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1、英語口語8000句-在飛機上、飯店里 在飛機上您想喝點兒什么么? What woould yyou liike too drinnk?What woould yyou liike too drinnk? (您您想喝點兒什什么?)Well, wwhat ddo youu havee? (您這這兒都有什么么?)Anythinng to drinkk? (您喝喝什么嗎?) 請來一杯咖啡。 Coffee, pleaase. 要加牛奶和糖嗎嗎?With suugar aand crream? *creaam “牛奶”?;卮稹耙庇肶es, pleaase,“不要”用No, thankk you.明確地給

2、予予回答是一種種禮貌。午餐您要牛肉還還是要魚? What woould yyou liike foor dinnner, beef or fiish?Beef orr fishh for dinneer?Which wwould you llike, beef or fiish? 請給我牛肉。 Beef, ppleasee. 您用完了嗎? Have yoou finnishedd?Are youu throough? 還沒有。 No, nott yet. 我可以收走了嗎嗎? May I cclear the ttable? *cleear 有“收拾餐具”的意思。May I cclear the

3、 pplatess off the ttable?請您收拾一下桌桌子吧。Clear tthe taable, pleasse.Clear tthe taable, pleasse. (請請您收拾一下下桌子吧。)Yes, siir. (好好的。) 您能給我杯水嗎嗎? Can I hhave ssome wwater?能給我點兒喝的的嗎? Can I hhave ssomethhing tto driink? 請給我一條毯子子。A blankket, ppleasee. 我覺得冷/熱。I feel cold/hot.I feel cold. (我覺得得冷。)Ill tuurn onn the he

4、ateer.(我去去把空調打開開。) 我覺得惡心。 I feel sick.Im nott feelling wwell. 能給我點兒藥嗎嗎? Can I hhave ssome mmediciine? 您能告訴我怎么么填這張表嗎嗎? Could yyou teell mee how to fiill ouut thiis forrm? *ffill oout 是“(在空白的的地方)填寫寫”。fromm是填寫用的的表格。May I hhelp yyou? (有事嗎?)Could yyou teell mee how to fiill ouut thiis forrm? (您您能告訴我怎怎么填這

5、張表表嗎?)How do I filll outt thiss formm? (這張張表怎么填?)Can youu helpp me wwith tthis fform? (您能幫我我填這張表格格嗎?)在機場請出示您的護照照。 May I ssee yoour paassporrt, pllease?May I ssee yoour paassporrt, pllease? (請出示示您的護照。)Here itt is. (給。) 您在美國停留多多長時間?How lonng willl youu be sstayinng in the UUnitedd Stattes?How lonng wi

6、lll youu be sstayinng in the UUnitedd Stattes? (您在美國停停留多長時間間?)I plan to sttay foor a wweek. (我計劃呆呆一個星期。) 您來旅行的目的的? Whats the ppurposse of your visitt?What brroughtt you here?Why aree you here?*這種說說法給人不禮禮貌的感覺。旅游。/工作。 Sightseeeing/Businness. 我是來工作的。 Im herre on businness. 我是來度假的。 Im herre on vacattion

7、.Im vaccationning. 您住哪兒? Where aare yoou staaying?Where aare yoou staaying? (您打打算住在哪哪兒?)Im staaying at thhe Bensoon Hotell. (我住住在本森飯店店。) 有什么需要報關關的嗎? Do you have anythhing tto decclare?Do you have anythhing tto decclare? (有什么么需要報關的的嗎?)No, I ddont. (沒有。)Anythinng to declaare? *這是上面例例句的省縮說說法。 在華盛頓飯店。At

8、 the Washiingtonn Hoteel. 您帶了多少現(xiàn)金金? How mucch monney doo you have? 我有400美金金和10萬日日元。Four huundredd dolllars aand onne hunndred thoussand yyen. 好了,祝您愉快快!Okay. HHave aa nicee stayy.Okay. HHave aa nicee tripp. 我找不著行李了了。 I cantt findd my bbaggagge.I cantt findd my bbaggagge. (我我找不著行李李了。)What dooes itt lo

9、okk likee? (什么么樣的行李?) 請馬上查一查。 Please checkk it iimmediiatelyy.Please checkk it rright away. 找到后請馬上把把我的行李送送到飯店。Please delivver thhe bagggage to myy hoteel as soon as yoou havve loccated it.Please delivver myy bagggage tto my hotell as ssoon aas youu findd it. 我想確認一下我我的機票。Id likke to reconnfirm my fll

10、ight. *recconfirrm 表示“重新確認”。 日本航空公司的的柜臺在哪兒兒? Where iis thee Japaan Airrliness counnter? 登機口在哪兒? Where iis thee boarrding gate? 什么時候開始登登機? What tiime doo you startt boarrding? 這個航班開始登登機了嗎?Has thiis fliight bbegun boardding?Have thhey beegun bboardiing thhis fllight? 幾點到東京? What tiime wiill wee arriiv

11、e inn Tokyyo?What tiime wiill wee arriive inn Tokyyo? (幾幾點到東京?)In abouut twoo hourrs. (大大概兩個多小小時以后到東東京。)在飯店的服務務臺今天晚上有空房房間嗎? Is therre a rroom aavailaable ffor toonightt?Is therre a rroom aavailaable ffor toonightt? (今天天晚上有空房房間嗎?)No, alll the roomss are bookeed forr toniight. (沒有了,今今天晚上全都都訂滿了。)Do you

12、 have a rooom forr toniight?我預訂了一個房房間。 I reserrved aa roomm for tonigght. 請辦入住手續(xù)。 Check iin, pllease.Id likke to checkk in. 請幫我拿一下行行李。 Take myy bagggage, pleasse. 請給我809房房間的鑰匙。Id likke a kkey too roomm 809, pleaase. *用于在服務務臺取鑰匙時時。Id likke to leavee my rroom kkey, ppleasee. *存鑰鑰匙時。餐廳在哪兒? Where iis th

13、ee diniing rooom? 餐廳幾點開門? What tiime dooes thhe dinning rroom oopen? 幾點吃早飯?What tiime caan I hhave bbreakffast? 我在哪兒可以買買到啤酒? Where ccan I get ssome bbeer?Where ccan I get ssome bbeer? (我在哪兒兒可以買到啤啤酒?)Theress a liiquor storee acrooss thhe strreet. (街對面有有個賣酒的商商店。)Where ccan I buy ssome bbeer? 我可以把貴重物物品

14、存這兒嗎嗎? Can youu keepp my vvaluabbles? 我想把日元換成成美金。Yen to dollaars, ppleasee.Id likke to exchaange yyen too dolllars, pleasse. 請換成現(xiàn)金。 Cash, ppleasee.Id likke to cash this, pleaase. *比較禮貌的的說法。Would yyou caash thhis, ppleasee? (麻煩煩您給我換一一下現(xiàn)金。)Could yyou caash thhis, ppleasee? (您能能給我換成現(xiàn)現(xiàn)金嗎?) 您能幫我把旅行行支票換成現(xiàn)

15、現(xiàn)金嗎? Could yyou caash thhis trraveleers ccheck (for me)?Would yyou caash thhese ttravellers checkks? (復復數(shù)情況下。)Can youu channge thhese ttravellers checkks? (復復數(shù)情況下。) 請幫我把這1000美元換成成5張20美美元的。Would yyou exxchangge thiis onee hunddred ddollarr billl withh fivee twennties? 有人會說日語嗎嗎? Does annyone speakk Ja

16、paanese?Does annyone speakk Japaanese? (有人會會說日語嗎?)No, Imm afraaid noot. (恐恐怕沒有。) 有給我的留言嗎嗎?Are theere anny messsagess for me?Are theere anny messsagess for me? (有給我的留留言嗎?)Yes, Mrr. Broown caalled. (有,布布朗先生來過過電話。) 我辦退房手續(xù)。 Check oout, ppleasee.Id likke to checkk out. 這是我房間的鑰鑰匙。 Heres my rooom keey. 我沒用

17、電話。 I didnt makke anyy phonne callls. 這是您的賬單。Heres your bill.Heres your checkk. 能幫我叫一輛出出租車嗎? Could yyou caall a taxi for mme?Call mee a taaxi, ppleasee.Hail a taxi, pleaase.Taxi, ppleasee.Can youu get me a taxi, pleaase?客房服務請?zhí)峁┛头糠談?。Room seervicee, pleease. 請?zhí)峁┙性绶談铡?A wake-up caall, ppleasee.A wake

18、-up caall att seveen tommorroww mornning, pleasse. (請請明天早晨77點鐘叫醒我我。)Certainnly, mmaam. (好的。)Id likke a wwake-uup calll, pllease.May I hhave aa wakee-up ccall? (早晨能叫叫醒我嗎?) 我可以借一下吹吹風機嗎? Can I bborroww a haair drryer? *borrrow“借入”。 請送一壺咖啡。 Please bringg me aa pot of cooffee.Please bringg me aa pot of c

19、ooffee. (請送一一壺咖啡。)How manny cupps wouuld yoou likke? (您您要幾個杯子子?) 請?zhí)峁┫匆路談?。Laundryy servvice, pleasse. *llaundrry “洗衣”。 什么時候能弄好好? When wiill itt be rready?When wiill itt be rready? (什么時時候能弄好?)Tomorroow morrning at teen. (明明天上午100點。) 請告訴我您的房房間號碼。Your rooom nuumber, pleaase. 501房間。This iss roomm 501. *

20、5011的說法是ffive oo one。 請進。 Come inn.在飯店遇到困困難時沒有熱水。There iis no hot wwater.There iis no hot wwater. (沒有熱熱水。)Are youu suree abouut thaat? (您您肯定沒有嗎嗎?) 隔壁太吵了。The rooom nexxt dooor is noisyy. 我能再要一把房房間鑰匙嗎? Could II posssibly have anothher rooom keey? *因因為有posssiblyy,所以使得得說法更禮貌貌。Could II pleaase haave annotherr roomm key?May I hhave aanotheer rooom keyy?Is it aall riight iif I hhave aanotheer rooom keyy?Would iit be possiible ffor mee to hhave aanotheer rooom keyy?Id likke to have anothher keey, iff tha


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