已閱讀5頁,還剩18頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、專題短文改2句法錯誤和行文邏輯錯演練Passage卷When I look at this picture of myself,I realize of專題短文改2句法錯誤和行文邏輯錯演練Passage卷When I look at this picture of myself,I realize of how fast fs.I had grown not only physically,and also he few years.About one fter this photo was took,I entered second year of high school e a new m

2、ember of the music club.Around me in picture are the things they were important in my life t time:car magazines and instruments.I enjoyed studying difference kinds of cars and planes, playingpopmusic,andcollectingthelatemusicalbums.Thispicture often brings back to me many happy memories of your high

3、 school :When I look at this picture of myself,I how timegrownnotonlyalsopast few years.About month after this photo ,enteredmysecondyearofhighschoolanewmembertheschoolmusicclub.Aroundmepicturearethewere very important in my life t time:magazines and musical instruments.I enjoyed late were very impo

4、rtant in my life t time:magazines and musical instruments.I enjoyed late music albums.This picture often brings back to me many memorieshighschool 的作者對高中時光的回憶:詞法錯誤。realize“認(rèn)識到”,是及物后面直接跟賓:去掉:句法錯誤。he past few years 可知句子要用在完成:had改為:行文邏輯錯誤。not only.but also.“不僅且”,連接并列成:and改為:句法錯誤語態(tài)的結(jié)構(gòu)為“be及物動詞的分詞”,take 的

5、過去分詞是 taken:took改為句法錯誤句子用了過去and 連接并列謂語 和 became:e改為:詞法錯誤。picture 在文中第一句已經(jīng)出現(xiàn)過,故處可以加 the 表示特指;也可加 this,表示“在這中”:in:句法錯誤。things 是先行詞,后面是定語從句,從和 became:e改為:詞法錯誤。picture 在文中第一句已經(jīng)出現(xiàn)過,故處可以加 the 表示特指;也可加 this,表示“在這中”:in:句法錯誤。things 是先行詞,后面是定語從句,從中缺少主語,故引導(dǎo)詞twhich:they改:詞法錯誤。形容詞修飾名詞 kinds :詞法錯誤。the latest 的音樂輯

6、”。latest“最近的的”:late改為:行文邏輯錯誤起我時時光。此處是以作者的口吻寫的高中時光:yourPassage卷My uncle is the owner of a restaurant close totIlive.Though not very big, but the restaurant is popular in our area.It is crowded with customers at meal times.Some people even had to outside.My ls t the key to cs is day he t fresh vegetab

7、les or high quality oil are forcooking.My uncle t he never ing business will short period of time.Instead, he hopes :t My uncle is the owner of a close Ilive.Though not very the restaurant is popular in forcooking.My uncle t he never ing business will short period of time.Instead, he hopes :t My unc

8、le is the owner of a close Ilive.Though not very the restaurant is popular in area.It is always crowded with customers at meal times.Some to wait outside.My ls t the key to honests day he makes t fresh or high quality oil for uncle t steady time.Instead,he tbusinesswill【語篇解讀】 本文主要講述了作者的叔叔經(jīng)營餐館的成道:句法錯

9、誤。closeto后接賓語從句。Ilive缺少地點語,故用 where 引導(dǎo)賓語從句:行文邏輯錯誤。though 與 but 不能用在同一個句中:去掉:句法錯誤。文章通篇用一般現(xiàn)在時,故將 had 改have:詞法錯誤。主語是the key,與表同位關(guān)并非:句法錯誤。文章通篇用一般現(xiàn)在時,故將 had 改have:詞法錯誤。主語是the key,與表同位關(guān)并非對主語的描述,故用名:行文邏輯錯誤。fresh vegetables 和 high quality 是并列關(guān)系,不是選擇關(guān)系,故將 or 改為 and句法錯誤freshvegetablesandhighqualityoil是語態(tài)。beus

10、edfor被用于:詞法錯誤。dream ng sth.“夢想做某事”,固定搭:dreams :詞法錯誤。inashortperiodoftime“在短時間內(nèi)是固定短語:short前面的the改為行文邏輯錯誤。由“My uncle is the owner of restaurant.”可知,餐館是“我”叔叔的,故將 our 改為 his:詞法錯誤。grow 在此是實義動詞并非連用副詞修飾Passage卷)(導(dǎo)學(xué)號 The teenage year from 13 to 19 were the most difficult time me.They were :詞法錯誤。grow 在此是實義動詞

11、并非連用副詞修飾Passage卷)(導(dǎo)學(xué)號 The teenage year from 13 to 19 were the most difficult time me.They were also the best and worse y life.At , Isyourself.However, my parents didnt seem to think such.They l me what to do and how to do one time, I even felt parents couldnt understand me so I hoped I could be free

12、ly them.I showed them I was independent by wear strange I am leaving home to ast,I will be on my own,but I wanttohavemyparentstoturntowheneverneed:The from13to19werethemostdifficulttime me.They were also the best years in my ,I thought I knew everything and could make s yorself.Howevermy .Theyme wha

13、t to do and how to do time,I even felt parents couldnt understand me so I hoped could wearclothes.Now I am leaving ast,I will be on own,butIstillwanttohavemyparentstoturntowhenever 【語篇解讀】 本文中作者clothes.Now I am leaving ast,I will be on own,butIstillwanttohavemyparentstoturntowhenever 【語篇解讀】 本文中作者回憶了他

14、的青少年時代式:詞法錯誤。and 前用best,此處也應(yīng)用最級worseworst:詞法錯誤?!捌鸪酢鼻懊娴模喝ィ盒形倪壿嬪e誤。此處談?wù)摰亩际鞘虑椋涸~法錯誤。think so“這樣認(rèn)為,認(rèn)為如此”般過去: :詞法錯誤。be free from“擺脫”:詞法錯誤。ng sth.“通過做某事”詞法錯誤leave.for.“離開某地到另外一個地方”:college前面的to:詞法錯誤。ng sth.“通過做某事”詞法錯誤leave.for.“離開某地到另外一個地方”:college前面的to改為:句法錯誤。句意:最終,我還是要一個人,但我仍想在我需要幫助的任何時候有父母可以求助:need 模擬演練P

15、assage(2017肇慶高三模擬)(導(dǎo)學(xué)A few months after returning the US from Germany,I took college course in the French.Since I have learned to speak good in Germany,I studyinganothert it might erested to In class,the teacher asked me to do a exercise,in which he would say a word or two in French,and studentwould

16、dohisbesttocopy.Whenhegotmehevingsaidmorewords,butIfinallyaskedhim. Ifinditgreattime Ive heard the American speak French accent.”he:AfewmonthsaftertheUSfromGermany,Ia college course French.Since learned to erested in Germany,I t it might beginstudyinganotherclass,the teacher to do a tiexercise,in wh

17、ich heerested in Germany,I t it might beginstudyinganotherclass,the teacher to do a tiexercise,in which he would say a word or two in French,and student would do his best to copy.When he got mehekepvingme more words,but I finally asked him why.“I find it funs.Its time Ive heard theAmerican speak Fre

18、nch Germanaccent.”he【語篇解讀】 本文中作者回憶了他有趣的法語課:考查短語。return to sp.“回到某地”,所以這里return后加to:考查介詞。in French“用法語”,為固定搭配,所這里需去掉冠詞 the:the去:考查過去完成時。這里需用過去完成時,表示國時德語已經(jīng)學(xué)的很好,所以這里需將 have 改為 had:考查副詞。修飾動詞 speak,這里需用副詞well:考查現(xiàn)在分詞。形容詞的-ing 形式修飾物,-ed 形式飾人。這里表示的是物,所以需用現(xiàn)在分詞: :考查賓語。根據(jù)語境可知是老師告,所需將me改為us飾人。這里表示的是物,所以需用現(xiàn)在分詞:

19、:考查賓語。根據(jù)語境可知是老師告,所需將me改為us做某事”里需將said改為say:考查連詞。前句是的話,后句最終問他,兩句之間是并列關(guān)系,所以這里需用連詞 and:考查形容詞。find it 后需加形容詞作賓補(bǔ),所以需將funs改為fun:考查冠詞。這里指的是一人,所以需用an,表示泛Passage(2017濮陽高三一模When started working in the High Mobility nks for the training and daily already had no difficulty.Right now,for my current project,const

20、antlyneedtotraveltoatis locatedinve broughtgoodtoattendmeetings.I cant this to my work.There has been almost a year sincealready had no difficulty.Right now,for my current project,constantlyneedtotraveltoatis locatedinve broughtgoodtoattendmeetings.I cant this to my work.There has been almost a year

21、 since I started working the High Mobility Pool.Now,Im still exciting about the my next from.I opportunitiesmeetmorepeoplefromdifferentcountryand:When started in the High Mobility complete ythetraininganddailyalready had no difficulty.Right now,for my current project,constantly need to travel to a c

22、ompanyis located Germany,toattendmeetings.Icantthis good results to my sbeen almost year since started working in the High aboutthenewmynextprojectswill country and本文講述了作者首次在the High Mobility 【語篇解讀工作所遇到的。:根據(jù)句意可知用一般過去時態(tài),故把 take 改為 took:副詞修飾動詞。故把 complete 改為 yy:根據(jù)句意可知用一般過去時態(tài),故把 take 改為 took:副詞修飾動詞。故把

23、complete 改為 yy:句意:多虧了訓(xùn)練和日?;顒觧ks to“幸虧,虧”,故把for改為to:此處 a company 是先行詞,后面是非限制性定語從故t改為which:此處 this effort 是句子主語,單數(shù)第三人have改為has:固定句式:Itis/has been一段時間since.“從多長時間了”。故把 There 改為 It:固定詞組:be excited about“對感到興奮”。exciting改為excited此處 bring 是及物動詞接跟賓故去掉 from8:去掉:此處是動詞不定式作后置定語,故在 meet 前加 to:meet前加:根據(jù)前面的 differ

24、ent 可知后面的名詞用復(fù):此處是動詞不定式作后置定語,故在 meet 前加 to:meet前加:根據(jù)前面的 different 可知后面的名詞用復(fù)數(shù)形故把country改為countries:country改為Passage(2017衡水中學(xué)高三模擬)(導(dǎo)學(xué)MyparentsdecidedtryanewWesternrestaurantso I went with them.The evening started well and good.I had soup with my starter but the waiter didnt bring a spoon so it was gett

25、ing a bit cold after I could eat it.Then,for our course,Ihadapieceofbeef.Besides,Icouldntcutthebeefof my knife wasnt very good.For my dessert I had a e but ve a fork or a spoon so I ate them with my fingers! What terribly:My parents try a new Western restaurant kend,soIwentwiththem.Theeveningstarted

26、welland looks good.I had my starter but the waiter didnt after a spoon so it was getting a bit I could eat Besides maincourse,Ihadapieceof,Icouldntcutbeefmyknife wasntvery good.Formy dessertI e but I ve a fork or a spoon so I with fingers!【語篇解讀】 本文主要講述了作者的一次吃e but I ve a fork or a spoon so I with fi

27、ngers!【語篇解讀】 本文主要講述了作者的一次吃西餐的經(jīng)歷:考查不定式。句意父母上周末決定品嘗的西餐廳。decidetodo“決定做”,故decidedtry之間加to:decidedtry之間加:考查時態(tài)。句意:那天晚上開始很順利,菜單也很上下文可知這里要用一般過去 looks 改為 looked考查介詞句意我開始喝了這里用“for my 3和下文的“formymaincourse”和“Formydessert”保持一致:考查連詞詞意。句意:服務(wù)員沒有拿勺子,因喝之前湯就已經(jīng)慢慢變涼。這里根據(jù)句意所以把 after 改為 before:考查代詞。從上下文可判斷這里說的廳吃飯經(jīng)歷,故用ou

28、r改為my:考查副詞。句意:但是我切不了牛肉,因刀夠快。根據(jù)句意可知 Besides 應(yīng)改為 However:此句中“myknifewasntverygood”是完整用連詞 because 就可以了,故去掉 of:去掉:此句中“myknifewasntverygood”是完整用連詞 because 就可以了,故去掉 of:去掉:考查冠詞。句意:甜點我吃了一個蘋果餡餅。:考查代詞。句意:我沒有叉子也沒有勺子,因手拿著吃的。這里用 it 指代上文提到的一個蘋果餡餅,故 them 改it:句意:多么糟糕的經(jīng)歷!這里用形容詞 terrible 修名詞experience,故terribly改為terr

29、iblePassage(2017泰安高三質(zhì))Recently I have taken quite erest in cooking.I the anizes a cooking-learning activity to teach students prepare any delicious food.It can be really fun and I bet there will be a lot communication going on with students.Besides,its a good way to buildupteam spirits.Theschool can

30、evenholda competitionto see whom can cook the most delicious food.Much importantly,I cookingisavitalskillforthepeoplenowadays.Whatisknowntoeating-cooked food is a mu neatinginarestaurant.:orehealthyandlittlecostlywayofRecently I have taken quite erest in cooking.I tthe a cooking-learningeating-cooke

31、d food is a mu neatinginarestaurant.:orehealthyandlittlecostlywayofRecently I have taken quite erest in cooking.I tthe a cooking-learning activity to teach students any delicious food.It can be really fun and I bet there be a communication going on with students.Besides,its spiritsgood way to build

32、up school can even hold peoplealleating-more healthycostly way ofn eating in a 【語篇解讀】 本文是關(guān)于做飯的相關(guān)話題:考查冠詞erest 是元音開頭的單詞,前面用不定an,故a改為an:考查虛擬語氣。句意:我建議學(xué)校組織一個學(xué)的活動suggest 表示建議句用虛擬語氣(should 可以省略),anizes改anize:句意:我建議學(xué)校組織一個學(xué)習(xí)煮飯的活動來教的活動suggest 表示建議句用虛擬語氣(should 可以省略),anizes改anize:句意:我建議學(xué)校組織一個學(xué)習(xí)煮飯的活動來教學(xué)準(zhǔn)備一些可口的食

33、物。這里肯定句中應(yīng)該用some 表示一些改為 some:考查固定結(jié)構(gòu)。句之間會有流。alotof“很多”,故alot后加of:alot 后加:句意:此外,這是增進(jìn)團(tuán)隊精神的好方法。這表述“精神”時用 spirit,故 spirits 改為 spirit:句意:學(xué)校甚至能舉辦一個比賽看看誰能烹飪味的食物。see 后接的賓語從句需要用 who 作主語,故 whom 改who:句意:更重要的是/最重要的是,我認(rèn)為,烹飪對于天的人們是很重要的一項技能根據(jù)句意可知Much 改為More/Most:句意:烹飪對于今天的人們是很重要的一項技里的人們是泛需要用故刪去 for 和 people 之間the:去掉

34、:考查定語從句。句意:眾所周知,比起在餐館吃在家煮的食物是一種更里的人們是泛需要用故刪去 for 和 people 之間the:去掉:考查定語從句。句意:眾所周知,比起在餐館吃在家煮的食物是一種更加健康,更加經(jīng)濟(jì)的生活方式。本句為非制性定語從句,用 as 指代后面的整個句子,as 可放在句首,故 改為as:根據(jù)句中的“much more healthy”和下文的n”知,此結(jié)構(gòu),故little改為lessPassage(2017豫南九校高三模擬)(導(dǎo)學(xué)erest is a kind t can drive people learn andhappily.Anditalsomakeslearnin

35、gmoreeffectiveandI really te the opinion.I o be crazy about when I was a little boy.And I erested in foreign culture customs in particular to meet my curiosity.I read English listenedtoEnglishsongsandwatchedEnglishoneverytevenseemedtobethe “meal”ofmydailylife.AstheIalwaysdidverywellinEnglishIn a ere

36、sting is the key to s.Anyone who erestedinsomethingwilldevotehimselfto:erest is a kind tcan drive actively and happily.And it also learning more effective I I really te the to be crazy English when I was a:erest is a kind tcan drive actively and happily.And it also learning more effective I I really

37、 te the to be crazy English when I was a little erested in culture and customs in particular to my curiosity.I English stories,listened to English songs and watched English every day,all even seemed to be the “meal”of dailyresult,IalwaysdidverywellinEnglishIn a is the key to s.Anyone erestedinsometh

38、ingwilldevotehimself【語篇解讀】 本文主要論是學(xué)習(xí)的的源泉做某事”learn前加to:learn :此處用形容詞作賓語補(bǔ)足語,故efficiently 改efficientoy”可知主句用一般去時態(tài),故把begin改為began:句意:我對外國文化和風(fēng)變得oy”可知主句用一般去時態(tài),故把begin改為began:句意:我對外國文化和風(fēng)變得詞用復(fù)數(shù)形式,故把 culture 改為 culturesevery day 本身就是“在每天”的意思故去掉 on 5day中的on:去掉oneveryday中的:前面整個句子作先行詞,后面的非限制性定語從句引導(dǎo)詞作主語,名詞或代詞of(w

39、hich 指物;whom 指人),根句意可知t改為which:固定詞組:asaresult“結(jié)果”,故把the改為a句意是成功的關(guān)鍵。用名詞作主語, 故把8eresting改erest: :Anyone 作先行詞,在后面的定語從句中作主語,故are改為is:something 某事,按單數(shù)第三人稱對待,所以用 it 替,故把them改為itPassage(2017太原高三模:something 某事,按單數(shù)第三人稱對待,所以用 it 替,故把them改為itPassage(2017太原高三模擬We are aiming to build a peaceful school.I thought it is every students duty to work hard to achieve this goal.


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