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1、姓:Family name,Surname名:First Name,Given姓:Family name,Surname名:First Name,Given name性別:sex,gender男:male;女:female國籍:nationality,country of citizenship護照號:passport number原住地:country of origin前往國:destination country登機城市:city where you boarded簽證簽發(fā)地:city where visa was issued簽發(fā)日期:date of issue誕生日期:date of

2、 birth,birth date年:year;月:month;日:day偕行人數(shù):accompanying number簽名:signature官方填寫:official use only職業(yè):occupation商務(wù)簽證:Business Visa觀光簽證:Tourist Visa 乘機常用詞匯航站、終點站:Terminal入境大廳:Arrival Lobby出境大廳:Departure Lobby登機門號碼:Gate Number登機證:Boarding Card,Boarding Pass機場稅:Airport Tax登機手續(xù)辦理處:Check in Counter 海關(guān)申報處:Cus

3、toms Service Area貨幣申報:Currency Declaration免稅商品:Duty-Free Items大號:large;中號:medium;小號:small外幣兌換店:Currency Exchange外幣兌換店:Currency Exchange Shop匯率:Exchange rate旅行支票:Traveler”s check手續(xù)費:Commission銀行買入價:We buyBid銀行賣出價:We sellAsk酒店常用詞匯入住登記手續(xù):Check-in客房效勞:Room Service退房時間:Check OutTime前臺:Front Desk,Receptio

4、n酒店大堂:Lobby咖啡館:Coffee shop效勞員,侍者:waiter餐廳、旅館的效勞生、行李員 叫醒效勞:Wake Up Call,MorningCall日常用語行李:Baggage,Luggage托運的行李:Checked baggage 行李領(lǐng)取處:Baggage claim area隨身行李:Carry-on baggage行李牌:Baggage Tag 行李推車:Luggage Cart退稅處:Tax-free refund盥洗室?guī)篖avatory,washroom,toiletW.C.water closet,rest roomMen”s,Gent”s,Gentleme

5、n”s女廁:Women”s,Lady”s使用中:Occupied空閑:Vacant男女空服員:StewardStewardess 機內(nèi)免稅販賣:In-Flight Sales錢幣兌換常用詞匯 m glad to meet you.It”s nice meeting you.請問你叫什么名字:MayI have your name, please?我可以試穿一下嗎:May I try it on?多少錢:How much?請把菜單給我:Please show me the menu.干杯:Cheers! Bottoms up!lostCould you do me a favor to find

6、my hotel?你能幫我拍照嗎:Could you take a pictu re for me?格外感謝:Thank you very much.不客氣:You”re welcome我就是忍不?。篒 just couldn”t help it.讓我們保持聯(lián)系:Let”s keep in touch.我怎樣能跟你聯(lián)絡(luò)上:How can I get in t ouch with you?我將會盡我最大努力:I”ll do my best. 請稍等一下:Wait a moment please. 你先請:After you我們該走了:We”d better be off.我真要累死了:I”m r

7、eally dead. 真是那樣嗎:Is that so?我不準(zhǔn)確知道:I don”t know for sure.太好了,太棒了:That”s something. 這方法真棒:Brilliant idea!此話當(dāng)真:Do you really mean it? 你幫了大忙:You are a great help.我身無分文:I”m broke.我始終不太寵愛這東西:I never liked it anyway.別跟我?;ㄕ校篋on”t play games with me!看狀況再說:That depends.水果類fruis:火龍果 pitaya西紅柿 火龍果 pitaya西紅柿 t

8、omatopineapplewatermelon柚子 shaddock pomeloapplelemoncherrypear棗 Chinese date去核棗 pitted date coconut草莓 strawberryraspberry藍莓 blueberryblackberrygrapesugar canemango杏子 apricotnectarine柿子 persimmon石榴 pomegranate榴蓮 jackfruitareca nut西班牙產(chǎn)苦橙bitter orangekiwi fruit or Chinese gooseberrycumquatflat peach荔枝

9、litchigreengage山楂果 haw musk melonwaxberry red bayberrylongan沙果 crab apple楊桃 starfruit枇杷 loquattangerine番石榴 guava肉、蔬菜類:南瓜倭瓜 pumpkin cushawSweet corn羊肉 muttonlamblettuceChinese cabbage celery cabbage甘藍卷心菜 cabbageradish胡蘿卜 carrotleek木耳 agaricspea馬鈴薯土豆 potatocucumber苦瓜 balsam pearokra洋蔥 onioncelery芹菜桿 c

10、elery sticks地瓜 sweet potatomushroommushroomolive冬瓜 Chinesewax gourd蓮藕 lotus rootlavercole rape茄子 eggplant香菜 carawaygreen pepper四季豆 青刀豆 garden beansilvery fungi肘子 pork jointfennel茴香油fennel oil 藥用carpbaconneedle mushroom扁豆 lentil檳榔 areca牛蒡 great burdocksummer radishbamboo shoot 綠豆 mung beangreen soy b

11、eanlean meatday lily day lily budbean sprout絲瓜 towel gourd(注:在美國loofah 洗澡的,不是食用的)海鮮類sea food:Peeled Prawns龍蝦 lobster小龍蝦 龍蝦 lobster小龍蝦 crayfish退縮者蟹 crab 小蝦蝦米 shrimp對蝦、大蝦 prawn烤魷魚toastsquid海參 sea cucumber扇貝 scallopsea-ear abaloneoysterjellyfishturtleclam鲅魚 culter鯧魚 butterfish蝦籽 shrimp eggchub silver c

12、arpyellow croaker調(diào)料類seasonings:醋 vinegarsoysaltiodized saltsugar白糖 refined sugarsoy sauce沙拉 salad辣椒 hotredpepperblackpepperwild pepper Chinese prickly ash powdersalad oil調(diào)料 fixing sauce seasoning砂糖 granulated sugarbrown 砂糖 granulated sugarbrown sugarRock SugarbutterSesame芝麻醬 Sesame paste芝麻油 Sesame o

13、ilcurry番茄醬汁ketchup redeyehorseradish蔥 shallot Spring onionsgingergarliccooking wineoyster sauce枸杞枇杷,歐查果 medlaraniseedyeast barm Yellow pepper香草精 vanilla extract(甜點必備)面粉 flour主食類staple food:sandwichrice粥 congee rice soupsoupdumpling面條 noodle 比薩餅 pizza便利面 instant noodlesausagebread白塔油butterTea eggsrap

14、e餅干 cookies咸菜泡菜pickle 饅頭 steamed bread餅蛋糕cakehamburgerham奶酪 cheese餛飩皮 wonton skin 高筋面粉 Strong flourwheatbarleyhighland barleybroomcorn kaoliang Spring rollsTaroyamshark findaylilypreserved eggsminced pie糙米 Brown rice corn餡兒 stuffingappetizer面粉 flour燕麥 oat白薯 甘薯 sweet potatosteakfilletbean jellysticky

15、 rice燕窩 bird”s nest 粟 Chinese corn meat ballscitrange點心中式dim sumstarchegg tartdry fruits干果類:腰果 Cashew nutspeanutfigfilbert hazelchestnut核桃 walnut almondpreserved fruittaroraisin cordial快活果 pistachion brazil nut菱角,荸薺 water chestnut (和國內(nèi)食用法不同,做堅果食用)酒水類beverage :紅酒 red wine白酒 white wine白蘭地 brandy 葡萄酒 s

16、herry汽水(軟飲料) soda鹽sparkling waterjuiceIce-lollybeer酸奶 yoghurt vodka雞尾酒 cocktail soy milksoybean milk7 UP麒麟日本啤酒 kirin 涼開水 cold boiled water漢斯啤酒 Hans beerconcentrated juice冰鎮(zhèn)啤酒 iced(chilled ) beer札幌日本啤酒Sapporo 愛爾啤酒美國aleA grand A milk班圖酒 bantu beer 半干雪利 dry sark 日本粗茶 bancha 生啤酒 draft beer white beerbar

17、ley-breecoffee mate零食類snack: mint 薄荷糖cracker 餅干, biscuit 餅干, bonbontea沏茶 make the tea candied plumrice crust瓜子 melon seed冰棒冰果icefrozensucker冰淇凌 ice cream 防腐劑 preservativesundaemarble chocolate barleypudding與食品有關(guān)的詞語some words aboutfood:炸 firedquick boiled燴 braise燴牛舌 braised ox tongueroast飽嗝 burp飽了 飽的

18、 full stuffedquench thirst preservative 防腐劑expiration date 產(chǎn)品有效期形容酒品好: a good strong brew 絕味釀 中式早點:Clay oven rolls油條 Fried bread stick韭菜盒 Fried leek dumplingsBoiled dumplings蒸餃 Steamed dumplingsSteamed buns割包 Steamed sandwichRice and vegetable roll蛋餅 Egg cakes100-year eggSalted duck egg豆?jié){ Soybean mi

19、lk飯類:稀飯 Rice porridge白飯 Plain white rice 油飯 Glutinous oil riceGlutinous rice鹵肉飯 Braised pork riceFried rice with egg Sweet potato congee面類:餛飩面 Wonton & noodles刀削面 Sliced noodlesSpicy hot noodlesSesame paste noodles餛飩湯Wonton soupDuck with noodles豬腸湯Pork intestine soup鱔魚面 Eel noodles肉羹湯Pork thick soup

20、烏龍面 Seafood noodles魷魚湯Squid soupPork , pickled mustardgree花枝羹Squid thick soupn noodles中餐:Oyster thin noodles板條 Flat noodlesRice noodles炒米粉 Fried rice noodles湯類:Fish ball soupMeat ball soupEgg & vegetable soup蛤蜊湯 Clams soup牡蠣湯 Oyster soup紫菜湯 Seaweed soup酸辣湯 Sweet & sour soupbear”s paw 熊掌of deer 鹿脯bec

21、he-de-mer sea cucumber 海參sea sturgeon 海鱔salted jelly fish 海蜇皮kelp,seaweed 海帶abalone 鮑魚shark fin 魚翅scallops 干貝lobster 龍蝦bird”s nest 燕窩roast suckling pig 考乳豬pig”s knuckle 豬腳boiled salted duck 鹽水鴨preserved meat 臘肉barbecued pork 叉燒sausage 香腸fried pork flakes 肉松BAR-B-Q 烤肉meat diet 葷菜vegetables 素菜meat broth 肉羹local dish 地方菜Cantonese cuisine 廣東菜set meal 客飯curry rice 咖喱飯frie


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