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1、Unit 4 The two roads第1頁Expressions 1. Expressions for future time:in.minutes / hours / days / weeks / months / years / decades., in the (near) future, in future, soon, eventually, the day after tomorrow, the week after next week, never, by (the year) , by the end of next week / month / year, fifty y

2、ears from now第2頁2. Expressions for plans / planning:schedule, timetable, intentions, expectations, ambitions, hopes, aspirations, prospects, outlook, forecast, prediction, dream, goal, aim, have no intention of doing, be going to, be about to do, plan to do, look forward to doing ., expect . to do .

3、, push forward (the reform, etc.) with ., address (some problems), maintain ones commitment to .第3頁3. Expressions for possibility / impossibility / uncertainty:perhaps, maybe, probably, definitely, certainly, surely, no doubt, its possible / probable / likely / certain / unlikely / impossible to do

4、/ that .4. Expressions for realising / failing to realize a plan:realise, reach, fulfil, accomplish, come true, be satisfied, be disappointed, let down, feel hopeless, fail to do, be / fall short of (the target etc.), sense of accomplishment, . to the fullest satisfaction第4頁Listening:A farewell lett

5、er第5頁1. “I would sleep less and dream more. For every minute we close our eyes we lose sixty seconds of light. I would continue where others have stopped and I would rise when others sleep.”2. “I would give wings to the children, but I would leave the child alone so that he could learn how to fly on

6、 his own. To the old, I would show them how death comes not with the ageing process but with forgetting.”第6頁3. He has learnt from life that climbing is more important than being at the top of the mountains, a child and his parents will love forever, equality is the very basic spirit of human beings,

7、 one can only look down on someone when he is trying to help him get up.4. He will embrace them strongly to be the guardian of their soul, would say to them “I love you”, and wouldnt assume that they would know it.第7頁If for an instant God forgot that Im just a puppet, and He gave me one more piece o

8、f life, I would take advantage of that time, the best I could.I would probably not say everything I think, but definitely think all I say.I would value things not for what they are worth, but for what they represent.I would sleep less and dream more. For every minute we close our eyes we lose sixty

9、seconds of light.I would continue where others have stopped and I would rise when others sleep.If God allowed me one more piece of life, I would dress simpler, would wallow in the sunlight, leaving uncovered, not only my body but also my soul.I would prove to men how wrong they are to think that sto

10、p falling in love as they get older, since they actually start getting older as soon as stop falling in love.I would give wings to the children, but I would leave the child alone so that he could learn how to fly on his own.To the old, I would show them how death comes not with the ageing process bu

11、t with forgetting.第8頁So many things I have learned from you I have learned that everybody wants to live at the top of the mountain, forgetting that is how we climb is all that matters.I have learned that when a newborn grabs his fathers thumb, he takes a hold on him forever.I have learned that a man

12、 has the right to look down on somebody, only when he is helping him to get up.So many things I have learned from all of you.Always tell, what you feel and do what you think.If I knew that today is would be the last time that I will see you, I will embrace you strongly to be the guardian of your sou

13、l.If I would know that these would be the last minutes that I will see you, I would say to you “I love you”, and wouldnt assume that you would know it.第9頁There is always morning where life give us another opportunity to make things good.Keep always close to you, your dear ones, and tell them how muc

14、h you need them and love and take care of them. Take time to say “I am sorry” “Forgive me” “Please” “Thanks you” and all the nice and lovely words you know.Nobody would remember you if you keep your thoughts secret.Force yourself to express them.Show your friends and dear ones how much you care abou

15、t them.第10頁Text The Two Roads1. Do you have any regrets about the important decisions you have made in your life?2. Whats your plan for yourself?3. Do you agree with the saying An unexamined life is not worth living? Have you examined your life?第11頁SummaryThe two roads refer metaphorically to the tw

16、o choices in a persons life. One will bring happiness and success. And the other leads to failure, sorrow, discomfort, and a total waste of ones life. Those who choose the second road (the wrong road) would mourn over their mistakes when they get old, but their cry of remorse would not bring back th

17、eir youth. 第12頁Main IdeaThere are two roads in our life one leading to a peaceful sunny place with flowers, fruits and soft sweet songs; the other leading to the deep, dark and endless cave with poison flowing. Everyone is free to choose the right and better way when young despite his faults; otherw

18、ise, he will end up with mournful tears, painful hearts and wasted youth. Those who are still lingering and hesitating should remember when you are old, you will cry bitterly, but in vain: O youth, return! Oh give me back my early days!第13頁The first paragraph: A sixty-year old man thought over his l

19、ong and painful journey in life with great remorse on New Years night. The sixth paragraph: The young man was brought back into reality and realised that it was not too late for him to choose the right road. The last paragraph: The writer makes an appeal to those young people who hesitate before the

20、 bright road of life and warns them of the consequences of failing to make the right decisions about their future 第14頁1. The young man dreamt that he was over sixty years old, living in misery. His life was full of errors and remorse, his health poor, his mind vacant, his heart sorrowful and his old

21、 years short of comforts. 2. One road represents the meaningful life, which would lead to success and happiness. And the other road represents a wasted life which would lead to a dark cave, alive with devils and deadly snakes. 第15頁4. He cried painfully because both his parents and the happy days of

22、his youth were gone. He had lost forever the chance to take the right road.5. He thought that the flowing lights were the days of his wasted life and the falling star was the symbol of himself as a dying man. Both his youthful days and the prime years of his life were irrecoverably gone. 第16頁8. The

23、message of the dream is that one should choose the right road when one is young so as to avoid feeling remorse in old age. 第17頁Para 1 1. mournful: a. sad, sorrowful I hope youd better stop playing that mournful music. 2. cast ones eye on: look at sth carefully3 but: prep. except Nobody knows it but

24、me.Its anything but bad. (not at all)4.remorse: n. deep regret for wrong committed; mercy or pity He was filled with remorse for having refused to visit his dying father.第18頁5 vacant: a. mentally inactive; not filled or occupiedHe stared into space with a vacant expression.There were many vacant sea

25、ts in the theatre.Are there any vacant positions in your firm?6.short of: lacking sthIn the busiest season of the year, we are short of hands for the potato field.第19頁Para 2 1. resound: v. (of place) to ring or echo; to produce echoesThe rocket resounded as it blasted off the launching pad.2 poison:

26、 n.substance causing death or harm if absorbed by a living thing (animal or plant) It was reported in the paper that yesterday an old man committed suicide by taking poison.poisonous: a. causing death or illness if taken into the body Dont touch this kind of poisonous plant.hiss: v. n. to make the s

27、ound heard when water falls on a hot surface The snake raised its head and hissed.The steam escaped with a hissing sound.第20頁Para 3 1. my father, place me once more at the entrance to life, and Ill choose the better way!grammatical point n. + to Many nouns should generally take the preposition to af

28、ter a noun. Typical nouns requiring a to preposition include: journey, plane, entry, exit, access, promotion, hostility, devotion, kindness, obligation, damage, barrier, addition, preface, donation, assistant, letter, memorial, response, alternative, shock, disgrace, sensitivity, link He found a sol

29、ution to the problem.His quick adaptation to the new environment is admirable.His appeal to a higher court has been rejected.Her parents would not give their consent to her marriage.第21頁2 But both his father had passed away.paraphrase But his father had died and his days of youth were gone. pass awa

30、y: (of time) to pass, to die (euphemism) notice Here, though the two parts of the subjects “father” and “days” share the verb phrase “pass away”, they mean differently with the first meaning “die”, and the second pass“. This kind of usage is termed as Zeugma(軛式搭配).Some examples are:Mr. Pickwick took

31、 his hat and his leave. (Charles Dickens)She opened the door and heart to the homeless boy.He left in a huff and a taxi.Ten minutes later, the morning paper and the Manager arrived simultaneously. 第22頁Para 4 1. He saw the lights flowing away.paraphrase He saw the lights disappearing. 2. . who entere

32、d on life .: enter into life, enter into is less formal than enter on / upon although they have almost the same meaning. People enter (or enter into) a house. He had not yet entered the deep, dark cave.3. make ones way to: (1)to go (to), to approach She hastily left the room, and made her way to bed

33、.(2) to become successThe 3 dsughters made their way to success in literature.第23頁Para 5 1 strike: v. hit;to attack suddenly, (of disease) to afflict Our troops struck the enemy camp at dawn.The ship struck an iceberg, which tore a huge hole in her bow.2. They had taught him and prayed to God for hi

34、s good.for ones good: to ones advantagefor good: forever be no good: to be useless I just told you for your own good.She says that she will leave the country for good.He advice was no good to me.第24頁3. despairing: a. showing despair Her despairing look made the present people gloomier.4.burst out: 1

35、) to speak suddenly and with feeling 2) (with the -ing form) suddenly to begin (doing sth.)burst into sth.: to send out or produce sth. suddenly and violentlyburst on/upon sb./sth.: to come suddenly and unexpectedly to sb./sth. I hate you! she burst out.After a moment of silence, he burst out laughi

36、ng.The aircraft crashed and burst out into flames.The truth burst upon him. 第25頁Para 6 lead to: 1) to be a path, way, road to 2) to have as a result Where did the road lead to?All roads lead to Roman.This led to great confusion.Para 7 linger: vi. to be slow to depart, stay about Winter lingered befo

37、re spring overpowers.stumble: vi. to lurch forward and walk unsteadily He stumbled over the edge of the carpet and fell.第26頁那是新年夜晚,一位老人站在窗前。他滿眼哀傷地望著深監(jiān)色天空,在那里,星星如清澈平靜湖面上朵朵漂動白蓮;接著他將目光投向地面,那兒除了他還有幾個絕望人正走向人生終點墳墓。在通往人生終點道路上,他已走過了60多段,除了過失和悔恨,他一無所獲。現(xiàn)在,他身體欠佳,精神空虛,心情憂傷,晚年缺乏安逸。青春歲月如夢普通出現(xiàn)在他眼前,他回想起父親將他放在人生岔路口上

38、莊重時刻。當初,他面前有兩條路:一條通向安寧、陽光燦爛地方,那里處處充滿了鮮花瓜果,充滿著柔和甜美歌聲;另一條則通向黑暗無底深淵,那里流淌不是清水而是毒液,那里魔鬼和毒蛇發(fā)出嘶嘶聲遲緩爬行。他仰視天空痛苦地哭喊著:“哦,青春,你回來吧! 哦,父親,請把我重新放到人生路口上吧,我會做出更加好選擇?!比欢赣H和他青春都已一去不復返。第27頁他看見燈光消逝在黑暗中,那便是他虛度時光;他看見一顆星星從空中隕落,消失了,那是象征了他自己?;诤奕缤恢Ю?,深深地刺進他心臟。接著,他記起童年時代朋友,他們曾與他一同踏上人生道路,但他們現(xiàn)已取得成功,受到人們尊敬,此刻正在幸福中歡度新年。教堂高塔上鐘敲響了

39、,這使他回想起父母在他年幼時對他愛,他們曾給予他教誨并為了他幸福祈禱上帝??伤x擇了一條錯誤道路。慚愧和悲傷使他再也不敢面對他父親所在天堂。他雙眼黯然無光,充滿著淚水,在絕望中,他大聲哭喊:“回來吧,我青春!回來吧!”青春真回來了,因為以上全部一切只是他在新年夜所做一場夢。他還年輕,當然他確實犯有過失;但還未墮入深淵;他依然能夠自由地走上通向安寧和光明之地道路。那些依然在人生路口徘徊,不知該不該選擇光明大道年輕人啊,你們一定要記住:當許多年過后,你們在黑暗群山中艱難行走之時,再痛心疾首地呼喚:“哦,回來吧、青春!哦,把我青春時光還給我!”,只會是徒勞無益。第28頁- the deep, d

40、ark cave, endless, poison flowed instead of water .- mournful eyes-hopeless people- brought from his journey nothing but errors and remorse- his health poor, his mind vacant, his heart sorrowful, his old age short of comforts- cried painfully- a wasted life- with a despairing effort, . burst out .-c

41、ried bitterly .-peaceful and sunny place-leading to a peaceful, sunny place, covered with flowers, fruits and resounding with soft sweet songs-made their way to success and were now honoured and happyExpressions which indicate a miserable life Expressions which indicate a happy life 第29頁part c1.She

42、lingered outside the school and did not wish to leave when everyone else had gone.2.The boxer was knocked out in the first round. Obviously he was short of sufficient training and practice.3.The girl tried in vain to find out identity of the flower sender.4.With reform and the opening policy, China

43、is making her way to prosperity.5. The woods behind our house resounded with birds twittering in the early morning.6. On seeing that the thieves had fallen victim to his plans, the boy in the movie “Home Alone” burst out laughing.7. His fathers reputationgave him an entrance tothe circle of famous l

44、ocal people.第30頁part D1. cast ones eyes on: (fig.) want to have or possess something or somebody e.g.: To our amusement, another developer has cast greedy eyes on the field next door.2. lead to: have something as its result e.g.: This misprint led to great confusion.3. vacant: not filled or occupied

45、; empty e.g.: Is the lavatory vacant?4. recall: bring back into the mind; recollect e.g.: I cant recall his name.5. make ones way to: be or become through effort and development e.g.: If you train hard, youll make your way to a good footballer.第31頁1. a. The manager of the tailor shop cast his eyes o

46、n the one-million-dollar note and grabbed it greedily.b. The little boy in rags cast his eyes on a cake in the shop window and his mouth was watering. c. The young girl kept casting her eyes on the phone, expecting it to ring. 第32頁2. a. The discharge of polluted water into the lake has led to the de

47、ath of fish in the area nearby.b. Personality clash has led to the couples separation. c. Animal and plants adaptation to the environment has led to the continuous division of animal and plant life into many different types. 第33頁3. a. Her mind was suddenly vacant when the news broke that the plane w

48、as in serious danger. b. In the first lesson, the little boy looked at the teacher with vacant eyes when asked to write his name on the blackboard. c. The woman watched with a vacant expression on her face when her husband packed up his things and left home. 第34頁4. a. The old woman sitting in the ar

49、mchair recalled the moment when she was the bride at her wedding.b. The pictures helped the old man recall his days during the war. c. Recalling the ups and downs he went through in the past, the old man feels quite satisfied with his present living conditions.第35頁5. a. No matter how hard the task w

50、ould be, he was determined to make his way to success.b. The man felt very proud that he finally made his way to the summit of the mountain. c. Contrary to their fathers expectations, the three daughters made their way to success in literature while the son turned out to be a failure. 第36頁Today I me

51、t George in the _ for the first time after _ years. We were close friends in _ school. But I dared not _ him because I was not sure whether he would _ our friendship after so many years. The thing that _ me was my own _ to meeting him. From day to day I often see men who went to school with me and w

52、ho have, in the _ way of speaking, done well for _ . They are now doctors, _ , important officials and even very _ businessmen. They are wealthy and famous _ in our city. Sometimes, they see me too and nod a _ or turn their eyes to a shop window as the case may be. Whenever I _ one of these people I

53、 always feel a _ shame and _ . But George was different because we were _ friends. I used to _ him from the _ around our school. He _ me and our eyes met. But he soon _ the worn, old _ I was wearing. He greeted me _ from a distance and said quickly _ : Billy, nice to see you, but I must run. I cant

54、understand why I _ Yes, Sir. 第37頁1. T 2. NM 3. NM 4. F 5. T 6. F 7. F 8. F 9. T 10. T 3. Grammar work 1. The dog attacking my girlfriend was pulled off by its owner.2. We cleared up the things left after the party.3. Venus is the only star visible now.4. The problems faced by the government are grow

55、ing more serious every day. 5. There are a lot of problems confronting us at the moment.第38頁6. Ive just said the stupidest thing imaginable .7. Tagalog is one of the languages spoken in the Philippines.8. Most of the people strolling in the park were teenagers. 第39頁ReachAttainSecureRealizeFulfillAch

56、ieveAn ambitionA dreamAn agreementAn obligationA targetA compromise第40頁Translation for reference1. There is a road on our left leading straight to the foot of the mountains.2. In order to lose weight, she eats nothing but vegetables.3. We are sorry to inform you that we cannot employ you right now. If there is a vacant pos


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