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1、Welcome to our class (have) a disability does not mean your life is not (satisfy).A robot is a machine (design) to do jobs that are usually performed by humans.Without (pause) we jumped into the boatAs we drew closer, I could see a whale (attack) by a pack of killers.There was Tom, (lead)us to the i

2、sland again.主語(yǔ)表語(yǔ)定語(yǔ)賓語(yǔ)賓語(yǔ)補(bǔ)足語(yǔ)狀語(yǔ)填一填,想一想Havingsatisfyingdesignedpausingbeing attacked leadingFind out the mistakes of the sentences and correct them.Seeing from the top of mountain, the city is beautiful .Seen from the top of mountain, the city is beautiful .1、狀語(yǔ)動(dòng)作行為者與主句主語(yǔ)不一致2、用動(dòng)詞原形充當(dāng)主語(yǔ)In my opinion, clim

3、b mountain is an enjoyable thing.In my opinion, climbing mountain is an enjoyable thing.3、主動(dòng)、被動(dòng)含義混淆A team calling “the Super Cook” is good at cooking. A team called “the Supper Cook” is good at cooking. The uses of the non-finite verbs in writing Teaching goal: Master the use of non-finite verbs in

4、writing. Teaching important point: Three forms of non-finite verbs. Teaching important difficult point: How to use non-finite verbs to make sentences.3.消防隊(duì)員及時(shí)趕到。他們對(duì)我們幫助很大。The firefighters came here in time. They helped us a lot.(非謂語(yǔ)作主語(yǔ))The firefighters coming here in time helped us a lot.4.我們應(yīng)該如何提高我

5、們的英語(yǔ)口語(yǔ)水平?這是個(gè)問題。How should we improve our spoken English? It is a question. (非謂語(yǔ)作主語(yǔ)/表語(yǔ))How to improve our spoken English is a question. The question is how to improve our spoken English.探討學(xué)習(xí)運(yùn)用非謂語(yǔ)美化復(fù)合句1. The book, which was written in simple English, is easy to understand. The book , written in simple

6、 English, is easy to understand .2.When my son talked about the trip to Beijing , he was impressed most with Qinghua University.Talking about the trip to Beijing , my son was impressed most with Qinghua University.3.Because my teacher helps me, my English has greatly improved. (With) my teacher help

7、ing me, my English has greatly improved. 4.Most of you spare no effort to study so that you can realize your dream. Most of you spare no effort to study so as to realize your dream. Nowadays, some students often cheat in exams. It is popular among students who are lazy and dont work hard at their le

8、ssons.Nowadays, cheating in exams is popular among students who are lazy and dont work hard at their lessons.They cheat for they want to get higher marks so that they can be praised or even admired. They cheat to get higher marks so that they can be praised or even admired. Nowadays, cheating in exa

9、ms is popular among students who are lazy and dont work hard at their lessons. They cheat to get higher marks so that they can be praised or even admired. Being afraid of failing in exams, some students who work hard at their lessons will also cheat in exams.美化后的文章建議有足夠的睡眠是必要的。原因1.它能有效的改善我們的課堂學(xué)習(xí)。2.保

10、持健康的身體是進(jìn)一步學(xué)習(xí)及工作的基礎(chǔ)。 高考臨近,保持良好的心態(tài)有助于減輕焦慮,還能增強(qiáng)克服困難的勇氣 。Have a try翻譯: 高考臨近,保持良好的心態(tài)有助于減輕焦慮,還能增強(qiáng)克服困難的勇氣 。Step1:拆分成幾個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單句(中文)高考臨近。 (National College Entrance Examination) 保持良好的心態(tài)很重要。 (have a right attitude)它有助于減輕焦慮(relax)和勇敢地克服困難。Step2:分別翻譯這幾個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單句National College Entrance Examination is coming. It is import

11、ant to have a right attitude. It helps us to relax and overcome difficulties bravely.Having a tryStep3:合并句子 With National College Entrance Examination coming, it is important to have a right attitude to relax and overcome difficulties bravely. National College Entrance Examination is coming. It is i

12、mportant to have a right attitude. It helps us to relax and overcome difficulties bravely.Sentence1:Have a tryStep3:合并句子 With College Entrance Examination coming, it is important to have a right attitude which helps us to relax and overcome difficulties bravely.College Entrance Examination is coming

13、. It is important to have a right attitude. It helps us to relax and overcome difficulties bravely.Sentence2:Tip: Try to use differentways to express.Have a try建議有足夠的睡眠是必要的。原因1.它能有效的改善我們的課堂學(xué)習(xí)。2.保持健康的身體是進(jìn)一步學(xué)習(xí)及工作的基礎(chǔ)。Have a tryIt is necessary to have enough sleep .Having enough sleep is necessary.It wi

14、ll be an effective way to improve our learning in the class. Keeping healthy is the base for our further study and work.To Keep healthy is the base for our further study and work. With College Entrance Examination coming, it is important to have a right attitude which helps us to relax and overcome

15、difficulties bravely. Having enough sleep is necessary, because it will be an effective way to improve our learning in the class. Moreover, to keep healthy is the base for our further study and work. Besides, doing exercise regularly is of great benefit to our health. Last but not least, it is very


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