1、My comments are as follows :-The DLP period for this contract is stated as 10 years while the warranty period is stated as 3 years. Please change the DLP period to 2 years (our standard for this project if its not 2 years) and 10 years warranty for the fire door. See attached for page where the DLP
2、period is stated as 10 years.回標(biāo)疑問(wèn)卷1&5 TTo remmove tthe prriced BQ frrom thhese 22 setss of ddocumeents iif thee BQ hhas beeen suuperseeded bby thee conttract BQ.Contracct BQ Is the ddesignn for the mmain eentrannce dooor tyype FMM乙4 (S22.1/1/B) thhe samme as the PPublicc Areaa timbber fiire dooor ty
3、ype FMM乙4 (S22.1/1/G)? IIf its thee samee thinng, pllease re-addjust the rrates to tiie in with each otherr.Is the BQ giiven ccompleete? TThe tootal ccost sshown underr the Contrract BBQ (RMMB975,193.000) dooes noot tiee up wwith tthe awwardedd sum (RMB11,210,448.779).專用條件The iteem in the ccontennts
4、 paage dooes noot mattch wiith thhe acttual cclausee. S144.7 iss knoww as 竣竣工報(bào)備inn the conteents ppage bbut iss refllectedd as 竣竣工報(bào)表 iin thee actuual cllause.Clause S20.11, subb-clauuse 244.1 onn pagee SCC/38. RRefereence iis madde to clausse 4.66 of tthe 投標(biāo)標(biāo)須知 inn paraagraphh 1. TThe 投標(biāo)標(biāo)須知 iss not
5、part of thhis coontracct, soo pleaase chheck tto enssure tthe cllause tie uup, iff not, to cchangee accoordinggly.Item S220.1, Clausse 24.3(a) acttual CClausee 26.11 menttionedd in tthis cclausee cant be founddItem S220.1 CClausee 24.44 acctual Clausse 26.1, 266.3 meentionned inn thiss clauuse caant
6、 bbe fouundAppreciiate iif youu coulld cleear thhe atttachedd conttract. I wiill goo throough aat my end iin parrallell.Pls finnd thee attaached for yyour cclearaance ppls. II had send to Ammy beffore sshe gooes onn leavve, buut havve nott reveerted to uss.Lu, pls hhold iit unttil ouur cleearancce f
7、room leggal. SSorry for iinconvveniennce caausedWith reegardss to QQn No. 2, oour suuggesttion iis to go foor chaampagnne collor poowder coat insteead too matcch thee restt of tthe deeveloppment.item 3.7.1, the dduratiion off submmittinng thee mateerial is tooo lonng. Thhe whoole coontracct perriod
8、iis onlly 1 mmonth+. Pleease rreducee to rreasonnable time framee. Theey aree submmitingg perfforamnnce boond riight? Cannoot finnd in the LLOA. TThankss.With reegardss to QQn No. 2, oour suuggesttion iis to go foor chaampagnne collor poowder coat insteead too matcch thee restt of tthe deeveloppment
9、For thee quallificaation of thhe tenndererr, Maiin conn callled too adviise thhat thhey wiill prrovidee the qualiificattion oof thee firmm thatt theyy are workiing wiith inn due coursse, whhich II thinnk is ok giiven tthe tiight ttimeliine (ccaroliine is tthis ook witth youu ? plls advvise).For dess
10、ign/ddrawinngs sonnny plss folllow upp asapp.For conntractt provvisionns yan mei ppls foollow up assap.By copyy of tthis mmail, appreeciatee Amy, Michhelle and CCaroliine caan hellp revview iin parrallell and reverrt witth youur commmentss, if any, in paaralleel.Please underrstandding tthat wwe aree
11、 callling sseveraal conntractts in paralllel iin ordder too meett the tightt timeeline and yyour aassisttance in thhe aboove arre apppreciaated.With reegardss to QQn No. 2, oour suuggesttion iis to go foor chaampagnne collor poowder coat insteead too matcch thee restt of tthe deeveloppmentPlease rep
12、lyy to qquestiion nuumber 2 as a mattter oof urggency so DLLS cann replly to the ttenderrers.Pls incclude in yoour prrelim assesssmentt and proviide thhe preelim aassesssment on Moonday morniingPlease replyy to tthe foollowiing urrgentlly. Thhe tenndererrs neeed to do soome deesign devellopmennt as
13、part of thheir ttenderr retuurn soo we nneed tto givve somme morre leaad timmeAs per discuussed yesteerday, pleaase prrovidee the folloowingss:SKK sprray paaint ffinishh as aa repllacemeent maateriaal forr stonne claaddingg as iindicaated iin Cappols drawiing. PPleasee provvide tthe sppecifiicatioon
14、 forr tenddererss.Door fiinish.Please proviide deesign intennt wriite-upp for the ccanopyy as iindicaated iin Cappols drawiing.Please proviide inn Chinnese ffor thhe aboove whhere ppossibble ass we aare deealingg withh locaal conntracttors.For thee quallificaation of thhe tenndererr, Maiin conn call
15、led too adviise thhat thhey wiill prrovidee the qualiificattion oof thee firmm thatt theyy are workiing wiith inn due coursse, whhich II thinnk is ok giiven tthe tiight ttimeliine (ccaroliine is tthis ook witth youu ? plls advvise).For dessign/ddrawinngs sonnny plss folllow upp asapp.For conntractt
16、provvisionns yan mei ppls foollow up assap.By copyy of tthis mmail, appreeciatee Amy, Michhelle and CCaroliine caan hellp revview iin parrallell and reverrt witth youur commmentss, if any, in paaralleel.Please underrstandding tthat wwe aree callling sseveraal conntractts in paralllel iin ordder too
17、meett the tightt timeeline and yyour aassisttance in thhe aboove arre apppreciaatedPer ourr conccall ffor thhe Lifft Suppply LLOA commments/conceensus as foollow as nooted bby QS in thhe atttachedd :item 1.2 ordeer of listiing sugggest uupdatee the speciial coonditiions iinsteaaditem 3.3 (3) mainnta
18、in 75% mmax peer agrreemennt durring ttenderr clarrificaationssitem 3.4 (d) sugggest aamend the mminor errorr whenn signning tthe coontracctitem 3.6 (3) samee as iitem 22 abovve.other qqueriees as cclariffied bby QS.As the abovee itemms havve beeen claarifieed, thhere iis no more issuee withh the su
19、pplly LOAA whicch KONNE hadd stammped aand reeturneed. QS willl updaate onn the speciial coonditiions aand innstalllationn LOA separratelyy for discuussionn/conccall aasap (Jerryy pls targeet forr Fridday affternooon saay 4pmm as sspokenn)Per ourr conccall ffor thhe Lifft Suppply LLOA commments/conc
20、eensus as foollow as nooted bby QS in thhe atttachedd :item 1.2 ordeer of listiing sugggest uupdatee the speciial coonditiions iinsteaaditem 3.3 (3) mainntain 75% mmax peer agrreemennt durring ttenderr clarrificaationssitem 3.4 (d) sugggest aamend the mminor errorr whenn signning tthe coontracctitem
21、 3.6 (3) samee as iitem 22 abovve.other qqueriees as cclariffied bby QS.As the abovee itemms havve beeen claarifieed, thhere iis no more issuee withh the supplly LOAA whicch KONNE hadd stammped aand reeturneed. QS willl updaate onn the speciial coonditiions aand innstalllationn LOA separratelyy for
22、discuussionn/conccall aasap (Jerryy pls targeet forr Fridday affternooon saay 4pmm as sspokenn)As per discuussed yesteerday, pleaase prrovidee the folloowingss:SKK sprray paaint ffinishh as aa repllacemeent maateriaal forr stonne claaddingg as iindicaated iin Cappols drawiing. PPleasee provvide tthe
23、 sppecifiicatioon forr tenddererss.Door fiinish.Please proviide deesign intennt wriite-upp for the ccanopyy as iindicaated iin Cappols drawiing.Please proviide inn Chinnese ffor thhe aboove whhere ppossibble ass we aare deealingg withh locaal conntracttors.Appreciiate iif youu coulld cleear thhe att
24、tachedd conttract. I wiill goo throough aat my end iin parrallell.I have no fuurtherr commments on booth thhe bonnd andd advaance ppaymennt bonnd, hooweverr, as theree are deviaationss fromm the formaat givven foor thee bondd, pleease eensuree thatt cleaarancee is oobtainned frrom Maay Lann, Edwward
25、 aand Trracy aas perr SOP requiiremennts.Also, iif thee 2 boonds aare noot froom thee big 4 bannks heere, ppleasee obtaain cllearannce frrom Maay Lann as wwellFor upddate, phasee 2 maain coontracct is beingg signned byy SCG and tthey ttargett to rreturnn by nnext MMondayy. Appreciiate yyour UURGENTT
26、 reviiew annd revvert yyour ccommennts, iif anyy, on the rrelateed perrformaance bbonds per aattachhed foor QS/SCG ffolloww up oon acttivatiioncalled me thhis moorningg. He mentiioned that main con wwould like to deeduct the PP&A feees inn theiir payyment. Can you ppls heelp too checck up the ddetai
27、lls in your recommmendeed payyment cert (paymment 110.2), havee you actuaally ddeductted thhe feees alrready and ppay too mainn con or hoow? Thhanks.Pls finnd thee attaached for yyour cclearaance ppls. II had send to Ammy beffore sshe gooes onn leavve, buut havve nott reveerted to uss.Lu, pls hhold
28、iit unttil ouur cleearancce froom leggal. SSorry for iinconvveniennce caausedJerry, item 3.7.11, thee duraation of suubmittting tthe maateriaal is too llong. The wwhole contrract pperiodd is oonly 11 montth+. PPleasee reduuce too reassonablle timme fraame. TThey aare suubmitiing peerforaamnce bond r
29、ightt? Cannnot ffind iin thee LOA. ThannksI have no fuurtherr commments on booth thhe bonnd andd advaance ppaymennt bonnd, hooweverr, as theree are deviaationss fromm the formaat givven foor thee bondd, pleease eensuree thatt cleaarancee is oobtainned frrom Maay Lann, Edwward aand Trracy aas perr SO
30、P requiiremennts.Also, iif thee 2 boonds aare noot froom thee big 4 bannks heere, ppleasee obtaain cllearannce frrom Maay Lann as wwell.For upddate, phasee 2 maain coontracct is beingg signned byy SCG and tthey ttargett to rreturnn by nnext MMondayy. Appreciiate yyour UURGENTT reviiew annd revvert y
31、your ccommennts, iif anyy, on the rrelateed perrformaance bbonds per aattachhed foor QS/SCG ffolloww up oon acttivatiionFor thee quallificaation of thhe tenndererr, Maiin conn callled too adviise thhat thhey wiill prrovidee the qualiificattion oof thee firmm thatt theyy are workiing wiith inn due co
32、ursse, whhich II thinnk is ok giiven tthe tiight ttimeliine (ccaroliine is tthis ook witth youu ? plls advvise).For dessign/ddrawinngs sonnny plss folllow upp asapp.For conntractt provvisionns yan mei ppls foollow up assap.By copyy of tthis mmail, appreeciatee Amy, Michhelle and CCaroliine caan hell
33、p revview iin parrallell and reverrt witth youur commmentss, if any, in paaralleel.Please underrstandding tthat wwe aree callling sseveraal conntractts in paralllel iin ordder too meett the tightt timeeline and yyour aassisttance in thhe aboove arre apppreciaated.I have no fuurtherr commments on boo
34、th thhe bonnd andd advaance ppaymennt bonnd, hooweverr, as theree are deviaationss fromm the formaat givven foor thee bondd, pleease eensuree thatt cleaarancee is oobtainned frrom Maay Lann, Edwward aand Trracy aas perr SOP requiiremennts.Also, iif thee 2 boonds aare noot froom thee big 4 bannks hee
35、re, ppleasee obtaain cllearannce frrom Maay Lann as wwell.For upddate, phasee 2 maain coontracct is beingg signned byy SCG and tthey ttargett to rreturnn by nnext MMondayy. Appreciiate yyour UURGENTT reviiew annd revvert yyour ccommennts, iif anyy, on the rrelateed perrformaance bbonds per aattachhe
36、d foor QS/SCG ffolloww up oon acttivatiion.I have no fuurtherr commments on booth thhe bonnd andd advaance ppaymennt bonnd, hooweverr, as theree are deviaationss fromm the formaat givven foor thee bondd, pleease eensuree thatt cleaarancee is oobtainned frrom Maay Lann, Edwward aand Trracy aas perr S
37、OP requiiremennts.Also, iif thee 2 boonds aare noot froom thee big 4 bannks heere, ppleasee obtaain cllearannce frrom Maay Lann as wwell.For upddate, phasee 2 maain coontracct is beingg signned byy SCG and tthey ttargett to rreturnn by nnext MMondayy. Appreciiate yyour UURGENTT reviiew annd revvert
38、yyour ccommennts, iif anyy, on the rrelateed perrformaance bbonds per aattachhed foor QS/SCG ffolloww up oon acttivatiion.Per ourr conccall ffor thhe Lifft Suppply LLOA commments/conceensus as foollow as nooted bby QS in thhe atttachedd :item 1.2 ordeer of listiing sugggest uupdatee the speciial coo
39、nditiions iinsteaaditem 3.3 (3) mainntain 75% mmax peer agrreemennt durring ttenderr clarrificaationssitem 3.4 (d) sugggest aamend the mminor errorr whenn signning tthe coontracctitem 3.6 (3) samee as iitem 22 abovve.other qqueriees as cclariffied bby QS.As the abovee itemms havve beeen claarifieed,
40、 thhere iis no more issuee withh the supplly LOAA whicch KONNE hadd stammped aand reeturneed. QS willl updaate onn the speciial coonditiions aand innstalllationn LOA separratelyy for discuussionn/conccall aasap (Jerryy pls targeet forr Fridday affternooon saay 4pmm as sspokenn)Encloseed pleease ffin
41、d tthe nootes ffor thhe LOAA as ddiscusssed iin todday Coon-calll.As KONEE had expreessed theirr agreeementt to tthe ammendmeent inn the Speciial Coonditiions oof Conntractt, we will go thhroughh the detaiils wiith KOONE annd advvise tto youur Offfice ttomorrrow.Please advisse as folloows:1) We hhav
42、e ssent tthe coommentt of MMT lawwyer (as enncloseed) too KONEE. We have discuussed with KONE and tthey vverballly reefusedd to aamend thosee reviised TTerms and CCondittions. KONEE willl provvide wwritteen emaail foor thee samee lateer. Apppreciiate iif youu coulld liaaise wwith MMT lawwyer wwhethe
43、er theey havve anyy opinnion tto thee legaal staandingg/posiition of thhe Conntractt withhout tthe prroposeed ameendmennt.2) In rrespecct of the ppropossed 5% reteentionn to bbe relleasedd afteer thee Defeect Liiabiliity Peeriod in thhe insstallaation contrract, KONE refussed too reviise thhe payyme
44、nt termss as sstatedd in ttheir tendeer subbmissiion (550% affter ccommenncemennt by 7 dayys andd 50% upon QC acccepteed by Goverrnmentt Deptt.). TThey rratherr propposed to giive a retenntion bond for tthe puurposee. Pleease cconfirrm if it iss acceeptablle to your Officce.3) We have receiived SSCG
45、 coommentt (as encloosed) to thhe NSCC Sub Contrract. We inntend to foorwardd to KKONE ffor reeview. Pleaase addvise if ottherwiise.As spokken juust noow, pllease consoolidatte thee conttract togetther wwith tthe ittems aagreedd duriing thhe tennder pperiodd. Pleease vverifyy on tthis aand uppdate a
46、ccorrdinglly.Previouus onee was of suupply LOA, attacched tthe innstalllationn LOA for vverifiicatioonPlease advisse as folloows:1) We hhave ssent tthe coommentt of MMT lawwyer (as enncloseed) too KONEE. We have discuussed with KONE and tthey vverballly reefusedd to aamend thosee reviised TTerms and
47、 CCondittions. KONEE willl provvide wwritteen emaail foor thee samee lateer. Apppreciiate iif youu coulld liaaise wwith MMT lawwyer wwhetheer theey havve anyy opinnion tto thee legaal staandingg/posiition of thhe Conntractt withhout tthe prroposeed ameendmennt.2) In rrespecct of the ppropossed 5% re
48、teentionn to bbe relleasedd afteer thee Defeect Liiabiliity Peeriod in thhe insstallaation contrract, KONE refussed too reviise thhe payyment termss as sstatedd in ttheir tendeer subbmissiion (550% affter ccommenncemennt by 7 dayys andd 50% upon QC acccepteed by Goverrnmentt Deptt.). TThey rratherr
49、propposed to giive a retenntion bond for tthe puurposee. Pleease cconfirrm if it iss acceeptablle to your Officce.3) We have receiived SSCG coommentt (as encloosed) to thhe NSCC Sub Contrract. We inntend to foorwardd to KKONE ffor reeview. Pleaase addvise if ottherwiise.As spokken juust noow, plleas
50、e consoolidatte thee conttract togetther wwith tthe ittems aagreedd duriing thhe tennder pperiodd. Pleease vverifyy on tthis aand uppdate accorrdingllyI had rreplieed earrlier ok wiith thhe prooposedd retuurn daate off 13/ddec/20010.As furtther cclariffied wwith tthe teendereer, thhey reequestted to
51、o submmit thhe tennder oon 20110-12-13. AApprecciate if yoou couuld addvise the eexact date for oour eaase off folllow-upp.Sorry, we caant reead thhe chaaracteers unnder tthe beelow eemail. As ddiscusssed, the ttenderrer reequestted foor 5 ddays eextra for ttheir prepaaratioon of tendeerEncloseed pl
52、eease ffind tthe nootes ffor thhe LOAA as ddiscusssed iin todday Coon-calll.As KONEE had expreessed theirr agreeementt to tthe ammendmeent inn the Speciial Coonditiions oof Conntractt, we will go thhroughh the detaiils wiith KOONE annd advvise tto youur Offfice ttomorrrow.Please advisse as folloows:
53、1) We hhave ssent tthe coommentt of MMT lawwyer (as enncloseed) too KONEE. We have discuussed with KONE and tthey vverballly reefusedd to aamend thosee reviised TTerms and CCondittions. KONEE willl provvide wwritteen emaail foor thee samee lateer. Apppreciiate iif youu coulld liaaise wwith MMT lawwy
54、er wwhetheer theey havve anyy opinnion tto thee legaal staandingg/posiition of thhe Conntractt withhout tthe prroposeed ameendmennt.2) In rrespecct of the ppropossed 5% reteentionn to bbe relleasedd afteer thee Defeect Liiabiliity Peeriod in thhe insstallaation contrract, KONE refussed too reviise t
55、hhe payyment termss as sstatedd in ttheir tendeer subbmissiion (550% affter ccommenncemennt by 7 dayys andd 50% upon QC acccepteed by Goverrnmentt Deptt.). TThey rratherr propposed to giive a retenntion bond for tthe puurposee. Pleease cconfirrm if it iss acceeptablle to your Officce.3) We have rece
56、iived SSCG coommentt (as encloosed) to thhe NSCC Sub Contrract. We inntend to foorwardd to KKONE ffor reeview. Pleaase addvise if ottherwiise.As spokken juust noow, pllease consoolidatte thee conttract togetther wwith tthe ittems aagreedd duriing thhe tennder pperiodd. Pleease vverifyy on tthis aand
57、 uppdate accorrdingllyAs furtther cclariffied wwith tthe teendereer, thhey reequestted too submmit thhe tennder oon 20110-12-13. AApprecciate if yoou couuld addvise the eexact date for oour eaase off folllow-upp.Sorry, we caant reead thhe chaaracteers unnder tthe beelow eemail. As ddiscusssed, the t
58、tenderrer reequestted foor 5 ddays eextra for ttheir prepaaratioon of tendeerFor upddate, phasee 2 maain coontracct is beingg signned byy SCG and tthey ttargett to rreturnn by nnext MMondayy. Appreciiate yyour UURGENTT reviiew annd revvert yyour ccommennts, iif anyy, on the rrelateed perrformaance b
59、bonds per aattachhed foor QS/SCG ffolloww up oon acttivatiionAs spokken, aattachhed thhe siggned LLOA foor verrificaationPlease advisse as folloows:1) We hhave ssent tthe coommentt of MMT lawwyer (as enncloseed) too KONEE. We have discuussed with KONE and tthey vverballly reefusedd to aamend thosee
60、reviised TTerms and CCondittions. KONEE willl provvide wwritteen emaail foor thee samee lateer. Apppreciiate iif youu coulld liaaise wwith MMT lawwyer wwhetheer theey havve anyy opinnion tto thee legaal staandingg/posiition of thhe Conntractt withhout tthe prroposeed ameendmennt.2) In rrespecct of t
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