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1、精品教學(xué)課件設(shè)計(jì) | Excellent teaching planUnit 1. language points1: 頻度副詞 提問頻率用 how oftenalways: adv. 總是, 一直 = all the timeEg: 她總是穿著紅色的裙子。 usually: adv. 通常, 常常often: adv. 常常e.g.: 我們通常放學(xué)后寫作業(yè)。 sometimes: adv. 有時(shí) e.g. Sometimes I work in the day and sometimes at night.hardly ever: 幾乎很少 , 幾乎不e.g. - I saw you com

2、e to school by bus this morning.-oh, I come to school by bus, but it is raining today.never: adv. 從不, 決不 e.g. 他總是說個(gè)不停。 100% always almost always usually often sometimesoccasionally seldomhardly everalmost never never 0%其他表示頻度的詞 “次數(shù)+ a+時(shí)間名詞”是頻率的短語once a week/month/year twice a week/month/yearthree ti

3、mes a week/month/yearfour times a week/month/yearthree or four times a week 注解:提問次數(shù)用 how many times 一次=once 兩次=twice三次或三次以上 =“數(shù)字+times”A year or sosooner or latermore or less補(bǔ)充: how long “問時(shí)間段,多長時(shí)間” ;回答用( for)+時(shí)間段。how soon “問還要多久”,常用一將;回答用 in+時(shí)間段。how often “問頻率”,用 always 等回答,How many times . “問次數(shù)” 。

4、 Twice once 回答。e.g. -How will you finish your homework ? - half an hour.-How do you watch TV every day? -half an hour.2 time 次數(shù)time and time again 千萬次的. sometime是副詞, 在“某個(gè)時(shí)候”, 某“時(shí)”Eg: Will you come again sometime next week?他去年某個(gè)時(shí)候在這。 .精品教學(xué)課件設(shè)計(jì) | Excellent teaching plan. some time是名詞詞組 , 意為 “一段時(shí)間 ”, 做

5、時(shí)間狀語用。Eg:He worked on the trouble for some time.我將在這待一段時(shí)間。 . some times是名詞詞組 , 意為 “幾次,幾倍 ”。Eg: I met him some times in the street last month.The factory is some times larger than that one.3 : Exercise 1): v. 鍛煉; 2): 不可 n :運(yùn)動(dòng) ;3): 可 n :練習(xí);體操Eg: Walking is a good exercise. He does some Math exercises

6、every day.He exercises every day. = He does exercise every day. = He takes exercises every day. We do morning and eye every morning .Skateboard v “踩滑板” = go skateboardingEg: 我不是很擅長踩滑板。 .5 . As for 至于 關(guān)于 后 +n; pron doing as for sth. /sb. 談及某事 /某人Eg: As for the book Harry Potter談起哈利 波特這本書As for(玩耍), I

7、m afraid there is no time.Everyday & every dayEveryday adj. 日常的 平常的 every day 副詞詞組 “每天”Eg: We do eye exercise . Computers are important to our life .Here are the results of the student activity survey at Green High School.這兒是 Green高中的學(xué)生活動(dòng)調(diào)查結(jié)果。:the results of/for 的結(jié)果。英語比賽的結(jié)果 Eg : The fire was the res

8、ult of his carelessness.Here is (are) 這里有 Eg: 這里有些關(guān)于英語方面的書。 :as a result 由于, 因此。As a result, Tsinghua becomes the first-class university.: at Green High School 在格林高中 在學(xué)校用介詞 at。at Junior School 在初中at Primary School 在小學(xué). Most students exercise three or four times a week.她說它對我的健康有益。大多數(shù)學(xué)生一周鍛煉三或四次。She sa

9、ys it s good for my health.精品教學(xué)課件設(shè)計(jì) | Excellent teaching plan此句為賓語從句 , says后面跟的從句的時(shí)態(tài)必須和主句中時(shí)態(tài)保持一致 , 都用一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)。be good for 對有好處蔬菜對我們的健康有益。 Be bad for sth Be good at doing sth Be good to sbBe good with sb Health n 健康unhealth healthy adj 不健康的-unhealthy身體健康的幾種說法:Be healthy = be in good health = keep in goo

10、d health = keep healthy = keep fit 身體不健康的幾種說法 :be unhealthy = be in bad health =keep in bad healthEg: 你應(yīng)該多運(yùn)動(dòng),保持健康。 .這對你的健康有好處。 . . but I m pretty healthy.pretty adv. 非常表示程度上加深 pretty good 非常好 pretty charming 非常迷人 quite pretty very 程度依次減弱Eg: He is quite serious. It sounds pretty good. Nina can sing E

11、nglish songs very well.11: want v. 想要Want sb to do sth = would like sb to do sth 想要某人做某事Want sb not to do sth = would like sb not to do sth 想要某人不做某事12 . I try to eat a lot of vegetables.try to do sth. 盡最大努力做某事try doing sth. 試著做某事Eg: I try to beat him in the round. 我試著做這個(gè)實(shí)驗(yàn)。 13. ten to eleven times a

12、 week.注意這種表達(dá) , “ t為o ”介詞 。 到1)兩到三次。 2)每 月四到五次。 14. . So you see, I look after my health.So you see. 那么你明白了吧。see = understand I know = I see15 . look after 意為“照顧、照看 ”。= take ( good) care ofEg: Please look after your own bags carefully. 精品教學(xué)課件設(shè)計(jì) | Excellent teaching planCan you look after my baby when

13、 I leave? = look 詞組搭配:look for 尋找 ; Look over 仔細(xì)查看 ; Look like 看起來像eg; Henry 到處找這個(gè)狗,但是最終沒有找到。 Eg:這個(gè)醫(yī)生仔細(xì)查看了病人,然后什么也沒有說。Eg: 他長的怎么樣? of course “當(dāng)然 自然” = certainly-Do you like snakes ?- of course not . Of course I do .Good food and exercise help me to study better.1) help sb. with sth. 幫某人做某事他在歷史上幫助我。 h

14、elp sb. (to) do sth. 幫某人把某事做好他幫助我打掃教室。 Maybe & maybeMay be “情態(tài)動(dòng)詞 + 動(dòng)詞原形” 也許是 Eg :She may be a teacher .Maybe adv; 也許= perhaps 常放在句首。 Eg : Maybe he is an English teacher. Eg: 也許她在家。(兩種) Hard & hardlyHard adj: 艱難地 猛烈的 adv:猛烈地 努力地Hardly adv: 幾乎不 幾乎沒有Eg: Its a job. Its raining outside.Study , and you ca

15、n get good grades.We are too busy. We have time to listen to music.Different adj .不同的,有區(qū)別的 . 詞組: Be different from 與.不同 = be the same as Difference 可數(shù) n .Eg:他的包和我的包不同。 她的筆的顏色和我的顏色一樣。 There are many between this book and that book .I think im kind of unhealthy . 注意:否定詞要否定 think. Eg: I think you are h

16、ealthy. (否定句 ) 精品教學(xué)課件設(shè)計(jì) | Excellent teaching plan他不認(rèn)為明天要下雨。 Though = although 盡管 不能與 but 連用; 但可以和 yet 或者 still 連用。、 Eg: although he is young , he knows a lot.24 . you must try to eat less meat.Less 為 little 的比較級 “更少的,較少的” ;修飾不可 nEg: 老師讓我們少吃點(diǎn)垃圾食品。 25. all, most , some 和 none 的用法1). all (所有的 , 全部的人或物

17、), any (任何一個(gè) ), none (都不 )以上詞使用范圍為三者以上。All the flowers are gone. I dont like any of the flowers. I like none of the flowers. 注意: all 與 none用法一樣。跟單數(shù)名詞 , 用單數(shù)動(dòng)詞 ; 跟復(fù)數(shù)名詞 , 用復(fù)數(shù)動(dòng)詞。Eg: All of the students (be)there.All (of) the milk (be) there.2). some: “ 一些 ”+ 可 n / 不可 n“某一 ” ,也 可與單數(shù)名詞連用。 (= a certain)Eg:

18、 You will be sorry for this some day. A certain (some) person has seen you break the rule.3). Most “最大多數(shù) ”、“最大量 ”+ n most of + n . .的大多數(shù) Eg:大多數(shù)男孩喜歡打籃球。 -.男孩中的大多數(shù)喜歡打籃球。 .26. active adj; 活躍的 積極的 靈活的 后可加介詞 about in for “在某方面積極” Eg: 他積極的從事音樂。-What do you usually do on w? -I often watch TV.-How often doe

19、s she shop? -O or t a week.Grandpa is pretty healthy because he e every day.Animal World is my favorite TV p.The weather here is so cold, I can h stand it.These two pictures have no 區(qū)( 別 ). (雖然)Mr White is very old, he goes to work every day.Do you have a ?。?康) lifestyle?She goes to the movies three

20、 times a mont(h.對劃線部分提問) she go to the movies?My mother wants me to play the guitar. (同義句轉(zhuǎn)換)My mother me to play the guitar.We eat meat twice a week.同( 義句 ) We meat two a week.A. does B. doC. is doing D. are doing精品教學(xué)課件設(shè)計(jì) | Excellent teaching planI always exercise after school. (變成否定句 )I exercise af

21、ter school.I practice the piano every day.對( 劃線部分提問 ) do you practice the piano?-Can you understand me ? -Sorry, I can hear you clearly.A. almost B. ever C. hardly D. nearlyHe tries English. A. learn B. learning C. to learnD. inD. healthylyC. on, in D. on, onAn apple a day is good _ your health. A.

22、atB. with C. for- do you go to the movies ? -Once a week.A. How long B. How soon C. How often D. How much I m not very healthyA. . Maybe B. May be C. May D. CanI have a habit. A. health B. healthy C. healthilyWe watch TV _ seven _ Sunday evening. A. at, inB. at, onThe students exercise every day and

23、 they try healthy.A. keep B. Keeping C. kept D. to keepThe old man (鍛煉)every morning.I often (購物)on weekends.We must 保( 持 )our classroom clean.There are some 不(同) between the two pictures.He (幾乎不 )goes to restaurant for dinner.Katrina doesnt often 喝( ) coffee,she likes green tea.My eating (習(xí)慣) are n

24、ot very good.Everyone must 設(shè)( 法 ) to work hard.I like English very much, so I listen to the tape in the morning.A. usually B. hardly ever C. neverMilk is good our .A. to; healthy B. to; health C. for; healthy D. for; health What does your father do in the evening? He usually .A. watch TVB. exercise

25、C. reads books students in your class are from Beijing? Only one.A. How often B. How many C. How muchMost students in my class exercise every day.精品教學(xué)課件設(shè)計(jì) | Excellent teaching planWhat she on weekends? A. is, doB. does, does C. do, do D. does,do do your grandparents come to see you? Twice a week.A.

26、How often B. How many C. WhenHe s a very lazy student, as a result, he always gets _g_r_a_d_e s.A. a goodB. high C. terrible D. an awfulI sleep 8 hours every night.(畫線提問 ) do you sleep every night?He watches TV twice a week.(畫線提問 ) he watch TV?Jack does his homework every day.改 ( 為否定句 ) Jack his homework every day.He is talking to his father.(用 usually 改寫句子 )He to his


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