



1、文明禮儀伴我成長回顧燦爛歷史長河,泱泱中華締造了享譽(yù)千年的“禮儀之邦”?!盀槿俗?,方少時(shí),親師友,習(xí)禮儀”,三字經(jīng)中的這句話告訴我們: 做子女的,年少時(shí)就應(yīng)當(dāng)學(xué)會(huì)尊敬師長、關(guān)愛同學(xué),學(xué)習(xí)人與人之間 交往的禮節(jié)。孔子云:“不學(xué)禮,無以立?!边@句話告訴我們,你假設(shè)是不懂禮儀, 便無法在社會(huì)上立足。由此可見,幾千多年前的人們,是多么重視禮 儀教化呀!在一個(gè)國家中個(gè)人是主體,對于個(gè)人來說什么最重要呢?我想首 先應(yīng)該是具備文明素質(zhì),只有當(dāng)每一個(gè)人都具備了文明素質(zhì),那么這 個(gè)國家的整體素質(zhì)才能提高。曾看到這樣一那么報(bào)道,說的是新加坡, 新加坡是一個(gè)通用英語的國家,這個(gè)國家的公共場所的各種標(biāo)語大多 是用英語

2、書寫。但其中的一些文明禮貌的標(biāo)語,如“不準(zhǔn)隨地吐痰”、 “禁止吸煙”、“不準(zhǔn)進(jìn)入草坪”等卻用中文書寫。為什么呢?人家回 答:“因?yàn)橛羞@些不文明行為的大多數(shù)是中國大陸的游客。”為此,到 新加坡考察的一位中學(xué)校長語重心長地說:“不文明行為也是國恥! 那些習(xí)慣的陋習(xí),圖的只是一時(shí)之快,丟的,卻是自己的人格和國家 的尊嚴(yán)。有句老話說:“少假設(shè)成天性,習(xí)慣成自然?!敝挥凶⒅仄綍r(shí)的 禮儀,從小培養(yǎng),才能形成良好習(xí)慣,得到別人的尊重。所以讓我們 從小做起,從現(xiàn)在做起!以上的事例也說明,文明其實(shí)是由點(diǎn)滴細(xì)節(jié)構(gòu)成的,它存在于我 們每一天的學(xué)習(xí)、生活和工作當(dāng)中,每個(gè)人的儀容儀表和行為習(xí)慣都 是它最具體的表現(xiàn)。但是

3、反思我們的所作所為,文明離我們還有一段 距離。在我們身邊,在一局部同學(xué)身上,還存在著一些不文明的行為。 例如,在我們的校園內(nèi)、樓梯上、教室里、還時(shí)常能見到與我們美麗 的校園極不和諧的紙屑、食品袋等垃圾;在廁所里,有的同學(xué)還沒有 養(yǎng)成良好的衛(wèi)生習(xí)慣,給保潔阿姨帶來了麻煩;有的同學(xué)在教學(xué)樓走 廊上追逐打鬧,走路推推操揉習(xí)以為常;有的同學(xué)午飯后胡亂堆放餐 盤,甚至將剩飯剩菜倒在地上;還有局部同學(xué)沒有做到看見老師要主 動(dòng)問好。人的文明修養(yǎng)并不是與生俱來的,而是靠后天不斷完善的。文明 是一種認(rèn)識(shí),是一種觀念,更是一種文化。同學(xué)們,你們現(xiàn)在正處于 人生中最關(guān)鍵的成長時(shí)期,在這個(gè)時(shí)期的所作所為,將潛移默化的

4、影 響你們自身的成長,影響你們將來的開展。文明禮儀是我們學(xué)習(xí)、生 活的根基,是我們健康成長的臂膀,讓我們相互幫助,相互催促,從 學(xué)生日常行為規(guī)范做起:著裝得體、不求時(shí)尚;說話文明、舉止大方; 保護(hù)公物、保護(hù)環(huán)境;尊重師長、學(xué)會(huì)關(guān)愛;遵守交通、講究衛(wèi)生等 等。我們既是校園文明的創(chuàng)造者,又是校園文明的受益者。文明的舉 止,文明的行為,加上恬靜、幽雅、舒適的環(huán)境,濃郁的文化氣氛, 會(huì)啟迪莘莘學(xué)子去不斷探索求知。好的文明禮儀習(xí)慣,影響著我們的 學(xué)習(xí),我們的生活,甚至將來的一生都將受用不盡,那我們何樂而不 為呢?只有具有深厚的底蘊(yùn)、幽雅的談吐、得體的舉止,才能稱得上 真正有內(nèi)涵的美。同學(xué)們,讓我們一起努

5、力,學(xué)做文明人,學(xué)做社會(huì)人,清潔環(huán)境,文 明校園,從我做起,從點(diǎn)滴做起,讓文明禮儀之花在校園處處盛開, 讓文明禮儀伴我們成長!Civility accompanies me to growDear teachers, dear students:Good morning, everyone!The topic of my speech today is Hcivilized manners with my growth11.Review of our brilliant history, China created the famous nland of courtesy “in one th

6、ousand. nA famous sentence from the “three character classic tells us: people should learn to respect teachers, love students, and learn manners in their childhood.Confucius said: Hlf you do not understand manners, you cannot be accepted by the society. So it can be seen that people paid great atten

7、tion to manners education thousands of years ago!What is the most important thing for a man in a country? I think it should be the first to have the quality of civilization. Only when each of us has the quality of civilization, the country can improve the overall quality. I have seen such a report,

8、saying that Singapore is a common English speaking country. The countrys public places are mostly written slogans in English. But some of the polite slogans, such as MNo Spitting11, Mno smoking, not allowed to enter the lawn11, are written in Chinese. I asked why? They replied: MBecause the uncivili

9、zed behavior of the majority of tourists are from mainland China. Therefore, a high school principal visited Singapore said: HUncivilized behave is also a national humiliation! . If you neglect bad habits, you will lose the respect of others and even the dignity of your country. An old saying says:

10、Habit is a second nature.11 Only pay attention to form good habits can get the respect of others. So let us start from childhood, from now on!The above examples show that civilization is actually made up of details, it exists in our life and work every day. Each person, s appearance and behavior is

11、the most specific performance. But reflecting on what we do, civilization is still a distance away from us. There are still some uncivilized behavior in some of the students. For example, in our campus, on the stairs, in the classroom, we still can often see some garbage which is not matching with o

12、ur beautiful campus; in the toilet, some students haven t improved their health habits and brought trouble to the janitor; some students are used to chasing in the hallways and pushing each other when walking; some students do not say hello to the teachers initiatively; some students randomly piled

13、up their plates after lunch and even emptied their leftovers to the ground.Human civilization is not innate, but acquired by the continuous improvement. Civilization is a kind of understanding, a concept and also a kind of culture. Dear students, you are now in the most critical period of growth. In

14、 this period of time, your behavior will affect your growth and future development. Civilized manners is the base of our study and life, let us help each other to conduct the middle school students1 daily behavior standards: dressing appropriately; speaking politely; protecting the environment; resp

15、ecting teachers; obeying the traffic rules; paying attention to health habits; etc.We are not only the creators but also the beneficiaries of campus civilization. Civilized manners and civilized behavior, coupled with quiet, elegant and comfortable environment, rich cultural atmosphere, w川 continue to inspire students to explore. Good manners and civilized habits will affect our learning, our lives, and even the future life .So why not do it well?Dear stude


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