1、 高考英語(yǔ)閱讀理解強(qiáng)化訓(xùn)練 Day 78Passage 1The documentary Blood Lions shows South Africa crusel canned lion hunting industry. In canned hunts, lions are raised by humans and kept in enclosed spaces on private hunting areas. Hunters can get troph(y 戰(zhàn)利品) easily in exchange for fees of up to 50,000. There are about
2、 8,000 ranch lions in South Africa. So the country operators can make a fortune.Ian Michler was a lead character in the film. He talked about Blood Lions last July when it was shown in Durban, South Africa. The film has since been viewed in 185 countries. More than 50 screenings have been held at fi
3、lm festivals and in meetings of special interest groups. This year, Blood Lions will be shown at every major tourism conference in Europe and Africa.Outside the film, Michler and the team are running a global campaign. They are aiming at ending canned hunts and other cold-blooded activities involvin
4、g lions and other large animals.Australia became the first country, in February 2015, to forbid imports of iron trophies. It was followed by France in November. That month, Blood Lions was shown in the European Parliament. As a result, the governments of Finland, Italy, and Spain decided to hold the
5、ir own screenings. There are a number of other countries likely to do the same.At the same time, at the end of last year, the worlds leading group of Africanlion researchers offered an important suggestion. They advised that any analysis of the present state of wild lions in South Africa should not
6、include its thousands of ranch lions Wild lions in South. Africa new number some 1,000 . There are around 20,000 wild lions in Africa.“The great majority of lion population in Africa have been reduced.“ saysHans Haner, lion researcher at Oxford University s Wildlife Conservation Research unit.“ It s
7、 important to stress that South Africas ranch lions are horror that has nothing tdo with lion protection. These lions should never be taken into around in any seriousanalysis of the state of lions in Africa.”What do we learn about the documentary Blood Lions?It has an international influenceIt has a
8、ttracted many tourists.It tells the story of a lion fighter.It has brought the producer lets of money.Michler and his teams campaign .was first started in Australiahas won little support in Europehas achieved noticeable effectsaims to save endangered animalsWhat can we infer about Hans Bauer?He sugg
9、ests analyzing lions properly.He has seen an increase of Africa wild lions.He may be a strong supporter of trophy hunting.He hopes that there will be more ranch lions in Africa.What is the main purpose of the passage?To explain the main idea of a new film.To report an animal protection campaign.To e
10、ncourage farmers to raise ranch lions.To advertise South Africa s hunting industry.Passage 2Dear Sir,There is a plan to build a new supermarket on the edge of the Whitefields housingestate 住宅區(qū)),On the Iand Where the IOCaIlibrary now is. I IiVe at Whitefields, and I would like to express my concern a
11、bout this plan. It is not that I am completely againstthe idea Of buiIding a supermarketI just thi nk that as a cOh)jweyneed tothe idea Of buiIding a supermarketweigh up the adVantages and disadVantages befOre COmmitting OurseIVes.It is clear that the Iibrary is Under USed and in POOr COnditiOn.It i
12、s also clear thatthere are Very few shops n ear here and a SUPermarket would be a good thi ng to have. BUt the people who Want to build the SUPermarket Seem to thi nk that no one wants the Iibrary any more, and that it isnt a must becauseof the Internet and so on. Is this necessarily true, especiall
13、y for elderly people? What about young people who dont have the Internet at home and n eed to go to the Iibrary to do their homework? Where Can they StUdy if they have to Share a room With a youn ger brother or sister?On the other hand, there is an argume nt that a new SUPermarket would not on Iy br
14、ing more ChOiCe of shopp ing and more COnVenienCe for local people, but it would also bring some much-n eeded jobs for youn ger people in the tow n and this is a goodpoint. What We n eed to do is con Sider the effect a SUPermarket will have on our quality of life. Certa in Iy local people, in clud i
15、ng me, will find shopp ing a lot easier and more convenient. BUt there will also be extra traffic. I n a few years from now, the roads in and around will be full of CarS in the daytime and delivery lorries at ni ght, and not only that We will have got USed 也 too. Are more jobs and more COnVenienCe w
16、orth SUCh an in flue nce on our daily lives? Perhaps, but this is What We have to ask ourselves.I believe that all the people of Whitefields, and the authority, n eed to discuss this questi on in an ope n-min ded Way and I hope that by the time a decisi on is take n, We will have had a full and fair
17、 discussion of the issues invoIved, and that the local authority will have really Iiste ned to every on es view. IS that too much to ask?Yours faithfully, Tom Watk insThe SUPPOrterS of the SUPermarket PrObabIy thi nk.the Iibrary is no Ion ger n eededthe Iibrary is too poor to be rebuiltthe SUPermark
18、et brings dow n goods PriCeSUPermarket in CreaSeS local WOrkers in comeWhat does the Un derl ined it in ParagraPh 3 refer to?Shopp ing COnVenien ce.B. Job opport Uni ty.C. Life quality. D. Traffic condition.What is the authors attitude toward the plan?Approving. B. Neutral. C. Sceptical. D. Confiden
19、t.Why is the letter written?To promote effective public reading.To call for concern over an urban project.To discuss ways of improving life quality.To express dissatisfaction with public equipment.Passage 3The NaZCa LineS are a SerieS Of large an Cie nt geoglyp 地畫)in the NaZCa Desert, in southern Pe
20、ru. It is ranging from geometric patterns to drawings of different animals and StyliZed human like formS. The anCient lineS Can only be truly taken in from high in the air, leaving generationS puZZled aS to how theSe preCiSe workS Could have been Completed long before the doCumented invention of hum
21、an flight.The LineS were firSt Spotted when CommerCial airlineS began flying aCroSS the Peruvian deSert in the 1920S. Who built them and what waS their purpoSe? Are they roads, Star poin ters, maybe eve n a giga nti龐大的)map? If the people who lived here 2,000 yearS ago had only a Simple teChnology, h
22、ow did they manage to ConStruCt SuCh preCiSe figureS? Did they have a plan? TheSe markingS are like a vaSt puZZle.The NaZCa LineS are the moSt outStanding group of geoglyphS in the world. There are alSo huge geoglyphS in Egypt, Malta, United StateS (MiSSiSSippi and California), Chile, Bolivia and in
23、 other CountrieS. But the NaZCa geoglyphS, beCauSe of their numberS, CharaCteriStiCS, dimenSionS and Cultural Continuity aS they were made and remade throughout a Certain hiStory period, form the moSt impreSSive arCheologiCal (考古學(xué)的 ) group.The NaZCa plain iS unique for itS ability to preServe the ma
24、rkingS upon it, due to the Combination of the Climate (one of the drieSt on Earth, with only twenty minuteS of rainfall per year) and the flat, Stony ground whiCh minimiZeS the effeCt of the windat ground level. With no dust Or Sand to cover the PIa in and little rain Or Wind to erode(腐蝕)it, IineS d
25、rawn here tend to Stay drawn. TheSe factors, COmbined With theexistence of Iighter colored SUbSOiI beneath the desert surface, PrOVide a VaSt WritingPad that is SUited to the artist who WantS to leave his mark eternal.What Can We know about the NaZCa LineS from the first two paragraphs?They Were bui
26、lt as a big map.They Were formed by n ature.They are an Cie nt Ii nes in caves.They are huge markings in a desert.How many factors make the NaZCa LineS the most impressive?One.B. Two.C. Three.D. Four.Why are the NaZCa LineS well preserved?BeCaUSe of the Wind at ground level.BeCaUSe of the existe nce
27、 of soft soil.BeCaUSe of the CIimate and geography.BeCaUSe of the large SiZe of the NaZCa pla in.What does the Un derl ined word eter nal PrObabIy mean?A. Non stop.B. EVer lasting.C. Real life.D. High end.PaSSage 4I WaS the middle child of three, but there WaS a gap of five years on either side, and
28、 I hardly SaW my father before I WaS eight. For this and other reasons I WaS SOmeWhat Ionely. I had the Ionely childs habit of making UP StOrieS and holding conversations With imagi nary PerS ons, and I thi nk from the Very Start my Iiterary ambiti ons (文學(xué) 志向) Were mixed UP With the feeling of being
29、 isolated (孤獨(dú))and undervalued.I knew that I had a natural ability With words and a power of facing UnPIeaSant facts, and I felt that this Created a sort of PriVate world in WhiCh I could get my own back for my failure in everyday life.However, the quantity Of SeriOuS Writing WhiCh I PrOduCed all thr
30、ough my childhood would not add UP to half a dozen pages. I wrote my first poem at the age of four or five, my mother taking it down to dictation. I CannOt remember anything about it except that it WaS about a tiger and the tiger had“ Chair-Iike teeth ” a g(expression. At eleven, When the War of 191
31、4-18 broke out, I wrote a poem WhiCh WaS Printed in the local (地方的)newspaper, as WaS another, two years later, on the deathof KitChener. From time to time, When I WaS a bit older, I wrote bad and usually UnfiniShed “ nature poems ” . I also, about twice, attempted a short story WhiCh WaS a failure.
32、That WaS the total of the would-be SeriOUS work that I actually Set down on PaPer duri ng all those years.The Underlined word “ it ” in ParagraPh 2 refers to.A. the qua ntity of SeriOUS Writ ingB.the writers first poemC. the writers childhoodD.the tiger in the poemFrom the text, We lear n that as a
33、little boy the Writer.A. had no PIaymateSB.ShOWed his gift for Writi ngC. PUt out lots of poems andStOrieSD.got his first poem PUbIiShed in 1916What Can be in ferred about the writer?He WaS least favoured in his family.He had much difficulty in talking With others.He had an Un happy childhood for la
34、ck of care.HiS Ioneliness resulted in his interest in Writing.PaSSage 5While ViSit ing the North pole in Win ter may not be at the top of your bucket list,the ever-changing ICEHoTEL WhiCh opened its doors to ViSitOrS on DeCember 14 this year, may Change your mind. 200 km north of the ArCtiC CirCIe i
35、n the SWediSh village of JUkkaSj q rthe hotel, WhiCh is CarVed entirely from ice, is rebuilt annually.The 35 rooms, built to accommodate ViSitOrS on all kinds of budgets Vary fromexpe nsive SUiteS to basic rooms that are furni Shed With just an icy bed and a rein deerskin. Among the highlights this
36、year is the “ SpruceWoods” suite. Sculpted by Christopher Pascoe and Jennie O Keefeof Canada, it describes a camping scene complete with a classic microbus,a forest,and even an artificial campfire.There is also the artfully-carved “ Living Ocean ”remsuinitde vtoisitors of the importance of saving ou
37、r oceans. The room is full of carved sea life that includes coral and a shark“ swimming” right over the ice bed. “The suite is inspired by global warminand the overfishing that affects our oceans. ” says artist Jonathan Paul Green. think the idea of using frozen water from a river in northern Sweden
38、 to create an ocean with shells,fish,and corals is exciting.”The nearby “ Haven” suite is a“ magical gate of ice ” guarded by two large anima“We are inspired by the meeting between people and want to create an experience that invites curiosity and creativity, ” says artist Jonas Johansson.“It feels
39、like a dream toget to work with ice that allows our love for light ,shine, and reflection to wander freely from thought to creation. ”Regardless of whether visitors select the carved suites or the basic ice roo,msthe temperature is always Set to a bone-chilling 5 C !That is Why guests are advised to
40、 Snu ggle蜷縮)up in Side sleep ing bags and Wear gloves and win ter hats all ni ght. Not surprisingly,most end up spending just a single night at this unique hotel before moving on to the conventional and warmer hotels nearby.What does the underlined phrase“bucket list ” mean in the text?A. A shopping
41、 list of buckets.B. A list of travelling destinations.C. A list of expensive hotels.D. A list of exciting ideas.What can we know about the ice hotel?A. It is rebuilt every year.C. It organizes camping activities.A. It is rebuilt every year.C. It organizes camping activities.Where does the inspiratio
42、n ofA. Art and literature.Its rooms are expensive.It lies in a coastal city.“Living Ocean ” suite come from?Ocean life and voyage.Climate changes and human influence.The meeting of people.Which of the following is the best title for the text?A. An Adventure to the North PoleB. An Experience Close to
43、 NatureA Taste of Cold: A Night in a VillageA Winter Destination: Swedens Ice Hotel參考答案Passage 11. A 細(xì)節(jié)理解題。 A :通過(guò)答案信息 “ documentary Blood Lions 可定“位到 第 2 條段” Always inform the park officials or let someone know of your plans and destination for the day, especially if going alone. 。 “2. C細(xì)節(jié)理解題。通過(guò)答案信息
44、“ MiChler and his team S Cam可定位”至U原文第 2 段的 ” MOre than 50 SCreenings have been held at film festivals and in meetings of speCial interest groups. This year, Blood Lions will be shown at every major tourism conference in Europe and Africa. 。 “3. A 細(xì)節(jié)理解題。通過(guò)題干信息 “ HansBauer “可定位到原文第 5、6 段的” At the same
45、 time, at the end of last year, the world leasding group of African lion researchersoffered an important suggestion. They advised that any analysis of the present state of wild lions in South Africa should not include its thousands of ranch lions Wild lions in South. Africa new number some 1,000 . T
46、here are around 20,000 wild lions in Africa.B推理判斷題。文章借助一部紀(jì)錄片來(lái)呼吁保護(hù)南非獅子A跑題;B正確;C無(wú)中生有;D是非顛倒。Passage 2A細(xì)節(jié)理解題。從文章第二段第三句“ But the people WhO Want to build thesupermarket seem to think that no one wants the library any more 可知,超市的支” 持者覺(jué)得沒(méi)有人還需要圖書館了,故正確答案為 A。D 細(xì)節(jié)理解題。從文章第三段劃?rùn)M線處前一句中“Buthere Will also beextra t
47、raffic. 可知,” 此處說(shuō)的是,人們將習(xí)慣于的是擁堵的交通。故正確答案為 D。C 主旨題。綜合全文,作者首先第一段中表明自己并非完全反對(duì)該項(xiàng)目, 但是希望該項(xiàng)目得到公開(kāi)的討論,接著在第二三段中分別先陳述新項(xiàng)目支持者可 能有的想法,但是之后都有分別提出相反的自己的想法, 由此可知作者本人關(guān)于 項(xiàng)目的態(tài)度是懷疑的。故正確答案為 C。B主旨題。綜合全文,作者在開(kāi)頭結(jié)尾段均進(jìn)行提議,建議新項(xiàng)目啟動(dòng)前 讓民眾進(jìn)行討論,在文章中間段落進(jìn)行中立性的項(xiàng)目?jī)?yōu)缺點(diǎn)陳述, 所以可知本文 寫作目的就是為了呼吁關(guān)于新項(xiàng)目的關(guān)注。故正確答案為 B。Passage 3D 細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第一段中的 “TheNazca
48、 Lines are a series of large ancient geoglyphs (地畫) in the Nazca Desert, in southern Peru. 及對(duì) The”Nazca LineS圖案和發(fā)現(xiàn)過(guò)程的具體介紹,可知the NaZCa LineS是出現(xiàn)在秘魯南部NaZCa 沙漠的大型古代地畫,故選 D。D 細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第二段中的“Who built them and What WaS their purpose?Are they roads, Star POin ters, maybe eve n a giga ntic map? If the people
49、 WhO lived here 2,000 years ago had OnIy a SimPIe tech no logy, how did they man age to COn StrUCt SUCh PreCiSe figures? Did they have a plan?四方面使人迷惑的問(wèn)題,可知這四個(gè)因素 使the NaZCa Lines更獨(dú)特更使人們難忘,故選 D。C 推理判斷題。根據(jù)最后一段中的“ The NaZCa plain is Un ique for its abilityto PreSerVe the markings upon it,due to the comb in ati on of the CIimate and the flat, StOnygrOUnd WhiCh minimizes the effect of the Wind at ground level. 可知因?yàn)檫@里 干燥少雨的氣候和平坦多石的地形使地畫能很好的被保留,故選COB詞義猜測(cè)題。最后一句指這些因素,加上沙漠表面下淺色地下土壤的存在,給那些想要永久
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