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1、UNIT 2ICONIC ATTRACTIONS核心單詞閱讀詞匯1.didgeridoo n.迪吉里杜管2.equator n.赤道3.koala n.考拉;樹袋熊4.barbecue n.戶外燒烤;烤架5.bakery n.面包(糕餅)店;面包廠6.butcher n.肉販;屠夫;劊子手n.總理;首相7.premier adj.最著名的;第一的;首要的8.herb n.藥草;香草;草本9.dim sim (特指澳大利亞的)點心10.hollow adj.中空的;空心的11.horn n.(樂器)號12.pitch n.音高13.minister n.部長;大臣;外交使節(jié)14.frog n.蛙

2、;青蛙15.arrow n.箭;箭頭16.getaway n.適合度假的地方17.kayaking n.劃皮艇18.domain n.領(lǐng)域;領(lǐng)土;范圍19.liberty n.自由20.golf n.高爾夫球運動21.strait n.海峽22.kiwi n.幾維(新西蘭鳥)23.geyser n.間歇泉24.sulphuric pool 硫黃池25.manuka honey 麥盧卡蜂蜜26.bungee jumping 蹦極跳27.geothermal park 地熱公園28.pouch n.育兒袋;小袋子;荷包29.phase n.階段;時期30.trunk n.樹干31.nest n.巢

3、穴;鳥窩;秘密窩點32.mammal n.哺乳動物高頻詞匯1._ n.創(chuàng)建;基礎(chǔ);地基foundationjoint2._ n.公共場所(尤指價格低廉的飲食和娛樂場所);關(guān)節(jié)adj.聯(lián)合的;共同的straightforwardslogan3._ adj.坦率的;簡單的4._ n.標語;口號divesponsor5._ vi.& n.潛水;跳水;俯沖6._ vt.倡議;贊助;主辦n.(法案等的)倡議者;贊助者samplemonumentsession7._ n.樣本;樣品8._ n.紀念碑(或館、堂、像等);歷史遺跡9._ n.一場;一段時間;會議10._ vi.孵出;破殼 vt.使孵出;策劃;

4、(尤指)密謀11._ n.能力;容量12._ n.柵欄;圍欄13._ adj.大;宏大的hatchcapacityfencegrand拓展詞匯1._ adj.符號的;圖標的icon n.圖片;符號2.political adj.政治的_ adv.政治上_n.政治學;政治_ n.政治家;政客iconic3._ adj.位于locate vt.使坐落于;找到的位置_ n.地點;位置politicallypolitics4.vibrate vt.& vi.(使)振動_ n.震動;顫動;抖動5.entitle vt.給命名(或題名);使享有權(quán)利_ n.頭銜;標題;資格politicianlocated

5、locationvibrationtitlefree6.freedom n.自由;不受影響的狀態(tài)_ adj.自由的;無約束的vt.釋放;使擺脫7.distribution n.分布;分配;分發(fā)_ vt.分發(fā);分配;散布;使分布8._ adj.暫時的;短暫的temporarily adv.暫時地9.license vt. 批 準 ; 許 可n.( licence) 許 可 證 ; 執(zhí) 照_ adj.得到正式許可的distributetemporarylicensed10.frequency n.發(fā)生率;重復(fù)率;(聲波或電磁波振動的)頻率_ adj.頻繁的;經(jīng)常的_ adv.頻繁地;經(jīng)常地freq

6、uentfrequentlyviolentviolently11._ adj.暴力的;猛烈的violence n.暴力;暴行_ adv.粗暴地;強烈地(續(xù)表)12.biology n.生理;生物學_ n.生物學家13.prison n.監(jiān)獄;監(jiān)禁_ n.囚犯;犯人;俘虜biologistprisoner聯(lián)想積累【派生構(gòu)詞】1.handful(名詞名詞后綴-ful新名詞)mouthful 一口;滿口cupful 滿杯2.frequent(去 t)cy(形容詞名詞后綴-cy名詞)fluent(去 t)cy 流利current(去 t)cy 通用;通貨【合成構(gòu)詞】straightforward(形容

7、詞形容詞/副詞新形容詞)wornout 筋疲力盡的extraordinary 非凡的重點短語to1.be native _ 原產(chǎn)于;是當?shù)氐?.make an _ to do sth.努力做某事effort3._ minister 首相;總理primepeak4._ season 高峰季節(jié)ofaat5.a flock _ 一群(羊或鳥)sense6._ handful of 少數(shù)人(或物);一把(的量)7.feel _ home 感到自在;駕輕就熟8.a _ of 的感覺comparison9.in _ to/with 和相比to10.an approach _ (doing) sth.做某事

8、的方法精選佳句教材原句hasbroughthasshared1.Since I arrived, my friend _ _ me to myfirst open-air barbecue and _ also _ many differentbut yummy meals with me, so my first impressions of Australiahave been all about food!自從我來到澳大利亞,我的朋友帶我去了我的第一次露天燒烤,也和我分享了許多不同但美味的食物,所以我對澳大利亞的第一印象都是關(guān)于食物!句式結(jié)構(gòu)句式 1:since 意為“自從”,主句用現(xiàn)在

9、完成時教材原句Tosurvive2._ _ in this vast land on the ocean, theAborigines had to be in close contact with nature.為了在這片遼闊的海洋上生存,土著居民不得不與大自然親密接觸。句式結(jié)構(gòu)句式 2:不定式短語作目的狀語untiltheyareaboutsevenoreight教材原句3.They sleep and drink milk in that temporary, protectedenvironment _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.大約七八個月大之前,它們一直待在那個暫時受保護的環(huán)境里

10、睡覺和吃奶。句式結(jié)構(gòu)monthsold句式 3:until 引導(dǎo)時間狀語從句教材原句Whileitmaylayeggs4._ _ _ _ _ in anest like a bird, its really a primitive mammal, with a uniquebiology.盡管它可能像鳥類一樣在巢中產(chǎn)卵,但它確實是一種原始哺乳動物,具有獨特的生物學特性。句式結(jié)構(gòu)句式 4:while 引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句課文復(fù)現(xiàn)I arrived in Australia on 1st October to visit my friendthere.Australia, 1._ (locate) t

11、o the south of the equator, isoften informally referred to 2._“down under”.My first impressions of Australia have been all about food!3._ (bakery), fastfood joints, butcher shops,cafes,andrestaurants everywhere provide some of 4._ premier foodexperiences in the world.locatedasBakeriestheI learned to

12、 play the local instrument didgeridoo.I put mymouth on one end and blow while 5._ (vibrate) my lips butfailed.A skilled player can play for a long time by 6._(continue) breathing in through his nose while breathing outthrough his mouth and into the didgeridoo.vibratingAfter 7._ (experience) Australi

13、a, personallyspeaking , 8._ I like most about Australia is the people9._ (they).Their friendliness and 10._ (warm)made me feel at home wherever I went.continuallyexperiencingwhatthemselveswarmth單句語法填空1.They could not ensure a smooth transfer of _(politics) power.2.One cannot choose _ (free) for ones

14、elf withoutchoosing it for others.politicalfreedoma3.His wife was _ straightforward woman and oftenasked some quite straightforward questions.4.They _ (sample) the population to find out thestate of public opinion last year.5.When she went outside she was _ (temporary)blinded by the sun.sampledtempo

15、rarilyviolent6.This area of the city has become a breeding ground for_ (violence) crime.of7.A flock _ birds flew towards us slowly from faraway.8.An important set of ideas have been advanced by the_ (biology) Rupert Sheldrake.biologist9.I prefer to use the plants that used to be native _ theriver be

16、fore it became so polluted.tosponsors10.The race organisers are trying to attract _(sponsor), who can donate money.1.located adj.位于【原句】Located to the south of the equator, below manyother countries on the globe, its often informally referred to as“down under”.(教材 P14)(澳大利亞)位于赤道以南,并在地球上很多國家的下方,它常被非正式

17、地稱為“down under”?!镜淅?Fire extinguishers are located on each floor and in eachapartment.每層樓和每間公寓都有滅火器。We have not found a suitable location for the new offices.我們還沒有為新辦事處找到合適的地點。【歸納】conveniently/ideally located 坐落于方便的/理想的位置well-located buildings 位置好的建筑物be located in/at/on 位于【點津】表示“位于”的短語除了 be located

18、 in/on/at 外,還有be situated in, lie in?!就卣埂?1)locate vt.找出的準確位置(2)location n.地點;位置【即學即用】單句語法填空is located(1)Surrounded by green trees, the farm _ (locate)at the foot of the hill near our school.location(2)The _ (locate) of the factory is close to therailway.一句多譯,每空一詞Locatedin(3)北京位于中國的北部,是我們的文化和政治中心。 _

19、 _ the north of China, Beijing is ourcultural and political centre.Situatedin _ _ the north of China, Beijing is ourcultural and political centre.Lyingin _ _ the north of China, Beijing is ourcultural and political centre.2.dive vi.& n.潛水;跳水;俯沖【原句】 Visitors to the beaches can enjoy many activities,i

20、ncluding diving, kayaking, and rock climbing.(教材 P16) 海灘上的游客可以享受許多活動,包括潛水、劃皮劃艇和攀巖。【典例】In his black and blue suit and with an oxygen tank fastenedon his back, Larry dived from boats into the middle of the ocean.拉里穿著黑藍相間的衣服,背上系著氧氣瓶,從船上跳入海中。Without waiting, I dived into the sea.我迫不及待地跳進海中。The main purp

21、ose of his trip to Greece was to go diving.他去希臘的主要目的是去潛水。Shemade a beautiful dive.她做了一次漂亮的跳水?!練w納】dive from/off o sth.從跳入中dive into 潛入;深入到;投入make a dive 潛水/跳水go diving 去潛水【拓展】diver n.潛水者;跳水運動員【即學即用】intodiving單句語法填空(1)It started to rain so we dived _ the nearest caf.(2)Something tells me you didnt ask

22、 me to go _ (dive),did you?adiveintoanarea(3)The plane made _ dive to a lower altitude.完成句子,每空一詞(4)我知道我足夠聰明,可以深入到一個完全未知的領(lǐng)域。I know I am smart enough to _ _ _ that is totally unknown.3.sponsor vt.倡議;贊助;主辦n.(法案等的)倡議者;贊助者【原句】 Visitors can see these amazing creatures in theirnatural domain, and also spon

23、sor an elephant to preserve its healthand liberty.(教材 P16)游客們可以在它們的自然領(lǐng)域里看到這些神奇的生物,還可以贊助一頭大象來保護它的健康和自由。【典例】The businessman announced that he would sponsor thehealth care plan.這位商人宣布他將贊助這項保健計劃。 A wealthy sponsor came to our rescue with a generousdonation.一位富有的贊助人慷慨捐贈,拯救了我們。【歸納】be sponsored by 由資助/贊助sp

24、onsor sb.to do sth.資助/贊助某人做某事a sponsor of.的贊助商【即學即用】單句語法填空(1)_ (sponsor) the local team is good for publicrelations.Sponsoringsponsors(2)The organisation broke loose from its _(sponsor).完成句子,每空一詞aresponsoredby(3)大多數(shù) DES 學生是由教育部資助的。Most DES students _ _ _ theNational Department of Education.(4)公司資助了五

25、名學生完成學業(yè)。The company _ _ _ _have finished their school.sponsoredfivestudentsto4.prison n.監(jiān)獄;監(jiān)禁【原句】 Special tiger reserves with fences have greatlyimproved the distribution of the wild tiger population across India,and local police are now entitled to give longer prison sentences tohunters.(教材 P22)有圍欄

26、的老虎特別保護區(qū)極大地改善了印度野生老虎數(shù)量的分布,當?shù)鼐浆F(xiàn)在有權(quán)對獵人處以更長的刑期?!镜淅緽efore he came to power, the famous leader was once putin prison for years.在他掌權(quán)之前,這位著名的領(lǐng)袖曾被關(guān)進監(jiān)獄好幾年。The young man was sent to prison for attacking a girl witha knife.那個年輕人因為用刀襲擊一個女孩而被送進了監(jiān)獄。 He fought for black people and was in prison for almostthirty

27、years.他為黑人而戰(zhàn),在監(jiān)獄里待了將近 30 年。【歸納】send sb.to prison 把某人送進監(jiān)獄throw/put sb.in/into prison 把某人投入監(jiān)獄go to prison 入獄(動作)in prison 在獄中(狀態(tài))out of prison 出獄【點津】與 go to prison 用法類似的短語有:go to school, go tohospital 等。這些短語一般情況下不加定冠詞 the?!就卣埂縫risoner n.犯人;囚犯【即學即用】intoprisonerout單句語法填空(1)If you go on like this youll e

28、nd up _ prison.(2)He was sent _ prison for five years ,which madeeveryone surprised.(3)The _ (prison) will be put to death at dawn.(4)He said he would save his friend _ of prison.1.feel at home 感到自在;駕輕就熟【 原句 】 They have a straightforward and free-and-easyattitude towards life, and their friendliness

29、 and warmth made mefeel at home wherever I went.(教材 P15)他們對待生活直率而灑脫,他們的友善和溫暖使我無論走到哪里都有一種家的感覺?!镜淅縃e had a genius for making people feel at home.他有一種使人賓至如歸的天賦。Revisit this list when you feel down.當你感到沮喪的時候再看看這個列表。The firm has identified 60 potential customers at home andabroad.該公司已經(jīng)在國內(nèi)外確定了 60 個潛在客戶。Y

30、ou are among friends, so make yourself at home. 我們都是朋友,別拘束。【拓展】feel down 感到沮喪at home and abroad 在國內(nèi)外make yourself at home 別拘束【即學即用】feelathome完成句子,每空一詞(1)然而,這些友好且樂于助人的同事很快就讓我適應(yīng)了這里。athomeandabroadHowever, my friendly and supportive colleagues here soonhelped me to _ _ _.(2)這本書現(xiàn)在在國內(nèi)外都很受歡迎。The book is v

31、ery popular now, both _ _ _.(3)你若是客人,只要使自己感到自在就行了。When you are the guest, you should just _ _ _.makeyourselfathome2.make an effort to do sth.努力做某事【原句】 The partners agreed to make a joint effort to meetthe project deadlines.(教材 P16)合作伙伴同意共同努力,在最后期限前完成項目?!镜淅?If we make an effort to go to the truth, w

32、e are seeking aresult, an achievement.如果我們努力去尋找真理,我們就是在尋求結(jié)果,一種成就。We should spare no effort to further your interests. 我們將不遺余力地為你方爭取利益。With effort she managed to stop herself laughing.她好不容易才忍住不笑。【拓展】make every effort to do sth.盡一切努力做某事spare no effort to do sth.不遺余力地做某事with/without effort 費力地/毫不費力地【即學

33、即用】完成句子,每空一詞(1)為了我們后代的福祉,我們應(yīng)該不遺余力地保護我們的地球母親。sparenoefforttoprotectFor the sake of the welfare of our offspring, we should_ _ _ _ _ our mother planet.(2)他們正在努力降低生產(chǎn)成本。makinganThey are _ _ _ _ decreasethe production cost.efforttowithouteffort(3)那個強壯的年輕人毫不費力地移開了那塊石頭。The strong young man removed the rock

34、 _ _.3.a handful of 少數(shù)人(或物);一把(的量)【原句】 There are only a small handful of animals in theworld that can do that!(教材 P21)世界上只有很少的動物可以那樣做!【典例】I managed to rent a house to take ina handful of people.我設(shè)法租了一間足夠容納幾個人的房子。 It says on the bottle to take a spoonful of this medicineevery four hours.藥瓶上寫著這種藥每四小時服

35、一勺。He tooka mouthful of neat whisky, and coughed.他喝了一口純威士忌,接著咳嗽起來?!練w納】a handful of students 少量學生a handful of rice 一把米【拓展】mouthful of 一口a spoonful of 一匙【即學即用】ahandfulof完成句子,每空一詞(1)弗蘭克把一把零錢倒在桌上就離開了房間。Frank emptied _ _ _ loose changeon the table and left the room.amouthfuloffood(2)她吃了一口食物,然后突然吐了出來。She

36、took _ _ _ _ and thensuddenly spat it out.aspoonfulofmilk(3)她在兩個杯子里各放了一匙牛奶。She put _ _ _ _ in each ofthe two cups.1.Since I arrived, my friend has brought me to my firstopen air barbecue and has also shared many different butyummy meals with me, so my first impressions of Australiahave been all abou

37、t food!(教材 P14)自從我來到澳大利亞,我的朋友帶我去了我的第一次露天燒烤,也和我分享了許多不同但美味的食物,所以我對澳大利亞的第一印象都是關(guān)于食物!【剖析】 since 意為“自以來;從以后”,常與過去式的句子或過去時間狀語連用,主句常與現(xiàn)在完成時連用?!镜淅?2021新高考卷閱讀理解 C)Since 1934, better than halfa billion dollars has gone into that Fund to purchase more than 5million acres of habitat.自 1934 年以來,已有超過 5 億美元投入該基金會,用

38、于購買超過 500 萬英畝的棲息地。(2021 浙 江卷 七選五型閱讀理解 )Today his hobby hasdeveloped into the website , a social network thathas grown to 575,217 registered users in 214 countries and regionssince he started it 10 years ago.如今,他的這個愛好已經(jīng)發(fā)展成了一個名為 的社交網(wǎng)站。自從他 10 年前創(chuàng)建這個網(wǎng)站以來,該網(wǎng)站已經(jīng)在 214 個國家和地區(qū)擁有了 575,217 名注冊用戶。連詞詞義常用句式before

39、在 之前 ;還未就;才 ; 還沒來 得及就It will (not) be 一段時間before.(沒有)過時間才 It was not long before. 不久就It was 一段時間before.過了才since自從以來It is/has been 一段時間since.(從句用一般過去時)It was 一段時間since.( 從句用過去完成時)【辨析】before 與 since【即學即用】has grownbefore單句語法填空(1)(2018 全國卷 語法填空)Since 2011, the country_ (grow) more corn than rice.(2)It i

40、s not long _ his dream of being a soldiercomes true.Itwillbeoneandahalfyearsbefore完成句子,每空一詞(3)還有一年半的時間我就要畢業(yè)了。_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I leave school.(4)自從我上次見到他已經(jīng)兩年了。_ _ _ _ _ _I met him last time.Ithasbeentwoyearssince2.They sleep and drink milk in that temporary, protectedenvironment until they are about s

41、even or eight months old.(教材 P20)大約七八個月大之前,它們一直待在那個暫時受保護的環(huán)境里睡覺和吃奶?!酒饰觥?本句為 until 引導(dǎo)的時間狀語從句,意為“直到”?!镜淅?2021 全國乙卷 閱讀理解 B)How long until they go theway of gas street lamps and morning milk deliveries?他們要過多久才會走上煤氣路燈和早上送牛奶的老路? Not until recently did they encourage the development oftourist-related activ

42、ities in the rural areas.直到最近,他們才鼓勵在農(nóng)村地區(qū)發(fā)展與旅游有關(guān)的活動。 Bach died in 1750, but it was not until the early 19thcentury that his musical gift was fully recognised.巴赫于 1750 年去世,但直到 19 世紀初,他的音樂天賦才得到充分承認?!军c津】(1)until 引導(dǎo)時間狀語從句,如果主句的謂語動詞是延續(xù)性的,那么這個主句需用肯定式;若主句的謂語動詞是非延續(xù)性的,則主句常用否定式,構(gòu)成 not.until 結(jié)構(gòu)。(2)在 not.until 句

43、型結(jié)構(gòu)中,可以把 not until 提到句首,句子用倒裝語序。(3)not.until 句型的強調(diào)句式為:It is/was not until.that.?!炯磳W即用】didheconsiderhavinga完成句子,每空一詞(1)直到三年前他退休時,他才考慮到國外度假。holidayNot until he retired from teaching three years ago _ _ _ _ _ abroad.(2)直到我完成學業(yè),我才開始我的演員生涯。It_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I pursued my career as an actress.wasnotuntilIf

44、inishedmystudiesthat3.While it may lay eggs in a nest like a bird, its really aprimitive mammal, with a unique biology.( 教材P21) 雖然它可能像鳥類一樣在巢中產(chǎn)卵,但它確實是一種原始哺乳動物,具有獨特的生物學特性。【剖析】 句中 While it may lay eggs in a nest like a bird 為while 引導(dǎo)的狀語從句,while 意為“雖然;但是;盡管”?!镜淅?2019 浙江卷 閱讀理解B)While the clip might look

45、 likepart of a new ad campaign, Bridges said the only goal was to showgenerosity and sympathy.雖然這個視頻片段看起來像是新廣告活動的一部分,但布里奇斯表示,這個活動的唯一目的在于傳遞“慷慨和同情之心”。(2021 新高考卷 閱讀理解 D)The ability to accuratelyunderstand how others are feeling may be used by a doctor to findhow best to help her patients, while a cheat

46、er might use it tocontrol potential victims.這種準確理解他人感受的能力可能被醫(yī)生用來為她的病人找到最佳的治療方法,而騙子則可能會利用這種能力來控制潛在的受害者。(2016全國卷語法填空)Give your body and brain a restby stepping outside for a while, exercising, or doing somethingyou enjoy.出去走走,鍛煉一下,或者做一些你喜歡的事情,讓你的身體和大腦休息一下?!军c津】while 的用法:作名詞時,意為“一會兒”;作并列連詞時,意為“而,然而”,表示對

47、比;作從屬連詞時,意為“當時;雖然;但是;只要”?!炯磳W即用】寫出下列句中 while 的中文含義(1)Some people waste food while others havent enough._然而;可是盡管;雖然(2)While travel can broaden your mind, I dont think its agood idea to spend too much time and money on it._(3)While I was looking through the news online, up came avideo of a lovely bear.

48、_當時候(4)While there is life, there is hope._只要【題目】假設(shè)你是李華,你校正在留學生中開展了解中國的活動,請你準備一篇介紹大熊貓的文章,向你校外國留學生簡要介紹大熊貓的狀況。內(nèi)容包括:1.大熊貓的基本情況;2.大熊貓的現(xiàn)狀;3.大熊貓的保護。注意:詞數(shù) 80 左右。參考范文:As an iconic symbol and entitled the national treasure, thegiant panda is a special kind of mammal liked by people all overthe world.In fact, there used to be a broad distribution of pandas inChina long ago.However, with the balance of nature destroyed an


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