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1、PAGE PAGE 7蘇教版鳳凰牛津英語教案20236A Unit6 教學方案第一課時第一局部 簡要提示年級:六年級單元:Unit6課題:Holidays課型:新授課教學內(nèi)容:Part A教學目標: 掌握單詞、詞組:Christmas, Halloween, New Years Day, Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, people, didnt, had, relative, delicious, favourite, dress up, went, moon cake. 能聽懂、會說、會讀日常交際用語:Christmas is coming. W

2、hats your favourite holiday? My favourite holiday is Halloween.重點、難點:初步了解并掌握句型:Whens .? Its in . What do people usually do at/on .? They . Did you . last.? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.第二局部 教學過程第一步:重難點突破T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you. 同學們,你們好。Today we are going to learn Unit 6 Holidays. 今天我

3、們將共同學習第六單元節(jié)日。Lets begin our class, OK?Which holiday do you know? 你所了解的節(jié)日有那些?(稍停)好,我們先來認識一下這幾個常見節(jié)日。(PPT圖片) What holiday is this? Its New Years Day. New Years Day 春節(jié)。拿出卡片Now please look and read after me. 請看卡片,并且主義我的口型,跟我模仿。慢讀2遍again (快讀一遍) (PPT圖片,同樣方法學習新詞Halloween, Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festiva

4、l,教授。每詞三遍。)T: There are many holidays. PPT Whats your favourite holiday? 你最喜歡什么節(jié)日? (教授favourite 最愛的,慢讀,示范發(fā)音。簡單釋義:your favourite person or thing is the one that you like the most.) 請跟我讀:Whats your favourite holiday?2遍You can answer: My favourite holiday is For example: My favourite holiday is Spring

5、Festival.T: (PPT圣誕節(jié)動畫) Look, what holiday is this? 這是什么節(jié)日呢?T: Yes, its Christmas.(重復讀)圣誕節(jié)。My favourite holiday is Christmas.PPT顯示句型 Whens Christmas? 圣誕節(jié)是什么時間呢? T: Right, its on the 25th of December. Its in the December.T: What do you usually do at Christmas? 你通常在圣誕節(jié)做些什么事情呢? What do people usually do

6、 at Christmas? 人們通常在圣誕節(jié)做些什么呢?稍停, 教讀They T:PPT顯示短語 Maybe they buy Christmas presents, have a big lunch, go to a party, sing and dance .T: You can ask and answer like this: What do people usually do at Christmas? They go to a party. T: Did you go to a party last Christmas? 上個圣誕節(jié)你去聚會了么?重復,慢讀If you did,

7、 you may say: Yes, I did. (重復) If you did not, you may say: No, I didnt.重復T: PPT顯示句型 Did you go to a party last Christmas? Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.T: Now, you can ask your classmates like this. (PPT出句型) 現(xiàn)在請你像這樣與同伴練習問答。本步驟設計說明:課文生詞較多,要求學生掌握的句型也較多,設計此Free talk是為了要在看似不經(jīng)意之中通過聚焦談論Christmas這一節(jié)日把本課重點句型進行

8、滲透,窺一斑而知全豹,為學習其他節(jié)日埋下伏筆,在輕松的聊天氣氛中幫助學生理解新知,減輕課文學習的難度。第二步:課文學習前言T: (PPT出示圖 上課情景和前言) Boys and girls, look, the students are having an English lesson. Mr Green is their English teacher. Now please read this passage, then answer my questions. 請你聽錄音看文字,試著找出這些問題的答案。PPT出示四個問題Q1: What date is it?Q2: Which fes

9、tival is coming?Q3: How are the teachers and the students?Q4: What is Mr Green doing?學生聽錄音讀前言半分鐘。T: OK, now can you tell me: what date is it? (稍停頓,點出答案:Its the 18th of December.)T: The second question: Which festival is coming? (稍停頓,點出答案:Christmas is coming.) Christmas is coming. That means: 圣誕節(jié)快要到了

10、。重復慢讀那么,“萬圣節(jié)快要到了用英語該如何表達呢?稍停對了,Halloween is coming. 同樣的,“國慶節(jié)快要到了又該怎么說呢?請你來試試看。稍停T: Good. 答復的很好。National Day is coming.T: Well. The third question: How are the teachers and the students? (稍停頓,點出答案:They are getting very excited.)T: The last question: What is Mr Green doing? (稍停頓,點出答案:Hes talking to hi

11、s students about holidays.)T: Now can you read it by yourself? Have a try. 現(xiàn)在請你來試著讀一讀這局部吧。Please.正文T: OK. Now we know Mr Green is talking to his students about holidays. 現(xiàn)在我們已經(jīng)知道 Mr Green 正在和他的學生們談論有關節(jié)日的話題。What holidays are they talking about? 請看課文動畫,看看能不能找出文中所提到的節(jié)日。Ready? Lets go. (PPT動畫一分鐘。)T: 你找到

12、了么?來看看你的答案與老師的一致么?PPT顯示第一欄正確答案, 教讀四個節(jié)日。注意口型示范。HolidayNew Years DaySpring FestivalHalloweenMid-Autumn FestivalPPT顯示表格第二欄HolidayWhenNew Years DayJanuarySpring FestivalJanuary or FebruaryHalloweenOctoberMid-Autumn FestivalSeptember or OctoberT: Whens New Years Day?T: Yes, its in January.T: Whens Spring

13、 Festival? (稍停) Right, its in January or February.T: What about Halloween? (稍停) Good, Halloween is in October.T: Whens Mid-Autumn Festival? (稍停) Its in September or October.T: Are you right? 相信你也一定答對了吧。Well, what do people usually do at those holidays? 人們通常在以上節(jié)日中會做些什么呢?Now please listen to it again,

14、 and then answer my questions. 請仔細聽對話,試著完成表格第三欄。PPT表格HolidayWhenWhat do people usually do?New Years DayJanuarygo to partieshave a big lunchSpring FestivalJanuary or Februaryvisit relatives and friendseat delicious foodHalloweenOctoberdress up in costumesgo to partiesMid-Autumn FestivalSeptember or O

15、ctobereat moon cakesplay with lanternswatch the moonT:你完成的怎么樣?讓我們來看看正確答案。請跟我讀這些詞和詞組delicious,relatives,dress up, moon cake, watch the moon 簡單解釋詞義Relatives, that means members of your family. 親戚。Delicious, that means very pleasant to taste or smell.可口的,美味的。 Dress up,裝扮,for example: dress up in costum

16、es, 教讀) T: Now work in pairs. Make dialogues like this 現(xiàn)在,請仿照下面的例句做對話:A: Whens New Years Day?B: Its in January.A: What do people usually do on New Years Day? A: They go to parties and have a big lunch.現(xiàn)在請同學們兩人一組,用所給句型進行交換問答。請先跟我讀讀這幾個句子。下面開始吧。T: Good. Did David go to parties last year? David 去年有沒有去參加

17、聚會呢?讀正文16行,然后答復下列問題:Did David go to parties last year?稍停T: No, he didnt. PPTHe had a big lunch with his family last year. (點擊出現(xiàn)句子,教have的過去式had.) (PPT顯示have的三種時態(tài)進行比擬,讀例句。)T: Well. Did Su Hai visit her relatives and friends last Spring Festival? 蘇海去年春節(jié)有沒有去拜訪親戚和朋友呢?讀正文713行,然后答復下列問題T: Yes, she did. T: D

18、id Ben go to a party last Halloween? Ben去年萬圣節(jié)有沒有去參加聚會呢?讀正文1418行,然后答復下列問題T: Yes, he did.PPTHe went to a party last Halloween. Went是go的過去式。T: Did Yang Ling watch the moon last Mid-Autumn Festival? 楊玲去年中秋節(jié)有沒有去賞月呢?讀正文19行至結(jié)束,然后答復下列問題T: Yes, she did. T: Good job. 同學們答復的很好。PPT通過剛剛這張表格,我們已經(jīng)對課文有了比擬詳細的了解,現(xiàn)在,請

19、你用自己的話,說一說每位同學都在哪些不同的節(jié)日里做了什么事 For example: David had a big lunch with his family last New Years Day. Its your turn. Have a try.參考答案:Su Hai visited her relatives and friends last Spring Festival. Ben went to a party last Halloween. Yang Ling watched the moon last Mid-Autumn Festival.)T: OK. Now lets

20、listen and repeat. (PPT,放錄音請學生逐句跟讀,注意其發(fā)音。)T: Please read it by yourself. 請你自己讀一讀課文。注意本課生詞。PPT請跟我讀 people, didnt, had, relative, delicious, favourite,dress up,moon cake.T: Then work in groups. Read the text by roles. 請以小組為單位,進行角色分配,按角色共同完成課文的朗讀。Please. 本步驟設計說明:此局部開始教師創(chuàng)設上課情境,以幾個“w或“h開頭的問句,引導學生了解引言局部。正

21、文局部篇幅較長,教師從聽錄音完成表格這一任務著手層層深入,使學生逐步加深對課文的整體感知與理解。先聽有哪些節(jié)日,再聽節(jié)日中的活動,最后聽每個同學進行了哪項活動。在聽錄音完成表格過程中,學生要同時關注人物、節(jié)日名稱以及相關活動三方面的內(nèi)容,這有一定難度。因此在后半局部,采取分段聽錄音的方法,聚焦重點,幫助學生清楚地、有條理地了解課文內(nèi)容。在完成表格后,讓學生看著表格,用自己的語言來描述所知,既扣緊中心,又給了學生自主開展的空間。最后采取分角色朗讀課文的方法,增強學習的趣味性與真實性。教師在教學中應耐心示范,給學生足夠的練習時間。第三步:穩(wěn)固操練T: OK. We have known a lot about


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