



1、PAGE 初一年英英語(yǔ)第一一冊(cè)(上上)期末末試卷 (1110分滿(mǎn)滿(mǎn)分)Classs_No._NNamee_Marrks_聽(tīng)力部分分、聽(tīng)對(duì)對(duì)話(huà),回回答問(wèn)題題1 Q: Whhos oon ddutyy toodayy?A. JJim B. Luucy C. Joohn D. LiilyQ: WWhatt coolouur aare Mr Broowns sshoees?A. WWhitte B. Bluue C. Blaack D. PuurplleQ:Whhats tthe timme nnow?A. 111:115 B. 15:11 C. 111:300 DD. 110:005Q: IIs M

2、Mikees wwatcch nnew or oldd?A. NNew B. Olld C. Youung D. NiiceQ: WWhatts tthe nummberr?A.87723556911 BB. 88732256991 C.88732256993 D. 8799156634Q: WWhatts oon tthe treee?A. PPearrs B. Apppless CC. BBanaanass CC. OOranngessQ: WWhosse sschooolbbagss arre tthesse?A.Thhe ttwinns B. Thee twwinss CC. HHis

3、 friiendds D. Hiss frrienndsQ: IIs LLi LLeis ccompputeer nnicee?A. TTrouuserrs B. Yess, iit iis C. No, thhat isnnt D. Yess, iitsQ: IIs ttherre aa cllockk orr a cupp onn thhe ttablle?A. TTrouuserrs B. A ccup C. A cloock D. A doggQ: WWherre iis MMisss Lii?A. UUndeer tthe chaair B. Beehinnd tthe dooor

4、C. Nott inn thhe cclasssrooom D. Inn Cllasss 6、聽(tīng)錄錄音,根根據(jù)短文文內(nèi)容,在相應(yīng)應(yīng)括號(hào)內(nèi)內(nèi)打“”In TToms ffamiily, wee caan mmeett _ . (此空格格不用填填)( )Marry BBrowwn( ) Suue BBrowwn( )Jacck BBlacck( ) Joohn Blaack( ) Maary Blaack( ) Suue WWhitte( ) Miimi( ) Toom BBlacck( ) Joohn Whiite( ) Maaomaao( ) Toom BBrowwn( ) Suue BBlac

5、ckII筆筆試部分分(共990分)單項(xiàng)選擇擇(177分) ( )1.你想把把你的朋朋友介紹紹給媽媽媽?zhuān)銘?yīng)應(yīng)該說(shuō):_.A.Muum, thiis iis JJim. B.Jimm,thhis is mumm.C.Muum,JJim is herre. D.MMum,wheereiis JJim? ( )22.你想想問(wèn)老師師幾個(gè)問(wèn)問(wèn)題,你你應(yīng)先說(shuō)說(shuō):_.A.Thhankk yoou . B.SSorrry. C.EExcuuse me. D.HHi! ( )33.你認(rèn)認(rèn)錯(cuò)了人人時(shí),應(yīng)應(yīng)對(duì)對(duì)方方說(shuō):_.A.Noo,yoou aarennt. BB.Thhankk yoou. C.Oh! Goood

6、. D.SSorrry. ( )44.上午午你在校校門(mén)口遇遇到老師師,你應(yīng)應(yīng)說(shuō):_.A.Heelloo! BB.Hii! C.Goood aafteernooon. DD.Goood morrninng.( )5.你到同同學(xué)家做做客,同同學(xué)對(duì)你你說(shuō):“Sit dowwn ,pleeasee.”你你應(yīng)回答答:_.A. TThannk yyou . BB.Yees ,I ssit herre. C.OKK.Yoou ssit dowwn ,tooo. D. Imm heere.( )6.Theere is _ “u” annd _ “m” in thee woord “muust”. A. an,

7、 ann B.a, a C. a,aan D.aan,aa( )7.Is youur bbag neww orr olld ? A.YYes,it is . BB.Noo,itt issntt. C.Its nnew. D. Itts an oldd .( )8.Lilly, _,pleeasee. A.ccomees hheree BB.gooes theere C.tto ggo hheree D.ccomee heere( )9.Whoo iss noot _,doo yoou kknoww ? A.hheree B.at herre CC.inn heere DD.onn heere(

8、 )100.Whhat graade aree yoou iin ? Wee arre iin _. A.CClasss TTwo, Grradee onne B.Claass twoo ,ggradde oone C.GGradde OOne, Cllasss Twwo D.Claass Twoo, GGradde OOne( )111.Whhat_ thhat in Engglissh? A.aare B.am C.be DD.iss( )122.Thheree arre ssomee appplees_thee trree andd a boyy_tthe samme ttreee. A

9、.iin,iin B.oon,oon C.iin,oon D.on,in( )133.Toom,hheree arre yyourr neew ttrouuserrs. Pleeasee_. A.pput on it BB. pput it on CC. pput on theem D.putt thhem on( )144._cloothees_tthesse? A.WWhos ,is B.WWhos, aree C.WWhosse ,in D.Whoose, arre( )155. MMrs Greeen is _mmothher . A.JJim andd Kaate BB.Jiim a

10、and Kattess C.JJim andd Kaatess D.JJims aand Kattess ( )166.WTTO是指指_。 A、世世界貿(mào)易易組織 B、中中國(guó)民航航 C、人民幣幣 DD、信息息技術(shù)( )17、_iss itt? IItss a quaarteer_tenn. A.WWhatt ,tto B.WWhatt tiime, too CC.Whho, to D.Whaat ttimee ,iin二情景景交際 從B 欄中找找出A欄欄中問(wèn)句句的應(yīng)答答語(yǔ)(110分)A BB( )1.Whoose aree thhesee? A. Is it in youur ddeskk?(

11、)2.Cann yoou ssee whaatss unnderr itt? B.TTwenntysevven.( )3.I ccant ffindd myy boook. CC. TThiss waay ,pleeasee.( )4.Whaatss twwenttytthreeepllus fouur? D. I thiink theeyrre hhis.( )5.Wheeres CClasssrooom Thrree? E. I ccant ssee.( )6.Thiis iis mmy ffrieend ,Lii Leei. F. Hoow ddo yyou do ?( )7.Howw

12、doo yoou ddo? GG.Thhankk yoou!( )8.Wellcomme tto CChinna. H.NNicee too meeet youu.( )9.Is thaat aa deesk or a ttablle? II. NNo,iit iis iin AAnhuui.( )100.Iss Heefeii inn Huubeii? JJ. IItss a tabble .三完形形填空:(100分)Thiss iss a piccturre 1 a bbedrroomm. IItss 22 .Thheree iss 33 oold phooto of thee faami

13、lly. Theeir fattherr iss 44 .He is 5 a whiite shiirt. Beehinnd hhim 6 thheirr mootheer .Shee 77 yyounng .Thee booy iis 8 brootheer .Theey aare in diffferrentt(不同同的) 9 . TThe twiins sitt onn thhe fflooor .Theey 10 thheirr paarennts.( )1.A.iin B.oon C.of D.aat( )2.A.ttwinns B.twiins C.aa twwin DD.thhe

14、 ttwinns( )3.A.aa B.aan C.thee D./( )4.A.AAmerricaa B.AAmerricaan C.Engglannd D.EEngllishhmann( )5.A.oon B.oof C.in D.uundeer( )6.A. / B.aree CC.siit DD.siits( )7.A.aam B.llookk C.llookks D.llikee( )8.A.ttheyy B.theem C.theeir D.theeirss( )9.A.cclasss BB.cllassses C.ffamiily DD.faamilliess( )100.A.l

15、oook aafteer B.llookk liike CC.loook at DD.loook thee saame四閱讀讀理解:(100分) (AA)選擇擇填空:I haave somme bboxees. Onee iss smmalll . Its bbluee . Onee iss fuull(滿(mǎn)的) off boookss .IItss reed. Thee thhirdd iss neew. Theere is notthinng iin iit . Thheree arre ssomee olld bbotttless inn a bigg bllue boxx. TTodaa

16、y, I wwantt too puut tthe redd boox iin tthe carr, bbut I ccant ccarrry iit. My mottherr heelpss mee. AAnd shee caan pput thee boox iin tthe carr. ( )1.II haave_booxess.A.onne B.ttwo C.tthreee DD.foour ( )22.I wannt tto pput thee_boox iin tthe carr.A.bllue B.ssmalll C.emppty DD.fuull ( )33.Thhe_bbox

17、 is emppty.A.reed BB.smmalll C.neww D.bluue ( )44.Thhe rred boxx iss_,sso II caantt caarryy itt.A.heeavyy BB.liightt C.oold DD.smmalll ( )55._hellps me putt thhe rred boxx inn thhe ccar.A.Faatheer B.MMothher C.NNoboody D.MMy ffrieend( B )根據(jù)據(jù)對(duì)話(huà)內(nèi)內(nèi)容判斷斷下列句句子的正正誤,正正確的寫(xiě)寫(xiě) “T”,錯(cuò)誤誤的寫(xiě) “F”.Jim: TThiss iss ann

18、olld pphotto oof mmy ffamiily .Caan yyou finnd wwhicch oone I aam iin iit ?Li LLei: I tthinnk yyou aree thhe oone in thee yeelloow ssweaaterr.Jim: Noo,thhats mmy bbrottherr ,TTom.Li LLei: OOh,II seee. Youu arre tthe babby iin yyourr faatheerss arrms.Jim: Noo,itts my sissterr ,KKatee.Li LLei: SSorrry

19、, Youu arre tthe boyy inn thhe bbluee cooat.Jim: Yees, youu arre rrighht. Thee woomann inn thhe rred dreess is my mottherr.( )1.Li Leii caantt fiind Jimm inn thhe ppictturee.( )2.Jimm iss inn a bluue ssweaaterr.( )3.Thee baaby is Jimms brootheer.( )4.Jimm iss Kaates bbrottherr. ( )5.JJims mmothher i

20、s in redd.五詞匯匯( 110 分分) A、根據(jù)據(jù)句意及及首字母母提示寫(xiě)寫(xiě)出單詞詞:Thiss iss noot hher bloousee. II thhinkk thhe rred onee iss h_.The oldd TVV iss bllackk annd ww_.Are theese shooes m_? No, thhey areentt yoourss.Mr. Broown hass twwo cc_,aa booy aand a ggirll.I caantt f_ myy cooat .Whhereeis it?B用所所給單詞詞的適當(dāng)當(dāng)形式填填空:(5分)Alic

21、ce aand I _(bbe)ggoodd frriennds.How manny_( peooplee ) aree thheree inn yoour schhooll?Itss seevenn noow. Letts_( go )too scchoool.Are thoose youur_( boxx )?Pleaase loook aafteer _( thhey ).六看圖圖完成對(duì)對(duì)話(huà):(5分)Katee: Helllo, Daavidd.Daviid: _,Katte. Whaat _ youu seee? Katte: I cann seee _ treeeDaviid: Wh

22、aatss _thhe ttreee? Andd whhats _thee skky?Katee: Theere_ a ccat. Annd ttherre iis_ biird.Daviid: Is ttherre aa_undder thee trree?Katee: Yess,_is.七:作文文:(110分)寫(xiě)一篇關(guān)關(guān)于你一一天做的的事,要要求:作作文有頭頭有尾,安排緊密,語(yǔ)語(yǔ)句通順順。初一英語(yǔ)語(yǔ)第一冊(cè)冊(cè)(上)期末考考參考答答案參考答案案聽(tīng)力材料料、聽(tīng)對(duì)對(duì)話(huà),回回答問(wèn)題題1. AA: IIs LLucyy onn duuty todday?B: NNo, Jimm iss onn duu

23、ty todday.2. AA: AAre Mr Broowns sshoees bblacck oor bbrowwn?B: TTheyy arre bblacck.3. AA: EExcuuse me, whhats tthe timme, pleeasee?B: LLet me seee. OOh, its aa quuartter passt eelevven.4. AA: Is thiis wwatcch yyourrs, Mikke?B: YYes, itts mminee. IIt llookks vveryy neew.5. AA: HHelllo, is thaat 8872

24、1156993?B: NNo, thaats wwronng. Its 88732256991.6. AA: WWhatt caan yyou seee onn thhe ttreee, BBilll?B: II caan ssee manny bbanaanass onn itt.7.A: Arre tthesse sschooolbbagss yoourss, TTom andd Jiim?B: NNo, theey aarennt oourss. TTheyy arre tthe twiins8. AA: LLi LLeis ccompputeer iis nnicee. DDo yyou havve oone?B: YYes, I haave onee , tooo.9.A: Toom, whaats oon tthe tabble?B: AA cuup.A: EExcuuse me. Toom! Do youu seee MMisss Lii?B: YYes, I doo. SShes iin CClasss 66.、Thhis is a ppictturee of


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