



1、面試會問的英語問題面試會問的英語問題1“what can you tell me about yourself?”“關于你自己,你能告訴我些什么?”這一問題并非在請你大談你的個人歷史。雇主是在尋找有關你性格、資歷、志向和生活動力的線索。下面是一個積極正面回答的好例子:“在高中我參加各種競爭性體育活動,并一直努力提高各項運動的成績。大學期間,我曾在一家服裝店打工,我發(fā)現(xiàn)我能輕而易舉地將東西推銷出去。銷售固然重要,但對我來說,更重要的是要確信顧客能夠滿意。不久便有顧客返回那家服裝店點名讓我為他們服務。我很有競爭意識,力求完美對我很重要。”2“why do you want to work for

2、us?”“你為什么想為我們工作?”這是個明確的問題。如果你對該公司做過調(diào)查研究,你應該能夠給出很好的理由。你要將你的理由編成幾句簡短的話清楚地表明你的興趣。如可答:“你們在電子領域是領頭人。你們公司是財富雜志評選的500強之一。你們的管理很先進?!?“why should i hire you?”“為什么我應該聘用你?”同樣,你不應長篇大論,而應提供有關你資歷的扼要說明。要肯定自己,表明你能勝任此項工作。如答:“根據(jù)我參加過的實習和與此相關的打工經(jīng)歷。我能勝任?!?“how do you feel about your progress to date?”“對于你至今所取得的進步你是怎樣看的?

3、”絕不要對你以前的所作所為表示內(nèi)疚。如可答:“我認為我在學校表現(xiàn)不錯。事實上,有好幾門功課我的成績居全班第一?!薄霸谀彻緦嵙晻r,我獲得了該公司數(shù)年來給予其雇員的好幾項最高評價?!?“what would you like to be doing five years from now?”“從今以后5年內(nèi)你想做些什么?”你要清楚你實際上能勝任什么。你可以事先和他人交流一番。問問他們在某公司的頭5年都做了些什么。如可答?!拔蚁M茉谖业穆毼簧媳M力做好工作,由于在同一領域工作的許多人都被提為區(qū)域負責人,所以我亦有此打算?!?“what is your greatest weakness?”“你最大

4、的弱點是什么?”你不應該說你沒有任何弱點,以此來回避這個問題;每個人都有弱點。最佳策略是承認你的弱點,但同時表明你在予以改進,并有克服弱點的計劃。可能的話,你可說出一項可能會給公司帶來好處的弱點,如可說:“我是一個完美主義者。工作做得不漂亮,我是不會撒手的。”7“what is your greatest strength?”“你最突出的優(yōu)點是什么?”這是你“展示自己”的最佳機會,不要吹噓自己或過于自負,但要讓雇主知道你相信自己,你知道自己的優(yōu)點。如可答:“我認為我最大的優(yōu)點是能夠執(zhí)著地盡力把事情辦好。當做完一件工作而其成果又正合我的預想時,我會有一種真正的成就感。我給自己定了一些高目標。比如

5、說,我要成為出色的畢業(yè)生。盡管在大學一年級時我啟動慢了些,但最終我以優(yōu)等論文完成了學業(yè)?!?“what goals have you set and how did you meet them?”“你定過什么目標,你又是怎樣達到那些目標的?”這一問題在考查你預先計劃和以具體行動完成計劃的能力。你可答:“去年在為我們樂隊旅行集資而開展的一家雜志促銷活動中,我定下的目標是比我前一年達到的再多20。我知道促銷將于9月份展開,于是我在8月份就開始聯(lián)系人。我請求我前一年的顧客給我提供一個或兩個可能會買雜志的新客戶。我不僅達到了目標,還成為促銷活動中銷售量最高的人員?!笨傊还苣阍诿嬖囍斜粏柕绞裁磫栴},

6、回答都要誠實而簡明。雇主大都希求明確的陳述,表達良好的想法,有說服力的言談和壓力之下清晰的思路。9其他注意事項和雇主要一直保持目光接觸。直視對方說明你有自信。目光接觸也許不會確保你得到這份工作,但缺乏目光接觸,就會使你成功的機會明顯下降。面試的雇主大都與應聘者握握手。要確保你的握手有力量。情緒緊張地來參加面試會使你伸出的手冰冷潮濕,會給雇主留下負面印象。所以,要讓你的手溫暖干燥。臨走之前,爭取問問面試后下一步該是什么,何時開始。道別時要握手感謝雇主花時間面試你。會計英語面試中常見的問題及回答2015-11-12 9:34 | #2樓following are some typical ques

7、tions that an interviewer may askduring a job interview, and some typical responses:can you tell me a little more about the canto project that you didat abc incorporated?oh, that was a very exciting project. we had to increase sales by40% during the 2nd quarter, and our results exceeded expectations

8、,eventhough we were under a lot of pressure.why should i hire you?i feel that my qualifications match your job description. i have aproven track record in resolving problems, multitasking, and dealingwith customers, as you can see from my resume.what can you offer this company?in addition to the ski

9、lls and experience we discussed, im anextremely hard worker, im very thorough and methodical, i get alonggreat with people, and im a quick learner.can you tell me some of your strengths and weaknesses?im loyal, honest, i manage my time effectively, i always followthrough on my work, and i have great

10、 computer skills. umm, i cantreally say i have any major weakness that affects my performance at work.i believe in continual learning and on-the-job training so that i canperform even better. sometimes, i think im too hard-working, but ireally love my work.面試中你會被問到的英語問題(5)2015-11-1220:51 | #3樓1.well

11、, based on what we have discussed, how do you feel aboutthisjob?2.do you have any questions?3.is there anything else i should know about you?4.ive interviewed several very good candidates, and i willadmitthat you are one of them. what single message would you like metoremember that will convince me

12、that you are the one we shouldhire?5.how do you feel you performed during this interview?6.what have you been able to learn about our firm and ourseniormanagement?7.what implications have you drawn from the information?8.when can you start?9.are you willing to travel?10.are you willing to relocate?1

13、1.may i contact your present employer and references?12.is there anything youd like to know about the job that wouldhelpyou to do it better than anyone else could?13.if there were one reason why we should select you over theotherapplicants, what would that be?14.our time is about up. is there a fina

14、l point you would liketomake?15.do you want this job? then why, through our entire discussion,haveyou not asked for it?英語面試中考官或經(jīng)常會問的一些問題2015-11-12 12:37 | #4樓1. tell me about you!keep your answer to one or two minutes; dont ramble. use yourresume summary as a base to start.2. what do you know about

15、our company?do your homework before the interview! spend some time online or atthe library researching the company. find out as much as you can,including products, size, income, reputation, image, management talent,people, skills, history and philosophy. project an informed interest;let the intervie

16、wer tell you about the company.3. why do you want to work for us?dont talk about what you want; first, talk about their needs: youwould like to be part of a specific company project; you would like tosolve a company problem; you can make a definite contribution tospecific company goals.4. what would

17、 you do for us? what can you do for us that someoneelse cant?relate past experiences that show youve had success in solvingprevious employer problem(s) that may be similar to those of theprospective employer.5. what about the job offered do you find the most attractive? leastattractive?list three or more attractive factors and only one minorunattractive factor.6.


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