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1、軟件工程復復習題一選擇題題1. Whhich of tthe ffolloowingg is an aadvanntagee of impllemenntingg appplicaationns viia thhe Weeb? 以下哪一一個是通過過網(wǎng)絡(luò)實施施應(yīng)用的優(yōu)優(yōu)勢?a.Seecuriity安全全c.Reliiabillity可可靠性b.Acccesssibillity無無障礙d.Throoughpput吞吐吐量Couplling is aa quaalitaativee inddicattion of tthe ddegreee too whiich aa moddule耦合是一個個模塊

2、在何何種程度上上定性指標標 A) cann be writtten moree commpacttly. B) focuuses on jjust one thinng. C) iis abble tto coompleete iits ffuncttion in aa timmely mannner. D) is cconneectedd to otheer moodulees annd thhe ouutsidde woorld. 連接到其他他的模塊和和外界Whichh of thesse arre chharaccteriisticcs off a ggood desiign? A) e

3、xhiibitss strrong coupplingg bettweenn itss modduless B) impplemeents all requuiremmentss in the anallysiss moddel在分析模型型中實現(xiàn)所所有要求 C) inclludess tesst caases for all compponennts D) pproviides a coompleete ppictuure oof thhe sooftwaare E) bboth b annd dWhichh of the folllowinng arre arreas of cconceer

4、n(關(guān)注) in the desiign mmodell? AA) arrchittectuure架構(gòu)構(gòu) B) datta CC) innterffacess D) proojectt scoope E) aa, b and c Polymmorphhism reduuces the effoort rrequiired to eextennd ann objject systtem bby多態(tài)性減少少需要通過過什么來擴擴展對象系系統(tǒng) AA) cooupliing oobjeccts ttogetther moree tigghtlyy. B) enabblingg a nnumbeer of

5、f difffereent ooperaationns too shaare tthe ssame namee.使一些不同同的操作共共享相同的的名稱 C) mmakinng obbjectts moore ddepenndentt on one anotther. D) remmovinng thhe baarrieers iimpossed bby enncapssulattion 6.Whiich oof thhe foollowwing modeels ccan bbe ussed tto reepressent the archhiteccturaal deesignn of a pi

6、iece of ssoftwware. 以下模模型哪些可可以代表一一個軟件的的架構(gòu)設(shè)計計 A) Dynnamicc moddels動動態(tài) BB) Fuunctiionall moddels功功能 CC) Sttructturall moddels結(jié)結(jié)構(gòu) D) All of tthe aabovee Cohession is aa quaalitaativee inddicattion of tthe ddegreee too whiich aa moddule凝聚力是一一個模塊在在何種程度度上的定性性指標 A) ccan bbe wrritteen moore ccompaactlyy. B)

7、 focuuses on jjust one thinng. 專注于一一件事 C) iis abble tto coompleete iits ffuncttion in aa timmely mannner. D) is cconneectedd to otheer moodulees annd thhe ouutsidde woorld.8. Whhich of tthe iitemss lissted beloow iss nott onee of the softtwaree enggineeeringg layyers? 軟件工程程的層a) Prrocesss b) Manuufac

8、tturinng制造 c) Methhods d)TToolss9. Evvoluttionaary ssoftwware proccess modeels演化化軟件過程程模型a) Arre itterattive in nnaturre迭代性性質(zhì) b) Cann eassily accoommoddate prodduct requuiremmentss chaangess可以輕松松地容納產(chǎn)產(chǎn)品需求的的變化c) Doo nott gennerallly pproduuce tthrowwawayy sysstemss一般不產(chǎn)產(chǎn)生一次性性的系統(tǒng)d) Alll off thee aboove10

9、. TThe iimporrtancce off sofftwarre deesignn cann be summmarizzed iin a singgle wword: 軟件設(shè)設(shè)計的重要要性可歸納納為一個詞詞(A) aaccurracy精精度(B) commplexxity復復雜(C) effficieency效效率(D) quaalityy 11. SSysteems _ is tthe pproceess oof deescriibingg, orrganiizingg, annd sttructturinng thhe coomponnentss of a syystemm at b

10、othh thee arcchiteecturral llevell andd a ddetaiiled leveel wiith aa vieew toowardd connstruuctinng thhe prropossed ssysteem.系統(tǒng)統(tǒng)_是系統(tǒng)的的組成部分分,在建筑筑水平和走走向建議的的制度建設(shè)設(shè)的詳細描描述,組織織和結(jié)構(gòu)的的過程。a.deesignnc.impllemenntatiion實施施b.annalyssisd.mainntenaance維維修12. LList the fourr dessign modeels rrequiired for a coomplee

11、te sspeciificaationn of a deesignn in tradditioonal softtwaree enggineeeringg metthod哪哪四個設(shè)計計模型需要要一個完整整的設(shè)計規(guī)規(guī)范在傳統(tǒng)統(tǒng)的軟件工工程方法模模式(1) SSubsyystemm dessign (2) Dataa dessign (3) Taskk dessign (4) AArchiitectture desiign (5) IInterrfacee dessign (6) Compponennt-leevel組組件級deesignn(A) 11234 (B) 23445 (C) 12566

12、 (DD) 2445613. DDesiggn paatterrns ccan bbe ussed bby appplyiing iin obbjectt-oriienteed syystemms. 設(shè)設(shè)計模式可可以使用面面向?qū)ο蟮牡南到y(tǒng)中的的應(yīng)用(A). inhherittancee繼承(B). enccapsuulatiion封裝裝(C). commplexxity復復雜(D). pollymorrphissm多態(tài)性14Whhich desiign mmodell proovidees innformmatioon foor a desiign cclasss diaagramm?以下哪哪

13、個模型為為設(shè)計類圖圖提供信息息a.Deeployymentt diaagramm部署圖c.Sttatecchartt diaagramm狀態(tài)圖b.Innteraactioon diiagraam交互圖圖d.Paackagge diiagraam包圖15. A _ mmodell shoows wwhat the systtem iis suuppossed tto doo in greaat deetaill, wiithouut coommitttingg to any one techhnoloogy. 一個_模型型顯示系統(tǒng)統(tǒng)是應(yīng)該做做的很詳細細,沒有犯犯任何一種種技術(shù)(A).llogic

14、cal邏輯輯(B).pphysiical物物理(C). vertticall垂直(D).hhorizzontaal水平16Deeveloopingg a(nn) _ ddiagrram iis a multtisteep prrocesss off dettermiiningg whiich oobjeccts wwork togeetherr andd howw theey woork ttogetther. 發(fā)展一個個_圖是確確定哪些對對象一起工工作,它們們?nèi)绾螀f(xié)同同工作的多多步驟過程程。a.deesignn claassc.statte maachinne狀態(tài)機機b.innteraact

15、ioon互動d.packkage18. WWhichh of the folllowinng iss an exammple of aan innteraactioon互動 diiagraam?a.Deesignn claass ddiagrramc.Packkage diaggramb.Daata aaccesss diiagraam數(shù)據(jù)訪訪問圖d.Commmuniccatioon diiagraam19 . Proccess frammeworrk acctiviitiess aree poppulatted wwith . 填充充進程的框框架內(nèi)活動動(A). millestoones里里

16、程碑 (BB). workk prooductts工作產(chǎn)產(chǎn)品(C). QA poinnts質(zhì)量量保證分 (D). alll of the abovve 20 . Coheesionn is a quualittativve inndicaationn of the degrree tto whhich a moodulee凝聚力是是一個模塊塊在何種程程度上的定定性指標(A) ccan bbe wrritteen moore ccompaactlyy. 可以以寫成更簡簡潔(B) ffocusses oon juust oone tthingg. 專注注于一件事事(C) iis abble tto

17、 coompleete iits ffuncttion in aa timmely mannner. 能夠及時時完成其功功能。(D) iis coonneccted to ootherr modduless andd thee outtsidee worrld. 連接到其其他的模塊塊和外界。21. WWhichh diaagramm(s) is (are) to be bbuiltt in a syystemm behhavioor moodel? (d) 哪個圖要要建一個系系統(tǒng)的行為為模型?(A). usee-casse (B). ER diaggram (C). DFDD diaagram

18、m (D). STDD diaagramm22. TThe ffirstt steep inn proojectt plaanninng iss to在在項目規(guī)劃劃的第一步步是(A) ddeterrminee sofftwarre sccope確確定軟件范范圍(B) sellect projject teamm leaader選選擇項目組組組長 (C) ddeterrminee thee buddget確確定預算 (D) deteerminne thhe prrocesss moodel確確定過程模模型23. WWhitee-boxx tesstingg cann usee thee foll

19、lowiing mmethoods . 白盒測測試可以使使用下列方方法。(A). bouundarry vaalue anallysiss邊界值分分析 (B). equuivallencee parrtitiioninng等價分分區(qū)(C). looop teestinng回路測測試(D). iteeratiive ttestiing迭代代測試24. TThe iincreementtal mmodell of softtwaree devveloppmentt is軟軟件開發(fā)的的增量模型型(A) AA reaasonaable apprroachh wheen reequirremennts

20、aare wwell defiined. 合理的的做法,要要求明確界界定。 (B) AA goodd appproacch whhen aa worrkingg corre prroducct iss reqquireed quuicklly. 工工作的核心心產(chǎn)品是需需要迅速的的一個好辦辦法。(C) TThe bbest apprroachh to use for projjectss witth laarge deveelopmment teamms. 最最好的辦法法用于大型型開發(fā)團隊隊的項目。(D) AA revvoluttionaary mmodell thaat iss nott us

21、eed foor coommerrciall prooductts. 一一個革命性性的模式,不不用于商業(yè)業(yè)產(chǎn)品。25. WWhat are not the elemmentss thaat arre prresennt inn eveery ccompuuter-baseed syystemm?目前在在每一臺計計算機為基基礎(chǔ)的系統(tǒng)統(tǒng)中什么元元素沒有?data數(shù)數(shù)據(jù)(B) sofftwarre軟件 (CC) doocumeentattion文文檔(D) proojectt項目26. TThe ddata dicttionaary ccontaains desccripttionss of eac

22、hh sofftwarre數(shù)據(jù)字字典包含每每個軟件的的說明(A) ccontrrol iitem控控制項目 (B) dataa objject數(shù)數(shù)據(jù)對象 (C) diaggram圖圖 (D) nottatioon符號(E) booth AA andd B27. EEvoluutionnary softtwaree proocesss moddels . 演化化軟件過程程模型。(A). are brannchedd in condditioon分支的的條件(B). cann eassily accoommoddate prodduct requuiremmentss chaangess可以輕松松

23、地容納產(chǎn)產(chǎn)品需求的的變化 (C). gennerallly pproduuce tthroww awaay syystemms一般生生產(chǎn)扔掉系系統(tǒng) (D). alll of the abovve 28. AA deccisioon taable shouuld bbe ussed一個個決策表應(yīng)應(yīng)使用(A). to ddocumment all condditioonal stattemennts文件件中的所有有條件語句句(B). to gguidee thee devveloppmentt of the projject manaagemeent pplan引引導發(fā)展的的項目管理理計劃(C).

24、 onlyy wheen buuildiing aan exxpertt sysstem只只有當建立立一個專家家系統(tǒng)(D). whenn a ccompllex sset oof coondittionss andd acttionss apppearss in a coomponnent當當出現(xiàn)的條條件和操作作的復雜組組件29. IIn thhe trradittionaal appproaach tto syystemm devveloppmentt, thhe syystemm stoores infoormattion abouut _.在在傳統(tǒng)的系系統(tǒng)開發(fā)方方法,系統(tǒng)統(tǒng)存儲約_的的信

25、息。(A). objeects對對象(C). meethodds方法 (B). datta sttoress數(shù)據(jù)存儲儲 (DD). ddata entiitiess數(shù)據(jù)實體體30.Whhat mmodell is creaated duriing tthe aanalyysis phasse off a ssoftwware deveelopmment proccess? 在一個軟件件開發(fā)過程程的分析階階段建立的的模型是什什么?(A) DData modeel數(shù)據(jù)模模型 (BB) Liinearr moddel線性性模型(C) ssub-mmodell子模型 (DD)Proototyyping

26、g moddel. 樣機模型型31. PProjeect _ manaagemeent iinvollves colllectiing aand eexplaaininng alll off thee keyy deccisioons, feassibillity anallysiss, riisks, bennefitts, sschedduless, annd coosts to tthe sstakeeholdders who are fundding the projject. 項目_管管理涉及收收集和解釋釋所有的關(guān)關(guān)鍵決策,可可行性分析析,風險,利利益,日程程安排,并并資助該項項目的

27、利益益相關(guān)者,他他們的費用用。(A). costt成本 (C). scoppe范圍(B). scheedulee計劃 (D). commmuniccatioon通訊32. _ invoolvess thee creeatioon off an objeect bbasedd on the tempplatee proovideed byy thee claass ddefinnitioon. _涉涉及建立基基于類定義義中提供的的模板一個個對象。a.Insstanttiatiion 實實例c.Actiivatiion激活活b.Enccapsuulatiion封裝裝d.Reallizattion實

28、實現(xiàn)33. UUML ddesiggn moodeliing ffocusses oon thhe . UML設(shè)設(shè)計造型的的重點是(A). strructuural modeel annd beehaviiorall moddel結(jié)構(gòu)構(gòu)模型和行行為模型(B). behhaviooral modeel annd immplemmentaationn moddel行為為模型和實實現(xiàn)模型(C). useer moodel and enviironmment modeel用戶模模型和環(huán)境境模型(D). E-RR moddel二對錯題題1.Wheen ussing struucturred ddesig

29、gn meethoddologgies the proccess of sstepwwise refiinemeent iis unnneceessarry. 當使用結(jié)結(jié)構(gòu)化設(shè)計計方法時,逐逐步細化的的過程中是是不必要的的(錯)2Thee thrree ggenerric pphasees off sofftwarre enngineeerinng arre deefiniitionn, deeveloopmennt, aand ssuppoort.軟軟件工程的的三個通用用階段是定定義,開發(fā)發(fā)和支持3 Sooftwaare ddevellopmeent aactivvitiees arre e

30、aasy tto coomparrtmenntaliize iinto fourr nonn-oveerlapppingg phaases. 軟件開開發(fā)活動很很容易劃分分成4個非非重疊階段段。4 Prrojecct maanageementt is lesss impportaant ffor mmoderrn sooftwaare ddevellopmeent ssincee mosst prrojeccts aare ssucceessfuul annd coompleeted on ttime. 項目管管理是現(xiàn)代代軟件開發(fā)發(fā)的重要,因因為大多數(shù)數(shù)項目是成成功的,并并按時完成成。5. Bo

31、oundaary vvaluee anaalysiis caan onnly bbe ussed tto doo whiite-bbox ttestiing. 邊界值分分析只能用用來做白盒盒測試。6 Ussing a sttatissticaal teechniique likee deccisioon trree aanalyysis can provvide somee asssistaance in ssortiing oout tthe ttrue costts asssociiatedd witth thhe maake-bbuy ddecission. 使用決決策樹分析析等統(tǒng)計技技

32、術(shù),可以以提供一些些援助,在在整理作出出購買決策策的真實成成本。7 Thhe reeasonn forr reffininng riisks is tto brreak themm intto smmalleer unnits haviing ddiffeerentt connsequuencees. 煉煉油風險的的原因是它它們分解成成更小的單單位有不同同的后果。8 A taskk sellectoor vaalue is mmost apprropriiatelly ussed tto deetermmine whetther to aacceppt orr rejject a giiven

33、 taskk forr incclusiion iin thhe prrojecct taask sset. 一個任務(wù)務(wù)選擇的價價值是最恰恰當?shù)氖褂糜?,來決定定是否接受受或拒絕列列入項目中中的任務(wù)設(shè)設(shè)置為給定定的任務(wù)。9 Peeoplee whoo perrformm sofftwarre quualitty asssuraance mustt loook att thee sofftwarre frrom tthe ccustoomers peerspeectivve. 執(zhí)執(zhí)行軟件質(zhì)質(zhì)量保證的的人必須從從顧客的角角度看軟件件。10 CChangge coontrool iss nott ne

34、ccessaary iif a deveelopmment grouup iss makking use of aan auutomaated projject dataabasee toool. 變變更控制是是沒有必要要的,如果果一個開發(fā)發(fā)小組正在在使用一個個自動化的的項目數(shù)據(jù)據(jù)庫工具。11 SSysteem moodelss aree buiilt tto alllow the systtem eenginneer to eevaluuate the systtem ccompoonentts inn rellatioonshiip too onee anootherr. 系統(tǒng)統(tǒng)模型的建建

35、立,讓系系統(tǒng)工程師師評估到另另一個系統(tǒng)統(tǒng)組件之間間的關(guān)系。12 TThe uuse oof coontexxt frree qquesttionss by themmselvves pproviides an eeffecctivee meaans oof ellicitting requuiremmentss infformaationn froom thhe cuustommer. 自己使用用的范圍內(nèi)內(nèi)自由問題題征求客戶戶的需求信信息提供一一種有效的的手段。13 TThe pprimaary ppurpoose oof ann enttity relaationnshipp diaagra

36、mm in the dataa moddel iis too alllow nnormaalizaationn of relaationnshipp tabbles. 數(shù)據(jù)模模型中的實實體關(guān)系圖圖的主要目目的是允許許關(guān)系表正正常化。14 WWith thorroughh tesstingg it is ppossiible to rremovve alll deefectts frrom aa proogramm priior tto deeliveery tto thhe cuustommer. 通過徹底底的測試,它它是可以交交付給客戶戶之前,從從計劃中刪刪除的所有有缺陷。15 OObjec

37、ct-orrientted ddesiggns ddo noot neeed tto bee impplemeentedd usiing oobjecct-orrientted pprogrrammiing ttechnniquees. 面面向?qū)ο蟮牡脑O(shè)計不需需要使用面面向?qū)ο缶幘幊碳夹g(shù)得得以實施。16. BBecauuse ttheree aree manny faactorrs too connsideer inn anyy dessign effoort, all desiign sshoulld bee as compplex as ppossiible. 因為有很很多因素要要考慮在任

38、任何設(shè)計工工作,所有有的設(shè)計應(yīng)應(yīng)盡可能復復雜。 ( ) 17. SSincee moddularrity is aan immporttant desiign ggoal it iis noot poossibble tto haave ttoo mmany moduules in aa prooposeed deesignn. 由于模塊塊化是一個個重要的設(shè)設(shè)計目標是是,擬議中中的設(shè)計不不可能有太太多的模塊塊。(錯)18. SSoftwware desiigns are refaactorred tto alllow the creaationn of softtwaree thaat iss

39、 eassier to iinteggratee, eaasierr to testt, annd eaasierr to mainntainn. 軟件設(shè)計計重構(gòu),讓讓創(chuàng)造的軟軟件更容易易集成,更更易于測試試,并易于于維護。(對對)19.Innformmatioon hiidingg makkes pprogrram mmainttenannce eeasieer byy hidding dataa andd prooceduure ffrom unafffectted ppartss of the proggram.(對)信信息隱藏使使得程序的的維護更容容易隱藏數(shù)數(shù)據(jù)和程序序,從程序序不受影

40、響響地區(qū)。20. IIn sooftwaare qqualiity aassurrancee worrk thhere is nno diifferrencee bettweenn sofftwarre veerifiicatiion aand ssoftwware valiidatiion. 在軟件質(zhì)質(zhì)量保證工工作,有沒沒有軟件的的驗證和軟軟件驗證之之間的差異異。21.Onne off thee keyy prooblemms inn sofftwarre reeuse is tthe iinabiilityy to findd exiistinng reeusabble ddesiggn

41、paatterrns wwhen hunddredss of canddidattes eexistt.(對)軟軟件重用的的關(guān)鍵問題題之一,是是無法找到到現(xiàn)有的可可重復使用用的設(shè)計模模式,當數(shù)數(shù)百名候選選人存在。22. AA moddule shouuld bbe oppen ffor eextennsionn butt cloosed for modiificaationn. 一個個模塊應(yīng)該該對擴展開開放,但對對修改關(guān)閉閉。23. FFrameeworkks annd deesignn pattternns arre thhe saame tthingg as far as ddesiggn

42、erss aree conncernned.(錯錯)盡可能能的設(shè)計師師而言,框框架和設(shè)計計模式是一一回事。24. PProgrram fflow charrt iss eassier to mmainttain thann PDLL forr prooceduural desiigninng. 程程序流程圖圖是更容易易比對程序序設(shè)計的PPDL保持持。25. PProjeect mmanaggemennt iss lesss immporttant for modeern ssoftwware deveelopmment sincce moost pprojeects are succcessf

43、ful aand ccomplletedd on timee. ( ) 項目管理理是現(xiàn)代軟軟件開發(fā)的的重要,因因為大多數(shù)數(shù)項目是成成功的,并并按時完成成。26. UUsingg thee connceptt of moduulariity iin sooftwaare ddesiggn, wwe shhouldd tryy ourr besst too subbdiviide ssoftwware infiiniteely. ( ) 采用模塊塊化軟件設(shè)設(shè)計的概念念,我們應(yīng)應(yīng)該盡力無無限細分軟軟件。27. SSubcllassees shhouldd be subsstituutablle fo

44、or baase cclassses. ( ) 基類類的子類應(yīng)應(yīng)替代。28. TThe ffocuss of valiidatiion ttestiing iis too unccoverr plaaces thatt a uuser willl be ablee to obseerve faillure of tthe ssoftwware to cconfoorm tto itts reequirremennts. ( ) 驗證測測試的重點點是發(fā)現(xiàn)的的地方,用用戶將能夠夠觀察到的的軟件不符符合其要求求。29. CCompoonentts shhouldd be loossely coupp

45、led to oone aanothher aand tto thhe exxternnal eenvirronmeent. 應(yīng)松散耦耦合組件到到另一個和和外部環(huán)境境。30. IImprooved execcutioon peerforrmancce iss onee of the primmary beneefitss of objeect-oorienntedaarchiitectturess. 提高高執(zhí)行性能能對象orrienttedarrchittectuures的的主要優(yōu)點點之一。31. AAll oof raandomm ordder ttestss aree connductte

46、d tto exxerciise ddiffeerentt claass iinstaance lifee hisstoriies, whicch arre baased on tthe mminimmum ttest sequuencee. 隨機機順序測試試都進行鍛鍛煉不同的的類的實例例的生命歷歷程,這是是最低的測測試序列為為基礎(chǔ)的。32Coohesiion sshoulld bee as coheesivee as posssiblee,Couuplinng shhouldd be as lloosee as posssiblee. 凝聚聚力,應(yīng)盡盡可能的凝凝聚力,耦耦合應(yīng)盡可可能松散。3

47、3. RRespoonsibbilitties are Attrributtes aand mmethoods rrelevvant to tthe cclasss. 職責責是類有關(guān)關(guān)的屬性和和方法。34. BBusinness Proccess Engiineerring (BPEE) deefinee arcchiteecturres tthat willl enaable a buusineess tto usse innformmatioon efffecttivelly. ( ) 業(yè)務(wù)流程程工程(BBPE)定定義的架構(gòu)構(gòu),使業(yè)務(wù)務(wù)有效地利利用信息。35. CChangge coont

48、rool iss nott neccessaary iif a deveelopmment grouup iss makking use of aan auutomaated projject dataabasee toool. ( ) 變更控控制是沒有有必要的,如如果一個開開發(fā)小組正正在使用一一個自動化化的項目數(shù)數(shù)據(jù)庫工具具。36. PProgrram fflow grapphs aare iidentticall to proggram flowwcharrts.三.主觀題題:Pleaase ggive brieef annswerrs too thee folllowiing qques

49、ttionss: 1. Hoow doo objject-orieentedd dessign and struucturred ddesiggn diifferr? 如何何區(qū)分面向向?qū)ο蟮脑O(shè)設(shè)計和結(jié)構(gòu)構(gòu)設(shè)計的不不同(100 ptss.) 2.Lisst thhree charracteeristtics thatt cann serrve aas a guidde too evaaluatte deesignn quaalityy. 列出三個個特點,可可以作為評評估設(shè)計質(zhì)質(zhì)量的指導導。ANS: Dessign impllemennts aall eexpliicit requuiremmen

50、tss froom thhe annalyssis mmodell, ass welll ass acccommoodatiing iimpliicit custtomerr reqquireementts.Deesignn musst bee unddersttandaable to tthe ppeoplle whho geeneraate tthe ccode to iimpleementt dessign, thoose wwho ttest it, and thosse whho suupporrt itt.Dessign mustt proovidee a ccompllete p

51、ictture of tthe ssoftwware, adddresssing the dataa, fuunctiionall, annd beehaviiorall dommainss froom ann impplemeentattion persspecttive.3. Whhat aare tthe ffour impoortannt atttribbutess whiich aall ssoftwware prodductss shoould havee? Suuggesst foour ootherr atttribuutes thatt mayy sommetimmes bb

52、e siignifficannt什么是是所有的軟軟件產(chǎn)品應(yīng)應(yīng)具有四個個重要的屬屬性?推薦薦其他四個個重要屬性性4.Whaat arre thhe phhasess of the SDLCC? 什么是SSDLC的的階段5.Whaat iss thee difffereence betwween a sooftwaare pproceess mmodell andd a ssoftwware proccess? Sugggestt twoo wayys inn whiich aa sofftwarre prrocesss moodel mighht bee hellpfull in idennti

53、fyying posssiblee proocesss impproveementts推薦兩兩種方式,其其中軟件過過程模型可可能有助于于確定可能能的流程改改進Apartt froom thhe chhalleengess of heteerogeeneitty, rrapidd delliverry annd trrust, ideentiffy otther probblemss andd chaallennges thatt sofftwarre enngineeerinng iss likkely to fface in tthe 221st centtury除除了異質(zhì)性性,交貨迅迅速和

54、信任任的挑戰(zhàn),找找出軟件工工程是在221世紀可可能面臨的的其他問題題和挑戰(zhàn), 7. PPleasse giive eexplaanatiions on wwhy rrequiiremeents eliccitattion is sso diifficcult. 請給予解解釋為什么么需求獲取取是非常困困難。What is tthreee-layyer ddesiggn? WWhat are the mostt commmon layeers ffoundd in threee-laayer desiign? 什么是三三層設(shè)計?什么是最最常見的的的三層設(shè)計計的層?Why iis thhree-la

55、yeer deesignn a ggood prinnciplle? 為什么三三層設(shè)計是是一個很好好的原則10. WWhat are funcctionnal rrequiiremeents? 什么是功功能要求11.Whhat iis thhe puurposse off a ppackaage ddiagrram? Whatt nottatioon iss useed? SShow an eexampple一個個包圖的目目的是什么么?使用的的是什么符符號?展示示一個例子子12.Whhat iis thhe diifferrencee bettweenn anaalysiis annd dee

56、signn? Liist tthe aactivvitiees off thee dessign phasse off thee SDLLC. 分析和設(shè)設(shè)計之間的的區(qū)別是什什么?列出出SDLCC設(shè)計階段段的活動。13. Expllain whatt is wronng wiith tthe nnotioon thhat ssoftwware engiineerring is ttoo ttime conssuminng annd innterfferess witth a proggrammmerss prooducttivitty. 解解釋什么是是錯誤的概概念,軟件件工程是太太耗費時間間和干

57、擾程程序員的生生產(chǎn)力。14.Deescriibe tthe pprincciplee of infoormattion hidiing aas itt apppliess to softtwaree dessign. 描述信息息的隱藏,因因為它適用用于軟件設(shè)設(shè)計的原則則。ANS:The pprincciplee of infoormattion hidiing iimpliies tthat moduules onlyy shaare iinforrmatiion wwith eachh othher oon a neeed too knoow bbasiss to achiieve some

58、e speecifiic sooftwaare ffuncttion. Hidding enfoorcess thee prooceduural consstraiints to bboth the moduule pproceeduraal deetaill andd anyy datta sttructturess loccal tto thhe moodulee. 信息隱藏藏的原則意意味著模塊塊只與對方方共享信息息上的“需需要知道”的基礎(chǔ)上上,以實現(xiàn)現(xiàn)一些特定定的軟件功功能。隱藏藏強制模塊塊詳細的程程序和本地地模塊的任任何數(shù)據(jù)結(jié)結(jié)構(gòu)的程序序制約。What are the difffere

59、nnces betwween geneeric softtwaree prooductt devveloppmentt andd cusstom softtwaree devveloppmentt? 什么是通通用軟件產(chǎn)產(chǎn)品的開發(fā)發(fā)和定制軟軟件開發(fā)之之間的差異異?16. EExplaain tthe rrole of eeach elemment of tthe cconveentioonal anallysiss moddel: dataa dicctionnary, enttity relaationnshipp diaagramm, annd daata fflow diaggram. 解

60、釋傳傳統(tǒng)的分析析模型中的的每個元素素的作用:實體關(guān)系系圖,數(shù)據(jù)據(jù)字典,數(shù)數(shù)據(jù)流圖。17.Whhat aare tthe eelemeents thatt makke upp a ssoftwware archhiteccturaal sttyle? 什么是一一個軟件的的建筑風格格的元素?ANS:Set oof coomponnentss thaat peerforrm reequirred ssysteem fuunctiions.Set of cconneectorrs alllowiing ccommuunicaationns ammong the compponennts.CConstt


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