



1、四年級英語上冊期中質量檢測試題(卷)題號聽力部分筆試部分總分得分聽力部分(共四四道大題,計計40分)、聽錄音,圈圈出你所聽到到的單詞。1.car ccab 22. shoop shhoppinng 3. fiftty fiffteen 4. nnear far 5. hootel help 6.tweenty thirtty 7.libraary Feebruarry 8. clerrk casshier 9.ligght riight 110.toyy boyy、聽錄音,選選出你所聽到到的句子。( )11. A. I cann showw you . B. I can hhelp yyou

2、.( )22. A. Is thhat faar froom herre ? B. Is hhe a ccashieer?( )33. A .Eightt pluss two equalls tenn . B. Yelllow iss waitt.( )44.A.Doo you have a mapp? B. Whhere ddo theey worrk ?( ).totertt m B. LLets go to thhe citty.、聽錄音,判判斷聽到的內內容是否與圖圖意相符,相相符的畫不符的畫。 ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )、聽錄音,用用1,2,33,4,5給給下列句子排排序。(

3、 )wwhere is thhe libbrary?( ) thannks( ) Heree it iis.( ) Excuuse mee, Misss Zhaang.( ) I caan shoow youu.筆試部分(共六六道大題,計計60分)、選擇所缺字字母,并把其其序號填在提提前括號里。( )11.classsr m教室 A.ooo B.oa C.eoo( )22.p k 公園園 AA.er B.ar C.uur( )33.tr ck 卡卡車 A.aa B.e C.u( )44.w tresss 女服務員員 A.ai B.eei C.arr( )55.ninee 九十 A.teeen

4、B.ty CC.tn、把下列單詞詞進行歸類,并并把單詞前序序號寫在橫線線上。A.car B.thiirty C.gymm D.cclerk E.caab F.cashiier GG.fortty H.libraary II.one hundrred JJ.busiinesswwoman K. mmarkett L.bbus交通工具: 數字: 地點: 職業(yè): 、把下列短語語翻譯成漢語語。turn leeft folllow mee go shoppping fly kkites buy a ddress drivve a ccar to the officce silk shop read bo

5、ooks heree it iis 、單項選擇,將將正確答案的的序號填入提提前括號內。1. Red is .A. stopp BB. go CC. waiit2. May I yyou?A. helpp BB. hellper C. to heelp3. are you ggoing ? To the sstairss.A.What BB. Wheere C. wwhere4. Whatt do yyou waant too ? I waant too buy some ice ccream.A. do B. buy C. go5.Letss the ppark .Ago too B. goo

6、 C. ggoes tto6. Twennty pllus siixteenn equaals .A. thirrty-fiive B. tthirtyy-six C. fiftty-sixx7. Lets go to thhe resstauraant too .A. eat ice ccream B. readd a boook C. buy vvegetaables8. Let heelp yoou .A. me B. I C. wwe9. 在你打擾擾別人前應說說: .A. Excuuse mee B. heello CC.Folllow mee10. 當你想想詢問別人是是否能幫你時時,

7、你應該問問: A. Thannks B. Can you hhelp mme ? C. I ccan heelp yoou .11. 當別人人對你說“Thankk you”時,你應該該說: .A. Thannks B. Here it iss. C. Youre weelcomee. 12. 當你想想表達“我不想買絲絲綢”時,你應該該說: .A. I doont wannt to buy ssilk . B. I waant too buy silk. C. Do you wwant tto buyy silkk?13.當你想詢詢問天氣怎么么樣時你應該該說: .A. Whatt is tthe

8、 weeatherr? B. Wheere iss the gym? C. Hows thee weatther?、從第欄中中選出與第欄句子相匹匹配的句子,并并將其序號填填在題前括號號內。( )11.Wherres thee librrary? A. Yes, I wannt to buy aa dresss. ( ) 2.WWhere are yyou gooing? B.Accross from the oofficee. ( ) 3. May II helpp you? C.Too the stairrs. ( ) 4. What do yoou wannt to buy? D. Its

9、 hott and sunnyy. ( ) 5. Hows thee weatther ? E.II wantt to bbuy soome icce creeam.、 HYPERLINK 連詞成句。1. go Grreen iss .2. gym thhe Wherres ?3. wantt II tto aa drress buy .4.park Letts tto go the .5. are yoou goingg WWhere ? 命題人:斗斗雞臺小學 張芳檢測人:斗雞臺臺小學 張張芳參考答案聽力部分、1、carr 2、sshop 3、fiffty 44、nearr 5、hhotel

10、 6、thhirty 7、Feebruarry 8、cclerk 9、rigght 110、toyy、1、I ccan shhow yoou .2、Is thhat faar froom herre?3、Eightt pluss two equalls tenn.4、Wheree do tthey wwork?5、Letss go tto thee cityy.、1、Whaat aree you goingg to ddo? 2、WWhere are yyou frrom?3、Whichh do yyou liike beetter? 44、Whatt can I do for yyou?5、How llong mmay I keep it?、2 5 44 1 3筆試部 HYPERLINK 分、1.A 2.B 3.CC 4.A 5.B、交通工具:A E LL 數字字:B G I 地點:C H K 職業(yè)業(yè): D FF J 向左轉 去購物物 買買一件連衣裙裙 去去辦公室 讀書 交通通燈 放風箏 開小汽車


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