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1、1575 +詞匯 套班詞匯稍微簡單一十詞匯一掃而光第五晚講義英語t high-school coding 編碼 classes arent essential 本質(zhì)的 for learning Its science in college. Students without experience can catch up1575 +詞匯 套班詞匯稍微簡單一十詞匯一掃而光第五晚講義英語t high-school coding 編碼 classes arent essential 本質(zhì)的 for learning Its science in college. Students without e

2、xperience can catch up after a roductory courses 紹性的課程, said Tom Cortina, the assistant dean 助理系Computerat Carnegie Mellons School ,接觸 is l. When younger kids However, Cortina said, early t its not just a confusing, endless string 一串 of letters computer science, they ool to build apps, or create art

3、work 藝術(shù)品, or test hypotheses 測試假設. numbers not as it is for obite-sized ks 大塊兒 and using code 編碼 to students.Breaking down es normal. Giving more children this training could increase the number of hefieldandhelpfillthejobsgap 工作間隙Cortina21.CortinatearlyuretocomputersciencemakesiteasierAcompletefutu

4、rejobthewayofformulatelogicalDperfectartwork替換替換替換替換替換替換替換替換替替換替換替換替換替換替換替換替換替換替換替換替換替換替換替換替換替換替換替換替Students also benefit from learning something oding before they get to college, roductory 介紹性的 computer-science classes are packed to the brim 塞滿向邊緣=多, which can drive the less-experienced or -determi

5、ned students away.一段話:一個事一個人一個機構(gòu) 三句話22.Indeliveringlessonsforhigh-schoolers,FlatironhasconsideredA The Flatiron School, where people pay to learn programming, started as one of the many s 新e popularfor adults looking foracareer change 職業(yè)轉(zhuǎn)變Thehigh-schoolersgetthesamecurriculum 課程but“wetrytogear 齒輪les

6、sonserested in,” said Victoria Friedman, an instructor 指導員. For instance, one things theapps應用thestudentsaresuggestsmoviesbasedonyourmood情緒TheheFlatironclass probablywontdropout ofhighschool andbuildthe 思考過程hard for them to transform 轉(zhuǎn)變 their . Programminglanguages 編程語言 have a quick turnover 轉(zhuǎn)變, so

7、the “Ruby on Rails” languagethey learnedmaynot evenberelevant 相關(guān)的,中bythetimetheyenterjob market. But the skills they learn how to. Programminglanguages 編程語言 have a quick turnover 轉(zhuǎn)變, so the “Ruby on Rails” languagethey learnedmaynot evenberelevant 相關(guān)的,中bythetimetheyenterjob market. But the skills th

8、ey learn how to think logically through a problem anizeresults apply to 應用 any coding language 編碼語言, said Deborah Seehorn, an consultantfortheeofNorth23.DeborahSeehorn be ttheskillslearnedatFlatironAhelpstudentslearnothercomputerBhavetobeupgraded whennewtechnologiesCneedimprovingwhenstudentslookforD

9、enablestudentstomakebigquickreating a future army of coders , the Flatiron students might not o all. 成大is not the sole e of the classes. These kids are going to be surrounded 包圍 computers heir heir ,heir homes for the rest of their lives. younger they learn how computers think, how to coax the o pro

10、ducing what wantthertheyttheyhaveertotthe24.Accordingtothelastparagraph,Flatironstudentsareexpectedfuturearmyofprogrammers編heinformationtechnology原詞干產(chǎn)competeereparedforthedigitalizedworldbringforthinnovativecomputer25.Theword“coax”(Line4,Para.6)isclosest coax the machineo producing whaABpersuadeCDmi

11、sguide 誤eaning保護野生動Biologists t as many as 2 million rairie chickens a kind of bird living stretching 延伸的 grasslands once lent red to the often grey 灰色 風景 of mid-western and southwestern United es. But just some 22,000 birds occupyingabout16ofthespecieshistoricrange范圍26.Themajorreasonforlistingthera

12、iriechickenasthreatenedAtheinsistenceofBtheunderestimateofthegrasslandacreage草地面Cadesperateappeal fromsomeDitsdrasticallydecreasedThecrash撞碎,飛機墜毀wasamajorreasontheU.S.FishandWildlifeServicedecidedBtheunderestimateofthegrasslandacreage草地面Cadesperateappeal fromsomeDitsdrasticallydecreasedThecrash撞碎,飛機

13、墜毀wasamajorreasontheU.S.FishandWildlifeServicedecidedto formally list the bird asthreatened desperate situation 絕望的環(huán)境,” said USFWS 的. “The rairiechickenis in ed 失望. They ncy機構(gòu) todesignate the as“endangered 瀕危,”a tgives federallsgreater er 管理權(quán)力 crack找 on27.The“threatened”tagedsomehatAwasao Bwouldinvo

14、lvefeweragenciesinDwentagainstconservationBut Ashe and others flexibility 靈活 to try t the “threatened” new, potentially gave the al 對抗的 conservation closer collaborations 合作 approaches 保護措施.In particularthey called foring western landowners私有ernments, which are often uneasy with federal action, and

15、with the whocontrol anestimated 估計95% ofthe prairie chickens棲28. It can be learned from Paragraph t entional harm-doers will not be prosecuted Aagreetopayasum forcompensationDpromisetoraisefunds forUSFWS李Under the plan, for ncy said it would not landowners t entionally 無意kill, harm, or disturb the b

16、ird as long as 只要 they signed 簽署 a range-wide 一系列的 management plan to restore 恢復 prairie chicken habi Negotiated 協(xié)商 by USFWS and the es, the plan requires 要求 individuals and tdamage毀壞棲息地aspartoftheir oafund to replace every acre destroyed with 2 new acres of suitable 合適的 . The fund will be used to c

17、ompensate 賠償 who set aside 留出. USFWS also set erim 臨時的goalofrestoring prairiechickenpopulations toanannualaverageof67,000 birds over the next 10 years. And it gives the Western tion of Fish and Wildlife (WAFWA),acoalition聯(lián)合體ofeagencies州立機構(gòu)們,thejobofmonitoring監(jiān)督Overall, the idea is to let es 州 Ashehe

18、 drivers seat for managing the species 物種29.AccordingtoAshe,theleadinganagingthespeciesAtheBthewildlifeagencies野生動物機CthegrantedlessfederalDaniel DtheNot everyone buys 相信 買賬 the win-win 雙贏 rhetoric 說辭. Some Congress members trying to the plan, east a dozen industry groups, four es, and DtheNot everyo

19、ne buys 相信 買賬 the win-win 雙贏 rhetoric 說辭. Some Congress members trying to the plan, east a dozen industry groups, four es, and environmental groups are challenging it in federal . Not surprisingly, groups and es generally argue it goes too far; environmentalists say it doesnt go far 責“The ernment is

20、 giving for managing the bird to the tarepushingitto,”saysbiologistJay30.JayLiningerwouldmostlikelyAtheplanunderBthewin-winCenvironmentalgroupsDindustry被罰款 夠不夠 定位+替換+排找出題套另外怎么不 文章順t everyones too busy these days is a clich陳詞濫調(diào). But one specific compla lly mournfully 悲傷地: Theres never any time to rea

21、d.is What makes the problem thornier seemsufficient足夠的31.Theusualtimemanagementtechniquesdontworkt the usual time-management techniques Awhattheycanofferdoesnoteasethemodernmind 搭BwhatpeopleoftenetiscarryingabookwithCwhatchallengingbooksdemandisrepetitiveDwhatdeepreadingrequirescannotbeguaranteed保Th

22、ewebsfullofarticlesofferingtipsonmakingtimetoread:GiveupTVorethods 方法 to free up the abook with youatall times.”yexperience, using 零星的 30 minutes doesnt work. Sit down to read and the flywheel 飛輪 of work-thoughts keeps spinning 旋轉(zhuǎn) or else youre so exhausted 筋疲力盡的t a book is the last thing you need.

23、The modern mind, Tim Parks, a novelist and critic, writes, overwhelmingly inclined 傾向 toward communication 交流 It is not t one uallyinclinederruption打攪Deepreadingrequiresnoterrupted;itt one time,butalkindoftimewhichcantbeobtainedmerely僅僅ingmore時間不夠 is part of the problem. Thinking of time as a resour

24、ce 資源 In ized 最大化 means you approach 處理 it instrumentally 器具性地, judging any momentas well spent only inso is part of the problem. Thinking of time as a resource 資源 In ized 最大化 means you approach 處理 it instrumentally 器具性地, judging any momentas well spent only inso far as it progresstowardsomegoal.Imm

25、ersive 沉浸depends on being willing to risk inefficiency 冒低效率之險, ess 目的的, even time-wasting. Try to slot 狹縫 it in as to-do list item 項目 and youll manage goal-focused reading useful, sometimes, but not the most fulfilling 有成就的 kind. “The future comes at us like empty bottles along an unstoppable and ne

26、arly infinite 無窮的 belt 傳送帶,” in his book Sacred Time, different-sized bottles (days, hours, minutes) as they pass, for if they get by without being we will have wasted them No mind-set 心態(tài) could be worse yourselfinabook沉浸式閱讀n 這種心態(tài))for 32Theemptybottlesmetaphorillustrates舉例說明要裝滿 沒裝滿Aupdate theirto-doB

27、makepassingtimeCcarrytheirplansDpursue carefreetpeoplefeelare. , think this might fuel 燃起 the efficiency mind-set 心態(tài), but in fact, Eberle ritualistic 程式化的behavior helps us“stepoutside times o“soul time時間 could limit distractions 干擾 by reading only physical books, or on single-e e-“Carry a book with

28、you at all time” can actually work, too providing you dip in often esthedefaulte缺省fromwhichyoutemporarilysurfacettake care of business, before back down. On a really good day, it no longer feels as youre“makingtimetoread”,butjustreading,andmakingtimeforeverything34Carryabookwithyouatalltimescanwork

29、奏效 最能替Aesyourprimary business oftheBallthedailybusinesshasbeenpromptly dealtCyouareabletoacktobusinessafterDtimecanbeevenly splitforreadingand33.Eberlewouldtschedulingregulartimesforreadingsuchritualistic程式化的behaviorhelpsus“stepoutsidetimeso“soulApromoteritualisticBencouragetheefficiencymind-Cdevelo

30、ponlinereadingDachieveimmersivescheduling 時間表 regular times for So what does “we feel to fill Gary by ing more 找35.ThebesttitleforthistextcouldAHowtoEnjoyEasyBHowtoSetReadingCHowtoFindTime找35.ThebesttitleforthistextcouldAHowtoEnjoyEasyBHowtoSetReadingCHowtoFindTimetoDHowtoReadAgainstabackdropofdrast

31、ic激烈changesineconomyandpopulation結(jié)構(gòu)s 成功地圖, a hasfound. 民Across generational lines 代際線, Americans continue to prize 珍視 many of the tones 里程碑 of a sful life, including getting married, having owning 擁有 a home, and heirsixties. But while young and old mostlyagree on constitutes thefinishlineofafulfilli

32、nglifetheyofferstrikingly forreaching的36Onecross-generationmarkofasfullifeAhavingafamilywithchildrenBtryingoutdifferentCworkingbeyondretirementDsettingupa37.ItcanbelearnedfromParagraphtyoungpeopletend 有公共服務的社區(qū) 快節(jié)奏 期Cattachimportancetopre-maritalfinanceYoungpeoplewhoarestillgettingstarted inlifewerem

33、orenolder adults to 優(yōu)heirwork,tobe vethey willadvancetheir careers職業(yè)生almostbyregularlychangingjobstofavorcommunitieswithmorepublic公服務 and a t couples should be lly secure 金融穩(wěn)定ace of life, to and認tchildrenarebestservedbytwoparentsworkingoutsidethegiveprioritytochildrenoutsidetheyoungerAmericansaredra

34、winganew21st-社beforegettingmarriedorhavingchildren,Fromcareertocommunity andfamilythesecontrasts 對比the of the searing 灼熱大, those just社beforegettingmarriedorhavingchildren,Fromcareertocommunity andfamilythesecontrasts 對比the of the searing 灼熱大, those just starting out 起步 in life t will increasingly sp

35、readthrough virtually Great 際上 all aspects 方面式 to politics.to housing patterns 住房of American life, from 38.滲definedbytheyoungBreachalmostallaspectsofAmericanlifeYoung and old converge 會于一點 on one key : Overwhelming majorities 壓倒多數(shù) both groups said they be veit is harder for young people today to get started in n it n for r generations. While eople are somewhat more optimisti


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