor. Choosse unntil the overrvieww treee apppearrs.Dispp
48、layiing SStockk Levvels 顯示庫(kù)庫(kù)存級(jí)別Call up tthe ttranssactiion aas foollowws:Menu PathhFrom the Inveentorry Maanageementt nodee, chhoosee Envvironnmentt Sttock Stoock OOvervview.Transsactiion CCodeMMBEOn thhe Sttock Overrvieww: Coompanny Coode/PPlantt/Stooragee Loccatioon/Baatch screeen, enteer thhe foo
49、llowwing dataa:FielddEuroppeNorthh AmeericaaMaterrial99-133099-1330Plantt 10003100Storaage llocattion00010001 Choosse .The qquanttity of tthe llast goodds reeceippt iss addded tto thhe veendorrs cconsiignmeent sstockk.Choosse unntil the overrvieww treee apppearrs.Trannsferrringg Connsignnmentt Stooc
50、k tto a Costt Cennter轉(zhuǎn)儲(chǔ)寄售售庫(kù)存到一一個(gè)成本中中心Call up tthe ttranssactiion aas foollowws:Menu PathhFrom the Inveentorry Maanageementt nodde, cchoosse Gooods Moveementt Goodds Isssue.Transsactiion CCodeMB1AOn thhe Ennter Goodds Isssue: Iniitiall Scrreen, entter tthe ffolloowingg datta:FielddEuroppeNorthh AmeericaaMovemment typee201201Speciial sstockkKKPlantt 10003100Storaage llocattion00010001 Choosse .On thhe Ennter Goodds Isssue: Neww Iteems ssc
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