1、 (120分一、選擇填空(25 25 分)1. Zidane is from France, European country. He plays footballquiteA. /, an, B./,a, C. the, a, D. the,an, (120分一、選擇填空(25 25 分)1. Zidane is from France, European country. He plays footballquiteA. /, an, B./,a, C. the, a, D. the,an, 2. doyoulikethecityofNanchong? .A.How,ThefoodC.Wh
2、at,Beihu3.TheshirtlooksbeautifulonA.IdontthinkC.No,itD.What,AB.CertainlyitD.Itsniceofyoutosay4.The lightison.bestillheroom.C.must, it be?D.may,A.must,B.may,5. How long have you yournewcar?Alittle A. n11B.C.D. 6. Tina, coatisthis,doyouthink? Oh, it may be .A.whose,LiMing B. whose,LiC.whos,LiD.whos,Li
3、7. Id like something to .Wouldyoupleasepassmethebook?A. B.C.D. 8.WouldyoumindifIsmoked .A.Ofcourse,itsuptoC.Imsorry,butitsnotB.No,butitsnotD. nk 9.Who, IA. e, would you like to have thedifficulttask?B.D. 10. All of us are proud of the greatchanges in Nanchong and were sure it will be tomorrow.A.B.C.
4、D.the 11. Some passengers were walking through one of the9.Who, IA. e, would you like to have thedifficulttask?B.D. 10. All of us are proud of the greatchanges in Nanchong and were sure it will be tomorrow.A.B.C.D.the 11. Some passengers were walking through one of the big halls at the airport the r
5、ooffell A. B.assoonC.D. 12. I enjoy pop music, but my uncle myfatherlikesit.A.neither,13.Please B.notonly,butC.either,D.both, lanybodyppenedtoDontworry.A. B.C.D. onafarmforfiveyears.D.would14.Myfatherisnowteachingataprimaryschool.He A.hasB.had C.15.Excuseme,waiter,weareleaving.Canyoubringme ?D. B.C.
6、 A.thousandsC.thousandsand B.manyD.thousand17.WhatcolorshoeswouldyouliketotryWell,IdliketotryonaA. B.C.D. 18.The songsofthehetrees ,soIlike themverymuch.A. C.twogoldentemples.C. other students.C.catchup D. t19.Look,onthe topoftheA. B.D. 20.Ifyoudontstudyhard,youA.fallB.fallD.fall21.Yourroomisindisor
7、der.yourbooksandmakeittidy.A. put B.putC.putD. put 22.ImeagertoA.whatthewrong C.whatwrong with your bike boughtyesterday.B.whatis D.whatisthe 23. Ithink the story book Harry Potteris worth Idont agree with you. Ithink it is too difficult for my son A.reading,toC.reading,24.Whendidhecomeback a stormy
8、 night.B.toread,toD.beingread,toread t lonely island?A.25.CanB.C.D. l me he23. Ithink the story book Harry Potteris worth Idont agree with you. Ithink it is too difficult for my son A.reading,toC.reading,24.Whendidhecomeback a stormy night.B.toread,toD.beingread,toread t lonely island?A.25.CanB.C.D.
9、 l me hewenttostudyabroad?Yes.Toreceive betterA. B.C.D. 二、完形填空(1020分I will never et an y own childhood. When I was a boy tmade menever anybirds ina twelve,somethinghappenedtoWe lived on the edge of a forest in South Carolina, and every evening many wouldcome andof the hetreesandsing.There isntanytca
10、n be nthe I decided to catch a young bird and t in a cage, hat way, I could have my I finally caught one and put it in a cage. The bird was and fluttered (撲打) about cage, but finally it became quiet in its new home. I felt pleased with and looked after littlenOnthe second day,thebirds motherflewto t
11、hecagewith food inhermouth. The baby ate up she brought. Iwas pleased to see this. Certainly his mother knew tofeedher n I The following morning when I went to see my ird was, I found it on the of the cage,dead. Iwas very surprised!bird,or so Id happened! Ihad taken great of the Arthur Wayne, a famo
12、us scientist, happened to he forest where we lived at the Hearing me er the of my bird, he told me what 34 . “A mother finding her young in a cage, will sometimes bring it poison food. She thinks it better for youngtontolive inaSince then, Inever catch any birds or put them in a cage.All the birds h
13、ave the right to he 26.B. D. A.moreA. A. A. A. A. A. A.could A. 三、閱讀理解(40分B.lessB.B.A.moreA. A. A. A. A. A. A.could A. 三、閱讀理解(40分B.lessB.B.B.B.B.B.B.wouldB.C.C.C.C.C.C.C.C. had C.D. D. D. D. D. D. D.D. has D. Some people dont need box to send a message. They use a bottle instead. Here twostoriesabou
14、tpeoplewhosenta messageinabottle.Bothstoriesare 36.Hewrotealetter,askinganyyoungwomantowritetohim.Heputtheletterinaandthrewtheothe 37.He readthe letterandshowedittohisdaughter.Shewas18.Asa joke,she wrote tothe sailor. They began to exchange letters. In a few months, they were married. 38 . Back in 1
15、924, a boy from Arkansas wrote his name on the back of his picture. He ctureinabottleanddroppedtheoa 39 .Hepulled ctureoutofthebottleandlookedatit.HecouldhardlyvehisTo his great surprise, the seenTomfor25years. 40hcture was his friend, Tom, from Arkansas. Bill had A.Here isSomehowthebottlehadcometot
16、herightIn1965,a sailorfromSwedenwasona HereisthesecondTwoyearslater,amanfoundthebottleonabeachinThe bottle was not found many years until one day a man named Bill picked it up on a beach in Florida.Byaccident,Billfoundthe bottleonabeachinA。One day Bob took two of his o the mountains. They put up the
17、ir tents and rodeofftoaforesttoseehowthetreeswerehe afternoon when they were about ten kilometers from their , it started to More and more snow fell. Soon Bob could hardly see his hands before his face. He could findhe afternoon when they were about ten kilometers from their , it started to More and
18、 more snow fell. Soon Bob could hardly see his hands before his face. He could findthe road. Bobknew there were two roads.One roadwent tothe ,and the otherwenthis house.Butallwaswhitesnow.Everythingwas the same.Howcouldhe takehis friends tothe ?Bob had an idea. The horses! Let the horses take them b
19、ack! But what would happen if horses took the road to his t would be a trip of thirty-five kilometers in such Itwasgettinglate.Theyrode on andastthehorsesstopped.Wherewere None of them theirl. John looked around. What t under the tree? It was one 41.JohnandhistwofriendswenttotheforesttoA.buildtheirC
20、.enjoythe B.findtheirwayheD.watchthe heTheycouldnotfindtheir waybackbecause therewasonlyoneroadtotheirtheycouldntdecidewhichofthetworoadsledtotheirC.therewerenohemountainsatD.everythingwascoveredbythewhite ItisttheywantedthehorsestotakethemtoB.the C.the D.the The horsesstoppedbecause itwasgettingthe
21、yweretiredafterrunningforalongC.theyttheyhadgottotheD.theyhadseenJohnsThe story happened on acolderonadarksnowyC.ina coldfarfromD.atnightwhennothingcouldbeBTheUnfortunateCarl lost his job. This poor man had so little t he his days at home. watchedhis neighborsroom,whereanoldprofessor lived. He t the
22、 roomswere full antique furniture and vases. Then an idea came up to his mind, “Why havent I got an vase? Icouldsellwatchedhis neighborsroom,whereanoldprofessor lived. He t the roomswere full antique furniture and vases. Then an idea came up to his mind, “Why havent I got an vase? Icouldsellitfora l
23、otof Carl had an old gun. d been his great grandfathers favorite thing a long time Carldidnt want to use the gun but he thought,“Anythingcould happen.” He wanted to hide gununder hiscoatbutitwastoolongsoheNext morning he watched the professor leaving home at 10 oclock. Carl broke the andenteredthe h
24、ouse.He didntknowmuchaboutarts.He reachedhishandstowardsabigwhenheheardanoise.Someoneenteredthehouse.Itwastheprofessor.Hehadottentoan . Carl became afraid and pulled out the gun. “I havent stolen anything. just want to go away or I will shoot,” cried Carl. begantolaugh.Hewasntafraidoft gun?” asked t
25、he professor and Hesaid,“Youcantshoottantiquegun.Itsplaceisina“Isthisreallyanantiquegun?”askedCarl.“Howmuchisit“Why?”askedTheprofessorsaid,“Becausedis46. Carlwanted to stealbecauseA. heerestedinantiquevasesandhehatedhisneighborveryhelosthisjobandhadlittlehewantedtohave47. Heofthe gunecause thegunwas
26、thegunwastoolongforhimtocosta lotof ofthegunwas48.WhydidtheprofessorcomeA.He ottotake .B.He wastC.HefoundsomethingwronginhisD.He sawCarlenterhis49.WhywasnttheprofessorafraidoftheA.He tCarldarednotB.He hadcalledC.He knewitwasanantique D.He hada gun,50.Thisantique guncostonlytendollarsnowbecause A.Car
27、lhadcutoff dB.the gunwastooD.the gunwasnotoldC.B.He hadcalledC.He knewitwasanantique D.He hada gun,50.Thisantique guncostonlytendollarsnowbecause A.Carlhadcutoff dB.the gunwastooD.the gunwasnotoldC.the gunwasnota realantique CBalanceoft man has It is only during the last few he world of nature there
28、 is balance n all forms of life. No living thing can exist by itself. It is part of a system whichallforms of life are joined together. If we change one partof the nature order, this will itsturnalmostcertainlybringThe cutting down of forests hangesinsomethe supply of oxygen (氧氣). The killing ds ins
29、ects by chemicals leads to the wide-oisoning of animals and birds. The throwing waste o the ocean hurts he sea, while waste gases change the chemical oftheatmosphereandshutoutsomeofthesunssarylife-givingAnd so we could go on, adding more les, until in despair (絕望) we might feel giving up the struggl
30、e to control and keep within limits these harmful human activities. Man very clever at changing the world around him to satisfy his immediate needs, but he is not ooking far ahead, or at thinking about what the future results of ion might Manmaywelldestroyhimselfinhisattempttobe51.paragraphofthelst
31、nothinginnaturecanexistwithoutthehelpofhumannolivingthingscanlivealllivingthingsinnaturedependononemanhasknowntheimportanceofbalanceofnatureforalonghesecondparagraphthelesare usedtot.A.itisonlyduringthe lastfewtmanhasgenerallyknownthebalanceoftherearesomelivingthingswhichcanexistbyallformsoflife bel
34、 besttogetfromnatureasmuchsible55.WhatoughtmannordertoenablemanhimselftoliveverywellfromnowA.ManoughttotakeeffectivemeasurestofightagainstallkindsofManoughttothrowwaste ManoughttousechemicalstoManshoulddowhateverheo dsand A man and his wife had a small r 56near a sion. It often stayed open until aft
35、er midnight. Because people came to drink and have meals while they were waiting for trains.At two oclock one morning, a farmer was still sitting able there. He was a 57 . wife of the owner was very sleepy and wanted to go to bed. She looked at the farmer times and w for him to wake and go, but each time she found the farmer was still ng. she went to her husband and said to him, “You have woken him timesnow,butwhyhaventyousenthimaway?Itsvery“Oh, no, I dont want to send him away.” answered her husband with a . “You whenever I wake him up, he asks for his bill, and when I g
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