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1、 Teaching Plan for Lesson 4 Exploding Tourism Eroding Chinas Riches Pre-reading questionsBackground information about The silk Road Mogao Caves 3. Explanation of the text: Organization of the text Explanation and analysis of the text Questions 4. Exercise : Translation Summery writing; Pre-reading q

2、uestionsWhat is the main idea of the text according to the headline and subheadline ? What do you know about the present state of tourism in China?How much do you know about “the Mogao Caves “and“ The Silk Road “ ? Pre-reading questionsWhat is the main idea of the text according to the headline and

3、subheadline ? What do you know about the present state of tourism in China?How much do you know about “the Mogao Caves “and“ The Silk Road “ ? Introduction of the Silk Road1. How much do you know about the “Silk Road” ? The length ? The route? The name? The purpose? The 8000-km.-long “Silk Road” is

4、a trade road linking Asia and Europe.Originating from Chang-an, the route runs through Shangxi Province, Hexi Corridor in Gansu, the Tarim Basin in Xinjiang, the Pamir mountain region, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq ,Syria and Turkey, ending at the eastern shores of the Mediterranean. More than 4000 of its

5、 8000 km. were in China.The route of the Silk Road :For over a thousand years up to the 15th century, China brought its silk cloth and goods, china, gunpowder , paper-making and printing techniques to the west via this road . This road, in turn, introduced into China Buddhism and Islam as well as gr

6、apes, cucumbers, glass, perfume and other products from the outside world. Because Chinas silk reached the west along this road, European scholars came to call it “The Silk Road”.2. How many of them and what are they like?More than 1000 grottoes were dug by the Tang Dynasty. However, nature and huma

7、n destruction have destroyed a lot of them. Today only 492 grottoes were left with 2415 painted statues, 45000 square meters of murals . They are very colorful with painted sculpture. The grottoes arranged in rows with one row on top of the other, forming a 5-storeyed massive structure at some place

8、s. In every grotto, you would find images of the flying dancing fairies.The Mogao Grottoes house the most precious Buddhist manuscripts. No.96 Cave is the landmark of the Mogao Grottoes, housing the third largest Buddha (35.5m) in the world.Buddha of Bamyan in Afghanistan ( the second largest, 53 me

9、ters ) Mural Images in Mogao GrottoesFlying-dancing fairies Sculptures :How does the author organize his thought? What kind of writing technique does he use? Exposition (- phenomena - causes / reasons - measures ) Outline of the text: Introduction : The phenomena of tourism in ChinaII. Reasons for l

10、ack of preservation III. Measures to take for conservation(echoes the opening paragraph) The phenomena of tourism in ChinaQuestions on the text1. What activities are harming ancient Buddhist grottoes? Too many tourists and their breathing are harming them. 2. Who turned the caves into the painted sh

11、rines? The travelers along the old silk road. 3. Are the murals in good shapes?No, they are not in good shapes. Many of them are already sagging or peeling from walls, and their delicate beauty is fading away. Others have deteriorated beyond repair efforts. II. Reasons for the destruction of the pla

12、ces and reasons for lack of conservation at three levels (Par.6-19) - Explosion of tourism resulted from breakneck rush of freer market and greater openness destroy or erode these precious cultural monuments; - Central government, local government and local people did not preserve the sites in a sys

13、tematic, comprehensive way because of money. What caused so many other tourist sites in such plight as Dunhuang ?Explosion of tourism resulted from breakneck rush of freer market and greater openness . Does the Chinese government value the preservation of those sites? Yes, it does. Because it knows

14、that China takes the lions share in Asian tourism. If we dont take some measures, we may be in danger of love our heritage to death. III. Measures for conservation of Dunhuang Grottoes (Par. 20- 26) : Rotating and limiting the number of caves Prohibiting photographyEnjoy with your naked eyes Visitor

15、s being guided and supervised in the caves Starting preservation programs What measures does the Chinese government take for the preservation of Mogao Caves ?Rotating and limiting the number of caves Prohibiting photography Visitors being guided and supervised in the caves Starting preservation prog

16、rams6. Why did Mr. Agnew say “tourism and conservation are good partners”?If you can make a good connection, they are. In other words, if you can allocate part of the money earned from tourism to conservation, and dont turn to tourism as a cash cow, they will be good partners. Phenomenon of tourism

17、in some other places of China (Par. 2738) : Taishan ( cable cars, junk, and crass commercialism ) Great Wall ( Cable cars, toboggan slides ) Lijiang (a road carved on both sides of the Gorge; souvenir shops proliferated in the city; the number of tourists increased sharply) How do you understand the

18、 authors purpose of writing and the tone of the text? The author aims to tell the reader the present tourist situation in China and call peoples attention to the preservation of Chinas rich cultural and historical relics. The tone is serious and critical .Kill the goose that lays the golden eggsEage

19、r for quick success and instant benefit Outsmart oneself Translate the following phrases into Chinese: exploding tourism / tourist boom 迅猛發(fā)展的旅游業(yè) carrying capacity infrastructure 容納量 / 接待能力 基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施 non-renewable resources ethnic flavor 不可再生資源 民族風(fēng)格 / 異域風(fēng)情 indigenous life canned performance 當(dāng)?shù)厝说纳?灌制的節(jié)目 c

20、ash cow the lions share 搖錢樹 最大的一份 crass commercialism 唯利是圖 Exercise: Translation “The Silk Road Tour” follows a route beginning from the ancient city of Xian and ending at Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang,along which the tourists will take pleasure in the charms of the natural landscape, appreciate t

21、he superior workmanship of ancient artists, and enjoy delicacies and meet local people. “絲綢之路游”始于古城西安, 止于新疆烏魯木齊。沿線游客們可以領(lǐng)略自然景觀的魅力,欣賞古代藝術(shù)家高超的工藝,品嘗地方風(fēng)味小吃,結(jié)識(shí)當(dāng)?shù)鼐用?。大足石刻?chuàng)于晚唐,盛于宋朝, 將佛教向善,儒家孝道和道家“勿作惡”等思想融為一體,成為舉世聞名的石刻景觀。近年來,隨著旅游業(yè)的蓬勃發(fā)展,人們紛至沓來想看看這古老的時(shí)代遺產(chǎn)。風(fēng)吹雨蝕,再加上蜂擁的人群,石刻遭受了很大的破壞。有些雕像斑駁脫落,有些壁畫顏色退化,還有的損壞嚴(yán)重專家已無法修

22、補(bǔ)。 大足石刻創(chuàng)于晚唐,盛于宋朝, 將佛教向善,儒家孝道和道家“勿作惡”等思想融為一體,成為舉世聞名的石刻景觀。 Dazu Stone Sculptures begin from late Tang Dynasty and boom in Song Dynasty. The sculptures involve some thoughts of goodness-favor in Buddhism, filial piety in Confucianism and “not doing wrong” in Taoism, which makes the Sculpture well-known

23、 all over the world.近年來,隨著旅游業(yè)的蓬勃發(fā)展,人們紛至沓來想看看這古老的時(shí)代遺產(chǎn)。蜂擁的人群,再加上風(fēng)吹雨蝕,石刻遭受了很大的破壞。 In the recent years of exploding tourism, people have swarmed here with their eagerness for a glimpse of ages past. Besides the erosion of wind and rain, the increasing pouring of the tourists has done much damage to the

24、Sculptures.有些雕像斑駁脫落,有些壁畫顏色退化,還有的損壞嚴(yán)重專家已無法修補(bǔ)。 Some carvings have peeled, some murals have faded, and still there are some becoming deteriorated beyond the repair efforts of experts. Write a summery of about 300 words for the text: With the development of China and the improved living conditions of Ch

25、inese, more and more people can afford to go traveling, sightseeing beautiful scenic spots and enjoying the valuable Chinese wonders such as Mogao Grottoes. But these relics are suffering deterioration because of tourism. Some murals have sunk and some stripped away from the walls and their delicate

26、 beauties have faded away. Chinese government has realized it, but , as the country needs a lot of money to do some other important things such as reforming economy, decreasing unemployment, caring an aging population, putting in infrastructure, and modernizing the army. So little money has left for preservation. Besides, the local government and


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