1、目錄Chaptter 11 外貿函函電1. 資信信調查 Creddit IInforrmatiion2. 推銷銷 Saleesmannshipp3. 建建立貿易關關系 Estabblishhing Busiinesss Rellatioons4. 詢盤 Inquuiry55. 報盤盤 Offeer6. 還盤 Counnter-offeer7. 下訂訂單 Ordeer8. 接受訂單單 Acceeptinng thhe Orrder9. 拒絕絕訂單 Decllininng thhe Orrder110. 支支付方式 Termms off Payymentt11. 催款 Remiinderr12.
2、更改信用用證 Amenndingg thee L/CC13. 理理賠 Setttlemeent oof Cllaimss14. 代代理 AgenncyChaptter 22 商務報報告1. 建議議報告 Propposall Repport2. 工作作進度報告告 Proggresss Repport3. 述職職報告 Workk Repport4. 說明明報告 Intrroducctionn Repport5. 總結結報告 Finall Repport6. 可行行性報告 Feassibillity Repoort7. 評估估報告 Apprraisaal Reeportt8. 市場場調查報告告 In
3、veestiggatioon ReeporttChaptter3 行政文書書1. 便條條 Notte2. 啟事事 Annoounceementt3. 簡報報 Brieefingg4. 廣告告 Adveertissemennt5. 備忘忘錄 Memooranddum6. 介紹紹信 Lettter oof Inntrodductiion7. 會議議日程表 Agennda oof thhe Meeetinng8. 會議議記錄 Minuutes9. 公司司決議 Direectorrs ResoolutiionChaptter 44 申請函函1. 請假假申請 Appllicattion for Leav
4、ve2. 加薪申請請 Appllicattion for Salaary RRevission33. 申請請調動工作作 Appllicattion for Trannsferrringg4. 申申請辭職 Resiignattion Lettter5. 晉升升申請 Prommotioon ApppliccatioonChaptter 55 通知1. 面試試通知 The Inteervieew Nooticee2. 業(yè)務務通知 Busiinesss Nottice3. 新任任命通知 Newlly Apppoinnted Notiice4. 團體體通知 Grouups NNoticce5. 拜訪訪通
5、知 Visiit Nooticee6. 擴張張營業(yè)通知知 Busiinesss Exppansiion NNoticce7. 建立立新公司通通知 Estaablisshingg a NNew CCompaany NNoticce8. 會議議通知 Meetting Notiice9. 收購購通知 Purcchasee Nottice Chappter 6 信用用證1. 即期期/遠期自由由議付信用用證 Sighht / Timee Freeely Negootiabble LL/C2. 可撤撤銷/不可撤銷銷信用證 Revoocablle / Irreevocaable L/C3. 可轉轉讓/可分分
6、割信用證證 Trannsferrablee / DDivissiblee L/CC4. 保兌/不保兌信信用證 Conffirmeed / Uncoonfirrmed L/C55. 循環(huán)信用用證 Revollvingg L/CChaptter 77 單證1. 海運運提單 Billl of Ladiing2. 保險險單 Insuurancce Poolicyy3. 匯票 Drafft / Billl of Exchhangee4. 裝船通知知 Shippmentt Advvice55. 裝箱單 Packking Listt6. 質量/數量證明明書 Qualiity / Quaantitty Cee
7、rtifficattionChaptter 11 外貿函函電1. 調查查Creddit IInforrmatiion DDear_,We woould likee to_( 我方目的的). WWe unndersstandd thaat_( 了解解情況). So we wwant to aask yyou iif thhey aare_( 咨咨詢情況) so thatt we may takee steeps tto_( 采取取措施后達達到的目的的).We willl be obliiged if yyou wwill kinddly ggive us tthe iinforrmatiion
8、aaboutt_( 相關信信息).Anyy infformaationn youu proovidee willl bee higghly apprreciaated and keptt in striict cconfiidencce. WWe shhall be ppleassed tto obbligee if you needd ourr serrvicees att thiis ennd.Wee aree awaaitinng yoour eearlyy repply.Yourss sinncereely,2. 推銷銷SalessmansshipDDear_,We haave iim
9、porrted_( 產品名稱稱)._( 產產品引人注注目點) is wwell-knowwn annd unniverrsallly accknowwledgged. So, we ffeel suree thaat yoou maay bee intteressted in tthem, andd thiis kiind oof neew prroduccts wwill_( 銷售情況況).We are mailling you_( 附件名稱稱). IIf yoou haave iinterrest in oour pproduucts and findd a ggood markket f
10、for tthe nnew pproduucts, pleease let us kknow. We are offeeringg youu goood prroduccts oon geeneroous ttermss in ordeer thhat yyou ccan_( 對對方受惠處處).We are lookking forwward to yyour earlly reeply.Yourss sinncereely,3. 建立貿易易關系Esstabllishiing BBusinness RelaationnsDeaar_,We haave oobtaiined yourr namm
11、e annd adddresss frrom_( 信信息來源) andd aree glaad too esttabliish bbusinness relaationns wiith yyou.WWe_( 業(yè)務務情況), morreoveer, ttheree is a goood ddemannd foor_( 產品品名稱). So, we feell surre wee cann selll laarge quanntitiies oof_( 產品品名稱).As tto ouur sttandiing, we aare ppermiittedd to menttion the_( 資信單
12、位位) ass a rreferrencee.Pleease let us hhave all neceessarry innformmatioon reegardding_( 相關信息息). IIf_( 交易易條件), we woulld_( 下何何種訂單).Yourss sinncereely,4. 詢盤盤InquuiryDDear_,Thankk youu forr youur_( 貴方方信息).We hhave connnecteed wiith aa nummber of oour ccustoomerss in thiss areea annd maany oof thhem hh
13、ave inteerestt in _( 產產品名稱). Soo, thhere is aa larrge ddemannd foor_( 產品品名稱) heree. Woould you pleaase mmake us aan offfer for_( 產品名稱稱).If yoour qquotaationn is attrractiive tto thhe cuustommers, we willl plaace aa_( 訂單類類型) oorderr witth yoou.We loook fforwaard tto yoour ffavorrablee repply.Yourss s
14、inncereely,5. 報盤Offfer DDear_,We weere vvery pleaased to rreceiive yyour lettter oof_( 日期期) annswerring_( 詢問情況況), aand aas reequessted, encclosee_( 附件名名稱).We thinnk ouur prroduccts aare_( 產產品性能)._ ( 交交易條件). Wee theerefoore aadvisse yoou too plaace yyour ordeer wiith uus att oncce.We loook fforwaard
15、tto yoour rreplyy.Yourss sinncereely,6. 還盤Countter-oofferrDear_,We thhank you for yourr lettter of_( 日日期) oofferring us_( 產產品數量) of the subjject goodds att_( 報價).Altthouggh wee aree in urgeent nneed of ssuch prodduct, we findd youur prrice_( 對方價格格情況). Youur quuotedd priice wwill_( 此報價的的結果). To telll
16、 youu thee truuth, we hhave receeivedd quootatiions_( 百分數) lowwer tthan yourrs. SShoulld yoou bee preepareed too redduce yourr priice bby, ssay,_( 百分數), wee migght ccome to ttermss.Connsideeringg_( 鑒于因因素), we mmake you suchh a ccountter-oofferr._( 希望望對方考慮慮報價原因因).Wee hoppe yoou wiill cconsiider our c
17、ounnteroofferr mosst faavoraably and let us kknow yourr accceptaance as ssoon as ppossiible.Hopee to hearr froom yoou sooon.Yourss faiithfuully,7. 下訂單OrrderDDear_,We accknowwledgge wiith tthankks thhe reeceippt off youur quuotattion dateed_( 日期期) annd nooted the totaal_( 幣種種、金額)_( 地點). Wee agrree tt
18、o thhis ppricee, annd woould ask you to aacceppt thhis oorderr-lettter as oour oofficiall ordder.TThe ppaymeent iis beeing madee by_( 付款方式式) tooday. In vieww of_( 鑒于條件件), wwe shhouldd apppreciiate it iif yoou aggree to_( 我我方要求).We lookk forrwardd to yourr repply aas sooon aas poossibble.Yourss faiit
19、hfuully,8. 接受訂單單Acceeptinng thhe OrrderDear_,Thankk youu forr youur orrder_( 產品名稱稱、型號).Thee gooods aare_( 產產品狀況) andd willl bee delliverred oon tiime.It iss a ppleassure to_( 樂樂意之事) andd we hopee youu willl bee sattisfiied wwith the_( 滿意之處處) off ourr gooods. On rreceiivingg youur crreditt froom thhe
20、 baank, we wwill makee up yourr ordder.We wiill hhave the pleaasuree of receeivinng fuurtheer orrderss froom yoou.Yourss sinncereely,9. 拒絕訂單單Decllininng thhe OrrderDear_,Thankk youu forr youur orrder_( 產品型號號) foor_( 產品品名稱) whicch wee recceiveed tooday.We reegrett thaat, oowingg to_( 原因),wwe arre unn
21、ablee to filll youur orrder.Moreoover, ourr mannufacctureers ccan nnot uunderrtakee to enteertaiin yoour oorderr forr futture deliiveryy owiing tto_( 進一一步原因).We willl, hooweveer, ccontaact yyou oonce suppply iimprooves.In thhe meeantiime, pleaase ffeel freee to sendd us yourr speecifiic ennquirres f
22、for ootherr typpes oof_( 其他他型號產品品). YYou ccan bbe asssureed off ourr besst atttenttion at aall ttimess.Yourss faiithfuully,100. 支付方式式Termms off PayymenttDear_,We haave tthorooughlly coonsidderedd thee terrms oof paaymennt diiscusssed withh youur_( 人名名). WWe arre inn agrreemeent wwith yourr prooposaa
23、ls aand hherebby giive yyou tthe ttermss andd connditiions whicch haave bbeen agreeed uupon as ffolloows:(1) YYour termms off payymentt aree_( 支付方方式).(2) Thee priice qquoteed too us are_( 價格條款款). TThe aabovee terrms oof paaymennt weere aapprooved by_( 批批準單位或或個人) and willl be acteed uppon aaccorrding
24、gly. The relaativee ordder iis noow beeing prepparedd andd willl bee sennt too youu in the courrse oof_( 時間間).Youur eaarly replly woould be vvery apprreciaated.Yourss faiithfuully,111. 催款Remmindeer Dearr_,Accouunt_( 號號碼)As yyou aare uusuallly vvery prommpt iin seettliing yyour accoountss, wee wonnde
25、r whetther therre iss anyy speeciall reaason why we hhave not receeivedd payymentt of the abovve acccounnt allreaddy_( 欠款款拖期) overrdue.We tthinkk youu mayy nott havve reeceivved tthe sstateementt of accoount we ssent you on_( 日日期) sshowiing tthe bbalannce oof_( 幣種種、金額) youu owee. Wee sennd yoou a co
26、pyy andd hoppe itt mayy havve yoour eearlyy atttentiion.WWe hoope yyour earlly reeply.Yourss faiithfuully, 12. 更改信用用證Ameendinng thhe L/CDeaar_,We haave rreceiived yourr L/CC No._( 訂單號號) isssuedd by_( 開證行) forr thee amoount of_( 金金額) ccoverring_( 產品名稱稱). AAfterr revviewiing tthe LL/C, we ffoundd thaa
27、t_( 出錯錯地方).We, therreforre, aare wwritiing tthis lettter, askiing yyou tto ammend the L/C to rread, “_”( 修改改款項).We sshalll be gladd if you see to iit thhat aamenddmentt is cablled wwithoout aany ddelayy, ass ourr gooods hhave beenn paccked readdy foor shhipmeent ffor qquitee somme tiime.WWe loook ff
28、orwaard tto yoour eearlyy repply.Sinceerelyy,13. 理賠Setttlemment of CClaimms Dear_,On_( 日期期), II plaaced a laarge ordeer foor yoour eexpennsivee_( 產品名名稱). Unfoortunnatelly, oour ccustoomerss refflectted_( 反反映的問題題). WWe arre veery ddisapppoinnted withh thiis orrder. We cant seell tthem. On the adviice
29、 oof_( 人名名)I aam reeturnning_( 產品名稱稱).Pleease arraange_( 補救措施施) ass sooon ass posssiblle.Wee loook foorwarrd too youur eaarly replly.Yourss,14. 代理Ageency Dearr_,We_( 公司司性質).We wwouldd likke too infform you thatt we wantt to get the poteentiaal maarkett forr_( 產品名名稱) iin thhis aarea. So, we wantt to
30、becoome aa solle aggencyy. Wee wouuld, howeever, be willling to eengagge inn triial ccollaaboraationn witth yoour ccompaany tto seee hoow thhe aggreemment workks. WWe arre veery iinterresteed inn_( 感興趣趣之事) withh youur faactorry foor thhe prromottion of yyour prodductss in_( 地點).We llook forwward to
31、yyour earlly reeply.Yourss sinncereely,Chaptter2 商務報告告1. 建議議報告Prropossal RReporrtINTTRODUUCTIOONOurr commpanyy hass reccentlly_(發(fā)生了了什么事,即即寫作背景景)._( 何何人,多是是上級) has askeed mee to writte a repoort tto_( 寫給給何人) on_( 何何時). Thiss repport_( 關于何事事) annd iss to_( 為了什么么,即寫作作目的).FINDIINGSAAfterr loookingg intt
32、o alll thhe coomplaaintss,_( 指出出問題都出出現在哪些些方面). _ ( 問題題1) _ ( 問題題2) _ ( 問問題3) _ ( 問題題4)CONNCLUSSIONSSIn aa worrd, ttheree aree_( 需要改改進的地方方) thhat aare iin neeed oof immprovving.RECOOMMENNDATIIONSBBasedd on thosse fiindinngs mmentiionedd aboove, the folllowinng_( 解決決方法) are firmmly rrecommmendded: _ (
33、 方法法1). _ ( 方方法2). _ ( 方法法3). _ ( 方法法4). _ ( 報告撰撰寫人簽名名,職務)_(報告告撰寫日期期)2. 工作作進度報告告Proggresss RepportTTo:_( 向向誰報告),_( 該人人的職務)From:_( 寫報告告的人),_( 職務)Date:_( 寫報告告的當天日日期,注意意英美格式式的區(qū)別)Subjeect:_( 報告的主主題、大體體內容)Periood: FFrom _tto_( 起止止時間)INTRRODUCCTIONN:Lasst moonth, as you_( 要求), I wwas_( 背背景介紹). Thhey wwere
34、 repoortedd to_( 出現什么么情況).ACTIIVITIIES DDONE IN TTHIS PERIIOD:Duriing tthe llast montth, IIve bbeen_( 完成的工工作1).Afteer obbservving otheer maachinnes ffor sseverral ddays, I ffind thatt_( 完成的的工作2).I haave aalso beenn to_( 地點), andd finnd thhat_( 完完成的工作作3).PLLANS FOR THE NEXTT PERRIOD:Ill_( 采采取的措施施) an
35、nd trry too_( 計劃11).If tthe pprobllems remaain tthe ssame or ccant bee sollved, I hhave to_( 計計劃2).If tthats thhe caase, I haave tto _(計劃33)3. 述職職報告Woork RReporrtTo:_( 報告寫寫給誰),_( 該人的的職務)From:_( 寫報告告人),_( 職務)Date:_( 寫報告告的日期)Intrroducctionn: Beeing prommotedd as_( 職務名稱稱)_( 時間間), II havve beeen iin chh
36、argee of_( 主要職責責) foor_( 工作作部分) in_( 地地點) , inccludiing_( 管管轄的工作作). CConcllusioons oof woork ddone so ffar:11._( 業(yè)績績1)In oorderr to makee morre cllientts knnow aand uuse oour_( 產產品名稱),I hhave_( 具體完成成情況1).I haave mmanagged tto_( 具體體完成情況況2). Our sloggan iis“Clieent iis thhe annswerr”and theiir saatisf
37、factiion iis ouur gooal. Throough perssonall, emmotioonal and effeectivve coommunnicattion, we havee_( 做了什什么), so aas too_( 取得的的效果).2._( 業(yè)業(yè)績2)By tthe eend oof thhe yeear_(年份份), oour SSectiion hhas_(具體體完成情況況). WWhilee at thiss timme off thee yeaar 20008, the sum of_( 具具體名稱,如如產品等) hass_( 用具體體數字來說說明).D
38、uriing tthe yyear 20088, moore tthan_( 具體數字字) arre beeing openned aand_( 具具體數字) aree addded tto ouur acccounnt.Prrobleems aand OObstaacless:Due to tthe llack of_( 問問題出現的的原因1), deespitte thhe riise iin_( 具體體名稱,如如銷量) , itt hassnt_( 具體體問題1).Due to tthe nnew ssysteems faailurre too_( 問題出出現的原因因2), somee
39、bigg cliientss_( 具體問問題2).Planns foor thhe fuuturee:To aattraact_( 工工作設想11).To eenhannce_( 工工作設想22).To iintennsifyy_(工作作設想3)4. 說明報告告Intrroducctionn Repport To:_( 報告寫給給誰)From:_( 寫報告告人)Date:_( 寫報告告的日期)Overrvieww of the prodduct:The_( 公司名稱稱) Coorporratioon haas laaunchhed iits llatesst brrand-new proddu
40、ct _( 產產品名稱). Thhis sset mmakess it posssiblee forr youu to_( 產品用途途). IIts_( 描述述總體特征征1) ffor tthe hhome, forr thee offfice or ffor tthe bbusinness tripp. Itts eaasy tto_( 總體體特征2). Alll yoou neeed iis_( 總體體特征3), annd neeitheer a compputerr norr anyy speeciall sofftwarre iss reqquireed. IIts allso vve
41、ry_( 總體特征征4), as eeasy as mmakinng anny noormall tellephoone ccall.Main featturess:_ ( 特點點1): Withh thiis, yyou ccan_( 給給您帶來的的好處). Youu cann gett_( 給您帶帶來的好處處) annd_( 給您您帶來的好好處) iis guuarannteedd by_( 保證措施施)._ ( 特點點2): Thiss meaans tthat you can_( 給您帶來來的好處)._ ( 特點點3): Its ann impportaant ttreatt whii
42、ch mmeanss thaat yoou caan_( 給您您帶來的好好處).Howw to use:See the attaachedd_( 文件名名稱).Atttentiions: Makee surre thhat_( 注注意事項).Do nnot uuse_( 設設備名稱) witth_( 其他他設備) , foor_( 原因因、理由)5. 總結報告告Finaal ReeporttTo:_( 報告寫給給誰) Fromm:_( 寫報報告人) Datee:_( 寫報報告的日期期) Inntrodductiion: Thiss yeaars_( 活動動或事件名名稱) wwas hheld
43、in_( 舉舉辦地點) froom _tto_( 活動動的起止時時間). The_( 活動或事事件名稱) atttractts_( 人數數) frrom aall oover the worlld,_( 對對此活動或或事件做簡簡單介紹). Wee feeel_( 感受受、體會) andd at the samee timme,_( 感感受、體會會). Findiings: Sinnce tthis is tthe ffirstt timme foor uss to_( 做了什么么事), we ffind thatt_( 產生了了什么想法法)._ ( 問題題1)._ ( 問題題2).Cooncl
44、uusionns:Duuringg_( 活動), wee feeel itts soo_( 描述你你的體會) to partticippate in ssuch fairrs, sso ass to_( 以期達到到的效果). Reecommmendaationns: BBasedd on_( 提出建議議的依據), weed liike tto maake tthe ffolloowingg sugggesttionss:_ ( 建議議1). We sshoulld_( 給出出具體理由由或做法)._ ( 建議議2). The prommotioon caampaiign sshoulld_( 給
45、出出具體理由由)6. 可行性報報告Feaasibiilityy RepportTTo:_( 報報告寫給誰誰)From:_( 寫報告告人)Date:_( 寫報告告的日期) INTTRODUUCTIOON_ ( 時時間) aago, I_( 背景景介紹) to ssee wwhethher wwe coould_( 項目名稱稱). TThis repoort iis too_( 此報告告的目的) andd to makee reccommeendattionss aboout_( 與與項目有關關的活動).METHOODOLOOGY TThe iinforrmatiion wwas mmainlly
46、 acchievved bby_( 調研研方法).FINDDINGSS_ ( 對方方名稱) is aalreaady wworkiing oon_( 對方方已經在做做的工作).Theey arre veery pposittive abouut_( 對方方的態(tài)度).Theey prroposse ann ideea off_( 對方提提出的合理理化建議)CONCLLUSIOONS TThe_( 方方案類型) proogramm is veryy_( 對項目目前景做簡簡單描述). Thhis pprojeect llookss_( 可行與與否), and it sshowss a_( 成成功率高
47、還還是低) posssibillity for succcess. RECCOMMEENDATTIONSS Thuus, wwe shhouldd_( 對后續(xù)續(xù)工作的建建議) aand_( 對對后續(xù)工作作的建議)as ssoon as ppossiible, andd_(對后后續(xù)工作的的建議) withh theeir mmanagges.77. 評估報告告Apprraisaal ReeporttINTRRODUCCTIONN:Duee to_( 評估發(fā)生生的背景),_( 何人人,上級) hass askked mme too invvestiigatee andd cheeck oout_(
48、 評評估對象) andd_( 評估結結果) sshoulld bee takken tto haandlee theem.MEETHODDOLOGGY:I, theerefoore, _aand_( 調調研方法) forr_( 調研時時間段), froom _tto_( 調研研起止時間間). AAfterr a tthoroough and careeful examminattion, I ggot tthe mmost commmon pprobllems and gavee my sugggestiions accoordinngly beloow. AAPPRAAISALL SUGGG
49、ESTTIONSS: _ ( 調研研結果1)._shouuld_, sso thhat_( 評評估建議11)._ ( 調研研結果2). Thhis sshoulld _sso ass to_( 評估建議議2)._ ( 調研研結果3). Wee shoould _tto_( 評估估建議3)._(調調研結果44).Thhe teechniical depaartmeent sshoulld _(評評估建議44).8. 市場場調查報告告Inveestiggatioon ReeporttINTROODUCTTIONAAs_( 原因因), mmore and moree peoople_( 現象). A
50、s a reesultt,_( 調查查背景介紹紹)._( 時時間),_( 頒布規(guī)定定單位) launnchedd_( 新頒布布的規(guī)定的的名稱), andd as reinnforccemennt, tthis reguulatiion iis appprovved tto coontinnue ffor aanothher pperiood thhis yyear. Whaat wiill tthis reguulatiion iimpacct_( 調查查對象) heree?METHOODOLOOGYFrrom _ttill_( 調查起止止時間), we havee beeen_( 調查查方法
51、) inveestiggatioon onn_( 調查對對象), by_( 調調查方法), thhrouggh _aand_( 調調查方法), wiith ppeoplle inn_( 調查范范圍) tto seee_( 調查查意圖). FINDIINGS The impaact oon_( 主體體名稱): thee surrvey resuult sshowss thaat_( 調查查結果). Theey arrgue thatt_( 原因分分析).The impaact oon_( 主體體名稱): as the survvey ssuggeests,_( 調查現現象) iin thhe s
52、uurveyyed ppeoplle. MMost of tthem chooose tto_( 采取取的對策),_( 給出出原因).CONCCLUSIIONSFFrom the abovve fiindinngs, we ttend to_( 總總結上面得得出的結果果). TThereeforee, its saafe tto coome tto thhe cooncluusionn thaat_( 給出出結論).Chaptter 33 行政文文書1. 便條條NoteeTo:_( 便條接收收人姓名) _( 便條接收收人職位) _( 人名名) caalledd froom_( 地名名), ww
53、anteed yoou too calll hiim tooday befoore_( 時時間) oor anny tiime_( 其其他時間) on_( 電話號碼碼).Messaage ttakenn by:(留言言者姓名) 2. 啟事事Annoounceementt _( 啟事的的標題) NotiiceAss a rresullt off_( 搬遷原原因), our comppany has deciided to mmove fromm_( 原來地地址) tto_( 新地地址) oon_( 日期期). TThe cchangges iin_( 搬遷遷后的變化化) arre ass fol
54、llowss:Addreess:_( 新地址,從從小到大排排列)Postt Codde:_( 新新郵編)Fax:_( 新的傳傳真號碼)Tel. of Fronnt Deesk:_( 新的前臺臺電話號碼碼)Tel. of HR DDept.:_( 新的的人事處電電話號碼)Tel. of Accoount Deptt.:_( 新新的財務處處電話號碼碼)Tel. of Salees Deept.:_( 新的銷銷售部電話話號碼)_( 公公司名稱) _(啟事事日期)33. 簡報Briiefinng _( 公公司名稱)_( 哪個方方面) BBrieffing (Noo._( 數字字,指明是是第幾期)_(部
55、門門名稱)DDeparrtmennt,_(公司司名稱)_(年、月、日)The_( 會議名稱) is held officially in_( 地點) on_( 日期)._,_,_, and_( 出席會議的人員) are all present. The conference is presided over by_( 由誰主持), the_( 該人職務). On behalf of the Board, he/she_( 會議主要內容1) in the past year and_( 主要內容2) for the year 2009. The conference makes a thorou
56、gh summary of_( 會議內容) in the past year and gives the following details: ( 用典型事例來展開陳述上面導語部分的內容1) first,_( 事例一); second,_( 事例二); whats more,_( 事例三), . However, there are still some room crying for improvement, such as_, _,_and_( 需改進方面). The conference also set the goals for the next year. ( 用典型事例來展開陳述
57、上面導語部分的內容2) First,_( 事例一), so as to_( 目的一); Second,_( 事例二) ,so as to_( 目的二). When making his/her summary of the conference,_( 人名) says that the work emphasis for the year_( 年份) will_( 指明事情發(fā)展趨勢,或提出希望及今后打算) in the new year. Submission to:_( 報送上級機關或單位名稱) Sendiing tto:_( 送送同級或不不相隸屬機機關或單位位名稱) Detacchingg
58、 to:_( 發(fā)下級級機關或單單位名稱) ( _(數數字,指出出總的印發(fā)發(fā)分數)ccopiees tootallly)4. 廣告告Adveertissemennt Our prodductss aree solld inn_( 國家名名稱) aand wwell apprreciaated by ttheirr purrchassers. Ourr prooductts arre faamouss forr_( 產品的的優(yōu)勢). We takee cusstomeers aas ouur Goods,wwe wiill ddo evverytthingg to satiisfy the req
59、uuiremment of ccustoomerss. Ouur sllogann is:_( 廣告語語).5. 備忘錄MeemoraandummTO:_( 收件者)FROM:_( 記錄員員)DATE:_( 日期)SUBJEECT:_( 主題)BODYY_( 正文)6. 介紹信Leetterr of IntrroducctionnDear_,WWe arre plleaseed too inttroduuce_( 人人名), our_( 被介紹人人職位)._( 人名)_( 事由).We shalll bee mosst grratefful iif yoou wiill iintrooduce
60、e himm/herr to_( 介紹單位位或人)aand ggive him any helpp or adviice hhe/shhe maay neeed, and willl alwways be hhappyy to reciiproccate.Yourss sinncereely,7. 會議日程程表Ageenda of tthe MMeetiing _Meeetingg(會議主主題) _( 時間) _( 地點) 1._( 歡迎辭)2. MMinuttes oof laast mmeetiing_( 宣宣布上次會會議記錄)3._( 內內容1)4._( 內容2)5. (any othe
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