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1、 6/6基礎英語IV教學大綱.doc 語IV教學大綱 、課程名稱:基礎英語IVComp rehens i ve Engl ish IV 課程負責人:陳鴻琴 二、學時與學分:95學時,6學分 三、適用專業(yè):英語專業(yè)(2年級學生) 四、課程教材:楊立民,徐克容.2004,現代大學英語(精讀4)。北京:外語教學與 研究出版社。 五、參考教材:楊立民,徐克容.2000,大學英語教程第四冊。北京:外語教學與研究 出版社。 宋興蘊,王軍.2004,現代大學英語全程輔導(精讀4)。大連:遼寧師范大學出版社。 郭正行,劉慶秋.2000,高校英語專業(yè)精讀精講精練(下)。天津:南開大學出版社。 章振邦.1995,

2、新編英語語法教程。上海:上海外語教育出版社。張道 真.1988,實用英語語法。北京:外語教學與研究出版社。曾慶茂,趙蔚 群.1998,4-8級英語詞匯必備。南昌:江西高校出版朱次榴.1990,英 語讀寫教程。北京:高等教育出版社。 張維友.1997,英語詞匯學。北京:外語教育與研究出版社。 王桂珍.1996,英語語音語調教程。北京:高等教育出版社。 六、開課單位:外國語學院 七、課程的目的、,性質和任務: 高等學校英語專業(yè)基礎階段的教學任務和目的是“傳授英語基礎知識,對學生進行全面的、嚴格的基本技能訓練,培養(yǎng)學生實際運用語言的能力,培養(yǎng)學生良好的學習作風和正確的學習方法,培養(yǎng)學生邏輯思維能力和


4、對話、表演以及語音模仿等形式;書面作業(yè)一般為聽寫、句子或短文翻譯、周記、作文及便條寫作等。考試分為筆試和口試兩部分??谠噧热葜饕ㄋ鶎W內容的復述、問答以及利用所學內容就某一話題進行曰頭作文。本課程為專業(yè)必修課程、學位課程。 除此外,木課程還要幫助學生為英語專業(yè)四級考試作準備。四級考試的目的是全面檢查己學完英語專業(yè)四級課程的學生是否達到教學大綱所規(guī)定的各項要求,考核學生運用各項基本技能的能力以及學生對語法結構和詞語用法的掌握程度,既測試學生的綜合能力,也測試學生的單項技能。同時,基礎英語課為高年級所開設的高級英語課奠定了基礎。 八、課程的基本要求: 1)總述 基礎英語的教學對象為英語專業(yè)二年級

5、上期的學生。其課程要求:傳授系統(tǒng)的基礎語言知識(語音、語法、詞匯、篇章結構等),訓練基本語言技能(聽、說、讀、寫、譯),培養(yǎng)學生初步運用英語進行交際的能力,同時指導學習方法,培養(yǎng)邏輯思維的能力,為進入高年級學習打下扎實的基礎。 2)具體要求 ?評分標準:平時成績(30%) +期末考試(70%)=期末總成績(100%) ?考勤:遲到、早退、曠課、病假、事假 ?課堂表現: 課堂參與:I叫答問題,作報告,演講等 課堂紀律 ?作業(yè): 口頭作業(yè):朗讀、背誦、故事復述、情景對話、表演以及語音模仿等 書面作業(yè):聽寫、句子或短文翻譯、周記、作文及便條寫作等 ?測驗:每課后單元測驗 九、課程的主要內容:Book

6、 IV (* ) Lesson One Text A: Thinking as a Hobby (by William Golding) L Pre-class Work 2.Word Study: slip, integrate, rule, integration, lest, to stand 3.Grammar Focus: parallel construction; subject complement; tenses ways of making suggestions; verb forms 4.Related information about the text About

7、the author: J. Jefferson Farjeon Background Synopsis of the text 5.Detailed study of text A 6.Exercises 7.Written Work (Topic): Describe the character you like best. Or: Comment on the relationship that existed between the guests at the boarding-house. 8.Recite the poem: The Wind by Robert Louis Ste

8、venson 9.Text B: The Hitch-hiker by Francis Greig (%1)Lesson Three Text A: Why Historians Disagree (by Allen F. Davis) L Pre-class Work 2.Word Study: oppose; conclude; cause; loan; by way of 3.Grammar Focus: transitional words or p hrases; the uses of “one”; three ways of defining; prepositions 4.Re

9、lated information about the text About the author: Allen F. Davis Background J Synopsis of the text 5.Detailed study of text A 6.Exercises 7.Written Work (Topic): How should history be taught? 8.Recite the poem: Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley 9.Text B: The Third Man (Excerpts) by Graham Greene (

10、%1)Lesson Four Text A: A Drink in the Passage (by Alan Paton) L Pre-class Work 2.Word Study: suspend; avert; guard; exhibit; envy 3.Grammar Focus: subject-verb agreement; it is/was said/ believed, etc.; connectives 4.Related information about the text About the author: Alan Paton Background Synopsis

11、 of the text 5.Detailed study of text A 6.Exercises 7.Written Work (Topic): Why does Edward Simelane think that van Rensburg is Tike a man trying to run a race in iron shoes and not understanding why he cannot move”? 8.Recite the poem: The White House by Claude Mckay 9.Text B: The Bench by Richard R

12、ive (%1)Lesson Five Text A: Man of the Moment (by Alan Ayckbourn) 1.Pre-class Work 2.Word Study: increase; prop; land; grip; value 3.Grammar Focus: tag question; ways of emphasizing 4.Related information about the text About the author: Alan Ayckbourn Background Synopsis of the text 5.D etailed stud

13、y of text A 6.E xercises 7.W ritten Work (Topic): Write a character sketch of Vic or Douglas in about 200 words. 8.R ecite the poem: To Have Succeeded by Ralph Waldo Emerson 9.T ext B: Climbing the Moimtain of Success by Sydney J. Harris (%1)Lesson Six Text A: Groundless Beliefs (by A. E. Mander) L

14、Pre-class Work 2.Word Study: disp ose; extend; result; some uses of “stock (n. abbreviated adverbial clauses; implied condition (both real compare; burst; rebel; dot 3.Grammar Focus: sentence analysis; some uses of as”; absolute construction; tenses relieve; neutralize; prevail; prospect 3.Grammar F

15、ocus: sentence analysis; ways of expressing time; prepositions 4.Related information about the text About the author: Robert J. Samuelson Background Synopsis of the text 5.Detailed study of text A 6.Exercises 7.Written Work (Topic): What is your understanding of globalization? In what way do you thi

16、nk it will affect your career? 8.Recite the poem: Two Love Poems by Sara Teasdale and C. D. B. Ellis 9.Text B: The International Language of Gestures by Paul Esman, Wallace V. Friesen, and John Bear (%1)Lesson Nine Text A: The Most Dangerous Game (by Richard Connel) L Pre-class Work 2.Word Study: dr

17、ess; score; strain; focus; but for 3.Grammar Focus: sentence analysis; where-clause; inversion; verb forms 4.Related information about the text About the author: Richard Connel Backsround J Synopsis of the text 5.Detailed study of text A 6.Exercises 7.Written Work (Topic): Chinese-English Translatio

18、n 8.Recite the poem: Opportunity by Edward Rowland Sill 9.Text B: The Big Buffalo Bass by Weldon Stone (十)Lesson Ten Text A: The Telephone (by Anwar E Accawi) 1.Pre-class Work 2.Word Study: charge; crack; drill; shift; object 3.Grammar Focus: ways of comparing things; expressions of exemplification;

19、 tense and verb forms 4.Related information about the text About the author: Anwar F. Accawi Background Synopsis of the text 5.Detailed study of text A 6.Exercises 7.Written Work (Topic): How a product of modern technology, say, the telephone, the computer or the Internet affect your life or the lif

20、e of your community. 8.Recite the poem: The Telephone by Edward Field 9.Text B: The Hour of Letdown by E.B. White (十一)Lesson Eleven Text A: The Pen of My Aunt (by Josephine Tey) 1.Pre-class Work 2.Word Study: offend; demand; consult; distinguish; anticipate 3.Grammar Focus: the subjunctive; conjunct

21、ions of (necessary) condition; verb forms 4.Related information about the text About the author: Josephine Tey Background Synopsis of the text 5.Detailed study of text A 6.Exercises 7.Written Work (Topic): Write a synopsis of the play. Or: Make a character sketch of either Madame or Simone 8.Recite

22、the poem: Leisure by W. H. Davies 9.Text B: Only Three More Days by William L. Shirer (十二)Lesson Twelve Text A: Lions and Tigers and Bears (by Bill Buford) 1.Pre-class Work 2.Word Study: drift; appeal; tear; element; pick up 3.Grammar Focus: sentence analysis; elliptical sentence; subject-verb agree

23、ement 4.Related information about the text About the author: Bill Buford Background Synopsis of the text 5.Detailed study of text A 6.Exercises 7.Written Work (Topic): The kind of people the narrator met during his night in Central Park. Or: How his mood changed as he explored the park. 8.Recite the

24、 poem: Sonnet XVIII by William Shakespeare 9.Text B: Two Cities by Stanley Cauffmann (十三)Lesson Thirteen Text A: Soldiers Heart (by Louis Simpson) L Pre-class Work 2.Word Study: sweep; stuff; clear; subject; export 3.Grammar Focus: sentence analysis; the passive; “than” a s relative pronoun verb for

25、ms ban; lift; bail; addict 3.Grammar Focus: sentence analysis; ways of enumeration; verb forms 4.Related information about the text About the author: Gore Vidal, Clarence Page & Charles Krauthammer Background Synopsis of the text 5.Detailed study of text A 6.Exercises 7.Written Work (Topic): Suggest two or three specific measures that yo


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