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1、1111湖北省2022高一英語上學期期末聯(lián)考試(含解析)1.8R.liOMMBrEaEW彖軍碼瞬成魯卡HMie&l:.i4H的作答:毎小題辻nrA千由啪 mracMTRE對應日的樣京#號會H.寫志試隹以楊嬢和答垠PI的*料題區(qū)皿無9a.的等下宅技答在答是卡襯片的甞四K域內.m aiAatt.尊得tst丄的HIM1M塚均無效.L號試姑妃心增將*試裹簽芝. 分聽4共兩分30分做地時mi?鬣切上試匕景尚內容話糸后,休將冇兩分沖的時間將試&的答*轉涂列客電是?懸上. m分分;分)聽biftisftMi. tn段姻話席有個小裹*鯉中帝論的丄b. ctart!中近出紐仁之味 樣輪A試飭的棚f?w.聽完旬柑

2、村話希.你事有io的”問史回街有關小eft with h. 仗誼 蜀M: Ho such is zht shirt*A tie. is. B 19. IS. C. t9. IS.ff*lc.that did th san like when h was ib college*Fop buiic. B Cl&ss&cal wic. C Rck trosic.there axe ibe speakers?.On train. B Oe a bus. C. Ic taxi.9. *hat *1X: the ua do nextIk a picture. B. !Uad a be ok C. PUy

3、with a boy1 thai are the speakers talkxnc about*iio vill go to party.*htatr the party xs forMl.fhat The aeaen nil rear to tbe pxTy.How aany paper Das: doe: the tan need?One. I Iwe C. Three 第帀供k小.分.m2* 5)會卜低8 fit對詛或獨。.毎H對材14紋在心白幾個小裹.從啟中0洛ffU. B C :個広項中也岀11住選頊井 r K但的m用缶量-白fiNNHX各個小.小齊2WB 岀段可活窪拽讀四潮.ae.

4、 :.6. Why does the woexab t ue a?1. To ask fr his advice.To berror soe xoney.U tel: Ua the prut of a sxwst.I. thick svinsuit vll the vonea ect*The brawn one. B The prjrple C. The blot ant間錚羊8、9J&$. Why vts Paxkn& chc&er ts the *CD&n s xxst uae1. Xt is hex sraEdutber s first naaeIt has a special Dear

5、工gHer g5g ;Uei it9. fbai does the neze Mfiithev aeon*A. JudfB Gift ofC. Tne aan wte。leads the anr*. HBT 10 i i:a.M. S the cua* to Un Fr&ncisca?By plene. B. By txaui. C By car. will the tun do*Hav s as eotfe ia & ef.Visit his uncle.Pick up ife Mn11 叫 de: the tun sutgest the woaan d*丄 iiavaxe&ts. C. S

6、 S= PraM,o *i9rt44H.Ufl.13. can the mr probably b*A curailist.C. Ih doss of tAe rest&racvII. is the saa satisfied with?Th kitchen. B Th service. C Tte foodh*t si to b wDxryitu xh uc acst*A The restaura&t xs not clearXxce are sees in the vashrooxxThe food is too traditional.,hax Ac we qo* about theA

7、He likes Beef and fish best.He has reported the restrjrantKe has c*ned a xestaur&nt defcre.IJWaiT-r 20.Why dxd the speaker buy cax ai first*A. Io D&ke his life easierB- ! to school oa tiaeC. Io show off &xccic his clasAtes.IS Why did the speaker rt a fioe,罰會)He dxda t buy19We ras cauchtHe Corked his

8、虹 lonj didspeedia*.car m a *X8 placeit take 19We ras cauchtHe Corked his虹 lonj didspeedia*.car m a *X8 placeit take zht speaker to find a paxkuic place*2 Fifteen ainutes.C. Thirteen xicures 20 hAt v&s the sse&xer s bead&che?He coulda t sell the catWe raj often fined fr bxeak工g ireffic rulesTh car br

9、ought hxs tuch trouble. 第二分(央代節(jié)肩分”5nS! H共2小裹:fcH4S= l:t-偽分33分卽it卜處)fl心 從何HW湖的會iim,B. C.印D)中.件在芥題槍成.Xarasf popular tourist artraerxn caa be kind f like throwing a party v,oew ms sc cet a&J bav fua. sD* v&ats to help de&a up vftea &t , ovex. 9*it tft* P&rcehavecose up vxth e creative way io *ake care

10、of their hcae velcoee visitors ax the :re lineAn official not let or tb* izlnds national tvurxse websiit reads *closed for BtirTenance I.IC 護 epea ter ve:gmud succ are just dyi&* te visit the P&ro Xxl&adx that vexu c&a,sa sa to help with the bousekeepia*. The xslacds axe lockxae far 10C %xlu3;texs t

11、o ccac to the cajtry t help with the caretakxtis fons There ere thousands of tplicaxins f#r rhe 012 ?lan. se reid4-be xslasders better mT UitFor us. tourxsa is nox &11 about number; * Ihrecxcs ai Vxsir ?uoe Hloads told OK Tx&yI earlier this year e lc9M visitors the island: each year but e &!s0 have

12、a Tesdnsiilxty t our conrunitT aad to or beautiful e!:vixomert. asd our ais is t pxoted the islands, eszqirx resMUxble jxowth. * The f knt sreu* of volumourists uxL,jdd trAvers frx Xtsxco.lustra!l*. Cbxa oed ihe United Stages The director aid that because of the surprisxc pc-lfiXLty of xbe vlu3trxn

13、veknd in 102. the Faroes will host ih evem re aathoxktTto thegntxy have x&cre&sed by Lg over tbe r&st fer rears1. fbo cea vxsit the Taroe Isl&ndx oa April 16-17.1. Any tourists.B. Selected velum oar is ts.C. Haj:ekeevrs.t. All islandersX s the Faroes purpose, best the ye*ry evew!1. To project and de

14、velop thexx hcceB. To attract mre freca vxsxtees.C. To &*ke ore Drey is turisa.b To please th* tourists.3. Oai can vt i&fer free tht pass&se?Th Faroe Island: are likely to hold S.“is 復an聽打用*電.IKW W :PI中的 FolltxiJic a succtssful plan chis rax. the country has nade the dec 1 sice to *clos* its &a;or o

15、uxisc s:h*s and aitractioes the veekesd of April 16*17. 20*2. Hotels *111 X open ad fLiShts will continue.(帰今年的頻或功什可K田決定在:0=年111 1 0 1:H的惆衣“知忙主映飾。眼亡及彩Howvex people who are just to visit theIslands during that weekend mw.江狀 好島決. g I I H 16 filT nn r . ”:3” I 江尋我 SO 45 志.未 IMar作.tfaftnJM. ua+客能在8竺年4月*

16、L:H的何沈MSB:eifMi|U ?f HBiH. WtU 9 敏中的 But the P&roe Islands have ccoe up with & creatiw way to take cere their hou and velccat :iters at the sane Ixm. BfM.的宋-井在間一時何玄4締占.由此推知,隊羅耕皿單辦這個羊應刈對的口的4!保護fcHfe們的SH. MA A.|fi 珅 4斷11.恨根單,童中的 Ac cord 丄皿 b the Par 0/ tcuix authority. Tisits t th* countrv have uvcrea

17、M br】S over the past S rears.凹虹根株法羅依瞞帷鮮汽局豹教系,ftdA的兒4早 HR 該國的niims年衆(zhòng).產牛。知故迓d.【點】!NUM顧刊b理啣把分析、tar!lts*. 的如伯果.s*. ttKKMf M .今生瞰”MhBU,h;小 a.mMcmvisittiKFaroeIsl4soaAvril22?雌(隊 比年4月輜洲立羅H宇 :成中的。=“沖a successful(& ths tcax. Wk eeuntr* has ule tne deiixeA to *dse ts tA:ar toMrisa sithts uid attracticcs 虹the

18、weekend of April 16-17. 2022. Satels will be epea =4 flights wall :ouw. (今年HT&i*K袂定“ 1 4 月 U H至 1? HMW* X*Vltj Pj中的 Hoeer. people ho rt weekend :&a sisn 8 to help wiui tbe housekeeping. The .si as ds are Ioaxiai for XO9 veur?een to csee 】 the country to help w:th the ceruw effs H It.0個址表 9奇”力U呀牝黑的人

19、以,1冊助打理半務 逐酒與jF JJUOOKJ夠布東用惘顧丁作心版 認決定在R蘭等UJ.HMW- i tSSA.KtlttilBW i.O. rtntMhn適中的棉*俺汽s竺年”1 m翊胃池”et& ttiiB.:Tne Jasoa Jstrhu:xB was 23 in an Bccidtnt bliMed bLt Xo. titht years later, special glasses &r.4 & Aeice 我 7) xsside M,br*ift ue l;cvuig hxe to 3e “t se of te *or-d u心, biaIn 20=. Jisoa roved f

20、r Smnh Africa to Califotba to join in i stud; that offered The pessiDiUty of htlpia* hxxwhnix “sM. Roa br uverixty i Clxfxii a a coctnr called Se tbe vxdo fra casert tAit s where the cose: fra :M third ptxt u a ixb* device itlamed e oeer wDTkmj co wiys to send visv&l mferuTieB into the braias ol fil

21、led people. Most cf the efforts bav fessed oa onnecti&s to tM retiaa :4 .By sendxnc electrical si ex al to the rtTieA. cee visual uxforEeties cn be s to the hx&ir. S far Second Sifh has gzen bout J50 ecle retiul :p:a&.如 t a retinal mplant wzs, t possible for Jas or. Th*t s why Ories s direct connect

22、 lco to the 9x&xas esecally unexestxrs to hxa. A. Xadex foatiAn. f save ;Aica ius uoUrt. saxd. VxtA the systea we* re teslag xio 7u des* t even seed to hxve eyes for the device to work. J&sea is oae of the six xryinf out the Or sen in the aorld.Abhoush jAsen ”, cat* T,” aea】. be :n 2】:fitrk froa lis

23、t? He sarx 啟 seesii 11ii 111111his dots on b black bBckfrowd. like lookinc up ai the stars easr* aft te perse & s &e*d. vich Also sexdx vireLeis sxsn*s . Iht seo *he vide fxoa the caxexA that s wbere the sight coats froe The third part is a tiny dexict ixplamedA directly into piriern * s brain, ahic

24、his new and differentWoe臨5有三個墮妥的1牙.氏中在人的 它也會龍迭悝C;號.a.的!ilt*. A妙墾 卜做小的食普。抵協(xié)入VI人的大皿這以魚皿的兩奇之城)叫MX :產lift的r作際用tt&B.“IS評解】H/K的,m a xetxnl isplfib; t possible far Jaso. Ihat* x why sdirect connect ion to th braic wax specially xntexesiE 匕。hi& Will.對小建史說.桝入 MlMfl nl 不m監(jiān)的込就地為什么他甘函g七大樹系。鋼藝買由此金生冋 叫枇以帶他恢故遷D.匕更

25、詳】仃用句斯題.WWMXi -&| 的 Although ;asn,mar I see nonally. he a black b&cksr心土 luc loAkute up at the stri at ushY. WU】么還愁不晚d局地。東*.臼他統(tǒng)卄辭IRHI與光哨:愴晚.他tU色村 I &*,、小的臼空.K 在晚I拘頭希峨星星h 削以r缸 條8粉人潛米灼羊的糧氐nac以H】KUB,EIMH4務 5霰1推理lMl4RHtWKrflHR多電夫分IMR問方更 貝求與 生卷臺分8L V;?.力免分WfDEFX中估乂的郵E悄合/W的話壇HJxtftrtS kffiWtf? MMR. Jr*SXM

26、的理H關審賞第關I冃的.的I卜夂誥填果摧削其。義 * 段屮IfiSgMer心二sic藥血訃:心ihix3. eieht reixs later, ipcci&l slsses ird & device (WBi xn或盆 his brs with caxxt*b h-*s a suitcase I Idkes y !kd tase ressd tneI didnt ucderst&nd French, but the or* English word said eRou(h. *MLICZ * Gcfl Translate told e J would be causht if X enter

27、ed. 10 X dxdn tFical ly. X called ay rental Aent (広梱 人.He went to ibe police zttzica for oare del ails. The tbxtf bad taken a few .tesx fm the top drawer as well as uall axeust f aoner in the bottcn drawer. Xot only rt 7 files undisTuxbtd. but so m the TVndprinter. * acen? also said lozething tbout

28、fusx&s ibe leeks too4XTd aad a&xxy a list for tAe police.Then one day. I reoesbered that I Md left anothex jewelry box ic the flat. Ky hear* sank as I xboutht of sold locket(康紙如 sth a pictixrc of sy late Oraaou icsidc. feen 1 mlized the box vas klsslc. the vtole experience seeud to cr&xh dews oe st.

29、 I exit! At the teA of : I received a letter freo the police. The thief hada t bees found, acd the case v&: closed I slept with ay purs* by ay bed. I hid ny lapicp fen I shcerd And tbes another ch&llence crxe I as utexptedly fired by uy cottar/On* Mr night. X rtachefl into r third draper to g” 5 r :

30、eia sAoxts. I beard 5%Mn* f&ll to the eround I locked doc It r&x tbe 代ay jewelry box 1 tbouebt had been stolen sis Donths e&rlicr I&s ide as th locket with honey Aandu. 8i:in bi se. beifif There for ne. tell ms se not to five up. X started to cry. 1 tfae* that tM&ss were to de 皿IliAt dxd the red tap

31、e across the rrxter 2 door aen*Th police bad axxtsted the thiefTh house couldn t b* enteredIb Aoiue tor sale.Ihe writer d:dnt pay the rent on txse9. What did the agent preoxse to do*! fix the Locka tAe next danIo report ifee thief to the policeTo nt for tht mssitig thints fox th vritr.To kelp th rri

32、ier xey another flat.10 dxd the *rittr cry asain?4 She cried over hex 5 luck.B She recalled xh 5頃 of htr gr&ndna3. She recovered the stelea jewelry box inl s B 9. A 10- CIMSxnid. xe*rn的朱佐丟大-包麒臺。己尬勢畛圖片的:&我雖后哀無網瓷西夏哥 u 作需女現(xiàn)生格并以有那么*h8src:-c/.“現(xiàn)許解】細孕艸”購枚舉衛(wèi) 俄中的】locked 9 led :epe cxosied the doy. I didn :

33、understand Fretxk but the cee Enslish vord said eE.cn *PCC1CB. * 3oof It Tra&slat* told z Z would b c*uht if X esereci.位怕頭G 一供心川的一個対鈔i。了牝找RWE*星個黃布爭詢就此彳“ R“谷ttif吿昕找.住不嵯純京巡 *. MSBuirvj細節(jié)刑.段中的 Mr sen: C” socetMn* fixit; ibe :xxi*as 3u玷.list for the police. (*的房東還設哨I#為瞥拿升只個決的補您.塔歩擇戶擎 二犬把頓修.敬蓮A .(lOKtfVI

34、H/IKMX;佛中的 lasde was the lociet nth hecey Gr&adxa 2U:ibs fit &e be:” there for ae. tellies ne not cive up. 3 starred to cry. X knew that thiags coins r be CC.(里 MC 4小倔(里面寮段帥妬奶的尚片在明我員獎.吿H禰t不要8(郵 我“的異2.& -Wfffetffc*的)CfWwrjRi片n我#楠族也了(3心.役此自柢故xic (共是;印小題分* f, yourself*kt interests 沖Xf you txy to foxet

35、yourself into a bobby that you hart, it* s eo to Id*crC. She resa;nd her confide&ce.M&ke list of interests you. a& dorts o& telnsio. yen aifht un fua larias #ae ” g Pict out ozethine you like you* re nre likely to f:nd a hobby th? you still stick with *411 terxiEt the avAilability (右景tl C. She resa;

36、nd her confide&ce.M&ke list of interests you. a& d?cr&x&e tat yeu c&r affcrc. iteaxier/ / 11/ / 11to list the possible hobbies that you can develop. real questioe is bether you ill be able to afford it ct net _Renove the unrealistic opxcas (i&H).But yg can* t choose it for sou Teasoci Pot exasple. v

37、ou my like oil p:a great deal, bui jw can* z paint, a: other: in the house ”7 find the :cell unpleasanttry out tht nobtoy cptxons ,Onte you have xesoved the unrealistic hobbies, it will beco&e easier for you to know rut actu&l possibilities.:SIn f*c. you also hive the chacct of tiying out &11 the bo

38、Dbxcs that reoaicc& list and kaov keeps rou the asst lAteresnas. oy fox loseFigure out wfcat sports fit youKoeevtr. you should st 1他人會化禺氣味嬢聞. F Jfc: You say be mtereited :n a paxtxcxdax hobby wan* to pick it 9 ixneLately.(卽卯能“某 個將切的箴興甦紋遷,15 iT*JrMiH 1 Qftce ro*j have reooved the usxe&listxc bDbxes.

39、xt will ecoee easier ter yw to tw 珂如 11的|噸鬼。不我宴的處m律債會便春財il遇作丄F的爲B(tài)Jt:X*y reu should m w襯臺乂駅故遷8. :分艷語皿。血用共有節(jié):逾分W分) W5i).,分 30 分)闋詼卜面版丈.訴松W;備I!術紿的四個4項A B CSS幸.遺出用以果人空。焼為駐任小攻井夜答 題卡twaR.One b*jsioesixr. *5 ia debt and ctulAi t find a way frArts verehxx Su9l;ersrtre desAn4ins fw e ayneat. He vas sittiae :

40、a the park totally 17- Ke va: thickins wher could save th csz&ny when ar old n&n appeareC.Afier listemos te hia. the ld a&n _y 10 help He uxcl the Muiaessaan s aaae. wroie sand 2aid Take Thi: xa)oey We 111 aeeT here工 ooe 7eas. acd you can reiuraix to M them Aftervard: the eld unand di:ape&xedThe bus

41、ine::3A?i saw a cheq*je for SSO. 000.=_ John Fockefellex &se sf the xiehest isthe *】4 at 01 MX ceuld=23= ill bj prBleas iaxedi4Te;y! * He ty”. _ I_. zit busiaesman decided to put the cheque xn hxs safe (IVRMO. Cbly ore thought of in 豊 cavc his ztreseth t save his busie:2.”化 lheof Ms 4tuLix& I樂嫵,. M

42、set eat of debt And smarted tc sake Dsaer ”化 lhe11111111during ccople of oonths.during ccople of oonths.28. B ” C 30 A 31 B 32. D 35 A St. C 35. DQnt year later. Ee xeTux&ed to Uie s=-saae sgx. At the二xm theold zac appeared aeam. The busxnessDan wus about to return the cheque aad share his sory of韻

43、hen a. mxrse ran up. * Z hope he vasn* t yu. H* always runs *ay fxoa the hospital 心 itlls h is ;oha Rockefeller * She explainedTh for Lee busi&tsuv&:S2_a vas extre&el?Auxins tfte vble year Athe had half a ullion dfilUrs. 心.uddcalvvas busT vxth his Vuixsess X felt32 zhAt it”5:the tnty.re&l or釦一 thAtt

44、urtedbis life up. h os his is _5_ and beliefthai 2ered19AletterB chequec.seateaceD.nuaber20ElyB freouectlycexAClyDceser&lly1 A -Aturned around B. sat doeparsed av7bheld UckXearnedB raised)1 of B lose sisht ofB. Ther efortc. c ereLease4D.DbgdU24MAlAxe cocxriAlsopui ah ena xoBesideshaw e e c cuua oKee

45、ver2SAch anteB. existenceeBDountbbuxdetiXXreturnB 1。c.fUitD.discoverr I coxpanyB hospit&lcboakDpark2SAprogB. aertedeuftxyectedbT。:9XfailureB. suit eriasc.successD.devotion30botberi&sB beesxnccccafortLntDdLappoiat:nt31AsatisfiedB coefusedecoactrnedbierexsed32AdoubtfulB. sensitiveeanxiousbsure33Asrate

46、fiub心m:c.resrttlulD.ixtairSIillesalB secretcIDA: i naryDartificial3SAgloryB reliefesoluricaDcoefideuce【tU】M C IT. A U. B 19 B A C23 C 21. 925 B :INK!lJ*xitieK. teflAwwer的時仗週釗r一個電人.世治島人殊如萬又=的戈瑟BAwnnc 的nc.成功地廈iir*關-年tu;閂還戈軟的即段觀-tt的她尊取,M忤夜交了fl己牛修的不死外&的樹戚的東村由職內仁佃偽念論了也賣反譽怨的力H“6詳第J句加祖勺向他剛s A searchicc & s

47、oortias XW:C pressins K:啊斷.Nt奈書 乂 Cm m;iiaexxan vas ib deb: and culds.* t fuU a w m. W ttHrft蛤他屈力.tt xic.寫 1H娘,刁亀 竹曼在公國里,; 全約二 4efe.ttd.W: B diocked (!: C dexerrimi決Q; D. encjrued MS- TJK0t 3&nki *ere : Sellers ver reflbexed uifi:. 銀后文 hke this aoney nJ 111.皂人陌K 了幡餉故 i& B.ut minifftKHHXMN.句,ttHrflAM

48、RT.耳了一*支只們一集修5地陌皿 見面咒明休價以JC它坯論fli. ”A lentrtt; B. aeweJcS; C. xTete : D. ar MK Rl Z lake This xooey. te vll *ee* here xn one year &rd tou can return it to xe that ”Ju)ie人給他弓丁 txa was(MHWKIVttMtMXMff.旬: ttHTBAJBRT.: 記這芒線衣們恰tf 餐年爲在站里見虬 肖時體以犯它ifcttft. A. sarly厘不勤3. h機頃nly不制*為:C. extlyW tfrftf: 丄此炊用山強Ut

49、H同.忤宣IM/驅心泌此地見兩.rtUtMVl與村前詢顛犬Hl析.句。:&;,,人H941火 “ A turned exauEi Hit : B zaz dcr. T : C. pnised f V A世:D held back w- iil* HHKuanediporedJMh 也人髭己建兇詁彳漆 時。J MUI1蘭是訂郵】aAia-ftto !;丨面有的n簾吏等物的釜牝他是當時界卜. WWWAZ ! k earned : B raised*: C releiedWfi: D ,ged 荏名.恨撾為峻叫戚 K 會椅由Mm UcUfelltrSKnXR.故iJD.【”辰詳郵】號會勸詞鮫語知怖.

50、句金CH以。卜.耕決魚所4的向更! d tike coctxoX of M; B.】。“ “扣f fi 不見:C put an end to tfit: D. have a coaxarid of Wlfj.帳tUdi g Ihe busiaessoAn lev a cheque fr $500.80Wg這戰(zhàn)*4項讓他斯簾的。頌WiIJ.故繭。mBMU號自綢詞訶Z師怖.句愈:rjlh.in人決ee9!4M他的保險虬A AUo ft:l Therefore |Ai:C.阮二415 However M i1| li 義 Cbly ont xboush? of its1 v strensth to

51、siv* his Vus L&es:明迎.他&有用達C伐-際以轉折.AtiSlaiVIVl號ft時詞詢義師怖.9z HW燮到它的。在ftW/tRW的中怠.A.皿姑改吸:3 exigence ft: e. sntHW: D. burden領扣.棋K誥垸呵的.此處而知妁它的存在.故近8dflfVIVl號ft時詞詢義師怖.句f的網HfefflftfWfc.幾令月疔乂開由1 return i!W: B. ImJM如 C shaktffiJl: D. dizsrry 二理. W|ffAMe w sitxic m the park, totally 2 時戚 北姓術樂觀tfl雄帶當故4丄【=題者討】?;苊?/p>

52、調詞Z師怖句尊:一年他WflWM的上曝月釗公伺.k coccy公司:B hospital SB: C 心SHl: D gk公區(qū)HJWlirXnJM).儷人在公園里沔找的電人*llft定年,;町還支工冑此年 心他乂力r會同.WAD.【28譯部】;9HWXtf : “,頃的時輯. EA. Kg 含械的MTMd HSsC. 5p號有名四何義師怖.句題:4人什冶冬儼太理利月丄 跟/人什享他或功的故Ufailure W: Bffi: C. sirs” 成功:D. otiw *.眼出既境WMh 間人出市為畛4功的故,.MAC-socirwiSftxjjflviJKWW.句口; -ftAWteftftlJt

53、tfr.- ttHiQ. A- teifecrm* |Jft: B bees皿乞札 C sMyu* 便IflW: D- QsARoqoaeWA望.限祟誥續(xù) 4加護1希貝J!人段有打狀到向人.ttSA(sittirwi與白彩方訶訶義知怖.句m偷人4t用a a. mxsfi4arj; b. ua&n: c. “xg,美C的:D印敵以劃的.懼由縄W謔令用人柑護,的話株測的遅gtt&B.”郷39x ftU-*#. INCH自己的生眾.図為他。己#90 . a. ”4hiNW的:B,sh” 極琪的K rnxiocsftmD sure iUM. MR I *的.慶中:BfM的:C. regretful t

54、?W的:D unfair 的.格依誥H|W.IttfHMrtiK ttilA與世仁齊岬I訶義,析-g w. *m*銘不呈金段firsau;Min一一債他的宇話 丸5J.臥 B secret : C. 3,5%* D sMWil 人T的一 lHMU如.此nw*的段故ucUSHWM1與村名詢訶乂HI傳.GJ。: ttttfr的伐心何仁侖給他去生理他陽抑白的丄CB光榮:5 relief HM: C solutB 郵我方案:D coefidtace f2. IKWilt.X iih 11of his czzizu (樂更). heSt 心 M dew aad st&xed tc xake &er iu

55、rw cuplt of nrrths.及玄市ft:述 W iFCfe 専的口a和仁他*頊臼匸鬲抓村的切的力.tt&D.I AM K*UK出佳*N HVVJMN -miuucfiftne. i如 度”小, #waflA-6HwniiTi. BitbiSMH. n/?a內4(1個筆胃心號內單酬/JWt./11/ / 11/ / 11Fox n&ny parents, oak工gifea* their children get the rLgh? axm of sleep car b stressful.Ihxs is especxallr true during hxsh*prtssurt txs

56、e: suc &i exios stients study *11 &sht fw the ne d&y.i unfor tuaaie). iz is ofiea count ex product xve I 透 的)becausef*r buxs to sleep tht hraxa dsn* t get enough tint to keepThey* ve studied the nishtbeforePoor slee* *111 Mrt all sorts of Besative effects on teen&sers. xadu4iA tAt rise in tolod pres

57、sure, aad 39 1 .learni.So. 3 caa pare&ts Kelp? If you tKiaX your ciu;d aeedx acre sleep, try n&xxx sxMua: adjustaentx to their sleep:ec habits. So far. studies;*1 uroveaeftts is chaneuig sleep a*terns.And resenber your children ire goinf through period o t :s in ifeir lives whet thtix brain: e bdis

58、art goms throch a lot of =j_l= ichang* . Xot dy is your job to help mkc difference but it* s also to ride the we vxth the& It aar mz be e&sy. out they nil 沖 悟_ your help eventually.!BJ 3 wheiBfortuaatelySS fcAt 59 iwtxe&t10 to deal11. 1 tamed learntC. hae sAorefl13- a It. ch&nees1$ for【淋】厶,應說明史.R食講述

59、岫不足會對傳少年產牛備饑ifrt淵.井I1U僦碎么能用燕ffiftid的9Wt. WfliTWJ務。定通從句.丸打其為。在定論阪句中做時二狀謂.斯CUHfee引,.故城Me”:0伸】號臺綱調.nC.J f.所以用以可.故m Unfortunately.wairwj號會。面從句.此處為我総從句.中仙*語表示.“-.夜佗用心t引導tt39KWW1:-E - u I ,: .卩:.I;為.此處,E*.EE/悚的祈為“g”:E 一妙,的-ttiapatiwrt.noeiirwiS不S如如 沒G足的*瓜,大汽中不ffenF地/珅仁色和的用匚,?:1孔。;息.表宅什A5WW的窩誥所以M不何式.ttMto

60、dl.(neiirwi與當過力分訶.句怠電1 丄14 learnt.n:Cirwi何它怖的網之旬壓檢助乂系折以月我人分誠ttl與s fax 和完域k用、訴 hire【IS対if Ml化,為叫 ti,M flinifj a Ut Cf U :v&.故培*2“IAISI奈8: Thank 爽 for zth.國為集血集人. fax作(暴MW;功分M冷七說明個人代勢:HAi S.M礎為你埒H.Xu Sir Xadue:fctaaChiEX De.: ,: 1111111110-10-/ 11:a lookup fcxvArd to yy eaxly rep;y.Yours.U Huainl Dear


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