Unit 6 Lesson 3 The Advertising Game 課件 高中英語新北師大版性選擇必修第二冊(2022~2023學(xué)年)_第1頁
Unit 6 Lesson 3 The Advertising Game 課件 高中英語新北師大版性選擇必修第二冊(2022~2023學(xué)年)_第2頁
Unit 6 Lesson 3 The Advertising Game 課件 高中英語新北師大版性選擇必修第二冊(2022~2023學(xué)年)_第3頁
Unit 6 Lesson 3 The Advertising Game 課件 高中英語新北師大版性選擇必修第二冊(2022~2023學(xué)年)_第4頁
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1、Unit 6 THE MEDIALesson 3 The Advertising Game目錄頁contentsPre-readingIFast readingIIIIIIntensive readingPost-readingLanguage pointsVIHomeworkPre-readingPre-readingHave you ever bought anything as a result of seeing, hearing or reading advertisements?What makes an advertisement attractive?the product n

2、ame the name of a company words of expertshumorous language the concept of freedom pictures or imagesthe unusual idea the design Fast readingFast readingThe passage below is about advertising. Skim through the passage. What is it mainly about? a. Different types of advertisements b. The developmemt

3、of advertisements c. Different attitudes towards advertisements Fast readingThis is an explanatory text. It introduces the development of advertisement in the order of time, and it contains lots of time explanations and examples.What is the text type of this passage? What helped you identify the tex

4、t type? Intensive readingIntensive reading: Read paragraph by paragraph. 1. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?The advertising industry started with the fundamental purpose of promoting and selling goods to people who might need them.Read paragraph 1 & 2 and answer the following questions.

5、Intensive reading: Read paragraph by paragraph. 2. What does a classic advertisement look like?A classic advertisement gives information about a product and very often it includes the name of a company, part of which might include the name of the place from which the product originated.Read paragrap

6、h 1 & 2 and answer the following questions. Para 3 Details Problems How to solve?Examples It is _ to be just the _ of a _ or a _.Ads need to _ and _ the _ of the public.Some ads _ pictures or the _ of experts; others try to _ ads that people simply_ at.likelynamecompanygeneral locationattractholdatt

7、entionconsist ofwordscreateenjoy lookingIntensive reading Para 4 Details Problems How to solve?Examples People are used to _.Modern ads must _ the _ standards with ideas to make them more _.Some ads may use the _ of _ to sell the car. Other common ideas include _, _ and _.seeing highstandards of vis

8、ual designcombinehighestattractivefreedomconcepthappinesswealthsuccessIntensive readingPara 5 Details Problems For many of todays advertisers, _ old ideas is not a successful approach.How to solve?The advertisers look for other ways to make people _.Examples The top advertisers use _ as well as _ an

9、d _ ideas to surprise people.repeatingnotice their productshumournewunusualIntensive reading Para 6 Details Problems Some ads are about _ and _ for a profit.How to solve?Some ads aim to make _ to _ and welfare.selling productsservicesa contributionsocietyIntensive reading Para 6 Details Examples 1.

10、_ citizens to _ in improving their neighbourhood 2. _ the public on _ AIDS, _ water, _ the poor, _ smoking, etc.Encourage participateEducatfighting savinghelpinggiving upIntensive readingPost-readingPost-reading: Think and share1.What has been the driving force for the development of advertisements?

11、2. What does the title “The Advertising Game” mean to you? VLanguage pointsGrammar: Difficult SentencesIt was likely to be the name of a company, part of which might include the name of the place from which the product originated. 這些信息可能是公司名,其中一部分可能包含產(chǎn)品的原產(chǎn)地。 which引導(dǎo)非限制性定語從句,關(guān)系詞指代company,定語從句中又包含一個wh

12、ich引導(dǎo)的定語從句,which指代place。Page58Grammar: Difficult SentencesFor this reason, its now normal to see advertisements that consist of pictures or words from experts to show people how good the product is. 因此,現(xiàn)在的廣告常常引用專家的圖片、文字,向人們展示產(chǎn)品有多棒。 it作形式主語,代替動詞不定式短語to see ;that引導(dǎo)定語從句,修飾advertisements。Page59Grammar: Difficult SentencesThey realise that it does not matter how attractive the idea linked with the product is most people know and anticipate that the main purpose of the advertisement is to make customers buy the product. 他們意識到與產(chǎn)品關(guān)聯(lián)的概念有


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