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1、Thank you. Im honored to be with you today for your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. Truth be told, I never graduated from college and this is the closest Ive ever gotten to a college graduation.謝謝大家。很榮幸能和你們,來自世界最好大學(xué)之一的畢業(yè)生們,一塊兒參加畢業(yè)典禮。老實說,我大學(xué)沒有畢業(yè),今天恐怕是我一生中離大學(xué)畢業(yè)最近的一次了。Tod

2、ay I want to tell you three stories from my life. Thats it. No big deal. Just three stories.今天我想告訴大家來自我生活的三個故事。沒什么大不了的,只是三個故事而已。The firrst stoory is aboout connnecctinng tthe dotts.第一個故故事,如如何串連連生命中中的點滴滴。I drroppped outt off ReeedCColllegee affterr thhe ffirsst ssix monnthss buut tthenn sttayeed aaro

3、uund as a ddropp-inn foor aanottherr188 moonthhs oor sso bbefoore I rreallly quiit. So whyy diid II drrop outt? IIt sstarrtedd beeforre II waas bbornn. MMy bbiollogiicall mootheer wwas a yyounng, unwwed graaduaate stuudennt, andd shhe ddeciidedd too puut mme uup ffor adooptiion. Shhe ffeltt veery st

4、rronggly thaat II shhoulld bbe aadopptedd byy coolleege graaduaatess, sso eeverrythhingg waas aall sett foor mme tto bbe aadopptedd att biirthh byy a lawwyerr annd hhis wiffe, excceptt thhat wheen II pooppeed oout, thhey deccideed aat tthe lasst mminuute thaat ttheyy reeallly wwantted a ggirll. SSo

5、mmy ppareentss, wwho werre oon aa waaitiing lisst, gott a calll iin tthe midddlee off thhe nnighht aaskiing, WWevve ggot an uneexpeecteed bbabyy booy. Do youu waant himm? Theey ssaidd, Of couursee. My bioologgicaal mmothher fouund outt laaterr thhat my mottherr haad nneveer ggradduatted froom ccolll

6、egee annd tthatt myy faatheer hhad nevver graaduaatedd frrom higgh sschoool. Shhe rrefuusedd too siign thee fiinall addopttionn paaperrs. Shee onnly rellentted a ffew monnthss laaterr whhen my parrentts pprommiseed tthatt I wouuld go to colllegge.我在里得得大學(xué)讀讀了六個個月就退退學(xué)了,但是在在18個月月之后-我真真正退學(xué)學(xué)之前,我還常常去學(xué)校校。為何


8、她妥協(xié)協(xié)了。Thiss waas tthe staart in my liffe. Andd177 yeearss laaterr, II diid ggo tto ccolllegee, bbut I nnaivvelyy chhosee a colllegge tthatt waas aalmoost as exppenssivee ass Sttanffordd, aand alll off myy woorkiing-claass parrentts savvinggs wweree beeingg sppentt onn myy coolleege tuiitioon. Aftter

9、 sixx moonthhs, I ccoulldnt ssee thee vaaluee inn itt. II haad nno iideaa whhat I wwantted to do witth mmy llifee, aand no ideea oof hhow colllegge wwas goiing to hellp mme ffiguure it outt, aand herre II waas, speendiing alll thhe mmoneey mmy ppareentss haad ssaveed ttheiir eentiire liffe. So I dde

10、ciidedd too drrop outt annd ttrusst tthatt itt woouldd alll wworkk ouut OOK. It wass prrettty sscarry aat tthe timme, butt loookiing bacck, it wass onne oof tthe besst ddeciisioons I eeverr maade. Thhe mminuute I ddropppedd ouut, I ccoulld sstopp taakinng tthe reqquirred claassees tthatt diidnt iint

11、eeresst mme aand beggin drooppiing in on thee onnes thaat llookked farr moore inttereestiing.這是我生生命的開開端。十十七年后后,我上上大學(xué)了了,但是是我很無無知地選選了一所所差不多多和斯坦坦福一樣樣貴的學(xué)學(xué)校,幾幾乎花掉掉我那藍(lán)藍(lán)領(lǐng)階層層養(yǎng)父母母一生的的積蓄。六個月月后,我我覺得不不值得。我看不不出自己己以后要要做什么么,也不不曉得大大學(xué)會怎怎樣幫我我指點迷迷津,而而我卻在在花銷父父母一生生的積蓄蓄。所以以我決定定退學(xué),并且相相信沒有有做錯。一開始始非常嚇嚇人,但但回憶起起來,這這卻是我我一生中中作的

12、最最好的決決定之一一。從我我退學(xué)的的那一刻刻起,我我可以停停止一切切不感興興趣的必必修課,開始旁旁聽那些些有意思思得多的的課。It wwasnnt alll roomannticc. II diidnt hhavee a dorrm rroomm, sso II slleptt onn thhe fflooor iin ffrieendss rroomms. I rretuurneed CCokee boottlles forr thhe ffivee-ceent depposiits to buyy foood witth, andd I wouuld wallk tthe sevven m

13、illes acrrosss toown eveery Sunndayy niightt too geet oone goood mmeall a weeek aat tthe Harre KKrisshnaa teemplle. I lloveed iit. Andd muuch of whaat II sttumbbledd innto by folllowwingg myy cuurioositty aand inttuittionn tuurneed oout to be priicellesss laaterr onn. LLet me givve yyou onee exxampp

14、le.事情并不不那么美美好。我我沒有宿宿舍可住住,睡在在朋友房房間的地地上。為為了吃飯飯,我收收集五分分一個的的舊可樂樂瓶,每每個星期期天晚上上步行七七英里到到哈爾-克里什什納廟里里改善一一下一周周的伙食食。我喜喜歡這種種生活方方式。能能夠遵循循自己的的好奇和和直覺前前行后來來被證明明是多么么的珍貴貴。讓我我來給你你們舉個個例子吧吧。ReeddColllegge aat tthatt tiime offfereed pperhhapss thhe bbestt caalliigraaphyy innstrructtionn inn thhe ccounntryy. TThrooughhoutt

15、 thhe ccamppus eveery possterr, eeverry llabeel oon eeverry ddrawwer wass beeauttifuullyy haand-callliggrapphedd. BBecaausee I hadd drroppped outt annd ddidnnt havve tto ttakee thhe nnormmal claassees, I ddeciidedd too taake a ccallligrraphhy cclasss tto llearrn hhow to do thiis. I llearrnedd abbout

16、t seeriff annd ssanss-seeriff tyypeffacees, aboout varryinng tthe amoountt off sppacee beetweeen diffferrentt leetteer ccombbinaatioons, abboutt whhat makkes greeat typpogrraphhy ggreaat. It wass beeauttifuul, hisstorricaal, arttistticaallyy suubtlle iin aa waay tthatt scciennce cannt cappturre, and

17、d I fouund it fasscinnatiing.當(dāng)時的里里德大學(xué)學(xué)提供可可能是全全國最好好的書法法指導(dǎo)。校園中中每一張張海報,抽屜上上的每一一張標(biāo)簽簽,都是是漂亮的的手寫體體。由于于我已退退學(xué),不不用修那那些必修修課,我我決定選選一門書書法課上上上。在在這門課課上,我我學(xué)會了了“seeriff”和saans-serrif兩種字字體、學(xué)學(xué)會了怎怎樣在不不同的字字母組合合中改變變字間距距、學(xué)會會了怎樣樣寫出好好的字來來。這是是一種科科學(xué)無法法捕捉的的微妙,楚楚動動人、充充滿歷史史底蘊(yùn)和和藝術(shù)性性,我覺覺得自己己被完全全吸引了了。Nonee off thhis hadd evven a h

18、hopee off anny ppraccticcal apppliccatiion in my liffe. Butt teen yyearrs llateer wwhenn wee weere dessignningg thhe ffirsst MMaciintoosh commputter, itt alll ccamee baack to me, annd wwe ddesiigneed iit aall intto tthe Macc. IIt wwas thee fiirstt coompuuterr wiith beaautiifull tyypoggrapphy. Iff I

19、hadd neeverr drroppped in on thaat ssinggle couursee inn coolleege, thhe MMac wouuld havve nneveer hhad mulltipple typpefaacess orr prropoortiionaallyy sppaceed ffontts, andd siincee Wiindoows jusst ccopiied thee Maac, its llikeely thaat nno pperssonaal ccompputeer wwoulld hhavee thhem.當(dāng)時我并并不指望望書法在在

20、以后的的生活中中能有什什么實用用價值。但是,十年之之后,我我們在設(shè)設(shè)計第一一臺 MMaciintoosh計計算機(jī)時時,它一一下子浮浮現(xiàn)在我我眼前。于是,我們把把這些東東西全都都設(shè)計進(jìn)進(jìn)了計算算機(jī)中。這是第第一臺有有這么漂漂亮的文文字版式式的計算算機(jī)。要要不是我我當(dāng)初在在大學(xué)里里偶然選選了這么么一門課課,Maacinntossh計算算機(jī)絕不不會有那那么多種種印刷字字體或間間距安排排合理的的字號。要不是是Winndowws照搬搬了 MMaciintoosh,個人電電腦可能能不會有有這些字字體和字字號。If II haad nneveer ddropppedd ouut, I wwoulld hha

21、vee neeverr drroppped in on thaat ccallligrraphhy cclasss aand perrsonnalss coompuuterrs mmighht nnot havve tthe wonnderrfull tyypoggrapphy thaat ttheyy doo.要不是退退了學(xué),我決不不會碰巧巧選了這這門書法法課,個個人電腦腦也可能能不會有有現(xiàn)在這這些漂亮亮的版式式了。Of ccourrse it wass immposssibble to connnecct tthe dotts llookkingg foorwaard wheen II w

22、aas iin ccolllegee, bbut it wass veery, veery cleear loookinng bbackkwarrdstenn yeearss laaterr. AAgaiin, youu caantt coonneect thee doots loookinng fforwwardd. YYou cann onnly connnecct tthemm loookiing bacckwaardss, sso yyou havve tto ttrusst tthatt thhe ddotss wiill sommehoow cconnnectt inn yoour

23、 futturee. YYou havve tto ttrusst iin ssomeethiing-yoour gutt, ddesttinyy, llifee, kkarmma, whaatevver-beecauuse bellievvingg thhat thee doots willl cconnnectt doown thee rooad willl ggivee yoou tthe connfiddencce tto ffolllow youur hhearrt, eveen wwhenn itt leeadss yoou ooff thee weell-worrn ppathh

24、, aand thaat wwilll maake alll thhe ddifffereencee.當(dāng)然,我我在大學(xué)學(xué)里不可可能從這這一點上上看到它它與將來來的關(guān)系系。十年年之后再再回頭看看,兩者者之間關(guān)關(guān)系就非非常、非非常清楚楚了。你你們同樣樣不可能能從現(xiàn)在在這個點點上看到到將來;只有回回頭看時時,才會會發(fā)現(xiàn)它它們之間間的關(guān)系系。所以以你必須須相信,那些點點點滴滴滴,會在在你未來來的生命命里,以以某種方方式串聯(lián)聯(lián)起來。你必須須相信一一些東西西你的的勇氣、宿命、生活、因緣,隨便什什么因為相相信這些些點滴能能夠一路路連接會會給你帶帶來循從從本覺的的自信,它使你你遠(yuǎn)離平平凡,變變得與眾眾不同。M

25、y ssecoond stoory is aboout lovve aand losss. I wwas luccky. I fouund whaat II loovedd too doo eaarlyy inn liife. Wooz aand I sstarrtedd Appplee inn myy paarennts gaaragge wwhenn I wass 200. WWe wworkked harrd aand in tenn yeearss, AApplle hhad groown froom jjustt thhe ttwo of us in a ggaraage intto

26、 aa $22 biilliion commpanny wwithh ovver 4,0000 empployyeess. WWedd juust relleassed ourr fiinesst ccreaatioon, thee Maacinntossh, a yyearr eaarliier, annd IId jusst tturnned 30, annd tthenn I gott fiiredd. HHow cann yoou gget firred froom aa coompaany youu sttartted? Weell, ass Appplee grrew, wee h

27、iiredd soomeoone whoo I thooughht wwas verry ttaleenteed tto rrun thee coompaany witth mme, andd foor tthe firrst yeaar oor sso, thiingss weent welll. Butt thhen ourr viisioons of thee fuuturre bbegaan tto ddiveergee, aand eveentuuallly wwe hhad a ffalllingg ouut. Wheen wwe ddid, ouur bboarrd oof dd

28、ireectoors sidded witth hhim, annd sso aat 330, I wwas outt, aand verry ppublliclly oout. Whhat hadd beeen thee foocuss off myy enntirre aadullt llifee waas ggonee, aand it wass deevasstattingg. II reeallly ddidnnt knoow wwhatt too doo foor aa feew mmontths. I fellt tthatt I hadd leet tthe preevioou

29、s genneraatioon oof eentrreprreneeurss doown, thhat I hhad drooppeed tthe batton as it wass beeingg paasseed tto mme. I mmet witth DDaviid PPackkardd annd BBob Noyyce andd trriedd too appoloogizze ffor scrrewiing up so baddly. I wass a verry ppubllic faiilurre aand I eevenn thhougght aboout runnninn

30、g aawayy frrom thee Vaalleey. Butt soometthinng sslowwly beggan to dawwn oon mme. I sstilll lloveed wwhatt I didd. TThe turrn oof eevennts at Appple hadd noot cchanngedd thhat onee biit. Idd beeen rejjectted butt I wass sttilll inn loove. Annd sso II deecidded to staart oveer.第二個故故事是關(guān)關(guān)于愛與與失的。我很幸幸運(yùn),很


32、,我出局局了,很很公開地地出局了了。我整整個成年年生活的的焦點沒沒了,這這很要命命。一開開始的幾幾個月我我真的不不知道該該干什么么。我覺覺得我讓讓公司的的前一代代創(chuàng)建者者們失望望了,我我把傳給給我的權(quán)權(quán)杖給弄弄丟了。我與戴戴維德帕珂德德和鮑勃勃諾埃斯斯見面,試圖為為這徹頭頭徹尾的的失敗道道歉。我我敗得如如此之慘慘以至于于我想要要逃離硅硅谷。但但有個東東西在慢慢慢地叫叫醒我:我還愛愛著我從從事的行行業(yè)。這這次失敗敗一點兒兒都沒有有改變這這一點。我被逐逐了,但但我仍愛愛著我的的事業(yè)。我決定定重新開開始。I diidnt ssee it theen, butt itt tuurneed oout t

33、haat ggetttingg fiiredd frrom Appple wass thhe bbestt thhingg thhat couuld havve eeverr haappeenedd too mee. TThe heaavinnesss off beeingg suucceessfful wass reeplaacedd byy thhe llighhtneess of beiing a bbegiinneer aagaiin, lesss ssuree abboutt evveryythiing. Itt frreedd mee too ennterr onne oof tt

34、he mosst ccreaativve pperiiodss inn myy liife. Duurinng tthe nexxt ffivee yeearss I staarteed aa coompaany nammed NeXXT, anootheer ccomppanyy naamedd Piixarr annd ffelll inn loove witth aan aamazzingg woomann whho wwoulld bbecoome my wiffe. Pixxar wennt oon tto ccreaate thee woorldds firrst commputt

35、er-aniimatted feaaturre ffilmm, Toyy Sttoryy, andd iss noow tthe mosst ssucccesssfull annimaatioon sstuddio in thee woorldd.當(dāng)時我沒沒有看出出來,但但事實證證明“被蘋果果開除”是發(fā)生生在我身身上最好好的事。成功的的重?fù)?dān)被被重新起起步的輕輕松替代代,對任任何事情情都不再再特別看看重,這這讓我感感覺如此此自由,進(jìn)入一一生中最最有創(chuàng)造造力的階階段。接接下來的的五年,我創(chuàng)立立了一個個叫NeeXT的的公司,接著又又建立了了Pixxar,然后與與后來成成為我妻妻子的女女人相愛愛。Pi

36、ixarr出品了了世界第第一個電電腦動畫畫電影:“玩具總總動員”,現(xiàn)在在它已經(jīng)經(jīng)是世界界最成功功的動畫畫制作工工作室了了。In aa reemarrkabble turrn oof eevennts, Appplee booughht NNeXTT annd II reeturrnedd too Appplee annd tthe tecchnoologgy wwe ddeveelopped at NeXXT iis aat tthe heaart of Appples ccurrrentt reenaiissaancee, aand Lorrenee annd II haave a wwon

37、dderfful fammilyy toogettherr.在一系列列的成功功運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)后后,蘋果果收購了了NeXXT,我我又回到到了蘋果果。我們們在NeeXT開開發(fā)的技技術(shù)在蘋蘋果的復(fù)復(fù)興中起起了核心心作用,另外勞勞琳和我我組建了了一個幸幸福的家家庭。Im preettyy suure nonne oof tthiss woouldd haave happpenned if I hhadnnt beeen ffireed ffromm Appplee. IIt wwas awfful-tasstinng mmediicinne bbut I gguesss tthe pattiennt nneed

38、ded it. Soomettimees llifees goiing to hitt yoou iin tthe heaad wwithh a briick. Doontt loose faiith. Im cconvvincced thaat tthe onlly tthinng tthatt keept me goiing wass thhat I lloveed wwhatt I didd. YYouve gott too fiind whaat yyou lovve, andd thhat is as truue ffor worrk aas iit iis ffor youur l

39、loveers. Yoour worrk iis ggoinng tto ffilll a larrge parrt oof yyourr liife, annd tthe onlly wway to be truuly sattisffiedd iss too doo whhat youu beelieeve is greeat worrk, andd thhe oonlyy waay tto ddo ggreaat wworkk iss too loove whaat yyou do. Iff yoou hhaveentt fooundd itt yeet, keeep llookking

40、g, aand donnt setttlee. AAs wwithh alll mmattterss off thhe hhearrt, youulll knnow wheen yyou finnd iit, andd liike anyy grreatt reelattionnshiip iit jjustt geets bettterr annd bbettter as thee yeearss rooll on. Soo keeep loookinng. Donnt setttlee.我非常確確信,如如果我沒沒有被蘋蘋果炒掉掉,這些些就都不不會發(fā)生生。這個個藥的味味道太糟糟了,但但是我想

41、想病人需需要它。有些時時候,生生活會給給你迎頭頭一棒。不要喪喪失信心心。我確確信唯一一讓我一一路走下下來的是是我對自自己所做做事情的的熱愛。你必須須去找你你熱愛的的東西,對工作作如此,對你的的愛人也也是這樣樣的。工工作會占占據(jù)你生生命中很很大的一一部分,你只有有相信自自己做的的是偉大大的工作作,你才才能怡然然自得。如果你你還沒有有找到,那么就就繼續(xù)找找,不要要停。全全心全意意地找,當(dāng)你找找到時,你會知知道的。就像任任何真誠誠的關(guān)系系,隨著著時間的的流逝,只會越越來越緊緊密。所所以繼續(xù)續(xù)找,不不要停。My tthirrd sstorry iis aabouut ddeatth. Wheen II

42、 waas 117 II reead a qquotte tthatt weent sommethhingg liike Iff yoou llivee eaach dayy ass iff itt waas yyourr laast, soomedday youulll moost cerrtaiinlyy bee riightt. It madde aan iimprresssionn onn mee, aand sinnce theen, forr thhe ppastt 333 yeearss, II haave loookedd inn thhe mmirrror eveery mo

43、rrninng aand askked mysselff, If todday werre tthe lasst dday of my liffe, wouuld I wwantt too doo whhat I aam aabouut tto ddo ttodaay? Annd wwhenneveer tthe ansswerr haas bbeenn nno forr tooo mmanyy daays in a rrow, I knoow II neeed to chaangee soometthinng. Remmembberiing thaat IIlll bee deead soo

44、on iis tthe mosst iimpoortaant thiing Ivve eeverr enncouunteeredd too heelp me makke tthe bigg chhoicces in liffe, beccausse aalmoost eveerytthinng-alll exxterrnall exxpecctattionns, alll prridee, aall feaar oof eembaarraassmmentt orr faailuure-thhesee thhinggs jjustt faall awaay iin tthe facce oof

45、ddeatth, leaavinng oonlyy whhat is truuly impporttantt. RRemeembeerinng tthatt yoou aare goiing to diee iss thhe bbestt waay II knnow to avooid thee trrap of thiinkiing youu haave sommethhingg too loose. Yoou aare alrreaddy nnakeed. Theere is no reaasonn noot tto ffolllow youur hhearrt.我的第三三個故事事關(guān)于死死


47、亡是我我知道的的最好的的方法,用來避避開擔(dān)心心失去某某些東西西的陷阱阱。你已已經(jīng)赤裸裸裸了,沒有理理由不聽聽從于自自己的心心愿。Abouut aa yeear agoo, II waas ddiaggnossed witth ccanccer. I hadd a scaan aat 77:300 inn thhe mmornningg annd iit ccleaarlyy shhoweed aa tuumorr onn myy paancrreass. II diidnt eevenn knnow whaat aa paancrreass waas. Thee dooctoors tolld

48、 mme tthiss waas aalmoost cerrtaiinlyy a typpe oof ccanccer thaat iis iincuurabble, annd tthatt I shoouldd exxpecct tto llivee noo loongeer tthann thhreee too siix mmontths. Myy dooctoor aadviisedd mee too goo hoome andd geet mmy aaffaairss inn orrderr, wwhicch iis ddocttorss ccodee foor preeparre t

49、to ddie. IIt mmeanns tto ttry andd teell youur kkidss evveryythiing youu thhougght youud havve tthe nexxt tten yeaars to telll tthemm, iin jjustt a feww moonthhs. It meaans to makke ssuree thhat eveerytthinng iis bbutttoneed uup sso tthatt itt wiill be as eassy aas pposssiblle ffor youur ffamiily. I

50、tt meeanss too saay yyourr gooodbbyess.大約一年年前,我我被診斷斷出患了了癌癥。我早上上七點半半作了掃掃描,清清楚地顯顯示在我我的胰腺腺有一個個腫瘤。我當(dāng)時時都不知知道胰腺腺是什么么東西。醫(yī)生們們告訴我我這幾乎乎是無法法治愈的的,我還還有三到到六個月月的時間間。我的的醫(yī)生建建議我回回家,整整理一切切。在醫(yī)醫(yī)生的辭辭典中,這就是是“準(zhǔn)備死死亡”的意思思。就是是意味著著把要對對你小孩孩說十年年的話在在幾個月月內(nèi)說完完;意味味著把所所有東西西搞定,盡量讓讓你的家家庭活得得輕松一一點;意意味著你你要說“永別”了。I liivedd wiith thaat ddia

51、ggnossis alll daay. Latter thaat eevenningg I hadd a bioopsyy whheree thhey stuuck an enddosccopee doown my thrroatt, tthrooughh myy sttomaach intto mmy iinteestiiness, pput a nneeddle intto mmy ppanccreaas aand gott a feww ceellss frrom thee tuumorr. II waas ssedaatedd buut mmy wwifee, wwho wass th

52、heree, ttoldd mee thhat wheen ttheyy viieweed tthe cellls undder a mmicrrosccopee, tthe docctorr sttartted cryyingg, bbecaausee itt tuurneed oout to be a vveryy raare forrm oof ppanccreaaticc caanceer tthatt iss cuurabble witth ssurggeryy. II haad tthe surrgerry aand, thhankkfullly, I am finne nnow.

53、我整日都都想著那那診斷書書的事情情。后來來有天晚晚上我做做了一個個活切片片檢查,他們將將一個內(nèi)內(nèi)窺鏡伸伸進(jìn)我的的喉嚨,穿過胃胃,到達(dá)達(dá)腸道,用一根根針在我我的胰腺腺腫瘤上上取了幾幾個細(xì)胞胞。我當(dāng)當(dāng)時是被被麻醉的的,但是是我的妻妻子告訴訴我,那那些醫(yī)生生在顯微微鏡下看看到細(xì)胞胞的時候候開始尖尖叫,因因為發(fā)現(xiàn)現(xiàn)這竟然然是一種種非常罕罕見的可可用手術(shù)術(shù)治愈的的胰腺癌癌癥。我我做了手手術(shù),現(xiàn)現(xiàn)在,我我痊愈了了。Thiss waas tthe cloosesst IIvee beeen to faccingg deeathh, aand I hhopee itts thee clloseest I gg

54、et forr a feww moore deccadees. Havvingg liivedd thhrouugh it, I cann noow ssay thiis tto yyou witth aa biit mmoree ceertaaintty tthann whhen deaath wass a useefull buut ppureely inttelllecttuall coonceept. Noo onne wwantts tto ddie, evven peooplee whho wwantt too goo too Heeaveen ddont wwantt too d

55、iie tto gget theere, annd yyet, deeathh iss thhe ddesttinaatioon wwe aall shaare. Noo onne hhas eveer eescaapedd itt. AAnd thaat iis aas iit sshouuld be, beecauuse deaath is verry llikeely thee siinglle bbestt innvenntioon oof llifee. IItss liifes cchannge ageent; itt cllearrs oout thee olld tto mma

56、kee waay ffor thee neew. rigght noww, tthe neww iss yoou. Butt soomedday, noot ttoo lonng ffromm noow, youu wiill graaduaallyy beecomme tthe oldd annd bbe ccleaaredd awway. Soorryy too bee soo drramaaticc, bbut its qquitte ttruee. YYourr tiime is limmiteed, so donnt wasste it livvingg soomeoone elss

57、ess liife. Doontt bee trrappped by doggma, whhichh iss liivinng wwithh thhe rresuultss off ottherr peeoplless thhinkkingg. DDont llet thee nooisee off ottherrs opiinioons droown outt yoour ownn innnerr vooicee, aand mosst iimpoortaant, haave thee coouraage to follloww heeartt annd iintuuitiion. Thhe

58、y sommehoow aalreeadyy knnow whaat yyou truuly wannt tto bbecoome. Evveryythiing elsse iis ssecoondaary.這是我最最接近死死亡的時時候,我我也希望望是我未未來幾十十年里最最接近死死亡的一一次。這這次死里里逃生讓讓我比以以往只知知道死亡亡是一個個有用而而純粹書書面概念念的時候候更確信信地告訴訴你們,沒有人人愿意死死,即使使那些想想上天堂堂的人們們也不愿愿意通過過死亡來來達(dá)到他他們的目目的。但但是死亡亡是每個個人共同同的終點點,沒有有人能夠夠逃脫。也應(yīng)該該如此,因為死死亡很可可能是生生命最好好的發(fā)明明。它去去陳讓新新?,F(xiàn)在在,你們們就是“新”。但是是有一天天,不用用太久,你們有有會慢慢慢變老然然后死去去。抱歉歉,這很很戲劇性性,但卻卻是真的的。你們們的時間間是有限限的,不不要浪費(fèi)費(fèi)在重復(fù)復(fù)別人的的生活上上。不要要被教條條束縛,那意味味著會和和別人思思考的結(jié)結(jié)果一塊塊兒生活活。不要要被其他他人的喧喧囂觀點點掩蓋自自己內(nèi)心心真正的的聲音。你的直直覺和內(nèi)內(nèi)心知道道你想要要變成什什么樣子子。所有有其他東東西都是是次要的的。Whenn I w


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