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1、2022版高考英語(yǔ)一輪復(fù)習(xí)第1部分人與自我主題群1生活與學(xué)習(xí)主題語(yǔ)境2降的生活方式積極的生活態(tài)度1教師用書教案2022版高考英語(yǔ)一輪復(fù)習(xí)第1部分人與自我主題群1生活與學(xué)習(xí)主題語(yǔ)境2降的生活方式積極的生活態(tài)度1教師用書教案PAGE 2022版高考英語(yǔ)一輪復(fù)習(xí)第1部分人與自我主題群1生活與學(xué)習(xí)主題語(yǔ)境2降的生活方式積極的生活態(tài)度1教師用書教案主題語(yǔ)境(二)健康的生活方式、積極的生活態(tài)度(1)閱讀理解A(2020新高考卷D)According to a recent study in the Journal of Consumer Research,both the size and consump

2、tion habits of our eating companions can influence our food intake.And contrary to existing research that says you should avoid eating with heavier people who order large portions,its the beanpoles with big appetites you really need to avoid.To test the effect of social influence on eating habits,th

3、e researchers conducted two experiments.In the first,95 undergraduate women were individually invited into a lab to ostensibly (表面上) participate in a study about movie viewership。Before the film began,each woman was asked to help herself to a snack.An actor hired by the researchers grabbed her food

4、first。In her natural state,the actor weighed 105 pounds.But in half the cases she wore a specially designed fat suit which increased her weight to 180 pounds.Both the fat and thin versions of the actor took a large amount of food. The participants followed suit,taking more food than they normally wo

5、uld have。 However,they took significantly more when the actor was thin。For the second test,in one case the thin actor took two pieces of candy from the snack bowls.In the other case,she took 30 pieces。The results were similar to the first test:the participants followed suit but took significantly mo

6、re candy when the thin actor took 30 pieces.The tests show that the social environment is extremely influential when were making decisions.If this fellow participant is going to eat more,so will ICall it the “Ill have what shes having” effect.However,well adjust the influence.If an overweight person

7、 is having a large portion,Ill hold back a bit because I see the results of his eating habits。But if a thin person eats a lot,Ill follow suit.If he can eat much and keep slim,why cant I?【語(yǔ)篇解讀】本文是一篇應(yīng)用文,主要講述了研究表明,與你一同進(jìn)食的同伴會(huì)影響你的飲食習(xí)慣,想要減肥的人應(yīng)當(dāng)避免同食量大的瘦人一起進(jìn)食。1What is the recent study mainly about?AFood saf

8、ety.BMovie viewership。CConsumer demand。DEating behavior。D主旨大意題。通讀全文可知,文章第一段為全文的主題段,即消費(fèi)者研究雜志最近的一項(xiàng)研究表明,我們的飲食同伴的體型和飲食習(xí)慣都會(huì)影響我們的食物攝入量,而且要避免同食量大的瘦人一起進(jìn)食。結(jié)合全文內(nèi)容可知,本文主要介紹了飲食行為,故D項(xiàng)正確.2What does the underlined word “beanpoles” in Paragraph 1 refer to?ABig eaters.BOverweight persons。CPicky eaters.DTall thin per

9、sons.D詞義猜測(cè)題。根據(jù)第一段第二句“And contrary to existing research that says you should avoid eating with heavier people who order large portions(份), its the beanpoles with big appetites you really need to avoid。”可知,研究表明,與現(xiàn)有的研究發(fā)現(xiàn)(應(yīng)該避免和食量大的胖人一起吃飯)相反,你真正需要避開的是胃口大的又高又瘦的人.根據(jù)“contrary to”可知,畫線詞與heavier people含義相反,故D

10、項(xiàng)正確。3Why did the researchers hire the actor?ATo see how she would affect the participants.BTo test if the participants could recognize her。CTo find out what she would do in the two tests。DTo study why she could keep her weight down。A推理判斷題。根據(jù)第二段中的“To test the effect of social influence on eating habi

11、ts,the researchers conducted two experiments.”可知,為了驗(yàn)證社交對(duì)飲食習(xí)慣的影響,研究人員進(jìn)行了兩個(gè)實(shí)驗(yàn);再結(jié)合下文介紹的兩個(gè)實(shí)驗(yàn)可知,聘用演員參加實(shí)驗(yàn)旨在查看演員對(duì)參加實(shí)驗(yàn)的人的飲食習(xí)慣的影響,故A項(xiàng)正確。4On what basis do we “adjust the influence” according to the last paragraph?AHow hungry we are.BHow slim we want to be.CHow we perceive others。DHow we feel about the food。C推

12、理判斷題。根據(jù)尾段中的“If this fellow participant is going to eat more,so will I。because I see the results of his eating habits.”可知,如果這個(gè)同伴打算吃得更多,我也會(huì)吃得更多;但是,我們將調(diào)整影響。如果一個(gè)超重的人吃了很多,我會(huì)稍微保留一點(diǎn),因?yàn)槲铱吹搅怂嬍沉?xí)慣的結(jié)果。據(jù)此可以推知,我們對(duì)自己飲食的調(diào)整是以分析他人的飲食習(xí)慣和結(jié)果(即如何看待他人)為基礎(chǔ)的,故C項(xiàng)正確。B(2020江蘇卷C)For those who can stomach_it,working out before

13、breakfast may be more beneficial for health than eating first,according to a study of meal timing and physical activity。Athletes and scientists have long known that meal timing affects performance。 However,far less has been known about how meal timing and exercise might affect general health.To find

14、 out,British scientists conducted a study.They first found 10 overweight and inactive but otherwise healthy young men,whose lifestyles are,for better and worse,representative of those of most of us。They tested the mens fitness and resting metabolic (新陳代謝的) rates and took samples (樣品) of their blood

15、and fat tissue.Then,on two separate morning visits to the scientists lab,each man walked for an hour at an average speed that,in theory,should allow his body to rely mainly on fat for fuel。Before one of these workouts,the men skipped breakfast,meaning that they exercised on a completely empty stomac

16、h after a long overnight fast(禁食)On the other occasion,they ate a rich morning meal about two hours before they started walking。Just before and an hour after each workout,the scientists took additional samples of the mens blood and fat tissue。Then they compared the samples。There were considerable di

17、fferences。Most obviously,the men displayed lower blood sugar levels at the start of their workouts when they had skipped breakfast than when they had eaten。As a result,they burned more fat during walks on an empty stomach than when they had eaten first.On the other hand,they burned slightly more cal

18、ories (卡路里),on average,during the workout after breakfast than after fasting。But it was the effects deep within the fat cells that may have been the most significant,the researchers found。Multiple genes behaved differently,depending on whether someone had eaten or not before walking。Many of these ge

19、nes produce proteins (蛋白質(zhì)) that can improve blood sugar regulation and insulin (胰島素) levels throughout the body and so are associated with improved metabolic health.These genes were much more active when the men had fasted before exercise than when they had breakfasted.The implication of these resul

20、ts is that to gain the greatest health benefits from exercise,it may be wise to skip eating first.【語(yǔ)篇解讀】本文是一篇說(shuō)明文,主要說(shuō)明了早飯前鍛煉比早飯后鍛煉給身體帶來(lái)的好處更多。5The underlined expression “stomach it in Paragraph 1 most probably means “_”Adigest the meal easilyBmanage without breakfastCdecide wisely what to eatDeat what

21、ever is offeredB詞義猜測(cè)題。此處考查stomach的熟詞生義,該詞在本句中意為“忍受”;另外,結(jié)合常識(shí)可以判斷,有的人鍛煉前不吃早飯是受不了的,所以此處意為“如果可以忍受空腹的話,在吃早餐前去鍛煉比吃過(guò)早餐后去鍛煉好處更多”,故B項(xiàng)正確。6Why were the 10 people chosen for the experiment?ATheir lifestyles were typical of ordinary people。BTheir lack of exercise led to overweight.CThey could walk at an average

22、speed.DThey had slow metabolic rates。A細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第三段中的“10 overweight and inactive but otherwise healthy young men,whose lifestyles are,for better and worse,representative of those of most of us”可知,選中的這十個(gè)人就是大眾的代表,故A項(xiàng)正確。7What happened to those who ate breakfast before exercise?AThey successfully lost wei

23、ght.BThey consumed a bit more calories.CThey burned more fat on average。DThey displayed higher insulin levels.B推理判斷題。根據(jù)第六段中的“On the other hand,they burned slightly more calories (卡路里),on average,during the workout after breakfast than after fasting.”可知,鍛煉前吃早餐的人相對(duì)而言在鍛煉時(shí)燃燒的卡路里稍多一些,故B項(xiàng)正確。8What could be

24、 learned from the research?AA workout after breakfast improves gene performances。BToo many workouts often slow metabolic rates。CLifestyle is not as important as morning exercise。DPhysical exercise before breakfast is better for health.D推理判斷題。根據(jù)最后一段中的“to gain the greatest health benefits from exercis

25、e,it may be wise to skip eating first”可知,早飯前鍛煉給身體帶來(lái)的健康方面的好處更多,故選D。閱讀七選五(2019全國(guó)卷)Is Fresh Air Really Good for You?We all grew up hearing people tell us to “go out and get some fresh air.” 1 According to recent studies,the answer is a big YES,if the air quality in your camping area is good. 2 If the a

26、ir youre breathing is cleanwhich it would be if youre away from the smog of citiesthen the air is filled with life.giving,energizing oxygen。If you exercise out of doors,your body will learn to breathe more deeply,allowing even more oxygen to get to your muscles(肌肉) and your brain.Recently,people hav

27、e begun studying the connection between the natural world and healing(治愈) 3 In these places patients can go to be near nature during their recovery。It turns out that just looking at green,growing things can reduce stress,lower blood pressure,and put people into a better mood(情緒)Greenery is good for

28、us.Hospital patients who see tree branches out their window are likely to recover at a faster rate than patients who see buildings or sky instead. 4 It gives us a great feeling of peace。 5 While the suns rays can age and harm our skin,they also give us beneficial Vitamin DTo make sure you get enough

29、 Vitamin D-but still protect your skin-put on sunscreen right as you head outside。It takes sunscreen about fifteen minutes to start working,and thats plenty of time for your skin to absorb a days worth of Vitamin D.AFresh air cleans our lungs。BSo what are you waiting for?CBeing in nature refreshes u

30、s。DAnother side benefit of getting fresh air is sunlight.EBut is fresh air really as good for you as your mother always said?FJust as importantly,we tend to associate fresh air with health care。GAll across the country,recovery centers have begun building Healing Gardens?!菊Z(yǔ)篇解讀】本文是一篇說(shuō)明文,介紹了呼吸新鮮空氣和接近大自

31、然有益于身心健康。1E關(guān)聯(lián)邏輯法解題.空格前一句說(shuō)我們都是聽著人們說(shuō)的“出去呼吸點(diǎn)兒新鮮空氣”長(zhǎng)大的,空格后一句說(shuō)答案是肯定的。由此可判斷E項(xiàng)“但是新鮮空氣真的像你媽媽總說(shuō)的那樣對(duì)你有好處嗎?”符合語(yǔ)境。本設(shè)空類型屬于細(xì)節(jié)理解類.2A設(shè)題位置法解題.根據(jù)空格后的內(nèi)容可知,如果人們呼吸的空氣是干凈的,那么空氣中就充滿了維持生命的、讓人充滿活力的氧氣.如果在戶外鍛煉,人的身體會(huì)學(xué)會(huì)深呼吸,讓更多的氧氣進(jìn)入肌肉和大腦.所以本段主要說(shuō)的是呼吸新鮮空氣的好處,故A項(xiàng)“新鮮空氣清潔我們的肺符合語(yǔ)境。本設(shè)空類型屬于段落主題句類。3G詞匯鎖定法解題.空格后的these places與G項(xiàng)中的recovery

32、centers相呼應(yīng),因此G項(xiàng)“全國(guó)各地的康復(fù)中心已經(jīng)開始建造康復(fù)花園”符合語(yǔ)境。本設(shè)空類型屬于細(xì)節(jié)理解類.4C關(guān)聯(lián)邏輯法解題。空格前介紹了接近大自然、看綠色植物對(duì)病人的康復(fù)有益,空格后一句說(shuō)“它給我們內(nèi)心一種極大的平和的感覺(jué)”,由此可推斷出空格處應(yīng)該表達(dá)置身于大自然的好處,故選C項(xiàng)“置身于大自然使我們精神煥發(fā)”。本設(shè)空類型為細(xì)節(jié)理解類。5D設(shè)題位置法解題.空格后一句說(shuō),雖然陽(yáng)光會(huì)使我們的皮膚衰老并受到傷害,但陽(yáng)光也能帶來(lái)有益的維生素D。這應(yīng)該是呼吸新鮮空氣附帶的好處,故D項(xiàng)“呼吸新鮮空氣的另一個(gè)附帶好處是陽(yáng)光”符合語(yǔ)境,D項(xiàng)中的sunlight與空格后的the suns rays相呼應(yīng)。本設(shè)

33、空類型屬于段落主題句類。完形填空(2018江蘇卷)Raynor Winn and her husband Moth became homeless due to their wrong investment。 Their savings had been 1 to pay lawyers fees. To make matters worse, Moth was diagnosed(診斷)with a 2 disease. There was no 3 , only pain relief。Failing to find any other way out, they decided to m

34、ake a 4 journey, as they caught sight of an old hikers(徒步旅行者)guide。This was a long journey of unaccustomed hardship and 5 recovery. When leaving home, Raynor and Moth had just 320 in the bank. They planned to keep the 6 low by living on boiled noodles, with the 7 hamburger shop treat。Wild camping is

35、 8 in England. To avoid being caught, the Winns had to get their tent up 9 and packed it away early in the morning。 The Winns soon discovered that daily hiking in their 50s is a lot 10 than they remember it was in their 20s。 Raynor 11 all over and desired a bath。 Moth, meanwhile, after an initial 12

36、 , found his symptoms were strangely 13 by their daily tiring journey。 14 , the couple found that their bodies turned for the better, with re。found strong muscles that they thought had 15 forever。 “Our hair was fried and falling out, nails broken, clothes 16 to a thread, but we were alive。”During th

37、e journey, Raynor began a career as a nature writer。 She writes, “ 17 had taken every material thing from me and left me torn bare, an empty page at the end of a(n) 18 written book. It had also given me a 19, either to leave that page 20 or to keep writing the story with hope。 I chose hope?!薄菊Z(yǔ)篇解讀】本文

38、是一篇記敘文。文章講述了Winn夫婦投資失敗變得一無(wú)所有,更糟糕的是,丈夫被診斷出得了嚴(yán)重的疾病。然而他們沒(méi)有放棄,決定徒步野外旅行。出乎意料的是,丈夫的癥狀漸漸減少了,夫婦二人變得越來(lái)越強(qiáng)壯了,妻子也開始了自然作家的生涯。1A。drawn upBused upCbacked upDkept upB根據(jù)后面的“to pay lawyers fees”提示可知,他們的積蓄都用光了。故選B。2A。mildBcommonCpreventableDseriousD根據(jù)后句“There was no _ ,only pain relief.”可知,Moth被診斷出得了嚴(yán)重的疾病。故選D。3A.cureB

39、luckCcareDpromiseA考查名詞以及對(duì)語(yǔ)境的理解。名詞cure在這里表示“治療的方法”.沒(méi)有任何治療的方法,只有止疼。故選A。4A.businessBwalkingCbusDrailB根據(jù)后句“as they caught sight of an old hikers(徒步旅行者)guide”可知,他們決定做一次徒步旅行。故選B.5A。expectedBfrighteningCdisappointingDsurprisingD這是一次漫長(zhǎng)的旅程,卻收到了驚人的康復(fù)效果.故選D。6A.budgetBrevenueCcompensationDallowanceA他們計(jì)劃靠吃煮面條來(lái)維持

40、低預(yù)算。故選A。7A。frequentBoccasionalCabundantDconstantB根據(jù)語(yǔ)境可知,他們偶爾到漢堡包店款待一下自己.故選B。8A.unpopularBlawfulCattractiveDillegalD根據(jù)后句“To avoid being caught”,可知,在英國(guó),野營(yíng)是非法的。故選D.9A。soonBearlyClateDslowlyC根據(jù)后句“and packed it away early in the morning”中的early提示可知,他們不得不晚些時(shí)候把帳篷搭起來(lái)。故選C。10A。harderBeasierCcheaperDfunnierAWi


42、他們的身體都有所好轉(zhuǎn)。故選B。15A.gainedBkeptCwoundedDlostD根據(jù)前句“with re。found strong muscles”可知,他們?cè)詾橛肋h(yuǎn)失去的強(qiáng)壯的肌肉重新出現(xiàn)了。故選D。16A.sewnBwashedCwornDironedC這里指他們的衣服破成了線狀物.故選C.17A。DoctorsBHikingCLawyersDHomelessnessD根據(jù)語(yǔ)境可知,無(wú)家可歸奪走了“我”所有的物質(zhì),讓“我一貧如洗,就像已寫好的一本書最后的空白頁(yè)。故選D。18A.wellBpartlyCneatlyDoriginallyB參見上題解析。19A.choiceBrewa

43、rdCpromiseDbreakA根據(jù)后句“either to leave that page _ or to keep writing the story with hope”中either。.or。可知,這里是一種選擇.它也給我一種選擇。故選A。20A。looseBfullCblankDmissingC根據(jù)前文中“an empty page at the end of a(n) _ written book可知,要么留下那頁(yè)空白,要么帶著希望繼續(xù)故事。故選C。寫出所給單詞的漢語(yǔ)意思1intake n。 (食物、飲料等的)攝取量,吸入量 2contrary adj. 相對(duì)立的;相反的3por

44、tion n。 (食物的)一份,一客4viewership n。 (電視節(jié)目或頻道的)觀眾人數(shù),觀眾類型5version n. (電影、劇本、樂(lè)曲等的)版本,改編形式,改寫本6inactive adj.不活躍的 7representative n代表8tissue n(人、動(dòng)植物細(xì)胞的)組織;_紙巾,手巾紙9overnight adv.一夜之間;在夜間10workout n. 鍛煉 11implication n. 含意;暗示12skip v。 不做(應(yīng)做的事等);不參加;跳躍;跳繩;遺漏;跳讀 13energize v。 使活躍;_使精力充沛;_激勵(lì)14oxygen n。 氧氣15green

45、ery n. 綠色植物16ray n光線17refresh v。 使恢復(fù)精力;使涼爽18unaccustomed adj。不習(xí)慣的;奇怪的.根據(jù)所給漢語(yǔ)寫出英文單詞1companion n. 伙伴;侶伴;陪伴;指南;手冊(cè)2appetite n. 食欲;胃口;強(qiáng)烈欲望3conduct v. 組織,實(shí)施,進(jìn)行;指揮(音樂(lè));帶領(lǐng),引導(dǎo);舉止,表現(xiàn);傳導(dǎo)(熱或電)4._significantly adv。有重大意義地;顯著地5adjust v。 調(diào)整,使適合;校準(zhǔn)6branch n。 分支;分公司;分部;樹枝;支流;岔路7recover v。 恢復(fù);彌補(bǔ)8investment n。 投資;投入 9t

46、reat nv。 款待;招待.根據(jù)所給提示寫出派生單詞1consume v吃,喝,飲;消耗,耗費(fèi)(燃料、能量、時(shí)間等)consumption n。 (能量、食物或材料的)消耗,消耗量consumer n消費(fèi)者2influence n v. 影響;作用;對(duì)起作用 influential adj。 有很大影響的;有支配力的3individual adj. n個(gè)人的;個(gè)別的;獨(dú)特的;個(gè)人;個(gè)體individually adv。 個(gè)別地;單獨(dú)地4behave v舉止behavio(u)r n行為;舉動(dòng)5fit adj。 健康的;強(qiáng)健的;適合的;能勝任的 v適合;使(衣服)合身;使適應(yīng);使勝任 n適合;

47、合身fitness n。 健壯;健康;適合6addition n增加的人或物 additional adj。附加的;另外的7benefit n& v. 優(yōu)勢(shì);益處;成效;對(duì)(某人)有用;使受益;得益于;得利于beneficial adj. 有利的;有裨益的;有用的 8breathe v呼吸 breath n呼吸9harm v傷害harmful adj.有害的harmless adj。無(wú)害的。根據(jù)所給漢語(yǔ)寫出慣用習(xí)語(yǔ)1help_oneself_to 隨便吃;自行取用2hold_back 隱瞞;退縮;抑制;阻止3for_better_and_worse 無(wú)論好還是壞4turn_out 結(jié)果是,證明

48、是5to_make_matters_worse 更糟糕的是6catch_sight_of 看到;瞥見即時(shí)演練單句語(yǔ)法填空1I think all of us should mind our behavior(behave) in public places.2She is one of the most influential(influence) figures in local politics.3Some compromises were unavoidable, but the video turned out perfect。4Its just an informal party,

49、so its not fit for you to_dress(dress) like that.5The students benefiting(benefit) most from college are those who are totally engaged in academic life, taking full advantage of the colleges chances and resources。6The moment he caught sight of the police, the thief ran away as fast as he could.7We w

50、ere lucky to be invited to a concert by the Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted (conduct)by Sir Colin Davis.8My father has made a full recovery (recover)from the operation.9This is the main factor driving investment(invest) in the area。.熟詞生義(寫出句中黑體詞的漢語(yǔ)意思)1An actor hired by the researchers grabbed her

51、food first。吃2While the suns rays can age and harm our skin, they also give us beneficial Vitamin D使變老. 似易實(shí)難1But if a thin person eats a lot,Ill follow suit。 If he can eat much and keep slim,why cant I?譯文但如果一個(gè)瘦人吃了很多,我也會(huì)這么做。如果他可以吃很多還能保持身材,我為什么不能呢?2They first found 10 overweight and inactive but otherw

52、ise healthy young men,whose lifestyles are,for better and worse,representative of those of most of us。 譯文他們首先找到10個(gè)超重、不活躍但其他方面很健康的年輕男性,他們的生活方式,無(wú)論好壞,都代表了我們大多數(shù)人。復(fù)雜晦澀(分析句子結(jié)構(gòu)并譯成漢語(yǔ))1Many of these genes produce proteins that can improve blood sugar regulation and insulin levels throughout the body and so a

53、re associated with improved metabolic health。分析本句是一個(gè)復(fù)合句。that can improve blood sugar regulation and insulin levels throughout the body為定語(yǔ)從句修飾先行詞proteins。譯文這些基因中很多會(huì)產(chǎn)生可以改善全身血糖調(diào)節(jié)和胰島素水平的蛋白質(zhì),因此它們與改善新陳代謝有關(guān)。2The implication of these results is that to gain the greatest health benefits from exercise,it may

54、be wise to skip eating first.分析本句是一個(gè)復(fù)合句。在that引導(dǎo)的表語(yǔ)從句中,to gain the greatest health benefits from exercise作目的狀語(yǔ)。譯文這些研究結(jié)果暗示,要想從運(yùn)動(dòng)中獲得最大的健康益處,最好先不吃東西。3If the air youre breathing is cleanwhich it would be if youre away from the smog of citiesthen the air is filled with lifegiving,energizing oxygen.分析本句是一個(gè)

55、復(fù)合句。If 引導(dǎo)條件狀語(yǔ)從句,主句為then the air is filled with life.giving,energizing oxygen,youre breathing 為定語(yǔ)從句修飾先行詞the air;which it would be if youre away from the smog of cities為定語(yǔ)從句,修飾破折號(hào)前的句子。譯文如果你呼吸的空氣是無(wú)污染的-倘若你遠(yuǎn)離城市的霧霾,空氣就可能是無(wú)污染的那么空氣滿是讓人充滿生命力和活力的氧氣。4It had also given me a choice, either to leave that page bla

56、nk or to keep writing the story with hope。 分析本句是一個(gè)“主謂雙賓語(yǔ)”的簡(jiǎn)單句。either.or。.連接兩個(gè)不定式短語(yǔ)作choice的定語(yǔ).譯文這也給了我一個(gè)選擇,要么把這一頁(yè)留白,要么帶著希望繼續(xù)寫這個(gè)故事。1order n秩序;次序;命令;訂購(gòu);點(diǎn)的飯菜 vt.命令;要求;訂購(gòu);點(diǎn)(飯菜)(1)in order of 以的順序in order 整齊,秩序井然;按順序out of order 發(fā)生故障;混亂place an order for sth。with sb.向某人訂購(gòu)某物(2)order sb。to do sth.命令某人做某事orde

57、rthat從句(虛擬語(yǔ)氣) 命令(3)orderly adj。整齊的;井然的disorder n無(wú)秩序;混亂order a taxi in advance 提前訂了出租車place an order for some tea with your company 向你們公司訂購(gòu)一些茶be as busy as a bee trying to put the house in order 忙著整理房間基礎(chǔ)練習(xí)-單句語(yǔ)法填空Ordered(order) over a week ago, the books are expected to arrive any time now。Lets number

58、 the letters of the alphabet, in order, from 1 to 26.But rules alone dont secure an orderly(order) society. It is the people who obey the rules that matter.At thirteen, I was diagnosed (診斷) with a kind of attention disorder(order)能力提升-一句多譯醫(yī)生要求我休息一個(gè)月。The doctor ordered me to_take_a_rest for a month。T

59、he doctor ordered that I should_take_a_rest for a month。名師點(diǎn)津下列動(dòng)詞后的名詞性從句常用虛擬語(yǔ)氣:一堅(jiān)持:insist;二命令:order, command;三建議:suggest, advise, recommend;四要求:demand, request, require, desire;再加一個(gè)敦促:urge。2wear v. (過(guò)去式 wore,過(guò)去分詞 worn)穿,戴;蓄,留(發(fā)、須等);流露,面帶,呈現(xiàn)(某種神態(tài));磨損;消耗;用舊;穿破;磨出(洞);耐用;耐穿;耐磨(1)wear away/wear sth. away(

60、因重復(fù)使用而)變薄,變光滑;磨??;磨光wear off 逐漸消失;消逝;逐漸停止wear yourself/sb。 out 使疲乏;使筋疲力盡;使厭煩wear thin 開始變?nèi)?;變得不受歡迎;變得興趣索然wear out/wear sth。 out磨??;穿破;磨損;用壞wear your heart on your sleeve讓感情外露;把心事掛在臉上(2)worn adj。 用壞的;用舊的;筋疲力盡的worn out 廢舊的;疲憊不堪wear a mask/wear glasses 戴口罩/戴眼鏡wear hair long/wear a beard梳著長(zhǎng)發(fā)/留胡須 wear a puz


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