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1、2021-2022學年廣東省肇慶市平鳳中學高三英語聯(lián)考試卷含解析一、 選擇題1. - Is John coming by train?-He should, but he _ not. He likes driving his car.A. must B. can C. need D. may參考答案:D2. If you do it in this way, the work will be .Amore easier Bmuch easier Ceasiest Deasy參考答案:B 4. Construction workers usually get _ by the day. A.

2、pay B. paying C. paid D. to pay參考答案:C略23. This is the first time we a film in the cinema together as a family A. see B. had seen C. saw D. have seen參考答案:D略5. The city of Nanchang has grown so fast that its at least _ what it used to be.A. five times the size of B. the size as five times large as C.

3、five times larger D. as five times size of 參考答案:A略6. - I was wondering if we could go skiing on the weekend. - _good. A. Sound B. Sounded C. Sounding D. Sounds參考答案:D 解析:這道題實際上是將主謂一致和交際用語結(jié)合起來進行考查。當對方提出建議,你認為是個好主意的時候,可以說Thats a good idea. / That sounds great./ That sounds good. 在口語中,我們常常把主語省略,但如果省略的主語

4、是第三人稱單數(shù),其動詞仍然須加上s。也就是說,我們省略that,直接說Sounds great./ Sounds fine to me./ Sounds like a good idea./ Works for me.(我沒問題)。7. During the examination we are required to stay in our seats, keep our eyes on our work, _to anyone.A. instead of speaking B. rather than speakC. and not to speak D. but would not sp

5、eak參考答案:C8. -Tom has made great progress recently. - _, and_.A. So he has; so have youB. So has he, so have youC. So he has; so you haveD. So has he; so you have參考答案:A9. Ill never forget the moment, _ I spent with my closest friend.A. it B. that C. when D. one參考答案:D10. If a computer crashes,you will

6、 lose the file you _on if you dont save it early enough. Aare working Bwork Cwill work Dworked參考答案:A11. A housing bubble is an economic situation_ occurs when house prices rise much too fast.A. which B. where C. what D. it參考答案:A12. I never fancied Maryso weak a girl_ the football match and did prett

7、y well.A. taking part in B. joining in C. to join in D. to take part in參考答案:B24. Bless your heart, I know you didnt break the vase _. Dont cry! A. on purpose B. by accident C. on business D. by mistake參考答案:A略14. The football player had _ gift for football when he was a child. Now he is _ second to n

8、one in the football field.Athe; the Bthe; a Ca; / Da; the 參考答案:C15. Well go to the Ocean Park next Saturday its raining of courseAwhen Bfor Cunless Dwhether參考答案:C16. The national park has a large collection of wildlife, _ from butterflies to elephants. A. ranging B. range C. to range D. ranged 參考答案:

9、A17. A man set off a bomb at a Russian train station on Sunday, _ at least 16 people in the deadly attack.A. killed B. kill C. to kill D. killing參考答案:D18. Can I have _ apple? Oh, your sister has just had it. A. anotherB. otherC. one moreD. the other參考答案:D19. With a violent effort, Mathilde Loisel ov

10、ercame her grief and replied, Nothing.Only I havent a dress.Give your invitation to some friend of yours whose wife will better than I shall.A.turn out B.carry out C.give out D.come out參考答案:A【知識拓展】1.make out(1) 理解,明白。如:I couldnt make out what he meant. 我不懂他是什么意思。(2) 看清,(勉強)辨認出。如:I cant make out his

11、handwriting. 我辨認不出他的筆跡。We made out three figures moving in the distance. 我們看出遠處有三個人影在移動。(3) 填寫。如:I asked her to make out a receipt. 我叫她打了個收條。(4) 假裝,裝成,聲稱。如 :He made out to be ill. 他假裝生病了。He makes out that hes younger than me. 他聲稱比我年輕。2.work out(1)(根據(jù)推理或計算)得出; 算出 (n. / wh-從句)(2) 想出;制訂出;產(chǎn)生 (n. / wh-從句

12、)(3) 鍛煉;訓練 (非正式用語)(4) 有好結(jié)果;進行情況良好(5)(情況等的)發(fā)展,進行turn out(1)關(guān)掉。Turn out the light. 關(guān)燈。(2)趕出,辭退。He was turned out of his job.他被辭退了。(3)集合,出席。Voters turned out in good numbers. 選民出席率很高。(4)結(jié)局,原來是。The story turned out happily. 故事結(jié)局圓滿。She turned out to be his daughter.原來她就是他的女兒。二、 完型填空20. Wildlife has been

13、greatly threatened in the modem age. There are species(物種)that are _36_ every day. The white-naped crane is a typical example. So scientists are trying their best to _37_ the species from going out of existence.Chris and Tim work at a zoo, helping endangered cranes with their _38_. Emma, a female cr

14、ane, has been in their _39_ since she arrived in 2004.Born at an international crane foundation, Emma was _40_ by human caretakers. This led to an unexpected _41_, though she had a wonderful time there. Emma had _42_ taken herself as a crane and become deeply attached to humans. She _43_ to live wit

15、h male cranes, and even had a _44_ for killing some of them, which made it _45_ for her to become a mother._46_, the two zookeepers didnt want to see the extinction(滅絕)of this precious species. With their patience and efforts, they successfully developed a _47_ of artificial breeding(人工繁殖)and natura

16、l reproduction. This _48_ Emma to give birth to five baby cranes.The two keepers are proud of their productive work. But before they can be _49_, more efforts must be made, because the population of the crane in the wild is on the _50_, and many other species appear headed toward extinction. _51_, n

17、ot everyone has realized that wildlife has thoughts, feelings, and most importantly, equal rights to survive.How can we _52_ the ever-widening gap that separates us from other animals? Chris and Tim offered us the _53_: human beings took it for granted that their _54_ held all the solutions, but may

18、be their hearts can be a better _55_.36. A. growingB. migratingC. competingD. disappearing37. A. banB. saveC. splitD. remove38. A. abortionB. recreationC. reproductionD. administration39. A. careB. eyeC. mindD. story40. A. foundB. chosenC. raisedD. seized41. A. bonusB. consequenceC. victoryD. sacrif

19、ice42. A. neverB. alwaysC. unluckilyD. cheerfully43. A. likedB. refusedC. decidedD. hesitated44. A. giftB. skillC. concernD. reputation45. A. illegalB. inspiringC. importantD. impossible46. A. ThereforeB. MoreoverC. HoweverD. Instead47. A. combinationB. collectionC. strategyD. system48. A. forcedB.

20、forbadeC. taughtD. enabled49. A. defeatedB. gratefulC. assuredD. tolerant50. A. itB. riseC. agendaD. decline51. A. In contrastB. After allC. By the wayD. On the contrary52. A. leaveB. bridgeC. openD. identify53. A. courseB. excuseC. answerD. reward54. A. brainsB. behaviorsC. servicesD. projects55. A

21、. guideB. treatC. exampleD. companion參考答案:36. D 37. B 38. C 39. A 40. C 41. B 42. A 43. B 44. D 45. D 46. C 47. A 48. D 49. C 50. D 51. B 52. B 53. C 54. A 55. A這是一篇夾敘夾議類的文章。在現(xiàn)代,野生動物正在遭受巨大威脅,每天都有一些物種滅絕。白鶴就是其中之一。但是,有很多人正在竭盡全力保護這些物種免于滅絕。Chris和Tim通過努力,幫助一只名叫Emma的雌鶴繁殖了五只幼鶴?!?6題詳解】根據(jù)第一句“Wildlife has been

22、 greatly threatened in the modern age”和最后一句提到的“the species from going out of existence”可以推知,野生動物正在遭受巨大威脅,每天都有一些物種滅絕,即:“消失”。D選項正確?!?7題詳解】前文提到每天都有物種消失,那么該句應(yīng)指科學家們正在竭盡全力保護這些物種,使它們免于滅絕。故B選項正確?!?8題詳解】上文最后一句提到科學家們竭盡全力保護瀕臨滅絕的物種,由此推知,該處應(yīng)指Chris和Tim幫助瀕危物種繁殖,增加它們的數(shù)量,這樣它們才不至于滅絕。故該空應(yīng)指“繁殖”,C選項正確?!?9題詳解】自從2004年,Emm

23、a一直由Chris和Tim照顧。該空和下一句中的“human caretaker”呼應(yīng)。故選A?!?0題詳解】根據(jù)空后的“human caretakers”可知,caretaker當然是照看Emma的。故該句應(yīng)指:出生在一個國際鶴基地,Emma由人類撫養(yǎng)照看。故選C?!?1題詳解】根據(jù)空后的though(盡管)可知,though前后的兩個句子之間是轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系。后面提到,她過得很開心。根據(jù)轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系,那么前文應(yīng)該表示“但是這導致了出乎意料的結(jié)果”。B選項正確?!?2題詳解】根據(jù)下文中的“become deeply attached to humanseven killing some of them


25、經(jīng)過努力,Chris和Tim成功的將“人工繁殖”和“自然繁殖”結(jié)合在一起。A選項正確?!?8題詳解】Chris和Tim成功的將“人工繁殖”和“自然繁殖”結(jié)合在一起,這使得Emma誕育了五只幼鶴。enable sb. to do sth.意為“使能夠做某事”,D選項正確。【49題詳解】根據(jù)后文more efforts must be made可以推知,盡管兩個人為自己的成就感到驕傲,但是他們還需要付出更多努力,因為野生鶴的數(shù)量在減少。所以他們還不能完全放心(白鶴不會滅絕)。故選C。assured意為“確定的,有把握的,自信的”?!?0題詳解】根據(jù)because可知,前后句之間是因果關(guān)系,根據(jù)mo

26、re efforts must be made可以推知,野生白鶴數(shù)量在減少,所以,還要付出更多的努力(來挽救白鶴滅絕)。故D選項正確。【51題詳解】前文提到:野生白鶴數(shù)量正在減少,很多其他物種似乎也在逐漸滅絕。該句提到,并不是所有的人都意識到野生動物有思想,感情,以及平等生存的權(quán)利。很明顯,該句是對前文出現(xiàn)野生動物瀕臨滅絕原因的一種解釋。故B選項正確。after all:畢竟(用于解釋和說明理由)?!?2題詳解】針對上文提到的很多物種滅絕這種現(xiàn)象,作者提出一個問題:我們?nèi)绾蝸硐龑⑷祟惡蛣游锔糸_的不斷擴大的鴻溝呢?B選項正確。53題詳解】前文提出一個問題:我們?nèi)绾蝸硐龑⑷祟惡蛣游锔糸_的不斷擴

27、大的鴻溝呢?Chris和Tim的做法給我們提供了一個答案。C選項正確?!?4題詳解】根據(jù)下文中的“hold all the solutions”可以推斷出,人類認為自己的“大腦”掌握著所有的解決辦法。即:人類認為自己的大腦可以想出所有的解決辦法。A選項正確?!?5題詳解】根據(jù)轉(zhuǎn)折詞but可以推知,人類想當然的認為自己的“大腦”掌握著所有的解決辦法。但或許他們可以用“心”更好地“引領(lǐng)”他們?nèi)ケWo這些瀕危的動物。故A選項正確。21. 閱讀下面短文,從短文后所給各題的四個選項(A、B、C和D)中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。The passengers on the bus

28、 watched with sympathy as Susan made her way carefully up the steps. She paid the driver and then, using her hands to 31 the seats, settled in one of them.It had been a year since Susan became blind. As the result of an accident she was suddenly thrown into a world of 32 . Susans husband Mark watche

29、d her 33 into hopelessness and he was 34 to use every possible means to help his wife.Finally, Susan felt ready to 35 to her job, but how would she get there? She used to take the bus, but she was now too 36 to get around the city by herself. Mark 37 to ride the bus with Susan each morning and eveni

30、ng 38 she could manage it by herself.For two weeks, Mark 39 Susan to and from work each day. He taught her how to rely on her other 40 , specifically her hearing, to determine where she was and how to adapt to her new 41 .At last, Susan decided that she was ready to try the trip 42 . Monday morning

31、arrived. Before she left, she hugged her husband 43 , her eyes filled with tears of gratitude(感激).She said good-bye and, for the first time, they went their 44 ways. Each day went perfectly, and a wild excitement 45 Susan. She was doing it!On Friday morning, Susan took the bus to work 46 . As she wa

32、s getting off the bus, the driver said, “Miss, I sure 47 you.” Curious, Susan asked the driver 48 .“You know ,every morning for the _49_week,a fine-looking gentleman in a military uniform has been standing across the corner watching you until you enter your office building safely,” the bus driver sa

33、id. Tears of happiness poured down Susans cheeks. She was so lucky for he had given her a gift more powerful than_50_,That is the gift of love that can bring light where there is darkness.31.A. touch B.grab C.count D.feel32.A.weakness B. sickness C.darkness D.sadness33.A.run B.sink C.jump D.step34.A

34、.inspired B.determined C.honored D.pleased35.A.return B.adjust C.contribute D.stick36.A.dred B.astonished C.depressed D.frightened37.A.volunteered B.attempted C.continued D.struggled38.A.when B.as C.until D.after39.A.drove B.direted C.accompanied D.sent40.A.feeling B.organs C.skills D.senses41.A.pos

35、ition B.environment C.status D.role42.A.on her own B.in person C.to her benefit D.on foot43.A.politely B.calmly C.briefly D.tightly44.A.opposite B.separate C.fixed D.lonely45.A.took charge of B.took place of C.took advantage of D.took hold of46.A.as usual B.as a rule C.as well D.as a consequence47.A

36、.respect B.evry C.know D.support48.A.what B.how C. why D.who49.A.past B.same C.first D.next50.A.courage B.will C.sight D.wisdom參考答案:31.D 32.C 33.B 34. B 35.A 36.D 37.A 38.C 39.C 40.D41.B 42.A 43.D 44.B 45.D 46.A 47.B 48.C 49.A 50.C三、 閱讀理解22. “Clothes Swapping” is an activity which has become increas

37、ingly popular among American women. At a clothes swap event the women can give away unwanted clothing and get something different in return.Recently about 300 women went to a clothes swap at a high school in Springfield, Virginia. It was the largest crowd ever for the areas popular clothing-swapping

38、 group.Daphne Steinberg was having a good day. “For anyone who knows Ann Taylor LOFT, Ann Taylor is a really good womens designer and I will totally wear this to work. So I love that, I love that I can equip myself for work and have a good time in doing it, not totally bankrupt(使破產(chǎn)) myself.”Sandy Va

39、n Dusen likes the idea that clothes are finding new homes instead of being thrown away. “Because it helps to keep the Earth green. Theres no point in my opinion in continuing to buy new clothes when we can reuse whats already here. Give it a new home- let somebody else love what you used to love and

40、 no longer love.”Kim Pratt organized the clothing-swapping event in Springfield. She also organized a money-raising activity for the high schools debate team. It is one of several ways that her group gives to charitable causes. Another is by donating all of the “un-swapped” clothing to shelters for

41、victims of domestic violence.“I started doing this four years ago, and weve been doing it for four years, getting bigger and bigger each time we have a swap.”She used the social media website to help publicize the events. The website has helped her group grow from 30 members to 1,300. Mrs. Pratt say

42、s most of the members respect the clothing swap rules. But she say competition for desirable fashion can be strong.“We have to tell people sometimes not to hover over(逗留在) the new people coming in with their clothing. As they put it out, some people tend to grab the stuff right out of their hands an

43、d it becomes like a free-for-all. We try to avoid that as much as possible.”32. Women can_ at a clothes swap. A. exchange unwanted clothing for something different B. buy whatever clothing they like C. have a social gathering and make friends D. make some money by giving away unwanted clothing33. We

44、 can learn from what Daphne Steinberg said that _. A. she had been to a clothes swap for the first time B. she experienced the largest clothes swap ever in the area C. she could get some clothes she likes at the clothes swap D. she saved much more money than she had expected34. What is Paragraph 5 m

45、ainly about? A. What Kim Pratt did with the un-swapped clothes. B. How Kim Pratt started the clothing-swapping event. C. What Kim Pratt did to help people in need. D. How Kim Pratt raised money to help charitable causes35. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that _ . A. clothes swaps are ofte

46、n out of control in the endB. inappropriate behavior at clothes swaps needs to be controlledC. clothes-swapping is becoming increasingly popular with womenD. more clothing swapping events need to be organized參考答案:32-35 ACCB 23. NASAs Jet Propulsion(噴氣推進) Laboratory (JPL) attracted Marlyse Reeves fro

47、m an early age. Growing up in Pasadena, California, in JPLs backyard, Reeves developed a love for everything related to outer space, and the lab was a regular destination for school field trips. Even as a child, Reeves, now as an MIT senior, knew she wanted to work in the space industry. Her love of

48、 space was cultivated at home, too. At MIT, Reeves quickly found her place in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics (航空航天系)As a junior, Reeves was selected to participate in the Gordon-MIT Engineering Leadership Program. The program focuses on leadership for engineerspeople who may have hig

49、h technical IQs but who may be not good at expressing themselves. Reeves holds the point that in industry, people have to communicate with other engineersto explain their ideas and fit into the organizational structure.In the second year of the program, students become coaches for the new students,

50、which means a team coach observes, and instructs the younger group. So Reeves thinks its really the second-year students who are guiding the first-year students into how they can improve as leaders.Reeves has been with Women in Aerospace Engineering (WAE) since its beginning in her sophomore year. T

51、he group builds a community for women in all aspects of aeronautics. Last month, Reeves helped organize the first WAE Day, an event for 18 high school girls in the Boston area to come to MIT to learn about aerospace engineering. Reeves says events like these are especially important for exposing young women to the possibilities of the field.Just as she says, “Being a person who has gone into the aerospace ind


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