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1、Jsp 、MySQL和 B/S 模式簡介1 Jsp 簡介1.1什么是 Java Server Pages?JSP全稱 Java Server Pages ,是一種動態(tài)網頁開發(fā)技術。它使用JSP標簽在 HTML網頁中插入 Java 代碼。標簽通常以 結束。JSP是一種 Java servlet,主要用于實現Java web 應用程序的用戶界面部分。網頁開發(fā)者們通過結合HTML代碼、 XHTML代碼、 XML元素以及嵌入 JSP操作和命令來編寫JSP。JSP通過網頁表單獲取用戶輸入數據、訪問數據庫及其他數據源,然后動態(tài)地創(chuàng)建網頁。JSP標簽有多種功能,比如訪問數據庫、記錄用戶選擇信息、訪問Java

2、Beans 組件等,還可以在不同的網頁中傳遞控制信息和共享信息。1.2為什么使用 JSP?JSP程序與 CGI 程序有著相似的功能,但和CGI 程序相比, JSP程序有如下優(yōu)勢:(1)性能更加優(yōu)越,因為 JSP可以直接在 HTML網頁中動態(tài)嵌入元素而不需要單獨引用 CGI 文件。(2)服務器調用的是已經編譯好的JSP文件,而不像 CGI/Perl 那樣必須先載入解釋器和目標腳本。(3)JSP 基于 Java Servlet API,因此, JSP擁有各種強大的企業(yè)級Java API ,包括 JDBC,JNDI,EJB, JAXP等等。(4)JSP 頁面可以與處理業(yè)務邏輯的 Servlet 一起

3、使用,這種模式被 Java servlet 模板引擎所支持。最后, JSP是 Java EE 不可或缺的一部分,是一個完整的企業(yè)級應用平臺。這意味著 JSP可以用最簡單的方式來實現最復雜的應用。1.3 JSP 的優(yōu)勢以下列出了使用JSP帶來的其他好處:(1)與 ASP相比: JSP 有兩大優(yōu)勢。首先,動態(tài)部分用Java 編寫,而不是 VB或其他 MS專用語言,所以更加強大與易用。第二點就是JSP易于移植到非 MS平臺上。(2)與純 Servlet相比: JSP可以很方便的編寫或者修改HTML網頁而不用去面對大量的 println語句。(3)與 SSI 相比: SSI 無法使用表單數據、無法進行

4、數據庫鏈接。(4)與 JavaScript 相比:雖然 JavaScript 可以在客戶端動態(tài)生成 HTML,但是很難與服務器交互,因此不能提供復雜的服務,比如訪問數據庫和圖像處理等等。(5)與靜態(tài) HTML相比:靜態(tài) HTML不包含動態(tài)信息。2.MySQL簡介2.1 簡介: MySQL是最流行的開放源碼SQL數據庫管理系統(tǒng),它是由MySQL AB公司開發(fā)、發(fā)布并支持的。MySQL AB是由多名 MySQL開發(fā)人創(chuàng)辦的一家商業(yè)公司。它是一家第二代開放源碼公司,結合了開放源碼價值取向、方法和成功的商業(yè)模型。是一種數據庫管理系統(tǒng)數據庫是數據的結構化集合。它可以是任何東西,從簡單的購物清單到畫展,或

5、企業(yè)網絡中的海量信息。要想將數據添加到數據庫,或訪問、處理計算機數據庫中保存的數據,需要使用數據庫管理系統(tǒng),如 MySQL服務器。計算機是處理大量數據的理想工具,因此,數據庫管理系統(tǒng)在計算方面扮演著關鍵的中心角色,或是作為獨立的實用工具,或是作為其他應用程序的組成部分。是一種關聯數據庫管理系統(tǒng)關聯數據庫將數據保存在不同的表中,而不是將所有數據放在一個大的倉庫內。這樣就增加了速度并提高了靈活性。MySQL的 SQL指得是“結構化查詢語言”。SQL是用于訪問數據庫的最常用標準化語言,它是由ANSI/ISO SQL 標準定義的。 SQL標準自 1986年以來不斷演化發(fā)展,有數種版本。在本手冊中,“S

6、QL-92”指得是 1992 年發(fā)布的標準,“ SQL:1999”指得是 1999 年發(fā)布的標準,“ SQL:2003”指得是標準的當前版本。我們采用術語“ SQL標準”標示 SQL標準的當前版本軟件是一種開放源碼軟件“開放源碼”意味著任何人都能使用和改變軟件。任何人都能從 Internet 下載MySQL軟件,而無需支付任何費用。如果愿意,你可以研究源碼并進行恰當的更改,以滿足你自己的需求。 MySQL軟件采用了 GPL(GNU通用公共許可證),定義了在不同情況下可以用軟件作的事和不可作的事。數據庫服務器具有快速、可靠和易于使用的特點如果它正是你所尋找的,不妨一試。MySQL服務器還有一套實

7、用的特性集合,這些特性是通過與我們用戶的密切合作而開發(fā)的。在我們的基準測試主頁上,給出了 MySQL 服務器和其他數據庫管理器的比較結果。MySQL服務器最初是為處理大型數據庫而開發(fā)的,與已有的解決方案相比,它的速度更快,多年以來,它已成功用于眾多要求很高的生產環(huán)境。盡管MySQL始終在不斷發(fā)展,但目前 MySQL服務器已能提供豐富和有用的功能。它具有良好的連通性、速度和安全性,這使的MySQL十分適合于訪問Internet上的數據庫服務器工作在客戶端 / 服務器模式下,或嵌入式系統(tǒng)中MySQL數據庫軟件是一種客戶端/ 服務器系統(tǒng),由支持不同后端的1 個多線程 SQL服務器,數種不同的客戶端程

8、序和庫,眾多管理工具和廣泛的應用編程接口API 組成。我們還能以嵌入式多線程庫的形式提供MySQL服務器,你可以將其鏈接到你的應用程序,從而獲得更小、更快、和更易管理的產品2.2 什么是 MySql?一個小型關系型數據庫管理系統(tǒng), 目前被廣泛應用在Internate上的小型網站中 .有什么特點 ?體積小、速度快、總體擁有成本低、開放源代碼、性能快捷、優(yōu)化 SQL 語言、容易使用、多線程和可靠性、多用戶支持、可移植性和開放源代碼、遵守國際標準和國際化支持、為多種編程語言提供 API2.3 不足之處不能直接處理 XML數據、不能提供任何OLAP(實時分析系統(tǒng) ) 功能B/S 模式簡介B/S 結構

9、(Browser/Server,瀏覽器 / 服務器模式 ) ,是 WEB興起后的一種網絡結構模式, WEB瀏覽器是客戶端最主要的應用軟件。這種模式統(tǒng)一了客戶端,將系統(tǒng)功能實現的核心部分集中到服務器上,簡化了系統(tǒng)的開發(fā)、維護和使用??蛻魴C上只要安裝一個瀏覽器,如 Netscape Navigator 或 Internet Explorer ,服務器安裝 SQL Server 、 Oracle 、 MYSQL等數據庫。瀏覽器通過 Web Server 同數據庫進行數據交互。3.1 主要作用B/S 最大的優(yōu)點就是可以在任何地方進行操作而不用安裝任何專門的軟件,只要有一臺能上網的電腦就能使用,客戶端零

10、安裝、零維護。系統(tǒng)的擴展非常容易。B/S 結構的使用越來越多,特別是由需求推動了AJAX技術的發(fā)展,它的程序也能在客戶端電腦上進行部分處理,從而大大的減輕了服務器的負擔;并增加了交互性,能進行局部實時刷新。3.2 架構軟件(1)維護和升級方式簡單。當前,軟件系統(tǒng)的改進和升級越發(fā)頻繁,B/S 架構的產品明顯體現著更為方便的特性。對一個稍微大一點單位來說,系統(tǒng)管理人員如果需要在幾百甚至上千部電腦之間來回奔跑,效率和工作量是可想而知的,但B/S 架構的軟件只需要管理服務器就行了,所有的客戶端只是瀏覽器,根本不需要做任何的維護。無論用戶的規(guī)模有多大,有多少分支機構都不會增加任何維護升級的工作量,所有的

11、操作只需要針對服務器進行;如果是異地,只需要把服務器連接專網即可,實現遠程維護、升級和共享。所以客戶機越來越“瘦”,而服務器越來越“胖”是將來信息化發(fā)展的主流方向。今后,軟件升級和維護會越來越容易,而使用起來會越來越簡單,這對用戶人力、物力、時間、費用的節(jié)省是顯而易見的,驚人的。因此,維護和升級革命的方式是“瘦”客戶機,“胖”服務器。(2)成本降低,選擇更多。大家都知道 windows 在桌面電腦上幾乎一統(tǒng)天下,瀏覽器成為了標準配置,但在服務器操作系統(tǒng)上 windows 并不是處于絕對的統(tǒng)治地位。 當前的趨勢是凡使用 B/S 架構的應用管理軟件,只需安裝在 Linux 服務器上即可,而且安全性

12、高。所以服務器操作系統(tǒng)的選擇是很多的,不管選用那種操作系統(tǒng)都可以讓大部分人使用 windows 作為桌面操作系統(tǒng)電腦不受影響,這就使得最流行免費的Linux 操作系統(tǒng)快速發(fā)展起來, Linux 除了操作系統(tǒng)是免費的以外,連數據庫也是免費的,這種選擇非常盛行。比如說很多人每天上“新浪”網,只要安裝了瀏覽器就可以了,并不需要了解“新浪”的服務器用的是什么操作系統(tǒng),而事實上大部分網站確實沒有使用 windows 操作系統(tǒng),但用戶的電腦本身安裝的大部分是 windows 操作系統(tǒng)。(3)應用服務器運行數據負荷較重。由于B/S 架構管理軟件只安裝在服務器端( Server )上,網絡管理人員只需要管理服

13、務器就行了,用戶界面主要事務邏輯在服務器( Server )端完全通過 WWW瀏覽器實現,極少部分事務邏輯在前端(Browser )實現,所有的客戶端只有瀏覽器,網絡管理人員只需要做硬件維護。但是,應用服務器運行數據負荷較重,一旦發(fā)生服務器“崩潰”等問題,后果不堪設想。因此,許多單位都備有數據庫存儲服務器,以防萬一。Introduction to Jsp, MySQL, and B/S mode.1 introduction of Jsp1.1 what is Java Server Pages?JSP full name Java Server Pages is a dynamic web

14、development technology. It USES JSP tags to insert Java code into HTML pages. Tags usually end with %.JSP is a Java servlet that is used primarily to implement the user interface portion of a Java web application. Web developers write JSPS by combining HTML code, XHTML code, XML elements, and embedd

15、ed JSP operations and commands.The JSP gets the user input data, accesses the database, and other data sources through the web form, and then dynamically creates the web page.JSP tags have multiple functions, such as access to a database, record user selection information, access to JavaBeans compon

16、ents, etc., and can also pass control information and share information on different web pages.1.2 why use JSP?JSP programs have similar functionality to CGI programs, but compared to CGI programs,JSP programs have the following advantages:performance is superior, because JSPS can embed elements dir

17、ectly in HTML pages without needing to reference CGI files separately.the server calls a compiled JSP file, unlike CGI/Perl, which must first load the interpreter and target script.JSP is based on the Java Servlet API, so JSP has a variety of powerful enterprise Java apis, including JDBC, JNDI, EJB,

18、 JAXP, and so on.JSP pages can be used with servlets that process business logic, supported by the Java Servlet template engine.Finally, JSP is an integral part of Java EE and a complete enterprise application platform. This means that JSPS can implement the most complex applications in the simplest

19、 possible way.1.3 advantages of JSPOther benefits of using JSP are listed below:compared with ASP, JSP has two advantages. First, the dynamic part is written in Java rather than VB or other MS specific languages, so it is more powerful and easy to use. The second point is that the JSP is easily port

20、ed to a non-ms pared to pure servlets: JSPS can easily write or modify HTML pages without having to face a large number of println pared with SSI: the SSI cannot use form data and cannot link to the pared with JavaScript: although JavaScript can dynamically generated HTML on the client, but its hard

21、 to interact with the server, so you cant provide complex services, such as database access and image processing, and so pared to static HTML: static HTML does not contain dynamic information.Introduction of MySQLIntroduction: MySQL is the most popular open source SQL database management system, dev

22、eloped, released and supported by MySQL AB. MySQL AB is a commercial company founded by a number of MySQL developers. It is a second generation open source company, combined with open source value orientation, methodology and successful business models.A database is a structured collection of data.

23、It can be anything from a simple shopping list to an art show, or a huge amount of information in an enterprise network. To add data to a database, or to access and process data stored in a computer database, you need to use a database management system, such as a MySQL server. The computer is a ide

24、al tool of dealing with the large amounts of data, as a result, the database management system in the center of the computing plays a key role, or as a stand-alone utility, or as part of other applications.Relational databases store data in different tables, rather than putting all the data in a lar

25、ge warehouse. This increases speed and improves flexibility. MySQLs SQL refers to structured query language. SQL is the most common standardized language for accessing databases, which is defined by the ANSI/ISO SQL standard. SQL standards have been evolving since 1986, with several versions. In thi

26、s manual, sql-92 refers to the standard issued in 1992.SQL:1999 refers to the standard issued in 1999, and SQL:2003 refers to the current version of the standard. We use the term SQL standard to indicate the current version of the SQL standard.If its what youre looking for, try it. The MySQL server

27、also has a set of useful features that are developed through close collaboration with our users. On our benchmark home page, we gave a comparison of the MySQL server and other database managers.MySQL server was initially developed for dealing with large databases, compared with the existing solution

28、s, it is faster, over the years, it has been successfully used in many demanding production environment. Although MySQL is always evolving, the current MySQL server can provide rich and useful functionality. It has good connectivity, speed, and security, which makes MySQL very suitable for accessing

29、 databases on the Internet.The MySQL database software is a client/server system, by various backend support a multi-threaded SQL server, several different client programs and libraries, many management tools and extensive application programming interface (API.We can also provide MySQL servers in t

30、he form of embedded multithreaded libraries, which you can link to your application to get smaller, faster, and more manageable products.2.2 what is MySql?A small relational database management system is now widely used in small web sites on Internate.What are the characteristics? Small volume, quic

31、k speed, low total cost of ownership, open source, fast performance, optimization of SQL language, easy to use, multithreading and reliability, multi-user support, portability, and open source, comply with the international standard and international support, provide apis for a variety of programmin

32、g languages2.3 shortcomingsXML data cannot be processed directly and no OLAP(real-time analysis system) function is available.3. Introduction of B/S mode.B/S structure (Browser/Server, Browser/Server mode) is a network structure mode after the rise of the WEB, and the WEB Browser is the main applica

33、tion software of the client. This pattern unifies the client and centralizes the core of the system functionality implementation to the server, simplifying the development, maintenance, and use of the system. On the client, just install a browser, such as Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer, and

34、 the Server installs SQL Server, Oracle, MYSQL, and other databases. The browser interacts with the database through Web Server.3.1 main functionsThe biggest advantage of B/S is that it can be operated anywhere without installing any special software. As long as there is a computer that can access t

35、he Internet, it can be used, and the client has zero installation and zero maintenance. The expansion of the system is very easy.B/S structure of the use of more and more, especially by the demand to promote the development of AJAX technology and its application can also be conducted on the client c

36、omputer parts processing, thus greatly reduce the burden of the server; It also increases interactivity and can be refreshed locally and in real time.3.2 architecture softwaresimple maintenance and upgrading. At present, the improvement and upgrade of software system is more and more frequent, and t

37、he product of B/S architecture clearly shows more convenient features. For a slightly larger unit, the system management staff if you need to run back and forth between the hundreds, even thousands of computers, efficiency and the workload is predictable, but the B/S structure software just need the

38、 management server, all clients just browser, dont need to do any maintenance. No matter how large the user is, how many branches will not increase the workload of any maintenance upgrade, all operations need to be done only for the server; If it is a remote location, you can only connect the server

39、 to the special network to achieve remote maintenance, upgrade and sharing. Therefore, the client is becoming thin, and the server is becoming more and more fat, which is the main direction of informationization development in the future. In the future, software upgrades and maintenance will become

40、easier and easier to use, and the savings on user manpower, material resources, time, and expenses are obvious and surprising. Therefore, the way to maintain and upgrade the revolution is thin client, fat server.lower cost and more choice. Everyone knows that Windows is almost universal on desktop computers, and browsers are standard, but Windows is not absolute dominance on the server operating system. The current trend is to use the B/S architecture for application management software that is only installed on the Linux server and is highly secure.


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